Hmmm I suka2 trying my luck tender a stall for my mom..then dpt pulak rezeki..
As my mom still working, company not keen in releasing her,im looking for a cook to help out in my stall.
The Cook needs to go market and cook malay food for breakfast only. She comes in the morning open the shop, cook, can go back already..Market is nearby just behind the stall. Starts work end of march/early april. Subject to completion of stall renovation works.
Please Pmed me if u have any experienced and responsible cook in mind. Someone who can cook food hingga menjilat jari a must!
Terima kasih banyak2!

Tks for the lovely advise
I tot of asking my husb to see ustaz for advise cos i ade baca hadis there must be a 3rd party yng ikllas to hep to solve this problem. BUT my husb dun belive in some ustaz and ustazah or go to kaunseling he said he already know wat they goin to said or some of their marriage pun tak betul. Now he said he wan to free like a bird and one day the bird will came and look for the owner.

Alhamdullilah i ade kwan and ustazah yng beragama sentiasa advise me wat to do.
byak berdoá ,berubah menjadi yng terbaik lastly, mengalah tidak erti i kalah insyallah i akan dpat kemenangan, ALLAH AKAN BERIKAN I YNG TERBAIK AMMIN

hugsss2222......lamanya aku tak nampak kau kat sini....

psstt...letul pintu pelan2 sikit....pintu rumah ni da usang...almaklum da lama nah tak berpenghuni
<font color="0000ff">*pssttt aku pun dah lama tak masuk sini...*

Slurpee &amp; snacks?? klu ada pun, aku rasa dah basi agaknya.. hehehee</font>
<font color="0000ff">eh eh mas.. sebesar2 aku ni kau tak nampak..??? ada color blue lagi u!!! LOL

<font size="+2">HarLooooooooooooooooo</font></font>
wahhh shahlynn kau da pindah tempat2 kondo ni tak buat house warming eh??

Kaler blue tak menarik perhatian aku lah...hehehe

Nora CPR tak umphhh lah
<font color="0000ff">Mas
kerek kau ehh.. habis color apa kau nak?? green? red? orange???

eh, cakap pasal color.. teringat kat nshahi, Dan, san.. </font>
go gross bila part dia makan tu....
eh tapi the hub cam soooooo slow to react yg something is amiss...

kalau dah nampak isteri cam gitu bukan nak cepat2 panggil ustaz....dah namanya cerita hihihiihih
kondomaniam tak main lah!
tak teringin pun aku....

mana nshah?
tuari nampak dia kat BKE...
nak lambai2, si irfan block ah...
rumah aku hari2 Alvin n the Chipmunks je....

Sampai aku rasa aku da leh hafal dialogue2nya...

Aku call rumah aku dengan suara Alvin...

Aku balik...suara Alvin lagi...

Wat to do...redha je
<font color="0000ff">Santau
i find the movie abit merepek lah.. and yes, dlm cerita tu watak hb dia very lemau sey.. benda tu dah terjadi depan mata and yet still dont want to believe..

yap yap moral of story, kawan makan kawan..</font>
dahlah hari2 kita berbual kat void deck...
kat sini pun kita berbual anak branak jer?

santau aku tak tenok...

every cartoon nyer theme songs, dialogues, aku dah hafal.
kau pelan2 kayuh eh...
<font color="0000ff">nora, shahlynn
pandai korang ehh, ingat aku punya curfew.. LOL

nasib baik kau clarify cepat2, klu tak nanti org ingat kita ni dah mcm makcik2 quarters pulak, lepak2 kat bawak blk.. LOL </font>
<font color="0000ff">Quote *tak kuasa aku nak jadi makcik2 quarters... layan laki &amp; anak aku lagi baik! *

hahahaha.. betol betol betol.. kerja kat rumah tak habis!!!</font>
<font color="0000ff">Heloo Notty
kau pun nak remove kita jugak ke?? dah tak nak fren dgn kita lagi ke?? *muka sedih*</font>
<font color="0000ff">Notty
tak setep lah, iye lah aku pun sedar siapa lah aku ni.. takkan nak paksa kau jadi "fren" aku kan.. LOL

kau jugak yg start dulu pe.. best dapat nap ehh, bukan senang tau FTWM dapat napping.. hehehe

makcik quarters tak jual bag coach lah.. dorang jual LV je.. </font>
LV capalang tak main ah!
puas hati aku beli beg perllini....

tadi bapak aku belikan nasi sambal goreng from sinar pagi @ pasar geylang. apsal tak sedap eh?
or izit just me?
<font color="0000ff">Notty
*pssstttt aku tak tau lah capalang ke ori ke...*
LV is not within my reach lah babe.. nak masuk boutique LV pun segan tau..
tak mampu buat hal tak mampu sudah! hehehehe</font>
<font color="0000ff">Quote *tadi bapak aku belikan nasi sambal goreng from sinar pagi @ pasar geylang. apsal tak sedap eh?
or izit just me?*

dah selalu beli or first time?? so far aku tak pernah beli kat situ so not sure nice or not..

tapi klu dah selalu beli and selalunya it nice, den must be u lah.. hmmmmm lain mcm je??? *wink wink*</font>
