
No need to show old card. The new card is a stored value card like ez link or kopi tiam card. So when u want to use must top up. First time $20 i think.

I book my slot for raye k.

the sch only allow 1 hr on the first day for parents to be present.

he tak cry whn we were there, the assembly got singing etc so he was distracted

whn the hr was up we had to leave to pun he went into classroom already. Feedback from teacher is that he's a social crier.. tengok org lain cry then he pun cry... tak lama lah.. pujuk pujuk teacher brought them outside to walk walk then ok already. the first few days were ok for him. but not so ok for me.. hati tak senang.

the 2nd or 3rd week onwards the onset of separation anxiety was there, mula tak nak pakai uniform to go school etc...


that place vacancy susah tau, bec they also run after sch programme. I went to look see in July, their official registering period. I tarok name dulu.

Then izzat started in Dec 2008.

A few weeks ago I already register at Iman Tampines yg kat pasar bulat for his nursery next yr. Bec i think by next yr it wld be ok to put him on sch bus.
<font color="aa00aa">notty,
reserve slot for me k!

u lum register lagi?
u can start asking now cos some centres have open registration for 2010 tau.
ada some places dah even start waiting list.

asal kena tukar centre for izzat?
isnt he oredi in iman?
wow..such a good easy to handle..
tapi bila dah start part withdrawal what did u do?
tak melalak ke dia if u paksa pakai uniform and go to sch?</font>
<font color="aa00aa">mas,
kalau part ni nak kena cepat..
sori lah..i kalau pasal anak ni ada kiasu mentality..hehe
all the best..hopefully anaqi still got place!</font>

kalau u nak register now I am sure they wont stop u. Only u mesti specify whn u want to start easier for them to co-ordiante. But it doesnt gurantee that u can start at the time that you want. But their official term starts in January la.

Why dun u go and look see first if u berkenan. There's a lot of diff bet that centre and the one at Tampines in terms of lay out. Sat pun u can drop by, they open till 2pm.
<font color="000000">Lynzi
takda ape yg i nak tepek kan...

Insya Allah...
anyway u and Lina siang2 I dah put in the list..

Mira the moment I have not prepared the list, if hv will email u ok........

since he tak nak pakai uniform so kasi dia pakai baju jalan and bibik pikul him to sch....

the current iman i find tak spacious and ade budak budak besar bec they hv before/after sch care also. The lay out also not so good compared to tampines yer. Tampines center is only classes no childcare facilities, so teachers are more focused.

But tampines center is air-conditioned, thats one set-back.
no prob...coz worse scenario 600+ ada al-amin..
in fact ada a few centers...round pasir ris n tampines...siapa yg tak kiasu kan part anak!
<font color="000000">San

Ntah dorang nie....kelakar slot to order kuih..

eh pi buat kuih sndr...biasa dia ehhh..</font>
<font color="ff6000">Notty,

I'm still waiting for my mom's reconfirmation if she still wana do my fav kuih tart. If not, I'll be ordering from Sher too...hehe!

Dun be too relax. Kang last min, tk dpt slot for e sch that you want esp if it's depan mata only.</font>
<font color="0000ff">Wow semua dah siap utk raya ke?? kueh lah baju lah... hehee

aku satu benda pun blum siap lagi... nak beli baju naufal siang2 pun takut.. cos he outgrow very fast lah</font>
<font color="aa00aa">notty,
tak nak! tak nak!
aku nak jugak order dari kau!
eh..kau tolak rezeki eh?
aku nak order banyak tau...nak kasi kaum puak..hehehe

untung tinggal kat east..</font>
<font color="0000ff">Naqi
anaqi dah start tumbletots? maybe i will stop his tumbletots till end of tis yr..

cos he will be starting his playgroup kat Hanis nx yr Jan.. </font>
I went for the trial seems dat dia tak I withdraw him...dia lebih suka main2 sendiri rather than mixing ard....dats y ..i die2 mesti nak enrolkan dia playgroup..
<font color="0000ff">Lynzi
Hanis Montessori kat Telok Kurau.. tink kat tampines pun ada

he not interested? anywei tumbletots basically is playing ard and build up their confident level..

