these sprees sometime can give me anxiety

kelam kabut and then the webby lambat nak load .. humpphhh ..


u cant delete but u can retype
tulah, got me all excited, then the $ trsfr tak masuk pulak...
well, at least dapat save $ sikit, heh.

there's something wrong with the site, cos can't edit also, got error msg.
morning notty.

my dad is ok, thanks!
haiz, these drs, 1 day they say need op, then next day no need...
then say need pacemaker, now say no need...
my head is spinning just thinking abt it...
alo semua...

bila you start kerja?
Gosh, cant imagine the anxiety you & yr family going thru now.
I don't recall yr dad being on the overweight side though,
but I guess sometimes really can't tell who gets heart problems

Hope all goes well.

Dan, Nora
my girl cute eh? Heh, thanks for yr compliments.
Baby semua cute per. Tapi ni dia dah pergi scratch her face pulak, and her heat rash is back! Yang heran bila amik gambar, tak nampak pulak.
Hoping they'll be less noticeable by sunday coz insya-ALlah having a cukur rambut ceremony for her.

Ok nanti I carik you kat FB.

really like that??

so unprofessional kan


will u be extending ur already so long (nampak sah aku jeles) 4mths maternity leave?

bestnya ada orang hari ni....heheh...

my hubbynya stepdad pon baru kena discharged due to heart a mths time kena go for bypass and he's not on the heavy side either...
dats just it~ you may look healthy n slim but ur heart may not...doc says his heart is all clogged up...
kesian plak see my mil....she's worried since only the hubby is working n they still have a son in primary sch....

ON~...heheh.....guilty of spending hubby's money but..but..i also buy t-shirt for feel less guilty...hahaha
emoura bar.....bagus nahhh ke??? dgr dgr mahal kan...? hmmmm...dah cuba , share feedback eh kat sini.....heheh...

mata rambang tgk ON nya website...lagi lagi girls nya baju. so sweettttt.....
i start my new job on the 22nd.
looking fwd to it

yup, my dad also not overweight.
but he has a type of diabetes, so it's a risk factor.
right now, we're at the mercy of the drs and just hope and pray they're doing the right thing.

k, am getting ready go run some errands.
feel like eating fish n chips.
talk to yall later...

me, zu and sher bought the emoura bar for $30 each

size like those soap u get in avg hotels

but i have not used mine

main reason: gue tarak soap dish .. hehhehehhehe

so there will be delay for me to look like catherine seta-jones
read tru the spree oready,....very tempting! $150 for 6 bars...dats 25 each....kidscafe nya spree...

saper kat woodlands nak try????? share ngan i , 3 bars each???
cari eh jgn tak cari tau! FB!!

Tsk now everywhr sellinga @$25 each..should have waited a while before we terjun the spree..hahhaa $5 pun money tau esp the size of the soap punyalah 'besar'!
Lambat nah pakai? Tak payah la tunggu soap dish baru nak pakai Datin oi!!

I dah pakai..muka jadi kilat giler..ingatkan oily tapi tak..Zu also experiencing the same thing..well ive been on it for only 4 days now..we shall see after 1 week later.
I pun nak beli lagi esp now BP tgh hot with 6 bars for $150. tapi u stay in wdlnds la..
Ive got 3 in hand..not sure nak get the $100 for 4 or $150 for 6 tu..
<font color="119911">hello all..

nak kepo ah dat soap bagus ke? wats e benefit of using it eh? can share?

shimmers, athlete, NAw
tak pi burberry sale? hehe </font>
aiyoh...i tink i just go ahead n get the 6-150 tu...pasal since its small kan mesti abis cepat n anyway takut nanti leceh nak cari supplier to buy from..


kat spree tu kau bleh tgk dianya benefits...aku pon sibuk2 tgk sana n terus get tempted to get also...anyway i tink my hubby pon mesti nak try jugak...he's more worried abt his face condition then me....

hah.. muke jadik kilat.. wow memancar mancar lah u and zu

but seriously.. what kind of kilat?
as it is i am already shining with oil all the time

then dah pakai soap use normal skin care as usual eh??

i need a good soap dish ah, pasal geli kalau tengok soap dah kembang kembang..

i just buy teh soap bec of teh hu-ha

tapi thread tu belum bace betol betol

tuggu org lain try and kasi instructions hehhehehe
actually the price $30 tu bertahan lame jugak

kite belik jer price terus jatuh menjunam.. chett!!

