
kau gi la tgk status dia.
apparently org tu pegang plastik putih. dia ingatkan org tu ade goatie putih!!
lost ar dia!!

tak keje????
<font color="0000ff">Zu
byk lah aku punya sekeping ehh..
klu sekeping, sesuai utk lynzi lah..
punggung aku besar kau tak tau ehh..
hmmm mcm mana nak kecik kan sikit punggung ni??

masuk je tunjuk buntot ehhh?? </font>
dia nak challenge bontot dgn kau!

ye ke???? tak perasan pun!
kau ingat keje aku tgk punggung org kaper?

aku pun nk tau mcm ne nak kecik kan????
to all my fwens ...
fheeww...lamenye tak follow the thread....

and waves to zu,dan,lynn,mamaliz, are u babes doing????
shash, gr8!
tapi bil fikirkan holiday nk smp, trus pancit!
actually thread nie sunyi sepi...
nari baru ade acivity sikit. kalo tak, mendak
<font color="0000ff">Dan, zu
eeee apa ni korang berbual...

Helooo Shash
busy betol u ni.. tak tau u got hidden talent.. pandai buat gubahan.. btw u still werk homebase? </font>
waves to all~~~~~~~
today no werk..jap lagi nak pi woodgrove ada SLC conference wif the teachers....(jgn tanya aku apa tu, aku pon tak tau...kekeke) n also nak apply dianya nursery for nxt yr...lupa nak settle ni...
besok werk 2-8pm....
zu,kenape pancit kan ..haiz bilala...i nak go holiday hubby al da abis liao...yeke....ok jgn mendak2kan keadaan lets rock it babes!!

lynn,buzy hrs da over for now,im still working homebase alhamdulilah ,pandai 2 takla pandai sgt,cuma i mmg suka buat benda2 yg remeh temeh ni,and i decidin to take up sewing class early next year,who knows kalau ade rezki i jadi tukang jahit plak...heheheheheinsyallah
<font color="119911">hi shash
fine babe.. wah u byk gak talent hidden in u eh babe.. gd for u.. all e best</font>
<font color="119911">shash,
i love ur profile pix soo jambu seh.. u r born beautiful ah untung hub u hehe jelez aku tgk..
anwyay asal tak da photos tab eh under ur profile?</font>
<font color="0000ff">Shash
good lah.. nak buat ni semua mesti ada minat lah..

bye bye.. tadi sori ehh, PC hang ler.. kena restart balik..</font>
<font color="0077aa">Alooo!

Hari ni thread ni ada life sikit eh!

Zu, Lynn
Aiseh. Kelakar lah you ni! I masih kat sini. Syukur belum terberanak. Jangan ah Lynnn! I baru 34 weeks tau.... kerja berlambak belum clear. Stress aku

Sekarang tengah habiskan some mocha frapuccino from McCafe. Sedapnye! Think baby pun tengah enjoy, senyap je tak tendang2

Ya lah you are slim. You pakai maxi sesuai. Kalau I pakai, nampak cam a huge ball rolling around</font>
<font color="0000ff">Smalldream
takpe, balik ni i try dulu tu maxi ehh.. tgk sesuai or not.. hehehe

btw u dah masuk 34wks?? ishhh cepatnya masa belalu.. rasa mcm baru kemarin, u bilang kita kat sini abt ur preggy</font>
<font color="0077aa">Lynn
yups, memang masa cepat berlalu. Drp May, sampai bulan puasa pun dah abis, sampai hari raya haji pun dah nak dekat sampai. Hopefully my baby boleh tahan sampai full term &amp; insya-Allah I'll give birth to a healthy baby boy

Anyone here knows about premature babies?</font>
<font color="0077aa">Lynn
Whoops, was that a Freudian slip? But I *really* want a girl! Yups, insya-Allah it'll be a girl this time</font>

during my time dapat Marsyha pon same....

1st cakap girl then 50-50/tak nampak ...

masuk 8mth baru confirmed girl...

Insyaallah will b girl...wish u luck..
<font color="119911">smalldreams
i tink kan girl ni susah tul nak tunjuk or peek seh.. dorang malu lah gaknya hehe

mine pun they said high chance its a girl e 1st time they scan sekali nak reconfirm again till lah aku beranak &amp; dia kuar aru ku tau its a girl hehehe.. stress seh dat time, cari nama, benda nak prep smua pending hehe

bestnya dah nak beranak haiz.. cam teringin tp pat tak sanggup e BF part ah.. others smua ok</font>
<font color="ff6000">Morning ladies..
Having custard pies &amp; hot milo for breakfast.

