Hi Lynda,

You are welcome here


At least your anak dah 4 yrs old, Fayaa pun kalau marah dia suka tepuk muka kita with both hands. When you pretend to cry then she will say sorry. Even the maid pun kena pukul dengan dia *kecil2 cili padi dia tu*


U online pulak today eh? are you at work ke on leave? 25 bux is cheap! Spa haven charges $46 i think. can do 2 BWs! $25 worth it...

Btw we went to Jap on our own. Hubby & his cousin co-ordinated the trip, based on friends' experiences. For Mt Fuji, we took a day trip. The rest, pandai2 kita naik train sendiri gi Disneyland, etc.

Alhamdulillah, survived jugak! Cuma geram tengok all the food which we can't eat...sighs.


Ello, of course u can join, welcome in

I've got a 19th month old boy. Yrself?
cik nak tak padan si Fayaa eh anak nie bukan main wrestling lagik...sambil cakap 'ibu noti eh...tak sayang ibu...noti eh'
<font color="000000">Lina
Menyakat yg lebih..gadoh u mean bertumbok jarang sekali...most of the time they argue only..

Yg tengah sikit prob..tak lebih kurang..Panas darah, gembeng dan bengis..1st and 3rd very close..

Hi Lynda
Sure..why not..Welcome to the club!!</font>
Aloha people!!!!! not in sentosa masih kat pulau amk jugak....tadi siang pi sekolah sarah beli buku...nasib tak cecah $ 1 dat time lebih mahal sehhh......

apa topik hari ni puan puan.....??

i tanya pasal tingkat delivery takder jawapan pon......sob sob...mana aku nak carik tingkat delivery ni??????

pasal dat time we got a list of halal tingkats here....but now cant see liao...need to get a tingkat meal for my mum....daripada she call i numerously for food to be bought for her.....penat sehh......

is TIG ok tak company dia???
Mamaliz, tingkat delivery tu aper..?

Hi Lynda.. intro sikit.. me 28 with 14mth gal

I pun pakai Vagisil...

Cik Zai, Maya pun pandai pukul orang tau.. dia mcm sepak tapi kat kepala. Then kalau kita stare pat dia, dia tolak muka kita tengok atas. Sakit plak tu.. then kalau kita marah dia, dia eksyen nangis and then tangan dia buat mcm "fist" and put the fist to our chin..mcm nak tumbuk kita plak... sigh*
<font color="000000">Lina
I think tu biasa lahh..da besar dan ada perasaan..

Sometimes, I myself pon buat mistake..i corrected my son infront of people that makes him embarrassed..THIS IS SOMETHING THAT I NEED TO WORK OUT ON!

My son coming to 12 years old..da pandai tunjuk muka kalau tak happy..memang geram lahh..tapi bila ingatkan balik dulu pon i mcm this is my retribution for what i did to my mom..</font>

Can train her to be wrestler - macam yang World Wrestling Federation tu

How come sekarang anak2 kecil pandai pukul2 orang pulak eh - mana belajar agak nyer?


I think there are some companies providing halal tingkat - will try and see if I can find the company name for you ok.
nottygal...ya sometimes i terlupa itu jugak.....even pat rumah...i nak kena control....nak kena 'bawak-berbincang' di dlm bilik hihihi

wati u pakai the wash or bedak?
cik zai

tankiu....kepala noneng ni skang seurf net carik carik...


first have to figure out where she learn that usually copycat adults habits...they tink if its ok for u its ok for her tu.....(ni mesti kau wrestle ngan hubby kan....pastu dia pon ikut) kekekekeke


jumpy eh...? banyak makan jumping beans ke? kekekeke
Lina, i pakai wash and bedak.. tapi kalau teringat jer... hehehe

Baru aku tahu tingkat tu aper.. bodoh siak.

Cik Zai, i buat kajian.. i thinks it's the milk tau. Seriously, the added Zinc and minerals and vitamins, DHA...tu sebab they are all superb now.. My daughter pandai berlakon pun, menitis air mata dia, kalau kita give in, terus dia senyum... so evil.. takut tau..
Mamaliz... bagus lu spot gua eh...

I think MAYA copy me lah. Now i just realise..
cos kalau dia naughty, i will pura-pura slap her hand, but actually slap my hand.. tapi dia pun grammy award winner tau.. tak kena , tapi airmata pun mengalir..

Aik.. mana si Lynda nie... senyap jer

samalah.....i many many faults so kids tend to follow also...jus for us to admit to them its wrong and at times mama too angry mama forgot.....

cik zai...

will look....tanx ehhh

the menu macam too cina mum dont tink will like..sure complain to me.....ada itik.....
bole nangis aku gini........susah nah nak carik halal nya eh...
Just to check if anybody would like to have Karihome Goat Milk Powder - I have 3 packs to give away - just send me SAE.

Its best if you can get somebody staying nearby to cook and send to her - maybe her neighbours?

How come your mum ask you to buy food for her - you tinggal dekat dengan your mum ke?
Bye ladies, logging off now my girl is here to pick me.

Take care all!!


Jangan stress cari slowly I am sure you will find a way out.
cik zai...

she lives in sin ming the blk yg rental flats tu....tak berkenan sangat the neighbours pasal they like to pinjam barang n $$ ....cant trust bro stay with her but kesian penat nak werk n cook also...

i stay amk...tapi takkan nak i naik bus ngan budak budak to send food everyday....furthermore...if i really do that she wont want me to cook she will mintak macam macam,,....all the unhealthy food stuff...wic doc advise against....

my brother currently dengarkan her perintah n now she eating lontong lah mee rebus lahh....bila sehh nak baik...

take ur time....later u will find the forum here works kinda easy compared to some others...

im now in another forum and the system there lagiiiii susah......pening kepala....nak recce reno nya pasal..terpaksa...

