good lah like that
me if nak buat my hb sure tak support ye
tapi memang betul, barang berlambak kat rumah
sumbat sana sumbat sini, bukan ye pakai..

I malas lah nak deal with pple
lagi yg banyak soal
i know la pple sure banyak soal kalau nak beli kan...
who knows, one of these days i jadi terajin ehh.

kalau tak maid aku je yg benefit, all kite tak nak kasi maid bawak balik..
Selamat Tahun Baru to all muslimin here... Saper yg bukan muslimin... Get out! Hehehe Kidding..

I kalau citer hantu suka, tapi nanti takut sendiri, then suruh hubby i teman i gie toilet, lampu tak leh tutup.. Tu yg buat hubby i boring.. Cos dia nak kena layan the 'aftermath'..

Mandi bukak mata ? Mampus.. confirm korang nie sama geng dgn i.. penakut..
asal senyap jer... takder story eh.. hehehe

I dah plan my hubby birthday already. Yahoo...
31st December....

Need help. Mana nak carik bathrobes...?
<font color="119911">wati
so wats ur plan wati? bestnya leh countdown kan hehe..

tu ah senyap je eh.. tp kan sambil tu ive got 2 fedex invoice to clear &amp; match with e AWB siak tul.. tp takpe im working till besok je dah tu ku hurray till mayb hehe tuesday then masuk.. hahaha</font>
<font color="ff6000">Wati,
Nice/reasonable bathrobes can be bought at Aussino. They mite have sale now.
Previously, I bought 2 at $19.90 each...
Thick and soft.</font>
San, ada size tak ? I nie badan ikut mat salleh version.. maklumlah.. mak bapak mat salleh.. hehehe. Kalau ikut asian size, habis lah.. sekali pakai, koyak rabak... dah mcm incredible hulk plak... pakai koyak2..

Aussino eh.. hmm nanti i carik. ingat nak buy and hantar jahit my hubby name on it.. ok kan ?
<font color="ff6000">Wati,
Should hv. I bought for my close gf for her wedding last Aug. Gave them as part of deir wedding gift with names embroided too.</font>
Pegi meeting tadi kejap..

Mdm Wati
last weekend Parkway Parade ye Aussino got sale
Teh shop was so packed wtih pple
Nora Aw.. izzit ? Hmm... i think i want to call Aussino now.. tanyer mana ada sale lagi... heheh

Astargfirullah! Aper nie si AK-Aris nie..

I think it's not right for you to post this kind of comment. Menjatuhkan orang lain adalah salah. Please remove this posting.
ya cik wati
kita pun mengucap panjang
pasal bukan sekali ...
rupanya sepupu i kat jurong - tu dulu pun kena jugak so kita tak kisah kalau orang nak kutuk kita
tapi cermin lah diri dulu siapa punya angkara
jangan janji macam macam kalau tak iklas.
kan mengeruhkan keadaan. kita dah sabar tapi kan ada batasan -
<font color="000000">Mdm Wati
Next time u must join us, although cuma 4 orang..our laughter is enuf to conquer the place..hehehe...we really enjoy each other's company and had a good time @Han's..</font>
I understand you marah, tapi tak baik lah.. kita sumer mummies kat sini.. all have harga diri. Seriously, tak baik lah. I think you better settle between you dgn Nshah.. Tak baik to tell others about this matter. It's too personal.

I mohon to you... Please remove the posting... It's not right..Please please please..
Err.... ape dah jadi .. ape dah jadi...

Ok lah.. i must agree with wati, keaiban org tu lebih baik jgn di gembar gembor kan.
However ak-aris, i wont kutuk u also for your actions, who am i to judge kan.

So i hope whatever it is, jadi pengajaran for everyone.
manje dia eh....

memang best kan kalau kite gerls je gather
bile pat bawak hb jer.. lemau ah
Hi Ak-Aris,

Betul kata Wati. Kalau you ada personal conflicts dengan somebody just e-mail to her directly. Kita kat sini semua kawan2 and please do not disgrace that person here for all to know. Tak baik tau jatuh kan ayer muka orang di-khalayak ramai

Hope you understand what we mean !!
<font color="aa00aa">gerls,
mana pics at Han river?

goodness...what is happening here??
terperanjat betul bila refresh balik this page.</font>
eleh smalldreams... sikit nak merajuk..

Cantik tak...

Nottygal.. tu lah, lain kali i join ok...kita gegarkan suasana
yes Cik Zainab...confirm bergegar sepuluh batu sebelum i sampai.. (Notty eh...) Nanti i duduk kan you baru tahu.. hehehe
yelah kita mintak maaf kat semua
bukan niat kita tapi apa boleh buat

masuk opis jam 10.30 kena tembak tubi tubi
dari boss - kata kita hilang parcel
yang sampai pada 15 dec tapi lepas
tu secretary masuk jam 11 kata
dia simpan - tak sakit hati i

dah tu dapat pulak email dari nashi
tak jadi ambik - lagilah bengkak.

i geram nak lepas kan bom kat dada.
........maka terlepas kekata kat atas ----
dah lah - apa kita cakap pun - tetap kita salah
Baru ingat niari nak makan beancurd with barley for lunch to pay back all the over-eating the past few days
lapar pulak perut, kansel makan beancurd

Ak-aris, well i hope you feel better now.
<font color="000000">Nora R
belom lagi...masih recce..shhhh!

