<font color="ff0000">★ Pernah bring my boy to gaji Iqrak...bersemangat nak pegi...bila dah masuk...
lika alhamdullilah...
tak sampai 5 minit...he keluar n asked me why everyone duduk je...
actually the rest are waiting for their turn..


aku pun mcm tu ler w adam.. he learn mostly thru play. dats y pat rmh nie byk sgt toys2 dorang. while other ppl may say aku waste money buying toys, tapi aku rasa dats an investmest worth the money!! i mean, rather than dia dok depan tv 24/7, i rather bli toys byk2 biar dia learn and explore thru them...

haha.. tats my mentality ler. dari kecik smp skrg. cos adik beradik aku ramai. and not sumer yg pandai.. tapi da besar, sumer tau jaga diri. mcm aku kan, even tho aku paling educated, tapi skrg dok rmh jgk jaga anak per.... lol!!
haha.. ya tg pasal boy kan, they cnt be forced. then dorang pun tak reti dok diam!! haha.. kelakar ler.

yup.. dats the one? kenapa2???
aiseh, no...i was just saying, if u were referring to tong seng, I know it's a popular haunt, it's just that the name doesn't give me much selera...hehe... it's just me, hehehe...
<font color="0000ff">Zu
bukan kau sorang je agama knowledge pte ltd.. aku pun.. klu dah bagus, dah boleh ustazah aku ni.. LOL..!!

ohh temporary place ehh.. no wonder lah.. i tgk tempat dia mcm cramped..

btw sempat kau ehh amik video, aku nak amik gambar pun susah.. naufal very active, tak leh diam semin pun.. and kat tamp, diaorg tak kasi amik video sey</font>

betol tu time my niece pi Iman, dia balik ajar kite baca doa together with English translation lagi.

"Oh Allah please bless our food and drinks and safe us from Hell's fire"

when u hear them say it with such conviction.. its soo cute...

lagi lagi my niece, balik sch lapar.. masuk pintu jer bace doa sambil run to dining table, then terus dok makan.
Shahlynn, betul tu... dia pun panjat dgn budak-budak seh..Maya memang gagah mcm aku per... aku tunggu orang spot.. hehehe
Nora, cute yer.. One thing Iman kidergarten will teach all these asas doa. Aku pun ada yg tak tahu baca jugak..
My niece tu memang big eppetite, satu hari makan buah 3-4 bijik.

In one sitting boleh makan hot dog more than 5.. ish ish. Good now she dah P2 she lost some weight.

TT kat tampines now a chinese lady (senior sikit) with bob hair in-charge eh..

If that lady I dun like her.. by the book and cam tak fun.. she was around only at the last few sessions yg izzat attended, i thot she relief jer.
Oh ya Lynn
U nak letak Naufal kat Hanis, will that be the Tampines one? I'm thinking of placing adam in telok kurau soon, tapi my dad say parking is a bane there...haiz..
<font color="0000ff">Nora
yg i tahu selalu duduk kat desk tu.. chinese lady ard 40plus gitu.. but she had long hair..!!

tapi selalu yg in charge wit the session is mly young lady.. nama nurul, overall dia yg jaga all e staff and station</font>

then its diff pple already

last time Izzat grp ade 2 pple in charge Teacher Alina (very pretty and petite Chinese girl) and Teacher ___ cant remember her name (very tall malay girl).

We took video kat TT but with handphone la.
<font color="000000">Nora
ur niece yg came over my plc tu mkn more than 5 hotdogs..ish! gagah perkasa sehh...

