i got one in my bag - Whittaker's Almond Gold, my favourite, a lot of Almonds.

cannot eat now though, tengah puasa - bayar hutang...

to all mommies yg mengidam arnolds, last fri i baru pergi, sodaap. mdm wati, i teringat kan you when i eat. eh, there's one more outlet of Arnold's at Pasir ris town park, anybody know?

<font color="000000">Madem

I suka Cadbury Hazelnut chocolate bar...!

Arnold Pasir Ris..I tahu, its at the Pasir Ris Fishing Pond..</font>
Arnolds Pasir Ris
never been there but my parents house was in front of the park
must tell you, the bau of the fishing pond tu sungguh hanyir tau
so dun think i want to makan there

i got a lot of supply in the office due to xmas

tak werk today?
OG - 20% off storewide
Robinson - 20% off storewide

Tangs ade 20% storewide tak???

But nowadays this OG, Robinson and JL 20% off storewide so many conditions
not like last time so best..
<font color="000000">Lynzi, Madem,

There is a small space for dine in...they operate from 12-10.30pm for weekdays and 11.30-10.30pm on weekends..

BW, nak go but mcm tak boleh gitu..need to wait another month...masih kontot! khehehehe</font>

But Robinsons sale even though already discounted, cardmembers will get further discount even up to another 20% so its worth.

Kita pegi Robinsons on Christmas Day and yesterday - ramai sangat orang.

OG pun sama normally cardmembers get extra discount.
<font color="aa00aa">nora,
alamak...pond bau hanyir?
tak jadilah like that.
ada ke nanti i yg vomit out??

robinsons 20% storewide tu ada include bobbi brown and estee lauder tak?
need to get some things ah...

thanks for the info dear!
semangat kau nak go bw eh...hehehe...
btw, u nak beli kereta apa ni??
robinsons 20% off dun include those cosmetics
unless brand yg i pakai ye like loreal, ZA..hehehhe

cik nab
memang kalau during members sale sangat worth it, i selalu borong shoes
yg xmas sale tu i tak pegi, i go to orchard during werking days jer..

u mean u gg to melaka and come back on the same day?
Just came back from lunch. Makan Mee Hoon Goreng + Ayam Goreng + Satay Goreng + Chicken Nuggets + Apple + Ice Cream + Strawberries ...

Kisah Nshah &amp; Ak Aris... let's make peace not war...

Madem !! You teringatkan i eh bila you makan ARNOLDS ? sweet.. hehehe... New year resolutions, less ARNOLDS, more exercise...

Madem, you baru gi tebas hutan you, nak kena waxing lagi ker...

You lunch time makan macam pegi jemputan kahwin - macam2 on the menu. Tak complete kan sekali dengan teh tarik ke?
nora, werking, stuck in the office with no one.

nottygal, she ask me to come every 3 weeks. Kontot pun, dia boleh tarik!!

small dreams, gambar? i always nak go japan. you go on your own? no package?
<font color="000000">Nora Aw
quote: lynzi
suv tak minta lah gerl
i like small cars...

Maintain babe..u so humble...

Yes, me goin Malacca after 3pm coz my car is OPC, not bringing my sons coz dorang ada tuition on weekends..joining hub frens for food hunting at Malacca..will return by same nite..about 4-6 cars going up..nak mkn and nice food!</font>
Nottygal..reccess:0..and u going Melaka..hehe update here ehk if u can find nice place there. Coz my parents in law nak singgah Melaka. but i google, melaka is mostly historical place so if u found any interesting place inform k. thank u in advance dear;)
robinson sale only the 20% off "storewide"
(usually dun include cosmetics and frangrances, triump, some brands of handbags etc)

the members sale dah habis (i think it was on 25-26), ade coupon lagi time members sale

wah.. looks like u and nottygal dah hooked on BW
Nora Aw..small cars can swirve here n there


Kat Melaka ada this very famous seafood place - I think its called Muara sungai duyung or something (its facing Pulau Besar) - food is very good and cheap, tapi jauh perjalanan.
Hehehe... memang balance my diet kan.. hehehe

Bila i list, baru i sadar.. nie bukan gagah..nie GELOJOH.. hahaha
<font color="000000">Cik Nab
Muara Sungai Duyung~~~ok will takr note! Thanks Cik Nab!!

Nora R
Recession?? i tot u pon going KL/Genting..? Malacca lagi budget lah babe..hehehe..