Naufal really enjoy the session.. especially during circle time.. dia selalu yg berjoget dulu and selalu nak duduk depan teacher je..!</font>
Morning mummies!!
Mas, you nak masukkan Anaqi in childcare ke prenursery ajer? This Saturday I'm going down to PS blk 187 for the PPIS Open Hse. Thought of putting both boys there but currently no vacancy. The one with vacancies yang centre 1 at blk 500+. I already put their names on waiting list. Intend to start last week of December kalau possible to get them used to it.
sumtimes I wonder kalau orang2 yg kurang berkemampuan macam mana eh dun tell me anak2 diorang tak attend school pun...I mean well kita slalu cakap diri kita susah...but out there ada orang yg lebih susah

shahlynn mana eh??
Nshah, rilek rilek sekarang takot nanti sampai masa stress habis pasal tak prepare. Heh. I'm already preparing myself to do PV at either PRPS or WSPS next year. Lol. Pasal this two schs ada balloting almost every year also. Takot tak dapat masuk.

Oh, half day playgroup. Time you keje, your maid jaga issit?
<font color="000000">Lyzi

bukan psl byk atau sikit ord lah.....takot tak terbuat...tiap tahun 5000pcs lom termasuk kek..

Insya-Allah kalau ada pricelist will fwd to all my contacts...

hari nie aku ble sakit jantung handle customer Indon..bengap!!!</font>

i tell u what.. this friday or sat u go to teh centre cakap u nakmake enquiry.

pretend u dun know all the above, the admin staff is saleha, kekadang ade this girl Teacher Rabiyah, she roams a few centres, she is very helpful.

U make enquiry etc then ask can u register now or be in the waiting list. When u are in the waiting list bile official registration tu they will inform u.

Kalau they allow u register now even better, I already register tau yg kat tampines for next yr. I just walked in time beli nasi rawon nearby.
<font color="0000ff">lynzi
yes.. mly owned montessori and kat landed property.

i choose hanis cos I want to place Naufal in an Islamic based, rather than a mainstream one.

I believe Islamic values must be instilled early.</font>
<font color="aa00aa">mas,
tu pasal govt now ada kasi grant so that their kids can still attend kindy like pap and pcf.
kids with no foundation kesian and very hard to teach.
every academic year i always got a few yg did not attend kindy..punyalah susah nak ajar when they are in p1..nak pegang pencil pun tak tau...sighhh</font>

u can consider hanis montessori also, blk 300 plus masuk carpark opposite petrol station rumah nottygal.

I tak amik situ bec too far for my mom to walk there in her condition.
yup2 ..bibik look after dat's arrangement is, i will send him to the center b4 going to work then let bibik settle the household chores...
noon bibik fetch him back then let him haf his noon nap...3-4 kasi dia watch barney etc then makan dinner at 5 ...bila I balik lepas magrib his ayah nak ajar ngaji...then from there I take over buat flashcards , read books , colouring....
<font color="aa00aa">lynn, point again..untung orang tinggal east.
yup i agree about that.
dats why i have started to teach faiq far he knows alif sampai jim je..
will enrol him kat andalus yg near my place when he is 3
alhamdulillah now bila dgr azan je he will be the one pulling me and my hubby;s hands to solat..dia yg sibuk tarik sejadah..if lambat nak amik wuduk mulut dia yg bising dulu...hahaha!!</font>

wld u consider Temasek Pri?? How's the comment eh so far for that sch? its my alma mater.. ingat nak put Izzat there.
dat's wat I intend to do...action bodoh this fri then action blur2 lah..manalah tahu dapat letak nama dulu...
playgroup takpe lah biar kat bawah blk dulu...see how it goes....then nanti bila da nak masuk nursery i decide fm there
Nora aw, it is quite a popular school too. My friend is moving to the east from north just so he can put his girl there too cos he was from there also. It's not as high profiled as St Hilda's but it has consistent results.

thanks. dah nak kena register alumni lah ni.
boleh share tak how u chk the sch ranking etc, if u dun mind.
sekarang aku plak da jadi macan nora...
kalau ada 1 more kid..terlarat ke buat ni semua...
nasib baik pakai tudung kalau tak confirm korang bleh nampak kejarangan rambut aku coz banyak sangat gugur due to stress

<font color="aa00aa">mas, nora,
dulu orang tak kiasu macam ni..
lagipun there were not that many young kids and parents are not ocncern about school ranking and such.
tu pasal no competition etc</font>