Cute nye si maya...hehe... dorang ni memang suka ikot what we do eh!

Tadi pagi Adam was feeding me roti sekali tu bila I gigit, tiba2 muka dia berubah. I tergigit jari dia sekali!!! Terus melalak...haiz.... ganas lah ibu ni..

So are you working ?
Best eh 6 adorable I'm sure.
smalldreams.. you nie aniya budak ler.. hehehe.. si Maya nie macam sadist sikit, kalau i gigit dia, dia tahan sakit tau.. then even kalau dia tarik ekor kucing kan, then kucing gigit tangan and kaki.. dia ketawa tau... sigh* gagah mcm i lah

Lynda, citer ler, tinggal daerah mana, Full Time Working Mum (FTWM) or Stay Home Mum...Then umur braper...
kan kan kan.....lynda nak kena interrogate by mdm wati liao......kakakakaka
kalau tinggal dekat wati nak ajak makan arnolds sama sama....


u plan oready wat to do for hub...?

aku order perfume for akim...kekekeke...order from pink enchanted nya spree...murah ...

me at work now..killing time by surfing this forum..baru 6mths..more to come kan..1st time mummy kan excited sikit..tengok bb nya abt u?

tak senang eh jaga orang tua sakit... tapi pahalanya... wow...ingat gitu je lah..but of course, easier said than done.


Hahah! Kucing gigit dia boleh ketawa lagi? Terrer betul eh! Dia ikut yr hubby jugak tak - animal lovers


I was like you! Almost every other month check baby's development...hehe... now that he's 19 mths, I'm just waiting for him to start speaking properly coz some kids his age dah boleh bobal...

So dah start solids lah ni. So fun! Does yr baby eat well? Mine hated cereals so I cheat by putting some in his milk..hehe

Btw, momma_naqi mana eh? FTWM kalau boleh nak SHM tapi apa kan daya..kat spore tak bleh harapkan cik abg sorang keje..I will be 31 next yr..mamaliz rezki jgn ditolak..arnold my favourite youuu...

chique..tak keje lah kalau nk ikut kan nie thread..hehe
tadi i had to go work for a staff seminar 8.30am to 5.30pm.. pagi2 dah siapkan my boy.. dah kenyang, tidurkan dier.. by 10am, my hubby dah call, my baby crying hysterically in the background.. i terus tak tentu arah, bilang my P, "my baby needs me".. P nods and i pun chao.. alamak, macam gini matiii la i.. asyik nak puting au naturale aje..

memang tak senang...last time she stay with me for 4-5 yrs....the emotinal roler coaster takleh heart slalu beat fast pasal my mum kena fits....muntah girl also went tru it with me n she herself takut...kekadng mimpi bukan bukan...
on top of that kalau yg sakit nak baik dengar doc advise n her kids advise takper stubborn....end up kluar masuk sgh jerrr...

chique n lynda...

sini memang super fast...pasal semua celoteh...kekekeke


hilmi only dares to say bye bye... to the cat..but he's eyeing sarahs pet turtle...dia geram agaknya see the lil things...
Mamaliz, sudah.. penat aku plan tau...

31st December
3pm - 3.30pm = Foot Reflexology
3.30pm - 4.30pm = Full Body Massage
4.30pm - 6.30pm = Lunch cum Dinner at Fish &amp; Co. (Will get the people there to sing him B'day song)
6.55pm = Movie (YES man)
8.00pm = Proceed to home. My brother is doing BBQ at my mum place, so my family and my brother's friends will surprise him bila kita balik. Then kul 11.00pm, gie bowling ramai2 and terus countdown sekali..

ok tak ?
smalldreams kan dah cant wait for that..skarang she's on friso..she can finish the whole pakai botol dulu blum suap lagi..bila shld i start eh??for now i kasi once a day said still early to give her 2 feedings..haiz..though i think its time she haf 2 feedings..nak membesar kan..
mak cow!!!!! moooooooo.......
panjang nya itinary!!!! abangnya tak penat ke.....nanti time rilek dah takleh angkat sehhh....kau pon takleh perform...kakakaka...

tapi power...nice planning!

aku plan...sewa kereta n he go where ever he wants then we eat by the sea side n talk talk....malam aku perform...abis...but the day after i have to cook special meal...he requested...maybe chilli crab...with man tou buns!

so fast u dah balik keje??mine pun baru2 nak balik keje susah betol nk kasi botol..but alhamdullilah now she's used to it..i bf dia at night aja..

chilli crab..yummy nya..and the buns mesti yg soft nya then cecah with the crab gravy..aduhh..mak mentua lalu pun tak perasan..hehe
Lynda, MAYA starts feeding on cereals and porridge when she is about 8 mths gitu. I pun sama jugak mcm korang.. bila preggy, check preggy development, then bila dah beranak, check Maya punyer growth development.

Now kalau dia marah, dia pekik "KAKAK !!!!" Ader anak aku panggil kakak...

Lynda, you tinggal mana...

Chique tinggal Paris kan.. hehehe


hehehe.....tinking of it now macam nak makan crab tu skang jugak....yup man tou tu steam n fresh fresh makan ngan chilli crab...syiok! simple fare but i tink delicious enuff for a bday treat...
