<font color="0077aa">Salams semua!

Tak lah, I masih kat sini lagi. Harap2 jangan lah bersalin siang2 sangat. Baru 34 weeks &amp; also I have a lot of work to clear ni :S

Wati, Naqi
It's very sad. Again it's a malay family &amp; again the story is another can of worms opened on our community. </font>
Cubit peha kanan, peha kiri terasa juga...

memang nak dekat....*nervous*

So besok hari raya apa plan?
my MIL baru pergi china tadi pagi. buat ibadah korban kat sana.
pagi Dan...

woohoo 34wks soon tu....menghitung hariii...


me besok by 11 da nak gi rumah my mum...dh abis solat jumaat....terus zoom gi rumah aunt sblah dh....
dh side kalau hari raya haji semua POTLUCK and we will choose 1 semua berkumpul kat sana
morning lynzi....lama tak nampak...tunggu kau nyer club med pics...aku rase betty nak gi holiday end of this mth will post ...hihihi

i mean pagi Dan...
smalldreams...'bag' gi hospital dah siap belum?

besok plan masak simple...goreng mee hoon seafood,fillet...,udang rendang...
i nak masak mee rebus &amp; lontong...

all my sibling will be at my home

new addition coming soon
<font color="0000ff">HI Smalldream, Dan, lynzi
lamanya tak nampak korang.. mana menghilang..!!

selamat menghitung hari.. hehehe but i just love the feeling bila preggy, especially dah nak tunggu masa je.. bestkan, i felt soo pamper.. LOL

best kan berkumpul ramai2.. how ur mom now? getting better??

betol cakap si lina tu.. si mas air liur meleleh je.. sebab kempunan.. hiak hiak hiak...

hari raya haji, normally my family tak gi mana2.. semua gather kat my mom place.. lepak2 sampai mlm...</font>
pagi Lynzi

alhamdullilah, my mom getting better...can walk slowly using the tongkat...
thanks for asking

btw, sorry eh pic Marsyha wearing the blue dress i lum ambek lagi...
this week i dress her up cantik2 i snap the pic k
<font color="0077aa">Lynn
Best eh tunggu masa! Pampered eh! hahaha! Anak pertama boleh lah rasa cam tu. I think bila dah #2 ni, banyak sangat benda yang I nak kena handle. Mana si Adam melekat dgn I, mana I penat sangat (dah lebih tua aper). Tapi I tetap bersyukur sebab I mintak coffee bean breakfast from my hubby tadi pagi, dia belikan time dia kat airport. Hehehe!

Naqi, Lynn
Hospital bag belum pack lah. Last week baru I start cuci segala kain bedung (mak aiii, I think I dug out about 15 pieces of kain lampin for bedung). And sorted out the infant clothes &amp; pink clothes which were hand-me-downs from SIL from 2007. This weekend I Plan to wash another batch of baby clothes. Realised I don't have much mittens, maybe dah buang coz they were stained last time.

Good to know your mom is getting better

And good that the thread is up again today.
Recently I lebih banyak chat with moms due around my month :p, and of course, the spree section, tee hee!</font>
<font color="0000ff">smalldream
opsss ya hor.. tu time anak first, apa nak semua dapat..
klu second one, maybe hb pun dah relax sikit and neo what to expect unlike first one, dorang lah yg paling excited and kancong... hehehe..

Quote **Tapi I tetap bersyukur sebab I mintak coffee bean breakfast from my hubby tadi pagi, dia belikan time dia kat airport. Hehehe! **

pampered jugak lah tu.. klu u tak preggy, maybe hb will tink twice first.. hehehe</font>
i also plan nak buat kek batik *plan ajer*
tapi mine tak yah bake...sonang ajer...

kau nyer choc kek batik tapi bake...kau belajar dari mana? 1st time aku dngr...
<font color="0077aa">Lynn
Tapi Naufal will be bigger by the time you preggy lagi insya-Allah. I think that'll be easier to handle!

Adam pun OK jugak ah, at least not that young (anything below 15 mths to me is still verrrrry young for another sibling, but this is just my opinion). And lucky for me dia tak suka mintak dukung sangat.

Tapi dia macam blur. He knows he's going to be an abang. He would say, "Adam dah nak jadi abang!" and sometimes would sayang Adik by rubbing my tummy. But at times, dia tumbuk my tummy tau! Tsk.

And I asked him, "Adam nak tolong Ibu amik kan pampers untuk adik tak?"
He'd say, "Nak!"

"Adam nak tolong Ibu buatkan Adik susu tak?
He'd say, "Nak!"

"Adam nak share toys dgn Adik tak?
He pondered and said, "Tanak! Nanti pecah!"


Jadi mana you menghilang selama ni? :p

I think also recently I've been super busy coz trying to clear work. Hari ni cam slack sikit. Hehe, updating some admin stuff.</font>
"Adam nak share toys dgn Adik tak?
He pondered and said, "Tanak! Nanti pecah!"

hahah so cute...tak per nanti dorang will learn the art of sharing....
<blockquote><hr size=0><!-quote-!><font size=1>quote:</font>

this thread still alive eh?<!-/quote-!><hr size=0></blockquote>

da tadi kita2 da take turn kasi CPR

hah siapa kasi aku CPR....kau dapat CPR dari siapa?...

aku nak kasi lynn CPR...takut tulang dia retak...
terpaksa buat baby CPR...
<font color="0077aa">Dan, Mas
*lol* CPR seh.

Sat insya-Allah I ada kat rumah. Tapi rumah I ni berserak sentiasa lah! You're welcome to swing by to drop the harness over

Smalldreams....rumah ada budak sentiasa berserak ngan toys...rumah I pun sama...rumah cuba bleh clear of toys bila anaqi tido je

takpe lah if i go to Pasir Ris ke or aorund yr area i will let u know...thanks

give yr link here...i nak look see look see lah
<font color="0000ff">Quote **aku nak kasi lynn CPR...takut tulang dia retak...
terpaksa buat baby CPR...**

whakahkahkaha... buat kelaka ehh.. </font>
<font color="0077aa">Mas
You ada helper, orait jugak.
Last Sunday, I &amp; my hubby dah mengamok sangat, coz lepas main playdoh, dia tanak kemas.
We took a black bin bag, and put all his toys inside. Melalak seh. I think I got this idea from Betty.Bad at one time.

Tapi eh budak2 ni pun ... there was another time I tried to impose the same tactic, and he said, "Ibu buang!" . Backfire seh.</font>
smalldreams...oh too used da same tactics....

at first dia nangis ....bila I cakap buang skali skrg...dia yg buang sendiri barang main tu kat tingkap
<font color="0000ff">smalldream
nanti nx time, dia "tolong" u buangkan.. cos he neo, u can always buy him new toys.. hehehe

for me, klu dia tak nak kemas.. i will clean up depan dia, and i will purposely simpan tempat tinggi2..
so he cannot take it out and no one else can take it down except me.
and if he clean up by himself, i will praised and give him big hugzz..

just hoping one day, he neo dat he done wit playing, he has to do the cleaning..
but for now, masih ikut mood dia.. hehe </font>
tingkap playroom dia kan it's the corridor walkway

hehehe smlm buat calculations ngan mth nak kena put aside at least $500 for Anaqi nya duit skola/uniform/bag kasut...huh
apsal lak dia pat ofis u?...ur boss dun mind?

dulu kite orang boleh bawak kids here...kalau kite kena come back for weekends...tapi now dah tak boleh for safety reasons