Yippee! This week cuma work 2 1/2 days only...Saturday afternn goin Malacca on a Touch &amp; Go Trip...Jalan2 Cari Makan...</font>
<font color="119911">ohoho..

terkejutnya aku masuk sini ada org bombard aku eh? n MENGAIBKAN me lagi.. ish.. entahlah eh.. ak-aris.. i dont noe apa ur motive lah eh.. i already said i takut nak deal dulu.. coz takut i dont hv e money &amp; kena cap pulak.. n u also said takkan u nak cap org kan.. so this is wat u do instead? baik nya move kan..thx so much lah eh.. for memalukan my nick in this malay forum lagi.. u act search my nick &amp; found dat im active at this site kan so u came here &amp; bombard me lah? thx so much for ur doings eh.. like i said early2 i told u i dowanna commit 1st coz i noe im plain POOR or cant afford ok so tak nak dah confirm ok apa smua sekali tak beli mesti org ngamuk seh.. i hv to c my budget 1st b4 commiting or buying smtg rite? salah ke? coz i kept emailing telling u takpelah i dowanna commit 1st that confirm i nak tu.. so skg u r trying to say im BAD lah? watever lah bro or sis.. i dont even noe r u a female or male.. coz yes theres so many nicks u used.. tp number hdph 1 je.. tu yg ku pelik..</font>
<font color="119911">n Ak-aris
if u tink my sms to u rude sorry lah coz mmg i sms dat way lah fyi.. n i jus understand asal plak u tak jual balik ur stroller tu? tak salah pe if a buyer backs out coz smua org nya situation tak sama kan.. sbb tu i told u dont say ur stroller is sold seh.. &amp; also i already told u ill get back to u with answer jadi ke tak by today.. so u prefer me to jus MIA w/o telling u anything ke? or u want me to at least email u to tell u dat i tak jadi lagi nak beli benda tu..??

sorry to the rest.. im so sad this thing can happen here.. n even mengaibkan me infront of u all.. takpelah eh.. i tink mayb i wont chat with u all here anymore lah coz ppl who wont noe me wld tink im dat bad from e way e other user "brand" me..

hv a great day all.. &amp; advance 2009</font>

Yes, like what madem says its between the two of you, nothing to do with us. I am sure everyone here dont want to lose the friendship with you.

Let's just forget what has been going on and continue as usual ok
<font color="aa00aa">nshah,
apa ni...janganlah kerana one person then u tak nak chat with us here lagi...
everyone makes mistakes.
just forgive n forget ok.

i know how frustrating it is when u have a bad morning then barang yg nak dijual tak terjual cos buyer backs out.
i have experience that several times.
that's part n parcel of selling your things mana2 it other forums or even in ebay.
as a seller, just got to take it in your stride and dont waste time to market your stuffs again.
to tell u the truth, if u deal with chinese they will give u an even harder time.

nshah, ak-aris,
make peace k!</font>
u terkejut
balik balik u soal banyak - kenapa u ni tak insaf ke? ak_tu kan nama user - with a valid email., if not how to register?? tak cukup again u question y one number?? u nak brapa number 10 numbers??? u can say whatever u like but so long i myself know i am not fickle minded is damm good already.

what buget??? u dah suruh turun turun harga ke budget u $50 then say come to see me at my blok
and then now saying no budget., see budget., entah apa apa!

and what in the world u talking abt? i memalukan yr nick in this malay forum "lagi" - u get this straight - this is my 1st time here and my god u mean someone does the same to you too - you mean u also janji kosong dgn orang lain?

ok lah - i really cant be bothered anymore. someone in this side actually kind enough to ask me to join., but since the way u saying abt me as it if i the one doing all the wrong things and perhaps i guess i am not welcome, mintak maaf cik, thks so much again for yr compliments, u memang baik - i jahat ... anything u just say its ok!
<font color="aa00aa">ak-aris,
please join us here since u dah discovered this malay thread and u are one too.
once u dah cool down, come back in here ok!
takmo gaduh2 lah...

cik nab,
oh pleaselah NSHAH
i just saw yr 2nd posting - just because
of this matter between us- u nak keluar dari forum ni - u hv alot of good people here., who still wants u ., my main purpose to inform all that be carefull in future deals,. and dont susah kan orang - (in another word WASTE TIME AND SMS)

and lynzi - sometimes our own race can be more harder to deal because i kena here, THE TRUTH IS MY USED MACLAREN 2008 STROLLER SOLD YEST TO CHINEASE LADY. she check and pay me without any comments -jangan condemn bangsa lain - we are not racist.
OPS i nampak 2nd lynzi posting
very very nice of you .,
but tak apalah nasi dah jadi bubur.,
actually i tak tau langsung pasal this side
till one of yr member inform me twice but still
i hesitate - good thing is can post in bahasa melayu.
ok thks and sorry for all the trouble
<font color="119911">
since u r still writing abt me so i shld at least reply balik lah..

sorry bt huh? waste sms?
sapa yg sms sapa dulu? u sms me coz u said u still hv my number kan? so bukan i yg sms u kan? pls make this straight.
watever it is.. hv a nice day lah eh..
if u tink im not a good buyer then pangkar aje my name from ur emails..
