ish...nasib baik i bukan front desk..blakang desk jer...kekekeke.....mula mula takut jugak tapi now telinga dah makin jinak..hahaha

betul tu mas... dah letak.. terus luahkan perasaan... hehehe

Anybody going to SITEX show kat Expo ?

Saper kat sini ada hubby or kenalan yg mahir in computers repair ? Let me know please...

Laptop i screen dah retak... some of the letters are missing... etc... need to repair
<font color="119911">ada sesapa tau, any kids yg minum promise gold 4?
ku nak sell off 3boxes of mine, coz bought too much w/o checking my stock at home seh so now dah overstock &amp; my kids now minum slower.. pm me if interested</font>
Sorry Nshah.. anak aku no. 3 lah.

Mas... tak lah gigit.. terlanggar jer masa tgh "wink wink".. hehehe
ok ladies.. enjoy your weekends.. .i bz giler sebab si store side dah buat hal with my shipment... take care and Selamat Hari Raya Aidiladha....
<font color="ff6000">Hellooooo...

Just end having our jersey cakes. Later wana have chips..
In case I forget, hope you guys will enjoy your long wknds and SELAMAT HARI RAYA HAJI.</font>
<font color="0000ff"><font size="+2">Morning Morning...!!!</font></font>
Selamat pagi semua!

How was yr weekend?

I saw that you tried out Angel Wipes. Bagus tak? Where are the wipes made in eh? Thanks!
<font color="0000ff">Morning Smalldream, Dan..

wkend ok je lah..
friday, lepak at my mom place sampai mlm..
sat, tak gi mana2.. rasa penat semcm and no mood for other thing..
sun, gi jemputan.. den pasir ris park.. tgk pony den gi cycling..

tadaaaaaaaa end of my long wkend.. hehehe

and today, dragging my foot to werk.. malasnyaaaaaaaaaaaaaa</font>
Selamat pagi Dan
I'm so sorry to see your FB status. I hope all
dah settle. Was your uncle ill before he went to Malaysia?

Eh best ape your weekend!
Friday pun I was just at my mom's place,
petang pergi my hubby's cousin's place.
My MIL kat China jadi tahun ni I skip rumah dia.
Sat, just lepak kat rumah aje.
Sunday, gi swimming, pas tu gi East Coast.
Si Adam, swim before it rained, pas tu lepas hujan, swim lagi! Coz ada kawan kita datang to swim.

My opis ni kosong. Tak tau lah orang buat fieldwork ke, amik time off ke, apa. I guess we all are reluctant to work. Tapi without work, no fulu$$!

Did you text me over the weekend about the harness?
If yes sorry eh? my HP rosak &amp; was sent for repair. I just got it back.
<font color="0000ff">Smalldream
ahh my wkend best?? tink wkend kita mcm sama gitu time spend..

both lepak kat rumah on sat.. and went to park on sunday.. hehehe

boring lah.. i thot of going to sentosa/swimming.. tapi hb tak keen.. dia kata weather tak tentu.. leceh lah.. dia klu tak nak, full of excuses.. *sighh*

my ofis pun ramai yg AL.. cos long wkend.. i yg sambut Haji, dorang yg sibuk amik long leave..</font>
he was sehat walafiat...
on last Tuesday i went to his hse to pass my SIL card pass to his siblings who stay in KL...
he passed away on Sat pagi...did post-mortem in KL hospital...showed that he choked...susah nak bernafas..
but those who in the hotel room dgr he like snoring while sleeping
but the snoring was so different very loud...mayb tengah nazak..n his wife thot was his normal snoring..
no air-ticket so drive back here, supposed to reached abt 130am Jenazah reached Spore on Sun Morning @4am...
reached Tuas Checkpoint pon sangkut...tak blh masuk SPore..
coz ada export surat but no import surat...
Biasa lah orang2 ni. Sometimes I tengok, some pple, bila CNY, dorang yang amik. bila festive seasons lain pun (hari raya, deepavali), orang2 sama jugak yang amik cuti. Tsk.

That loud snoring, my aunt said it was like that too on the night my Allahyarhamha Nyai passed away. There was verrry loud snoring, then after that no more sound. Bila subuh, my aunt kejut, dia dah tak ada.

Tapi akhirnya dah lepas, dah selamat dikebumikan kan?
morning semua!
dah lama tak log in...
just came back from 2 weeks in perth.
how have all the mummies been?

dan, my condolences.
sorry to hear abt your uncle.

are you already counting down to your EDD?
Dah selamat dikebumikan semlm kul 10pagi...
but the waiting time to reach here...tuhan saja yg tahu.....
he seldom or never wearing white but during Hariraya Haji he wore...
B4 travel to KL by bus he tried to check his salary dah masuk ke belum tapi belum masuk n his card was detained in the ATM machine..
SO he used his SIL money to give to all my nieces &amp; cousins there...
Like his suratan like nicely planned..
Went to KL did korban, meet all his siblings there then returned back to Spore...
only my mom n allahyarham bro je tak dapat jumpa for the last time...

sorry to tell u all these, i nak share je...
i still feel so bad.....
Now he left his wife &amp; his 4 adopted children..
Thanks Athlete

dah besar jugak lah..
the eldest almost 30yrs....
2nd abt 19yrs
the other 2 still Pri Sch..
Allahyarham was 54yrs old
Perth is always lovely.
Plus it's spring so the weather was just nice, not too cold, not too hot.
How have you been?