ohh.. burberry kite tak minat sangat ah
soooo...lain kali anything new comes out we all wait for nora, sher n zu beli dulu..then harga turun baru yg lain lain beli ehhh...kekekekeke'

sher..share lahh..nak kena moisturize muka ke tak eh after dat...issit dry? oily?
<font color="119911">
babe act if u tak suka sabun tu kembang2 u can act cut e sabun into smaller sizes jadi it wont kembang.. dats wat i did for most of my sabun buku
utk muka hehe
hmm cam btul tu tg pakar cantik try then we all try ah hehe

tu yg ku pelik nape berkilat plak eh? bt e kilat tu kira cam very moisturised ke apa eh? cuba terangkan..</font>
Tak oily..i thot baru2 pun oily but surprisingly not..its just kilat tegang gitu..felt a bit dry la..guess thts the healing crisis theyve been talking about..
Anyway I dont feel tht the sabun will kembang2,i put it in the soap holder tu with a cover, it dries pretty fast..

Abt what to use next am not too sure..they said this bar covers everytg frm cleanser to moisturiser..the only thing i use after cleanser is my sunscreen
this bar supposedly to clear all toxins underneath aku takut if i use other prdts, it build more toxin then bila mau game pakai this soap kan.

WAH. then harta karun skincare manyak manyak dah tak pakai for the time being????

hmmmm .. wow.. manyak save time worr..

k i will start on sunday

mane zu? nak dia review oso
Tu lah..tak banyak wor! only skinfood serum and vichy moisturizer..put aside 1st nak see hw this eumora works on me.nanti kalau tepek benda banyak2 tak tahu pulak whc one works and whc not! jadi confuse..

sibuk online shopping for CNY agaknya..

She told me she also feel a bit tight thought its the efx frm all bar soap similar..other than that she said nothing changes yet..conversation we had was 2 days back la..

baru bangun from nap ni. Anak baru 2, dah kecoh..haha..tadi ada ribut, dua dua bangun when I was in my mom's kitchen tengah cuci breast pump. nasib dua2 dah tido balik, kalau tak, takde chan nak masok sini...

I dah carik you tau kat FB. U dah add? :p

Hehe, time for you to go on ML lah. Best tau. I Think maternity leave lah time yang paling seronok (minus sleepless nights) - mana seh nak dapat gaji w/o having to work...

That Eumora thing sounds good! Lepas tu korang masih pakai BB cream? I've been battling with acne for the longest time, tapi nasib baik bila dah tua2 ni (hitting 30!) dah tak ada acne, tapi tanda masih ada.

Takpe lah, I shall stick to brands of cleansers available in Giant / Ntuc...

kat s'pore mana nak carik fish &amp; chips sedap eh? dulu in perth, kat freo memang sedap. But u noe my friend said that kylies &amp; cicerellos pakai lard seh. *gulp* geli-nye! And kita dah bedal so many of those on the weekends when we visited freo !!
<font color="119911">sher
wah bestlah lau gitu tak ya kai apa2 lepas sabun muka hmm.. takpe ah will try once sabun fayafa aku dah bis, eh salah papaya lah

tgh sibuk jual brg tu, hehe clearing her spaces gaknya
kan CNY coming...spring cleaning...lah...

apa yang dijual kat burberry sale tu? Kat mana eh?
I remember time kita gi Jepun, all the ladies (my hubby side) bought a bag each! They said murah. I sorang je tak beli bag. I beli from Agnes B :p Burberry not my type ah...glam sangat....
<font color="119911">oh yeah will this sabun works for pimple scar? coz lately my pimple aft adh gone, ada scar lah tak jambu seh.. n lately also mu kulit ni can c red dots gitu kenapa eh?</font>
<font color="119911">peah
tulah i tink its time for zu to spring clean lah..

burberry tu ada smua ah from head to toe.. ku act terpegun dgn dresses yg comel2 cam size anak u, tp ish mahal sungguh seh nak beli utk gift pun syg coz bleh pakai kejap je seh..hehe
yes dats wat i heard from my collgs too beli at JAPAN better murah pun murah &amp; get e lastes design, smlm e bags &amp; wallets soo out of fashion seh, tak cantik benor.. baju2nya lawa tp ah kau harga $1500++ haha aft disct pun ku tak mampu seh beli, so kira smlm wasted my 1hr 45mins q-ing &amp; gtg nothing except fighting with e crowds</font>
Tht one I dont know..betta to buy frm the spree coz there are lot of buyers and u can check the authenticity of the bar frm the organiser herself.
Hmmm... Pasal Eumora-
like sher ckp, after wash muka rasa tight. And aku ingat becos its soap bar cos from wat i know, soap bar leaves the skin tight.. But its dry la whereas tis wont. at least muka aku tk terkopek2. Heh! Aku still use collagen serum for my face tau sher. The rest i dun use. After about a week, aku tk nmpk diff sgt cos i tink UNT hv been doin a gr8 job on my face too. Pasal outbreak, so far tak ade. No pimples outburst yt. But the pores and blackhead lessen!!