Takmu sedih. Mayb belum warm up...
<font color="0077aa">Morning semua!

Wati, amacams best EC last week?

Dan had a great time at the zoo! Saw on her FB status.

Wow, custard pies sound good! Beli kat mana? I had a slice of pizza at home and drank Ovaltine at work.

My Adam kena cam diarrhoea lagi. Haiz, budak ni. I really wonder why his tummy is so weak recently. Agaknye terikut my hubby's side. My MIL &amp; Adam's cousin selalu kena sakit2 perut.</font>
<font color="ff6000">smalldreams,
My mom made it yesterday. =)
Brought Adam to doc?

Pau sambal - dah lama tk mkn. May b spicy bt I like. Sakit perut tolak ketepi..hehe!

Hi Smalldreams...

East Coast was a blast ! You sms me in the morning kan... i tgh nak ke sana lah tu..

Anyway, it was great. We rented bike near BK. Buy 1 hr and get 1 hr free.. So total 2 hours + 15 min grace period. So we cycled from East Coast to Changi seh.. Ya ALLAH... punyer penat.. sigh* 45 min pergi and we sit at Changi for 15 min cos Maya nak susu... then another 45min balik.. Tapi... the kesian part to my hubby was, Maya tido on the way back. So you imagine she sitting on the baby chair, then my hubby letak his arm around her neck so that she got the cushion effect and while another hand, dia cycle... kesian laki aku.. hehehe... after dat.. body was aching but it was worth it.. Weather was great and beautiful.

Tapi this was the same day that malay boy lemas kat East Coast tu.. and when we where sitting down at the beach... aku pulak boleh tegur tau.. told my hubby... "The water seem very choppy...and dangerous..Abit weird seh.. the water looks weird..." and that was about 2pm..

Budak tu hilang at 6.30pm.. But the water seem rather different tau..
Adam kena diarrhoea ? Hmm.. maybe perut dia sensitive. Tapi you should just give him more water...but add with abit of glucose to give him energy.. Orang ceret-beret nie actually lemah tau.. losing alot of water and energy of going to and fro to toilet... penat and lemah..
<font color="119911">hellos..
ah ni kang terus senyap je.. cam aku ni masuk bawa puaka eh org takut nak layan hahaha

mana yg lain?? fb bleh update tak bleh masuk sini ke? pelik tul</font>
<font color="119911">wati
ah nasib kau reply to me.. haha ku rasa ku bawa benda gaknya sbb tu tak da org sudi nak masuk sini bila ku masuk.. haha ku tak DITERIMA kot?</font>
sensitive lah tu.... agaknya kau nie kuat merepek lah orang takut... puaka lah...aper lah..

Anyway, what is for lunch today my fren and other silent readers ?
today i makan... entah apa eh i call it..

I stir-fry sweet potato + potato + udang + telur.. later i makan... i report sedap ker tak.

<font color="119911">wati
aiks dah sweet potato, ada potato lagi? byk carbo tu hehe

will b hvg porridge jap lagi, skg tgh tg sayur ku order lum tiba nak makan dgn porridge hehe</font>
<font color="ff6000">Wa'alaikumsalam Mas...

Arini, I mkn Ramly burger + "shark fins' soup.

It's getting darker here now..</font>
Yahoo..adik ipar i dah kena warded.... I will earn the MAKCIK title today !!!

Doakan eh.. kengkawan...
Thanks San...

Aku excited nie...nak jadi Mak Long. hehehe
Tapi only tomorrow visiting her.

Tonite is Monster In Law day, and my hubby..walaupun i sakit terbaring kat katil, he will drag me go there... sebab he wants to 'get it over and done with'... kalau tak pergi on every thursday, dah kena carik hari lain... cos our weekends is precious to us.
<font color="119911">wati
hehe ku ingat kenapa plak yg kau happy sgt ur SIL masuk hospital, rupanya nak jadi mak long hehe..
all e best.. hmm cam san ckp bau babies ah.. best seh.. missed dat smell hehe

so hows e verdict of ur lunch?
welcome raudhah, intro ah skit</font>
Hi Raudha... welcome to this forum.. normaly rancak.. niari mendak sebab hujan.. intro please.

Nshah, tadi lunch was great !! very the CARBO-RIFFIC... sedap

<font color="ff6000">Hello Raudha!
Welcome here. =)

Sounds nice!

Btw, I'm selling dumex milk with cereal in 1+ and 3+ at $6 each cos Dad bought it wrongly. It was supposed to be Dumex Dugro Honey.
Interested parties, let me know ok?</font>
