<font color="119911">san
so u tak jadi pindah to smbg ah? wat happen if u wanna share? yelah i pun dgr dari experience sini gak..</font>
<font color="ff0000">San

wat to share

like wat Nora said, baik get a new fresh maid...
me pon 1st time jugak ada maid...
<font color="000000">Nora
My mum nak hantar maid dia balik..and got someone thr who wants to work for her..

dat tym u said u ada agent who could help to arrange maid to come in kan? can fwd me the contact?</font>
<font color="ff6000">Nora / Naqi / Lynzi and the rest of the mommies here...

Thank you for all the feedbacks, supports and encouragements etc.

I did share with u guys about her. Yes, no doubt she's good with everything but it'll be good we got ourselves angry due to their "kebodohan" daripada kepandaian. It looks slimey!

My left eyes kept twitching since Sunday. Hati tak tenteram. Every 3 hours I called home to speak to my mom and dad. Esp with my dad's strong opinion, makes me even wanting to do something beyond.

She have a Msia bf by the name of Jai (I called him after browsing her hp today). Been with her for 2 years. Read smses and found out something that's too obvious for me to believe it or not.

SMS sent on Sun morning!

7.16am Ayang: Yang, bole gak jmp nari?
7.18am Ayang: Ckp dgn bos kamu, keluar kejap nari.
7.22am Ayang: Kamu dah datang bulan?
7.34am Ayang: Cepat ya. Keluar jam 8.

Otak I dah fikir macam-macam tadi. I feel like taking urgent leave BUT I've to wait for hub cos her luggage is still at Smbwng. So, I plan to send her back on Fri since kitaorng on wkdys masih kat parent's hse.

Hub minta maaf dgn I. Selama beberapa hari, dia asyik nak balance things out by giving her another chance and even proposing me to get a cammy installed. Like usual, I debate.
So tadi, on the fon...he said, "Firasat seorang wanita lebih kuat dari lelaki. I leave it to you now. Send her back and no more chance given."

That's my story.
Sedih dibuatnya. All my hardwork dibuang begitu jer.</font>
<font color="119911">e maid we r hvg now cam penyakitan seh..
cant std her.. she has got BAD breath, kaki, tangan suka bengkak2, her mata soo bengkak cam org selat biji.. dah tu wenever she nyangkung bau seh from e bawah aduh cant std it...
dah tu smua kerja tak tau buat, cuci pinggan mangkuk tk bersih, vacuum depan mata je, cuci toilet depan mata je,

oh yeah i found a bottle with air clr kuning near tpt gosok.. w'alam entah air apa entah tu.. tak berani ku nak sentuh cam urine pun ada.. </font>
What do you mean all yr hardwork dibuang begitu aje? Now yr hubby dah understand that your gut feel was right after all kan?
Hope you'll get a better maid soon.

ler, yang story you ni buat orang geli geman pulak. Why don't you buy her a freshener and vaginal douche? Hihih...

Btw, mommies, Would anyone know where I can get yummy halal oreo cheesecake? for tomorrow. hehe.
<font color="000000">San
sorry to hear abt ur plight...

If i were u, the next earliest flight i will book for her. Tak payah nak bilang her in advance..tahu2 suroh siap and send to Apt..</font>
<font color="119911">smalldreams
tulah tul nya penyakitan seh.. dahlah tak nak makan.. macam2 tak makan apa yg dia nak &amp; bleh makan pun tak tau..

tak kuasa nak belikan tu smua shes gg back to agent besok.. n e more she noes she will b return e more she sengaja dgn kebodohan dia seh</font>
<font color="119911">san
oh yeah jgn or dont alert her abt sending her back takut she buat plans dgn her bf &amp; lari instead.. bukan nak takutkan bt this ever happen</font>
yup san jgn bilang dia...get ready her passport pack her bags...cakap u nak ajak dia kluar then off she dia tak ada chance to ctc any1....

k nanti i sms u. kalau that person there ade valid passport and can make her way to batam better.


ni semuer carik penyakit... nanti amik maid baru tak payah cakap banyak banyak just remember this

- no nap
- no handphone
- clear time table
- bilang dia carik rezeki biar yg halal jgn ingat yg lain, Insya'Allak rezeki yg halal bawak berkat.
<font color="0000ff">san
good moves.. u shd send her back.. dont look back.. insya-allah u'll find better maid..!!

