KETAM to me is always a treat!!!

Whr buy the buns? from ntuc yg frozen eh?

dah habis meeting, now having M&S chocs, kepala pusing pusing

Welcome Lynda.....

kau nie pun perform tak habis habis... tak penat lah.. jadi b'day dia full of happiness...mungkin besok pagi, buatkan dia breakfast in bed.. that is a good idea.
mamaliz, u by any chance ade resipi for aglio olio?

lynda, yeah i amik 2 months-2months.. another 2 months resume wef 2nd jan.. i need to attend cos need to find out my classes and committee once i balik school nanti..

wati, yes.. belum berganjak lagi dari PARIS.. :p
cik wati,

wow, betul bz that day. Actually, sounds good. Relaxing and good food, yet with family and friends.... Without the kids in tow, you can do all that. Your hb will like it!! My hb b'day on 10th jan but he will be in myanmar for business trip.

I ask him what he want. He said he wants quiet dinner only.. Thinking of bottle tree park..

Kita tinggal LA (Lorong Ah Soo)..hehe

kat sg nya ketam ada lemau sikit..i prefer at JB..the one at Restoran Org Asli..yummy..

**Waves at Nora Aw dpt 4 bulan nya..i missed it by 2mths seh..
the man tou buns kat ntuc yg frozen nya....i steam pakai rice love to eat on its own...sarah suka letak nutella...

makan ngan kari...asam pedas...


special days perform....normal ....breakfast in bed...aku tak larat nak bangun..limit limit call McD n eat at home as a family...

aglio olio i tak pandai lah girl....bolognese jer yg pass....kekekek.....


guys like that eh...hubby said same thing...nak eat good food n relax...
Nape eh whn at home time flies..

kalau pat ofis.... hai.. nasib baik aku tak panjat
check tu wall clock ade battery ke tak...
Oh and i intro myself ler for Lynda's benefit

I got 1 son age 2yo and 5mths exactly today
Age: 37 (and proud of it)
FTWM at orchard area
Residing in Paris also

Cita-cita: nak jadi kurus

jus now i tanya hubby naper eh the year pas by so fast....sarah pr2 liao....but she doesnt look like it dreaming sehhh

next time bawak alarm clock letak kat meja...takyah panjat tau!


1. mamaliz- nak lose weight!(the 7th yr i aim)
<font color="aa00aa">lynda,
ni member baru eh?
welcome welcome!!!

btw restoran orang asli tu tak halal tau sis.
in case u particular lah...</font>
<font color="aa00aa">mamaliz,
meh sini aku contribute...


1. mamaliz- nak lose weight!(the 7th yr i aim)
2. lynzi- nak gain weight
- nak attain more Coach, Burberry blue label and Agnes B bags...hehehe
- nak go Club Med Bali</font>
eh....baru terbaca lynda nya posting....i kalau makan chilli crab malas nak beli from mahal sehh....tak puas..usually masak sendirik jerr...
ps: last time i masak ni kan...ada escapee tau...1 mth later baru jumpa kat belakang tv..entah camner crab tu sampai sana....?

1. mamaliz- nak lose weight!(the 7th yr i aim)
2. lynzi- nak gain weight
- nak attain more Coach, Burberry blue label and Agnes B bags...hehehe
- nak go Club Med Bali

more pls......takkan korang takder aim/goals?
<font color="aa00aa">mamaliz,
how was sentosa the other day?

nora aw,
i tak minat drive suv tapi minat naik.
now thinking of changing car...tu pasal tanya2...</font>

1. mamaliz- nak lose weight!(the 7th yr i aim)
2. chique 047 - lose 8 kg at least.. kalau 10 kg i very happy.. siape nak exercise samer samer?! =p

mamaliz, thanks for the link!

nora, oh so ni sejiran ngan i la.. heeh..

never go lahh...raining mahh...just had dinner at swensens n shopping at bishan j8 ajerr..

besok go zoo!!!!!
Resolutions???? hmm.....

- nak blajar masak - NO
- nak exercise more - maybe
- nak be more involved in coaching my boy instead of letting him watch tv - yes
- nak curb spending, learn to diff needs and wants - yes

Losing weight... that seems to be a lifelong goal..
hi lynzi..

yeah member baru masuk kampung nie..tak halal???why eh?i went there and saw ramai org sg..makcik tudung..serious eh..

mamaliz..crab terlepas??hidup lagi ke tak??jgn dia salah ngap..aduhhh..

1. mamaliz- nak lose weight!(the 7th yr i aim)
2. lynzi- nak gain weight
- nak attain more Coach, Burberry blue label and Agnes B bags...hehehe
- nak go Club Med Bali
3. chique 047 - lose 8 kg at least.. kalau 10 kg i very happy.. siape nak exercise samer samer?! =p
it seems like losing weight is the main resolution for every mummies...including ME...dah beranak mcm susah gitu..haizzzz
hahaha... Nora Aw.. chit chat lah pat sini..that is how time will fly very fast..

Madem, my hubby pun sama.. dia ckp quiet dinner.. tu jer.. you dah try Bottle Tree Park, then you tell me how is the place eh.. that time Lynzi pun dah you jadi 2nd storyteller i ok.. amik gambar..