Btw, in Singapore..i tgk org2 shopping sana sini tak mcm ada recession pon..</font>

No worries - its always a pleasure to be able to share good information.

Have a safe journey and enjoy the "makan time". Nanti balik kasi review ok!
Memang org shopping tak habis
susah nak jln kat orchard road ni

but what amazes me is that youngsters buying branded things..
so young like poly or even early 20s buying things from LV, Gucci... ish ish..
Madem, ngantuk eh... i nak tanyer.. yg buat waxing tu, tua ker muda, cina eh ?

And then you tak segan ker.. hehe

Review from hubby ?
Nottygal, nora

I pernah pergi tu muara duyung. Sampai time malam lak tu! The food is very cheap! Tapi in terms of freshness &amp; sedapness, I think it doesn't quite live up to its name. you can choose the fish &amp; they'll cook them on the spot for ya. After some time, the sotong sambal, udang sambal, sotong goreng, udang goreng, all cam taste sama je...hehe... but it's seriously cheap.

hey, how have u been babe? So disciplined (as always), bayar hutang puasa. I wonder when I'll get down to doing it.

Mdm Wati

U tanyer madem, i yang jawab..haha.. i think it's embarrasing lah and it takes a lot of courage to actually go for BW. For now I think I'll KIV BW, coz economy not so good, so I'll use my trusty razor...haha...

Alamak, miss her lah...kesian jugak kena amik forced vacation. But at least she gets to enjoy her time with her son

Nottygal &amp; lynzi

I'm forever craving for choc! Tapi apa kan daya, recently in Japan i think i ate too much heaty food like french fries &amp; instant food, so I'm getting break outs
Guess I gotta stay away from chox for this week...
she's in her 30s, indian muslim.

She will give kain batik, so you're covered, then just kangkang accordingly. It's done in the privacy of one room which she converted for her waxing business.

Dunno ah, macam tak segan aje, cos I think she has seen it all - like male gynae.

Review from hubby, if he's not kulit hitam, surely can see him blush.... he he!

Review from I tak nak??? It's more for cleanliness. Nak wash and pat dry pun senang!!
Nottygal..hehe agaknye i ni blur la.."Nora R
belom lagi...masih recce..shhhh!"..i thought recce tu ape?..sorry ehk blur sotong la i ni

yup me going genting n kl but since its sat n sun, holiday till chinese new year, parents in law say why not naik Melaka i tgh fikirkan la ni
Kain batik ? Nasib baik dia tak selubung you terus....tau tau you dengar orang nangis... "Madem, madem... kenapa lah kau tinggalkan kita ...tak sempat buat waxing.... sob sob sob..."

hahaha..."Pat Dry" ? heheh kelakar lah you Madem. Tak padan kecik.. Cili Api...Eh saper kata hubby you gelap ? Tak lah.. handsome per.. he, i mean cerah per.. hehehe

Smalldreams.. tu lah i pun segan plak..i trust my hubby razor blade.. dia tak tahu i curik2 pakai.. hehehe

eh that's quite decent eh?
Good lah, at least dia quite tertib jugak. kalau nak lagi bagus, pakai canvas yang macam orang nak bersalin tu ehhe


Go, gal... take a break
<font color="000000">Lina
Sure, NP!...Insya Allah by tomrw ok..mlm ni nak gi bowling..

Nora R
hehehe..its ok..Will update you after my trip..
small dreams, mine 40 days hutang lah, last year punya plus 1 month ths year. so kena pelan2 kayuh.

you gi japan on package or free and ez?

BW, it's worth the 25 bucks, can last one month, so conside $1 a day or even lesser
I nak buang my epilator.

if i were to do BW, it wld be for the cleanlines factor. Tapi tu lah... takottt

u gerls use those wash like vagisil tak?
I've been using vagisil for the longest time tak pernah cuba other brands.
nora...i use Vagisil bedak....hihihi tapi dah tak pakai lagik.....

teringat my fren...kite 3 orang gi pap bila her turn very fast....rupa-rupanya dia tak buat pap-smear...coz dia tak terkangkang...macam freeze gitu
<font color="000000">Nora Aw
Tak sakit sangat lahh...e hair tumbuh pun soft and not thick like after shave..i use twizzer and can pluck it easily..just kemas2 sikit kalau beserak...

ur boys hari2 gaduh tak?

tadi siapa yg cakap pasal anak dia kalau marah dia ludah?

my anak (4 yrs old)...kalau marah suka pukul orang...cuma each time dia buat gitu...i try to calm him down n try to 'explain' it to him