I received the coupon smlm, thanks ehh...
<font color="0000ff">Smalldream
i place Naufal kat Telok Kurau.. nearer to our place.. maybe kena amik transport.. tink $90 for 1mth.</font>
<font color="aa00aa">just got back from lunch..
makan nasi ayam tong seng...hehehe...

kat masjid2 ada madrasah weekend lah..
for me i'm sending faiq to andalus kat admiralty place when he turns 3.</font>
<font color="0000ff">Nora
dat very tall mly girl tu i believe tu Teacher Nurul.. she very nice and friendly lah..

i nak amik video jugak using hp.. tapi kat situ dah ada sign board besar2.. takde leh amik video</font>
<font color="000000">Nora
tengok selera dia tak sebesar badan dia pon..she is not as big as hub's niece...Pri 3 - 70+kg..

kalau yg nie mmg kuat mkn dan jgn ckplah..pantang nampak org mkn dia pon nak makan..mak dia boring aje...</font>
<font color="aa00aa">ooh...masjid only take in 5 yr onwards eh..
for andalus i dah check..earliest is 3 yrs.
depan blok i pun ada this makcik ajar ngaji..all the budak2 at my blk go to her after magrib..part ni selagi me and hubby terdaya we will teach..if possible until habis mukaddam..</font>
U dah register Naufal? I'm thinking of placing Adam for the morning session one soon, tapi belum ada time nak pergi sana to recce for now. But that's one of my options. My colleague pun letak her son there and so far it has been good
How much are the fees per month eh?

70kg.. wow.. my niece tu kemarin baru timbang.. she 41kg

bile dia masuk P1 ade boys panggil dia gemok tau... my niece so sad. In her own words she say "My heart burn.." kesian kan..

then slowly she lost thr weight bec dah go sch tak boleh makan soo often cam kat rumah..

she lost weight sampai by thr time mid yr kena buy new sch uniform pasal skirt dah longgar sangat.
<font color="000000">Nora
bagus least it helps her...

yg mine nie....cant be bothered je, kena ajok pon, dia heran tak heran...abg dia P4 - 92kg...</font>
<font color="0000ff">Zu
for andalus, 3-4yrs boleh masuk nursery.. but not all centre ada nursery..!

i dah letak registration and 1mth sch fees.. e sch fees if not mistaken, $190..

sori lah tak berapa ingat cos dat time i recce few sch.. so mixedup kejap..!</font>
<font color="000000">Nora
yg kelakar, bila my kids meet up dgn dorang..

mak dorang sndr ckp, 'tgk tu ikan paus dgn ikan bilis ngah main2..' lol</font>

TAF that sounds more correct la

u want to PM or sms me ur account no. whn i senang i collect from ur place.
<font color="ff6000">Would it be good to send Harith to kelas agama @Andalus for his age?
Saw in the website. Reg fees @$12 and per month @$39.</font>
<font color="aa00aa">notty,
whoa...your niece punya weight tu kalahkan i..hehehe...

hehe cute seh...tuff club..TAF club lah..
trim and fit club..
pernah 2 yrs i jadi one of the teacher in charge of TAF club...hehehe..
kesian kadang tengok budak2 tu tercungap cungap</font>
<font color="aa00aa">san,
if u move to sembawang kat masjid sembawang tu ada weekend madrasah.
if not the nearest andalus to sembawang is at my place kat admiralty tu.

kalau kat tampines tu i tau memang ada andalus.
got few frens having kids in there.</font>
<font color="119911">smalldreams
lau ada duitnya masuk lah dorang ke sekolah lau tak ah duk je umah diam2</font>
<font color="aa00aa">oh yah...nora is rite..
kat zulfa dah ada agama component pe..
my fren's son is at the zulfa yg kat sembawang mart tu.
he has been there coming to 2 yrs oredi..</font>
<font color="ff6000">Nora / Lynzi,
I'm withdrawing Harith from Zulfa and will cont'd with Kidz Meadow.

Something just not right with the maid which I found out today. My left eyes keep twitching since Sunday + hati tak sedap.</font>
<font color="ff6000">Lynzi,
It's at Pasir Ris near the park. Last time, the name of the school was Mercu Learning Ctr.
Supposingly to move Smbwng by end mth bt due to some reasons + what I have found out today...I would rather stay Tamp fr Mon-Fri and back to my home on wknds.</font>


yg baik yer.. u lupekan jer this trf maid from mil.. the issues are never ending.

Pick a new fresh maid.. cube nasib. Lambat laun u still hv to stay on ur own.