So if hubby ckp , quiet dinner and dun need b'day gift, does that mean we do not need to get gift for them ? Mine definitely wants shoes, tapi i dah ckp, kasut dah terlalu banyak...
<font color="119911">hi ladies..

to lynda welcome to e club.. hv fun


1. mamaliz- nak lose weight!(the 7th yr i aim)
2. lynzi- nak gain weight
- nak attain more Coach, Burberry blue label and Agnes B bags...hehehe
- nak go Club Med Bali
3. nshah- nak lose weight, nak make more money, nak go a gd place for holiday

more pls......takkan korang takder aim/goals?

chiao.. im act ashamed nak masuk sini coz nama ku telah tercemar
bt if im not welcomed here anymore takpe.. i understand..</font>
<font color="aa00aa">lynda,
the few times i went there pun i tak tau...
sedap sey makan.
sekali when i asked around...orang2 jb knew about it and told me n family its not halal.

btw yesterday baru makan Yeo's seafood...yum yum!!

apa add your hubby's waffles shop tu eh?
i teringin nak singgahlah tomoro cos my hubby on leave again..
i go for aerobics at pasir ris east cc 8pm to 9 pm on Wednesdays
i find the class is good, org beginner pun can catch up and not to many jumping (bad for the knees la)

i think nottygal dah balik, she knocks off at 5pm

1. mamaliz- nak lose weight!(the 7th yr i aim)
2. lynzi- nak gain weight
- nak attain more Coach, Burberry blue label and Agnes B bags...hehehe
- nak go Club Med Bali
3. chique 047 - lose 8 kg at least.. kalau 10 kg i very happy.. siape nak exercise samer samer?! =p
4. nshah- nak lose weight, nak make more money, nak go a gd place for holiday


takmo gini lahhh.....perselisihan faham happens...even between friends aper lagi dengan strangers....jus remeber we are here as mothers n wants to share views n forgive n forget ok.....? *hugs*


i tak perasan ketam tu escape from my basin....kekekeke

1. mamaliz- nak lose weight!(the 7th yr i aim)
2. lynzi- nak gain weight
- nak attain more Coach, Burberry blue label and Agnes B bags...hehehe
- nak go Club Med Bali
3. chique 047 - lose 8 kg at least.. kalau 10 kg i very happy.. siape nak exercise samer samer?! =p
4. WATI THE GREAT - Nak loose 20 kg, stay healthy, join at least 1 exercise programme and do briskwalking at least 3 times a week. Be more nicer to hubby and others.(Not that i'm evil, but definitely can work on it!) And smile more..

ok ladies, dah nak balik.. buh bye!
u r always welcomed la gerl...
kite tak ban ban org ye
sape nak dok sini merepek dgn kite semue mesti bole
<font color="aa00aa">wati,
my hubby pun always say gifts and just quiet dinner...
but i will still get a gift for him..or make one.
eh, jgn belikan kasut..
for me macam cina pantang buy shoes as gift...cos takut that person walk out from my life...
nora, u heard of the lady deedee tak (adibah sumthing her name) the one who was featured in the Suhaimi Yusof lose weight programme.. she conducts weekend classes.. seems veryy effective.. one makcik office from my school lost 15 kg sehh.. im thinking of going next year..
Nshah, jgn merepek eh.. aku pounce you punyer twin peaks baru tahu.. no place to merajuk tau... kita sumer kawan...

Bye sumer...

1. mamaliz- nak lose weight!(the 7th yr i aim)
2. lynzi- nak gain weight
- nak attain more Coach, Burberry blue label and Agnes B bags...hehehe
- nak go Club Med Bali
3. chique 047 - lose 8 kg at least.. kalau 10 kg i very happy.. siape nak exercise samer samer?! =p
4. nshah- nak lose weight, nak make more money, nak go a gd place for holiday
5. lynda- nak try for 2nd baby...(not too early kan..hehe)
<font color="aa00aa">mamaliz,
hubby kau dah kaching kaching tu...pegilah mintak more special bday gifts...hehehe...
aku ni mengajar je eh..</font>
Oh before ter-lewat, salam maal hijrah to everyone! After that, it's happy new year!


I've given up liao. But I think I want to start driving again. Sighs.

Agnes B bags?! I bought one when I was in Japan! Bluelabel pun cheaper there, but I didn't buy any. All the women in my trip bought at least 1 burberry bag!


Mebbe if yr baby more confident, can start spoonfeeding. Think 6 months dah boleh spoonfeed. So fun, can try out the types of cereals - Healthy Times etc
My fave section of the supermart. haha.

Can puree stuff, fruits...bestnye!

Jia You! Still can BF some more! If got demand sure got supply... hehe... lagipon sekarang formula so expensive ah. That was one reason why I aimed to BF for as long as i can. but now my prob is how to wean him off at 19 mths as he still comfort latches.

lynzi..yeo's pun bleh tahan sedap..

ok ladies..thanks for the good time..cepat sungguh masa berlalu..dah nak balik nie..miss my lil girl so much..

chat with u all again tomorrow..da da..
