ok lah ladies... i nak LO.. asyik terjenguk-jenguk.,.. tapi takder orang jer.. so im logging off.. kesian aku...

<font color="119911">wei mana pi org2 eh? hilang smua bila aku masuk, kan.. lau tak suka takpe, bilang je..
HV a nice day &amp; wkd</font>
<font color="0000ff"><font size="+2">Heloo Heloooo Heloooooooo Helooooooooooooooo</font>

senyap je semua.. takde org ke????</font>
<font color="0000ff">Helooo Mas
kau pun lama tak login..?? senyap je

Aik ada pun.. ingat baru nak gi isap rokok.. *mcm real je*</font>
<font color="0000ff">mas
tak mau ahh jadi chipsmore.. kejap ada kejap takde..

mana yg lain ehh.. nora, notty, betty pun lama tak nampak..</font>
<font color="0000ff">nshahi
half day lah.. dia update kat FB.. nari ada PTM..

yg lain tak tau.. takpe lah kita 2org berbual anak beranak je..</font>
<font color="0000ff">cakap pasal tomolo plan.. tu yg buat aku "LOST"... LOL

aku takde idea ahh nak buat apa.. sunday ada jemputan.. tapi mcm malas ah nak gi..

any idea for this wkend?? outdoor activities weather tak tentu pulak</font>
yup2 true...
I was blessed wiz a perfect weather last weekend
bila aku gi itu Palawan Beach.....

Eh perhaps kau nak gi look c look c there...
<font color="0000ff">nak look see boleh.. tapi klu hujan.. sedih sey.. hehehe

any interesting place kat sentosa.. sana aku tak pandai sgt ahh jln..</font>
<font color="0000ff">huh tu ahh.. mahal kan.. nak masuk mana2, semua kena pakai ticket.. even can drink pun mahal.. ishh ishh</font>
Morning babes.
Hee, I used to say that I couldn't keep up with the forum. Selalu ber'archives'.Now, dah terbalik. Nearly 11 and no one has posted as yet, well maybe except for me. Semua cuti?
boleh tolong - nak tanya all mummy's kat sini
ada tak apa apa comments pasal iman
kindergarten kat cck st 52..thinkin to enrol
my kid there next yr so i need some ideas/feedback

hope anyone here can help?
<font color="ff6000">Morning all!

Anybody home?
Been bz e past few days. Penat lari sana sini.
Niway, having home-made burger + hot milo for brekkie.</font>
Harlow sumer.... baru dapat masuk nie.

Sigh* Kenapa sunyi sepi nie.. Sibuk holiday ker, sibuk nak beraya ?

Anyway, kalau this thread masih nak stay active, let's all come in tomorrow morning... at least i tahu yg masih ada yg bernyawa... hehehe...

lupa ker pada masa2 FUN yg kita selalu plan... Outings to ARNOLDS lah, Kumar Shows, etc etc..

Apa kata, kita plan another last outing for the year ? If you all are ok with it...

I was thinking about going to ARNOLDS again. Saper nak join dipersilakan...

Date : 11th Dec (FRIDAY)
Time : 6.30pm onwards

1)Wati (aku lah tu)
2)Cip Hutan (aku lah tu)
3)Gemok (aku lah tu)

LOL... so let's put our babats together and eat our hearts out...

Or saper yg masih ada leave, apa kata amik 1/2 day and enjoy... let me know ok...

buh bye !
<font color="0000ff"><font size="+2">Morning Morning...!!!</font>

betol cakap kau.. kesian aku tgk thread ni skg.. what happen.. mana semua yg frequent kat sini??

aku pun tak leh amik leave lah.. nak save for coy shut down period..!!!</font>
mane smalldreams?...bila agaknya kawan kite nie bersalin...

in the news--> police found the body of missing boy

--> 2 year old died in SG....positive for H1N1

Selamat Pagi kengkawan... Wah.... ramai seh..

Selamat Hari Raya Korban semua....

NEWS : Yes.. i was near to tears when i heard that the body was that of the 6 yrs old boy... Nenek dia pun go and ask THESE kind of people to take care.. haiz...