iye lah.. cerita kau tu buat aku geli geman sey.. *copy smalldream statement*

btw asal kau tak tanya dia air kuning tu apa apa? entah2 dia pakai air tu buat gosok baju korang tak??</font>
- no nap
- no handphone
- clear time table
- bilang dia carik rezeki biar yg halal jgn ingat yg lain, Insya'Allak rezeki yg halal bawak berkat.
- Allah swt melihat segala-galanya
<font color="aa00aa">san,
ya allah..kesiannya u..
i dah tak kuasa dengan maid2 ni.
cepat send her back and dont tell her.
luggage dia pun tak payah give to her..just put in car..get ther then terus go airport.</font>
<font color="119911">lynn
ish lynn jgn kamu.. tp kan hmm ku dah check air dlm iron aku air clear je tak da warna plak.. so cannot be ah.. bt again we wont noe!!! ku tak tanya sbb dia tgh otw balik dari KL to Sg nari noh..</font>
<font color="ff0000">Nottygal

Oreo cheesecake brapa kilo leh bday cake size

Don't inform her anything, just sent her back

besar kemungkinan its air kencing.. pasal dorang believe mix their urine (yg first time kencing in the morning, tak leh yg lain time) with our drinking water so kite dengar cakap dorang.

Sad to say its from personal experiance..
{Oh Allah please bless our food and drinks and safe us from Hell's fire"}

during mealtimes, mika lead baca doa... panjang nah doa dia...
tapi yg cute, bleh tersasul nie....
doa makan bleh ada, "..... protect us from male &amp; female syaiton...."
<font color="119911">NAw
duh.. if its her urine ah kang ku dera gak dia ni tau besok.. since ku besok tak work.. ish ni yg mendtgkan marah.. lau tanya dia confirm dianya jawapab is tak tau mem, tak tau buk.. eeee geramnya tp kan hmm so far she tak pernah serve us air unless isi air dlm air botol tu ada ah.. ish naudzubillah seh

oh yeah n bottle tu siap ada straw u so dia pun minum sekali ke?</font>
<font color="0000ff">Nora
talking abt taking nap.. my maid dah mcm compulsory pulak mesti ada afternoon nap..! thks to MIL..

klu my son tak nak tido petang, dia mcm mengamuk gitu.. cos she also cant sleep and buat keje marah2.. pandai pulak MIL complain dgn kita pasal ni..!

dulu dia jugak yg suruh2 maid to tido klu my son tido...!</font>
{entah2 dia pakai air tu buat gosok baju korang tak?}

nanti nshah bukak container tu, dia check....
hhhmmmm..... feels like urine.
hhhmmmm..... smells like urine.
hhhmmmm..... tastes like urine..
eh, yelah... urine lah!
nasib baik aku tak kena!
I've said it once and I will say it again

Kite keje dapat nap tak...?????

mebbe she put straw so senang nak keluar kan from botol. yep they will put in drinking water..mesti lah sikit jer, kalau tak kan can detect.
<font color="ff6000">Mommies,
Tulah...nasib badan!

For now, I rest dulu. Won't find a maid. Insyllh after Raya since my dad dah bersuara. I just can't believe the smses I saw today.

Allah lebih maha mengetahui.</font>
<font color="0000ff">Nshahi
ehh u nvr neo tau.. minah2 Indon ni mcm2 cara or tangkal lah diaorg sanggup pakai or buat...!!

u better check it out!

<font color="000000">Mas
kau memandai ajek eh...

sori gals...i tak jual cheesekek ehh...


Smlm, my mom maid was sent over to my plc coz my mum nak bongkar almari dia...seems she bought a hp and sembunyi2...nak ikotkan hati aku nak jerit at her smlm but mom stop me takot nnt dia ape apekan my nephew yg 1 yr old tu..</font>
<font color="aa00aa">lemak betul maid2 ni dapat nap segala..

gelinya..but what nora said is true.
its sth they bring from ajaran org tua2 gitu..must mix with our drinking water jadi kita kesian and lembut hati kat dia</font>
<font color="119911">NAw
exactly, precisely seh.. sbb ada mak2 kita or ILs kita or nenek kita kasi muka pat maid2 ni bleh tido sbb tu dorang besar kepala.. dats y bukan nak torture bt i was told by some of my frens jgn kasi dorang tido sekali nanti naik lemak.. n kita byr dorang utk tgk anak2 kita if tak tgk n dorang sedap tido apa ke he seh?

