
yep... boleh dengar bunyi cengkerik ...

My mom gg for holiday in June, so i will tak leave. nasib baik 2 days ajer

This Dec my sis wants her and my niece and nephew to go stay at her place in qatar.. kesian anak aku kena tinggal.

Nora, Trengganu ? Tak lah..kena tunggu boss (Syah Ibrahim) call baru i go.. heheh

Bestnyer Qatar.... meaning your sis ada rumah in Qatar ?
<font color="119911">wati
hmm as for now still ok i tink mayb e next attack ill get them to ref me to gynae or entah eh shall i go hospital terus? coz i sengaja pi sana balik coz they got my records..

u ikut lah sekali
wow.. your sis kerja sana... dia nak pakai maid tak ? Bleh aku gie sana jadi maid. Tapi no hardwork. I can help running the house.. heheheh
Nora.. rumah dorang kat sana kecik-kecik ker ?

Your sis same size as me... 'my long lost twin..' Kat Qatar rupanya.. hehehe

Boring ah..what to do after werk today eh.. hmm...maybe go Jurong Pt to buy cat food.
My sis said she just got a cat also recently....
she said her cat's name is Hugo bec she is Boss.

bagos lah korang semuer cat lover..

aku rase rumah dorang kat sane semuer besar lah.. cume my sis stays in this aprt for all the "banglas" (i mean expats) and it looks small to me.. its just a 2 bedroom apt.
Orang gemuk memang suka kucing.. hehehe...

Naqi, aku nak beli biscuit Friskies and also they eat Fancy Feast and sometime i buy ikan and rebus, then peel off the bones and kasi makan dgn nasi putih.
Thanks for the explanation.
My boss alway like to use short form like PT. I don't understand whis is it? I'm drown with all the short form in my working place liao.
<font color="aa00aa">morning cip!
morning mas!

today bfast apa?
i bfast 2 bbq chicken pau with green tea.

tu nak bawak ib device nak tt moeny ke?
shopping je eh...eheheh</font>
morning lynzi...morning cip...

Lynzi....RL kan tgh ada 15% off on top of dat US rate skg I nak belikan anaqi baju..skali bila i nak tt ..i carik2 tak jumpa...
Morning Lynzi / Naqi...

I had McChicken (Yesterday's) reheated.. + teh Tarik instant... burp. Syukur...
<font color="aa00aa">mas,
oooh...i cuma shop for rl bila nak raya je.
last raya dah spend sgd200plus on his rl shirts.
itupun tengah on sale jadi dapat grab 3 polo shirts and 2 bermudas shorts.
this yr raya maybe belikan baju smart2 mamat sikit kat petit bateau...hehehe...

aniwei mas, u pernah attend kelas kat chef tania rite?
i nak ask u lah...dia just tunjuk or ada hands on jugak?
teringin nak pegi this weekend punya class lah..</font>
ni nak buat raye lah....

I tak attend .. ada sumting on dat day..perhaps u wanna check wiz Nottygal....she attended the class if I'm not mistaken
<font color="aa00aa">mas,
semangat dah siap for raya eh..
this yr raya i siapkan baju faiq, hubby and mine je.
kek, kuih, langsir, carpet semua malas!!
hahah sebab economi gawat....nak kena buat planning betul2....yup2..thn ni tak tukar carpet...infact cushion2 semua tak pandang ....juz siapkan baju2 je dulu..beli bit by bit
Good Morning, Ladies.

Some of the Short form, I'm not sure. I feel, short form in work will lead to mistake. My colleague let me feel stupid when I ask them but some time I have to ask to avoid mistake.
<font color="aa00aa">i wont buy raya stuffs dulu lah..
faiq grows so fast nowadays.
can u beleive his crocs shoes has to be change every 3 mths? *faintz*</font>
Good Morning

ya better chk and dun assume, salah lagi susah nanti.

Banquet Card

I changed mine at eastpoint last nite. Fess $5. Not necessarily can only change at venue and dates stated.

Only difference is kalau u change at venue and dates stated u get some vouchers and free drinks (thats what the staff told me last nite).
<font color="000000">Selamat Pagi...

Just had samosa+jeneket with coffee...

I tak pernah goTania class. So not sure if its hands-on or not.

yelah..kalau shopping satu kali harong..rabak jgk ehh...

Semalam I received call for quotation on Biskut2 Raya + kek roll package @$100...she nak jual at Masjid and oso to her family members..tu pon siang2 ku dah angkat bendera...I told her I'm not accepting many orders coz I hv my regular customers...kang tak terbuat aku yg susah nanti..</font>
Lynzi, Morning.

Not need to show the old card right? just fill up the form and pay S$5, right?I'm going to Causewaypoint to change on this weekend.
I thought have to top up money inside. is it?
<font color="aa00aa">morning tania!

alamak...ingatkan u pernah attend.
aniwei tepeklah kat sini apa order u taking for raya..i pun nak order ni..tak rela ku nak buat this yr..hehehe</font>
<font color="119911">pagi smua
jus finih my SME with milo..

today tried new route kuar rumah at 6.20am &amp; took train to wdlands tried 168 hmm kinda happy with e route cuma aduh dah sampai ikea tu nak pi ke bedok bercinta betul.. mayb ill cut short &amp; take 67 terus to my shuttle bus station

n yes finally besok an off day for me</font>