Hi Lina!
I've been alright, alhamdulillah.
Penat tu biasa lah and I do wonder why asik kena flu aje. Macam resistance so poor!

I so miss Perth. I intend to go there sometime in Jun 2010 insya-Allah. Tu masih winter kan?
Want to go before I return to work lah.
biasa lah.. kene cancel lagi!
by the time kite finally arrange da tk newborn lagi!
cepat nye masa berlalu!!!!

tis is December baby also ker?
morning mummies!
thread was so quiet yesterday.

oh, want to give you all the good news that i've finally moved!
after months of complaining, its freeedom!
and alhamdulillah, my boy took to the new house vv well.
now, am having a cup of latte and biscuits for brekkie, while boy is napping....
That's great! Am sure you're so happy!
Can feel it from your post

Good to know yr boy is adjusting well too!

betul betul betul. Time flies. Tapi eh it's OK to visit during mother's maternity leave aper.... don't just visit the baby, tapi visit mak dia jugak

Alhamdullilah.. beres semalam
now time to see the monsters in my in-tray

i belum sempat catch up the earlier posts in the thread
nanti i pelan pelan kayuh k

cant wait to visit the spree thread ... *tangan dah gatal, IB dah peeking out of my bag*

btw i am using the angel wipes or is it another brand but yellow packaging also (i have to check)
its a huge fraction of the price for pigeon
kalau belik time JL sale lagi murah
i ever buy 2 packs of 3 for $7.90
normal price pack of 3 for $5.50

and i find it ok, no scent
made where? nanti i check k
Thanks. I'm v happy!
Although I must say that the East is quite different now.
it's soooo crowded everywhere

btw, u must be looking fwd to pop.
so fast eh!
must be less stressfulkan, the 2nd time round?
And betul, betul, I feel the mother also needs the company of visitors esp during confinement period...
Anyone in?

I nak beli the space saver hanger lah. Do you have that too?

Any JL ada that angel wipes eh? Kalau not MIC,
I don't mind trying it out. Coz newborns memang
wipes guzzler lah.
ooiikk .. really senyap huh these days

today and tomoro i'm not in office, ni baru dapat chance drop in here

JL ade both angel and carlson
the big packs i bought are carlsons

angel wipes i got the small packs

but for the life of me i flip punyer flip but tak nampak made kat mane

sekarang expo ade aper sale?? mebbe tomoro i drop by there
<font color="ff6000">Morning ladies!

Am back fr a short hols.
Hru gals?

So far Angels and Carlson are fine for me. Used to buy in cartons when my boys were babies. Tisu basah dipakai mcm "air" waktu itu. Hehe!</font>
Morning... I bet today's thread will be empty too!

Anyway Nora, sekarang Expo got nothing! Pls don't go. Ada 7-11 je and if you're lucky, Munchy Donuts might be opened.

You pergi mana for holidays?
Tu lah I'm thinking of getting Angels And carlson wipes. Cuma I'm a bit apprehensive coz they're made in taiwan/china. At least pigeon ones are not. Think they're made in thailand.
<font color="ff6000">smalldreams,
Am back frm a Genting planned by DH.
Sadly, it never stated "made from" any countries.. =(</font>
gd morninggggggggggggggggggggg....
breakfast for today-->chocolates

SINGAPORE: The man and his wife were appointed in 2003 as foster parents by the Ministry of Community, Youth and Sports (MCYS) to care for young persons who, for various reasons, are unable to remain at home with their biological parents.

But at the Subordinate Courts on Thursday, machinist Hassan Sheikh Hobibi Rahman was sentenced to 14 months’ jail with three strokes of the cane for molesting his then 15—year—old ward.

The girl, who cannot be named to protect her identity, had previously suffered the same fate at the hands of her own father.

Although 47—year—old Hassan, who has a daughter, told the court that he was "remorseful" of his actions, Deputy Public Prosecutor (DPP) Isaac Tan pressed for a custodial sentence of at least 12 months as he had inflicted undue psychological trauma on the "young and vulnerable" teen.

District Judge Jasvender Kaur agreed and had very strong words for Hassan before sentencing.

"This is a very serious matter," she said. "You have committed a gross, deliberate breach of trust as one might regret to see".

Hassan and his wife had applied to the MYCS for the role of surrogate parents to take care of children on a temporary basis or until such time alternative care provisions could be provided.

It is understood that in such cases, foster parents recruited by the ministry get a monthly allowance to cover the child’s school—going and living expenses.

According to court documents, the girl had been staying with Hassan and his family at their Jurong West flat since October 2005. They were also made aware that their new ward had previously been abused by her father.

On October 23 last year, the girl was roused from her sleep by Hassan, who squatted next to her and had his hand under her shorts, touching her groin. He quickly left the room when the victim screamed at him.

The next day, she reported the incident to her child protection officer and was immediately taken away from her flat. MediaCorp understands that the girl is now living with her biological mother.

— TODAY/so