NAw/ Lynn
ish ni yg buat gue seram seh.. n i lupa je nak bongkar her almari.. looks like i can nvr do dat lah coz she will b reaching before me</font>
<font color="119911">tpkan antara smua mmg me, hub &amp; SIL ada rasa kesian pat dia tau.. mungkin kita dah terkena kot?</font>
<font color="000000">Nora

tu lah, mum spoke to me..seems she is so tertekan that she teared (i think ada lagi yg i tak tahu) told mum, next time nak kena tegas dgn maid, 10 maid she hired pon tak guna kalau kasi muka..buat baik berpada pada.

..bayangkan 2 maid pat rumah and I'm at work..tak bermaharajalela ke kat rumah aku tu??</font>

I pun heran tau mak and nenek i so frenly with the maid boleh chat boleh makan sesame.. tapi bile maid buat hal complain kat me.. jadi i punyer pasal pulak. Padahal dorang yg kasi muke.

I never chat or have frivilous converstion with the help.
<font color="aa00aa">notty,
orang tua2 selalu gitulah..
asik kesian je..then bila ada prob kita jugak yg kena tolong handle kan..
sampaikan nak break bad news to maid pun anak2 yg kena bilang the maid..</font>
orang tua selalu suka pity them...

Hubby pernah had sum misunderstanding wil my inlaws coz they saw hubby scolding the maid..

FIL cakap dat my hubby should berperikemanusian coz dia manusia..
so hubby was telling FIL dat kita kat kerja pun kena marah ngan boss kalau buat vice versa

I let hubby do the scolding/thrashing...biar dia segan sikit...
<font color="000000">Nora
tu pasal lahh...

actually i oso not happy if my maid join me to eat on the table when i go MIL's house..bukan i pandang rendah on them, but there must be borderline between her and me..she should not touch my food..sorry if lain principle..</font>
<font color="aa00aa">ok ni citer alkisah the 3 maids my mum employed time i masih sekolah lagi..

first maid, first year baik.
buat keje semua ok.
then start ada bf bangla w/o us knowing.
1 day my dad tergerak hati nak balik siang..he saw depan pintu ada another man's kasut..grew suspicious..entered rumah and saw maid's door tutup.
heard voices inside so dad ketuk asked the maid to open.
maid took so long to open so dad kicked down the door.
rupanya time my parents at work and me n sis kat school maid bawak bangla masuk bilik.
bila dad masuk tak nampak any man..the bangla hid below the bed lah.
bangla kaget terus jumped out of the window..jatuh then kaki patah terus tak boleh lari.
dad called police and malam tu jugak send maid back to agent.

second maid tak sampai 1 mth dah buat perangai.
habis semua my mum, mine and my sis bra and panties asik hilang je bila cuci.
bila bongkar..maid ada 1 whole suitcase of it lah..siap dengan ayat2 bacaan yg tak tau dari mana.
saw a letter written in bahasa jawa from her mum.
got my grandpa to translate to malay..rupanya her mum told her to get our baju2 dalam, rendam dalam air panas, baca the ayat and let us drink the water which she rendam the things in..yucks!
send her back on that day itself.

third maid, for 2 whole years was ok..kadang forgetful tapi tu biasalah.
bila dah time nak dekat renew contract tu she buat perangai..tak nak buat keje rumah..menjawab..melawan..
terus send back and never take anymore maids cos by then i dah nak masuk jc so my mum said dah tak perlu ada maid lagi.</font>
tapi maid2 ni ada yg melampau dapat majikan baik2 take advantage take for granted...dat's y I slalu cakap kat my maid...kamu sepatutnya sujud syukur dapat majikan islam yg baik...
I dun bring my maid out.. so takde experiance makan sama sama. Just hari raye to my grandma place jer.

but of course basic courtesy is still there, i will stil say thank you and kekadang kalau i asik terlupe and make her ambik barang naik turun tangga i will say sorry

after all we dun want anak anak teriku ikut kite pulak jadi kurang ajar with the maid.

But the limit/boundaries are always there.
I bring maid out (provided the household chores are done) need her to help to change diapers, change baju etc...but of coz jgn nak action pandai lah....can still remember 1 incident kat A famosa...Dia pandai2 nak ajak Anaqi gi swimming...tak pasal2 depan orang I jerit....Kalau kamu tahu sayang anak, saya pun sayang anak saya...beranak sakit kan....terus muka dia berubah....n I tell her off
Send her back immediately lah.

Yesterday night, i went back home late. When I reach home, My maid was just out from bathing. I saw her wearing a skirt. Immediately, I told her to change. I even told her not to wear skirt at home or sleep. My elder daughter ask me why cannot. I told her, how to work on a tide skirt.
