ah'ah...betul dulu mak kita infact I only attend Kindergaten for 1 yr je...

Dulu mana ada vaccine2 semua Except for BCG..remember..

Skg macam2 vaccine....siap ngan cert skali

Nora, takyah masuk alumni lah. You bring your PSLE cert yang ada nama sekolah tu to show that you are a former student jer dah boleh. Alumni and former students sama phase. No difference.

I obtained info from fellow teacher friends regarding schools especially my colleagues and also thro kiasuparents.
<font color="119911">mas
apa yg u type tu currently im gg thru sbb tu ku tgh relax skg.. coz i noe i cant afford to send both to school yet.. bt entahlah mmg tul not good to relax bt wat to do i cant afford, bukan ku ckp memain, bt btul2 else sapa tak nak anak school or start from young seh.. mmg im very guilty bt in their bank pun duit dah merosot as abgnya fees je dah makan abt $130 per mth..

bukan tak nak jadi kiasu cam u all sapa taknak jadi kiasu? even i cant afford to send my kids for xtra classes on e wkd seh.. nak sgt tgk irfan belajar swimming for his asthma &amp; also all those phonics, clrg classes bt apa kan daya i cant afford..

anyway bukan nak minta belas kasihan cuma its e fact of my life.. jus sharing je, im happy to c parents do all kind of things for their kids, syukur.. anak2 dorang mesti hargai parents dorang</font>
Nshah, for preschool ie.nursery and kindergarten sekarang kan ada KIFAS subsidy for those yang memerlukan. Families with income between $1.5k -$1.8k are eligible to apply. I'm sure that will help right if you fall in this category. Since the subsidy is about 70%, I'm sure it will help you put both your kids in schools.

thanks.. hah tu lah.. tapi belum confirm la nak go that school, nak tengok jugak my boy's capabilities.

sekali pegi sch yg performer tapi tak leh perform dah tercunggap cunggap.
Yes Mas, as long as your cert says you're from there, you can register under Phase 2A2. PV will be under Phase 2B. Yang lain lain under Phase 2C.

Gongshang pun not too bad kan, one of the better schools in Tamp, if I'm not wrong.
<font color="ff6000">Nshahi,
No harm trying KIFAS. If they reject, you have to find ways. Kesian anak-anak you. Hujung ke hujung.</font>
Mas / Lynn,

Maya loves her lesson at Tumble Tots. Walaupun tempat dia kecik (temporary).. dia kalau session jer.. ya ampun.. so hyperactive. Dia dtg, salam all the teachers, then hugs all her friends.. budak lain sampai takut dgn Maya. Dia nie gangster sikit ah.
<font color="119911">san
i doubt so lah bleh even hub nya gross pay is small bt with his allowances etc don tink so they will approve lagipun dgn our type of flat.. so lupakan je..</font>

hah balik nanti carik tu cert tau...

kite ni planning lah.. nak cakap kiasu pun i rase i tak sangat lah.. cume pikir kan mase depan; jgn bile tiba mase mengelabar.. mengeluh.

baik buruk anak anak kite.. susah senang anak anak kite
oh ok..thanks u so much...
yup2...but macam nora cakap *sekali pegi sch yg performer tapi tak leh perform dah tercunggap cunggap.*
Nora, Mas, both are still considered neighbourhood schools so should be oklah. Kalau schools cam RGS ke or those with GEP, lainlah, silap haribulan tak perform kena tukar skolah.

ape lah Maya peluk org.. kat izzat sch got this girl he call Amai.. she likes to hold his hand and kiss his hand.. sampai lengan tau she cium

but izzat tak suke.. teacher cakap he always scold that girl for doing that.

balik rumah he cakap "Amai kacau Adek.."
juz a suggestion napa tak nak downgrade yur flat..maybe gor for 4ng or 4s u bleh settle all yur o/standing then decide from there....juz my pov
<font color="119911">mas
i tink we ever discuss this abt my flat &amp; keta here before.. bukan i yg tak nak, bt hmm dia tak nak.. so wat can i do? unless i can tarik alone on my name aje bleh ke> tak bleh kan? also i tink our flat susah nak sell ah.. so mayb now is not e time yet ah.. also if nak jual pun org pikir dua kali coz rumah kita simple no reno so on thus if ppl nak mesti dorang minta kurang lagi coz condition pun dah agak teruk

apa sekali pun i kena redha keadaan i skg ni.. cant do much cuma bersykur je ah.. bt hope things wkd b btr soon</font>
my mil nya rumah kat Gangsa rd...dia beli time tgh murah...dia sell off profit ard 60K tau lagi dia senior citizen...kena pledge some amt to be credited bac into their CPF....skg market for 4-5 rm in demand gal....try lah persuade yur to him about yur kids education...mana lah tahu bila pakai nama anak n education u manage to talk some sense into him..
<font color="000000">wah..ibu2 dah sebok2...

hehehe...smlm ku sebok cari Sec Sch for my elder boy..Hope he could go to Pasir Ris or Dunman..psl ada CCA bola..

