{Entah eh, just doesn't feel right}

yalah.... bila nak pergi, u'll always have this thinking - katil kita kat rumah lagi shiok eh!
kat rumah takyah bayar eh! kat rumah lagi selesa eh!

so in the end, KAT RUMAH AJERLAH!

unless of course, u have 20more ppl staying with u... and u need dat time off
cakap pasal agama kan,
ade tak sesape hantar yr kiddos to madrasah?
am wondering kalo ade for 4yr olds? tot o sending adam ler. kecik2 hantar bagus. da la aku nak hantar skola masjid tergendala...

kesian adam aku, kalo tak hantar madrasah wkend, saper lagi nk ajar dia pasal agama.
**unless of course, u have 20more ppl staying with u... and u need dat time off**

hahah aku still ingat time first few yrs baru kawin duduk ngan parents macam tak ada privacy so weekends aja sewa bilik...sat check in...sun check out....nak test sound system
{hahah aku still ingat time first few yrs baru kawin duduk ngan parents macam tak ada privacy so weekends aja sewa bilik...sat check in...sun check out....nak test sound system}

at least make sense la... ada valid reason!

time kita duduk with parents pun, we slalu merambu....
aku tak hantar Mika to madrasah, coz he skolah @ masjid.... tapi masjid al-khair pun ada madrasah kan?

But if i were you...., IF ajer!
aku enrolkan Adam @ Al-Khair full time....
coz at least he get better understanding.

tapikan.... the main reason why aku hantar Mika to masjid is oso sebab takder orang nak ajar dia bab agama...
at least the basic dah covered, and when he enter P1, the rest he can catch up sendir
kat mosques are islamic based nursery etc kan? consider sending adam there? My SIL sends her 4 yr old to the nursery at a mosque in AMK. So far so good.
<font color="0000ff">Back from lunch.. tadi gi harbourfront makan prawn noodles

dah kenyang.. punya lah malas skg ni...!

ehh u all semua tak kluar lunch ke??</font>
masjid ade madrasah but mostly for 5yr-olds..

dats nursery.. wat shahlynn is referring to. dulu memang i register adam pat masjid khair. but last min daddy insist tukar skola biasa.
had a late breakfast of a small pack of nasi lemak. now macam takde mood langsung nak lunch. i'd like a glass of fizzy drinks though....
<font color="0000ff">Smalldream
u jual buka apa ni? ramai nya nak order?? blur kejap.. nak baca all e archive.. malas nya!!</font>

laki aku pun lebih suka kalo anak2 aku gi skola biasa... dier ckp biar dari kecik, dorang campur dgn bebudak of all races. ... i still haven reacted to that though.
aku pun pikir mcm tu tau!!! dats y dat time nak masuk nursery, masjid bukak registration aku suruh laki aku pepagi pi line up. cos org cakap masjid khair nye skola bagus!! haha.. then da nak start skola si apek nie insist antar adam pi skola biasa.. and dat was the same time his parents stayed w us.. tak tau ler kalo dorang cocok2 kan?!! anyway aku ikut ajer la. now aku menyesal sak.. takpe, lain kali sarah aku confirm masuk kan pat masjid!!
kalo antar skola biasa pat rmh ade org ajar agama takpe jgk. kalo takde, mampos ler!! mcmne tu.. kalo anak lelaki takde pendidikan agama! dats wat im facing now. all i can teach adam pat rmh is solat and simple doa, mcm fatiha and doa makan, wic he already know. yg lain tu mesti la kene pi klas.. aku pun tak pandai sey!!

kau tak baik... aku suka the prwan noodles pat kedai kopi opp Bugis tu. sedap. esp the sop! *slurp*
PCF more expensif, depending on the area &amp; syllabus.
kat bangkit nie ajer, one PCF charging $100, the other $160... coz the latter offers speech &amp; drama, music &amp; movement.

masjid oso moe-approved. so obviously, the syllabus mesti in par with wat are being covered in PCF. only masjid ada additional islamic studies...

i had a discussion with hubby a few years back...
if masuk madrasah, Mika onli campur melayu.
if masuk PCF, campur all races.
but den again, i argued, when he in P1 nanti, he will still campur with other races. so no prob!
alah, hubby in chinese kindy.. but dah besar2, pandai plak geng ngan mat2!

once they in pri school, they will have their own frens, and u cant realli 'control'...
in a sense, 'dun fren malay-must fren chinese only' u noe, those things....

so being in an all malay skool, or all mixed skool, in never an issue for us la.... its abt the learning &amp; edu can we're after....

pandai plak guys from all boys skool carik bini!
so its the same theory...
ouh, gitu eh? aik, panggil yr hubby "si apek" kelakar jugak you ni eh? hehe. U noe I was talking to my hubby &amp; I shared with him that wouldn't it be good if Darul Arqam ran a little kindy. Parents who are Muslim converts might want to place their kids there.

