<font color="ff6000">Chique,
I used to be one of the student studying in GVSS. It's so near LYSS...Hehehe!</font>
hi semua!

apa khabar everyone? dah lama i tak masok nih. jengok cakap hi aje

yes currently breastfeeding full-time.. that's another headache i need to seek advice on from you experienced mummies..

abt the weightloss, i still have about 7-8kg to go.. i gained abt 18-20 kg back then.. oklah, hopefully slowly but surely..

btw mummies, now that i am slowly venturing out to the malls and outdoors, i find breastfeeding quite troublesome.. and the worst part is, my son has learnt to refuse the bottle.. i have tried feeding him with the bottle about 3-4 times when he was under 1 month old.. but maybe cos i have been direct latching him for more than 4 weeks straight now, dier dah tanak bottle..

kalau i try now, he will melalak till no voice gitu.. macam mana eh? next week i kene attend my school year end seminar for 2 full days.. i wonder how my hubby will cope..
give him expressed BM... and see his reaction.

wheneva i need to breastfeed while shopping, i'll put my son in a sling... and continue shopping..
lebih baik dari stuck in nursery room, and made my husband wait for hours, till my boy was done..

Now my boy dah 4years old... dah takyah susah2 with susu lagi

yep from today i wanna make it a point to give him the bottle at least 3 times a day, esp during the timings when im usually out if i am working.. do you think he will drink from the bottle better if im not the one feeding..

anyways, i have yet to muster the art of using the sling.. so far so good, but belum tahap yang i dah pandai breastfeed discreetly when boy is in sling.. which sling u using? i realised my boy sweats a lottt when he's in my pupsik sling..
i used the MomsInMind sling....
dah lama lah...

when breastfeeding, i pendekkan the upper whateverucallit... so dat his body macam upright gitu... and the kain berjuntai kat tepi tu, i throw over my shoulder, covering him &amp; the breast...
hi danryan,

ak ah la lama. biasa la skul hols. i pon holiday la. merayap hari2. hehe

hi chique,
new mommy eh? welcome! i pon checher
last time i breastfeed my son but for only 9 months. balik aje skolah kering cos no proper time to pump. anyways, last time i always find the nursing rooms at shopping centres to BF or last resort, our car. but nowadays, my 2 girfrens just BF anywhere in public. they just use a nursing sling je. nobody give funny looks or whatever

I think you have to train your BB to drink from bottle. Let him cry if they don't want..cry awhile and keep trying. Baby are smart. They kind of know that once they cry they will get what they want. Just like my BB want him to hold the bottle himself. He will purposely let go. I also purposely let it drop and try again....finally now he will hold his bottle. He know that if he don't hold it will drop and he got no milk to drink...hehehe...
<font color="ff0000">During jln2 at shopping ctr i pon just BF my the mrt pon i pernah BF him at the 2 seater in the mrt cabin....

oh hi famela.. u checher kat mana? tulah, when i go back work tak tau macam mana nak continue.. i will go back teaching when my son 4 and a half month old..
My boy refused to drink from the bottle if he knows I'm around...
so every bottlefeed, it'll be my hubby or mom yg feed him...
it took him a few days before he accepted the fact dat he cant have access to the twin peaks as &amp; when he wants..
ok, im so excited to try breasfeeding while in a sling.. hehee means must use front buttons tops eh.. ok ok, will try soon..

tulah.. PARIS tau.. don play play..

yep.. i think my boy really is very smart.. his trick is to cry his heart out, but actually NO tears.. ishkk feel cheated but still quite heartpain to see.. another habit im trying to cultivate is letting him fall asleep on his own.. now, he still needs me to lull or rock him to sleep..
<font color="ff0000">OK nak LO and balik to do some packing....actually dah pack during Xmas now only the remeh-temeh je...

So have a nice weekends and Wishing u all a Happy New Year in advance....

Kirim salam kat sape2 yg ada in these thread...


<font color="119911">Dan
bye have a safe trip.. dont F1 ok.. drive carefully &amp; enjoy ur holiday.. makan sedap2 byk2 k..</font>
*baru abis masak nasi lemak n goreng thai fish cake......tak sabar nak mamam later!!

apa citer....? famela welcome back here....ingat lost dah found eh....? kekekekeke
Your BB cry with no tears...Mine dry with tears somemore....we just don't buy it...hehehe...
Cultivate to sleep alone. I will can't do it.... because everytime we want him to sleep you don't sleep so we had to carry him, rock him and force to sleep. So we will have times to do our things. By the way, my BB is 10mths old.
take care dan.....
have a great trip

i selak ajer... even from bawah...
after a while, i dah master breastfeed in baju kurung, while beraya... hehehhe
my 2 kids dari mula sampai skang on their time i just bedung n leave them alone....even if cry let them be...unless the cries lain macam baru i check n then go off again....6 mths baru stop bedung cos by then they can sleep on their bila time tido, both jus salam us n say gdnite...masuk bilik sendiri, off lampu sendiri....alhamdulillah very independent
<font color="ff0000">Thanks for all the wishes.....


Today bibik cook nasi lemak jugak
ok shahlynn, thanks for the advice.. will get my hubby or brother to feed him..

wah mamaliz, yummy nyer.. must share your recipes with me eh.. i nie nak cook tapi selalu malas aje.. nak cook pun tengok recipe book..

mira, so you just let baby cry.. i think my neighbours must think i dunno how to take care of baby.. always crying.. and at the top of his lungs!
Ya loh...they put in the bottle lah...if still crying try to carry him and then feed him from bottle...if not, ask someone else to feed. Because BB can "recongize" the smell of Mama..
shahlynn, breastfeed dalam baju kurung?! hehe looks like i really got a lot to learn from you mummies.. good thing i found this thread.. yippiee!!

mamaliz i want my boy to grow up like urs alsooo!!
<font color="ff6000">Ok Ladies,
I nk LO. Cabut 1/2 hr early cos since 9am, doing nothing excpt for eating, munching and drinking coke.

Tc ok?
Selamat pergi dan selamat kembali ya..*hugs*


me teaching kat greenridge sec. i baca tadi u kat loyang kan? my MIL stays near there. blk 112
ya la not easy to pump during term time. hari2 free period lain2 timing. then environment tak condusive. i went back when my son 7 months in Jan 2007. i lasted for 1 month with day breastfeeding but slowly supply dwindled to 1 before bed feed per day only. sampai kering. boweeeng!


u kalau cakap pasal masak kan, meleleh air liur I!!! sumer mcm sedap2 gitu! i tak lost la.. i ada. tapi gi holiday.. then balik i melekat do online shopping plak. then go another short holiday. hari2 i merayap la. tak tahu dok rumah.

pasal baby crying,
i pon tak reti la nak let them cry alone. kalau nangis siket je i jump. pros and cons la i've read. dulu2 bila baby2 i dukunggggg sampai tangan lenguh2. tapi dah besar ni dia dah pandai tido sendirik la. sleeps in his own room oso.
u teaching @ greenridge sec? apa subject?
my sis skooling there... but baru graduate.. now waiting for her O results...
and i'm staying next to the skool
hehehhe.... so funny... such a small world

Class 2E2(2006) &amp; NPCC
hehehhe.... Come &amp; find me.... no, find my sista!