Sher, kau nk bli lagi? Im tempted to try DermaGlo plak sey. also good reviews... Anyone using dat tak?

Nshah, nmpk jer kau eh aku jual barang... Rumah da serak ler.. Buat semak storerm. nak bli apape tk? Heh..

Peah, yup usibg iphone. I got 12gb data. Wondering if anyone ever pakai smp limit? :p
Aku pun tempted dgn dermaglo tu but then tgh on Eumora ni I feel my skin like undergoing some sort of overhaul felt tight and quite sensitive like scrubbing and exfoliating takut kulit terkoyak!!
Kau tak feel skin dry ke? Around my eyes so dry that it looks as if aku ada wrinkles ard it..I wonder hw pple go thru this healing crisis eh?
The pores are less obvious now but the dryness aku tak boleh tahan!
Collagen serum frm UNT kau pakai whc one? Whats the name?
Sher, only two days ago baru cn c... The skin ard my nose v v dry and aku kene pakai vaseline sey. Other than dat i got a pimple waiting to explode pat pipi aku.

The collagen aku pakai is c*clarity. Not bad. I use tpgethe w eumora. Makin tight aku rasa. Cos that serum got mcm burning sensation whenever i use. I like!
morning morning

i havent start on my eumora

was reading some malaysian beauty forum yest
and wasnt impressed

many complain abt the dryness and pimples and fine lines

ade cakap use for 3 mins ade cakap thats not the correct way to use it

mebbe for those yg experiancing dryness shd cut down the duration u leave it on ur face eg from 3 mins to 2 mins

or use it only once a day

that discussion also say crap lah all talk abt this being the only thing u need to use

so if dry better use moisturiser

mebbe kalau muke oily tak rase sangat this effect
I used for 2 mins jer daily still skin v v dry..peeling occurs around the nose..
I emailed the organiser,whether this is normal or shld I Discontinue pasal not sure if Im allergy? She said thats the healing crisis and I shld endure if i want healthy glowing skin..Just that I cant leave w/o my BB cream all tht..she said can still use but if prdts used ada harmful substance, eumora will extract it thus making the healing crisis more slower..
Currently aku ada 3 pimples already..tak tahu its healing crisis or because of my menses!

Despite the pimples, other parts of my skin became clearer,my aunts seem interested,asked me to order for them and so I just did..

Anyway, I read frm the paper that 2 artist were caught, im wondering who?? 1 of them was caught while on the way to rakaman for the Suria Electra Live on Friday last week..siapa la agaknya??
aku bot from wendy. tp kalo urgent aku bli direct from ebay... heh.. price maybe mahal by a dollar or two la.

pasal artis-
apesal plak nie? dat day pasal yg satu tu nye scandal video. mcm2 ragam... artis pun manusia. tak terlepas dari buat salah. just tat kalo dorang buat salah ppl rmbr cos they are ARTIS. neway artis tak artis, da mati sumer pakai kain sama, masuk lobang samer... ;p
<font color="119911">heya.. had lunch?

alamak baca ur reviews tu, now im scared to try plak, coz my skin ni can say sensitip gak.. even wen i tried a product same as MIL &amp; SIL using, bt dorang tak da any peeling pung, unlike mine dah cam kulit apa seh, soo e rabaks.. it stopped aft i stopped applying it too haiz..

wah ada artist kena tangkap? for wat eh? u mean both malay artist? hmm

sidetrack, anyway saw e hot videoclip &amp; i really pitied e girl ah.. cian seh muka so terang2 seh tp bukan jantans tak nampak.. kurang ajar tul</font>
heh, was busy at spree thread getting stuff for my boy.
they grow so fast, i can't believe that i'm already getting some clothes at 2T size for him!

re:skin care
i have v low-maintenance, cheap skin.
i break out everytime i try to use clinique, lancome or estee.
so i stick to simple and olay.
but now i try the sephora brand, not bad.

artist scandal, hmm that's how not so famous people become famous.
esp if you have sex tape.
used to be that its such a shame, and wrong.
but now in hollywood, if u have a sex tape, means you've made it...

kalau sensitive i think better not

anyway not my review ler, i bace from other forums

i nak try but i have so many things on hand to use..haiz

sex tape
to me jgn carik nahas.. dah tersebar .. mane nak letak muke

ah tgk tu paris hilton...tak fofular jadik fofular....tapi dia hollywood...
aku local artist...mane nak taruk muke....