Btw, u talking about Tong seng eh? Nama dia aje I dah tak selera seh.

Haha, I just have some excess Arabic letters board books to clear lah.
btol, kita bleh ajar.... but mana sama ngan skool...
now, some doa, mika yg ajar kita...

skali kena cocok eh (batu api sak!)
now not too late la...
u just kol al khair, dorang nak amik tak, for july? if not, next year pun bleh masukkan adam...
Darul Arqam ada kindy!!!!!
kol and ask...

dulu i &amp; hubby, time dating2, tak tahu apa nak buat on sunday morns, kita took up sirah @ arqam...
just so dat we can meet on sundays!
it doesnt matter to me wic skool he goes to. pada aku kan, budak kalo can make it, sure can, kalo tak ble tak kan nak paksa2 kan.. haha.. sorie eh, aku very lax abt kids education ler. pada aku, religious more impt. kalo dari kecik tak instil the correct values, da besar nanti campur2, le mixedup beb!!!

boleh.. u save my no okie:
nine triple seven one nine zero nine
actually, aku pun da lama jgk tak pi orchard..
are you sure? I tak tau pun seh darul arqam ada kindy. tak pernah nampak budak2 kat situ.

I used to attend some classes at darul when I was younger too. Tapi i gi sorang je, tak berteman-teman, hahaha!
<font color="0000ff">Wati
punya lah lama kau punya video.. heheh

btw from ur video, i can see kat jurong tempat dia quite small ehh.. berapa ramai kids ehh at one time?

station yg maya tgh buat tu.. quite high lah, so far kat tamp takde pulak..!</font>
<font color="0000ff">Zu
klu adam "mixedup" pun.. dia bukan ikot org lain pun.. dia ikot kau jugak pe.. MIXEDUP selalu!!</font>
even pun kao arqam ade, its very far for us!! dulu kite pi course together, fron here to there already taken abt 1hrs tau! haha.. ya lah.. memang apek per...

anyway, pasal tong seng tu?

haha.. bukan ler aku batu api, tapi kenapa chg mind last minit!! and becos of dat aku rugi THE amount i paid okie.. bole buat blanja rmh beb!! now too late ler. cos we already paid for the fees at Kinderland. tukar2 pun not gd. dats y now the only alternative is carik wknd madrasah.
yup.... aku pun lax a bit!
lax tak bermakna dun care.... but he is still a child, afterall....
but aku nyer pendirian, no point antar sana sini, tapi budak penat, susah nak absorb.... apa yg dia blajar?

kena plak, laki aku nyer otak, 2X5 ngan aku!
coz dia kata, time dia P1, mak2 kawan2 dia, asyik2, "anak aku pandai, anak aku No1 in class, anak aku nie, anak aku tu!"
tapi, sampai P5, budak2 tu are either drop out, or average student!
so how?

aku biarkan mika learn thru play.... and biar at his own pace. tapi tak bermakna anak aku tu goon kannnn?? anak aku pun pandai peeerrrrrrrr......

Aku malas lah nak edit2.. hehehe..

The one in Jurong East is temporary. So nie tempat dia kecik. Tu lah.. Tinggi kan benda tu.. Not all kids nak panjat.. dorang sampai atas jer, terus turun balik. Si Maya nie gagah sikit.. Seram jugak aku tgk dia kat atas tu.
kau nk kene 'toink' eh?!!
tapi really la, aku tgk bebudak mixed parents nie byk tau confuesd... takut aku !! so i try to euip him w basic religious knowledge tapi kan aku nye agama pun pte ltd sak!!
when u talking about the noodle, were u referring to the shop at bugis, tong seng? :p

tu lah, u kena scroll up. So far, nora, lynzi &amp; mas dah chope the books. I'll have to check at home if I have anymore left. Tak salah 1 more arabic alphabet book left - it's a board book. Selling at cost.