Am so proud with my younger sons..though dia tak lah pandai sgt tapi semangat nak belajar berkobar-kobar..rajin go online to check his portal for any tasks..and has been completing his work w/o my supervision..</font>
Nora... heheh... so cute lah that girl. Cium sampai lengan. hehehe

Maya pun ada stalker. This boy nama dia Uzzair. He likes to chase Maya around the class and hugging her. Si Maya plak gangster, always shoving him off.. he always jatuh. hehehe. Nasib mak dia ok dgn aku.. mana tahu, ada mak tak terima.
<font color="aa00aa">segan dgn ibu2 kat sini..
tapi i suka tengok semua semangat nak sekolahkan and didik anak!

alahai cutenye cium sampai lengan.

good that your boys ada semangat nak belajar.

i always beleive in biar bodoh asal rajin...if rajin insyaAllah one day jadi pandai jugak..
jangan dah bodoh tapi malas lak...</font>

apesal segan.. i always see it as we learn from each other

betol u cakap kalau pandai tapi malas.. pun tak guna...

I sampai east coast tau. My mom &amp; bro were there as my bro went for a swim. We stayed for about 1 hr plus aje, coz it started drizzling. Tapi Adam had his share of fun &amp; running around. Balik aje terus bobok...dgn ibu2 sekali terbobok - plans to mop, cook all pon ter-postpone...sighs...

Morning Mas!
kita share n learn sesama sendiri...
c kalau Betty tak bilang I pasal former student I tak I learnt sumting tau today....*chuckles*
<font color="119911">mas
i did asked ard e abg agent at our flat for our unit if we sell can only reached ard $38-$40k je.. tu pun dia ckp lum tentu.. coz mine is low floor tu dia lum tgk dlm haiz.. takpelah sis.. janji ada tpt berteduh.. cuma me tgh ngoyok hub utk sewakan our unit dats my last resort</font>
<font color="000000">Lynzi
arr'arr lah..takda benda yg nak disegankan...sebagai ibu kita semua nak yg terbaik utk anak kita....</font>
<font color="119911">lynzi
apa yg u nak segan seh.. i shld salute u seh coz u so berkobar to start ur son at early age.. sanggup all out for ur dear son.. untung dia dpt parents cam u &amp; hub.. n e rest of u all yg can afford to send ur kids to tumbletots &amp; all.. i dont even hv dat chance.. i can only tumpang gembira n trying to imagine if my kids were to get dat opp</font>
<font color="aa00aa">hmm..u gerls are rite.
tapikan...kelmarin my cousins tanya i if i got send faiq to any classes..their kids all round faiq's age..younger by few months je...and ada yg when i told them what classes faiq goes to..they told me i'm very kiasu..i buat anak i stress je..its a waste of money..and macam2 lagi..
tu yg nowadays i tak suka tell others what enrichment or classes or school that im sending faiq to.</font>
yup2 u can consider to rent yur unit...I ingat lagi dat time my 4rm I sewakan for 7 yrs and I duduk wiz my parents 1 rumah i earn $1.4K...I cuma bayar conservacy bill je..fuiyoo....juz imagine another income....bulan2 senyum sampai kat telinger
1.4 k? worth it seh! Tapi will yr unit be dirtied etc?

Good to know that you've got an option to rent one of yr rooms out. Do try hard to get that option carried out, so u'll get some extra income for yr kids' education. Without a good headstart, takut tak boleh catch up &amp; it's not fair to handicap yr children's education just because u're not able to get rid of yr EA flat.

Hmm, maybe i shud just use ipanbaby from now onwards
Dat time memang I buy dat unit juz to rent out
and save money so dirty ke tidak is secondary....I guess I spent less than 1.5K to buy 2nd hand furnitures (sofa,wardrobes,beds window unit aircon...) the house i bought no reno done at all yg ada cuma lampu2 fm previou owner..
Lynzi, i dgr you ajar Faiq Mukaddam, i pun nak start ah. How do you teach him ? Is it you enlarge the ayat on flashcard besar-besar ?
<font color="aa00aa">wati,
i did my own flashcards.
i go to word doc then i buat table, the columns i do big2 cos later i nak cut then insert each huruf from alif sampai ya in each box.
i adjust the size according to how big i want the huruf to be.
then kat bawah each huruf i typed in rumi the pronunciation.
i do that flashcards with faiq..yg ni 3 a day..on top of his letters yg 5 a day and numbers 5 a day also..
then i also bought the chart and pasted on the wall.
faiq likes to point to it and ask as and when he likes.</font>
<font color="aa00aa">beside that, my hubby also teach the huruf using the real mukaddam..we bought the plastic one so he cannot tear the pages..hehe</font>
