Lynzi, why must you do that? Is ok right to let Faiq go to sch early. don't waste his one year time. He will also behind the same year child for a year...this is what I feel.
Alamak Dan, aisey ini mcm susah ka!! i tgk dulu bapak i senang je masuk kan i haha tak tahu pula if he go through all this..

Alamak i guarantee ah i sure have to ballot also, u noe la In Toa Payoh, byk parents want to come yg tinggal far2 pun come here..aisey man

Mira so in K1 baru volunteer la. u bole share sikit tak wat are some of the volunteer work parents have to do?
<font color="aa00aa">balloting will happen if there are more people registering for let's say 20 places left in the cohort.
so, jist is doesnt mean within 1 km u will get the school.
affiliation of church or clan, next step is becoming rc member or pv get priority.</font>
<font color="000000">Lucky, I put my eldest boy in my former Pri he was prioritised and subsequently the other 2 younger ones..we stay 1.5km away fm sch...I've actually opted to be a Pave member but nvr got a chance to attend any meeting or just too lazy to be involved! LOL</font>
Nora, since your son same age as mine, lemme explain. We have to register as PV anytime from July 2009 to Jun 2010. Then we'll start collecting the 40 hours from July 2010 to Jun 2011. Registration will start in July 2011.
<font color="119911">noraR
i tink dulu kitanya time takda susah camni seh.. ni sapa punya pandai ah start buat camni.. then i tul heran y school ada ballot? dulu i used to call them crazy bt kang by nx yr im gg crazt as them seh.. haiz.. for now me still not sure which school or area to put my son in? either at my home bkt pjg or in tampines gramps place, sbb tu gue tgh relax maut..</font>
Nora &amp; Dan,

Jgn pening2 berdoa je that yr kids get schl to yr nearest home.
Betul kata Lynzi within 1km ke atau 2km kalau sekolah nak balot dia balot..After u all register check MOE website whether need to balot atau tidak...


Tdy u free ke ble tgk tudung...
<font color="aa00aa">mira,
studies have shown that late year babies brains develop later than their peers born early part of the year.
so its better for them to come into primary school one year later.
furthermore, faiq has already started going for enrichment classes and next year he will be in playgroup and then cc, so i dont think he will be behind.
in fact, if he enters school the same year as those born in 2007, he wont perform as well as he should.</font>
<font color="ff0000">Lynzi

Sure lebih n kena ballot...

Can see Danial class K2 &amp; other PAP, PCF around there...byk wor...

but pray hard mintak2 dapat...insyaallah
Ladies..i ada this fear. i noe actually those christian sch like st gabriels n st anthony and all those saint is usually have a good track record tapi there is this one thing im very2 afraid of ..

I ni bukan la org yg betul2 beriman and im not very religious, byk yg harus diperbaiki, then im very afraid he will be influence by his peers there is it true?..But i noe u all will say pucuk pangkal hati but surrounding and peers do play a part kan?..Ini la yg selalu di fikiran aisey..
<font color="ff0000">Gal

Cuba class Mari Memasak &amp; Baking...sure 100% involved for u for joining such classes..
salute sama lu bebeh
<font color="ff0000">Tania

Ni sudah mesti...after dat can relax already...

siblings can just easily follow fr belakang je
Dan, then too late to go for Phrase 2B2. As for your husband case. I check for you just now with the sch. She told me that normally sch side will received a letter from MOE, list of name whose are in grassroots, they have this priority. As for your husband, you should go and check with the chairperson of the RC that your husband serve. Ask him is your husband entitle or not loh. Hope it help you.
<font color="aa00aa">tania,
my friday selalu very rushing cos need to go fetch faiq from pil and send to my parents place then friday selalu couple nite out.
kalau u nak sunday morning ni i free.

can become pv in helping to makeup the pupils for let's say cca performances.
can volunteer at school library to run the activities or read books to the kids, etc.
st gab has quite a no of malay pupils there</font>
<font color="000000">Dan
takmo salute I lah..U pon blh buat cuma u tak minat...

U lom get back to me on Sunday, if U free can meet me up coz i will be loitering kat Wdland while wtg for hub main bola kat SSS..
nora R,
It depend on the sch activity. like my daughter's sch. PV will help in recess duty. Traffic duty in morning, noon and evening time, this to make sure the pupils safety during crossing the road. Follow the students for some visiting like zoo, sci centre, yakult factory, Ne-water factory etc...we even need PV for this sch specially event that run by our PV is homeskill session. we have cooking and sewing session, PV have will do the teaching. this is the post-exam event...teacher day celebration..etc
Lynzi, oic thanks for sharing... St gabs ill try to look for more info bout tat sch

Dan, its a norm la for parents like us to be kancheong, me too hehe
<font color="ff0000">Gal

U nak date me on nye...

I'll sms u on 2moro &amp; sunday k

I will check with the chairperson
Mira, wa ur daughter school very interesting for PV..sure got lots of PV..

Ok ladies logging off now, have to go the dinner..The theme is colourful but im so Dull, wearing black n White Punjabi haha

Bye Bye..Take care TGIF
<font color="ff0000">Tania

Can neet lah later...
if tak see me there u have to go out fr n wait me at platform dulu

ok i nak LO

Yeah I agree with what Mira said. Not all parents kuasa nak jadi pv. Like I've said check with the school first whether PV pernah ada balloting ke tidak. Then you'll be sure. Schools like ACS sometimes ada balloting for PV so kalau chances are not 100%, I'ld rather not waste my time.
Wah I tengok u all bual2 – segan sey nak join….

Mdm Wati - -nak intro – cam nak kenal2 pat internet dgn mat2 lah.. hehe tu lah zaman dulu i.. kekekeke

Ok.. a bit more abt maself--- I am turning 28 this December – I have 4 kids – 2 gerls aged 8 &amp; 9 frm my previous marriage frm 1999-2003 … married again in 2005 (kena paksa gak lah dgn family – takut nah ke I tak laku.. hehehe) with my pri school mate – jodoh tak ke mana kan… had a miscarriage in 2006 .. and gave birth to boys in feb 2008 and baru nie 28 march 2009. I werk as a customer service officer in UGL Premas .. dah tak nak panjang2 - nanti u all boring plak. – nak tahu pape ;ebih – Tanya je lah

Notty gal - thank u for the welcome!!!

Maswan – thank u for the welcome!!!

Momma naqi – terima kasih!! Nanti cuba make myself at home -segan nie

Lynzi – thank u

Mira tan - thank u for the welcome!!!

Linayh - thank u for the welcome!!!

Mdm wati - tadik nak join -trus layankan babies I – tu lah now aru masuk lagik – jangan lah marah
hi ladies..
so boring tadi whole afternoon i tried to post msg here tak boleh..

so spree has been cancelled?

nora r
I went to harris resort recently.n true its more like a family resort..
got big swimming pools,got children playground and babysitter $10/hr..kalo nk g batam ctr,u can take the shuttle service for $5 per head per trip..
the staff so friendly..ada bowling,spa,mcm battle other words we enjoyed the trip there..
Hi Ida

Nasib baik u intro bile kite semuer dah nak balik or dah balik

kalau tak, questions keluar cam machine gun i tell u.. hheheh

kat sini everyone's frenly la.. personally i made some great frens from this thread...

no need to segan segan

dengar u cakap gitu.. semangat ku nak pi batam makin berkobar...
Hi Ida, betul kata Nora Aw... nasib aku pun dah balik... 4 anak ? And only 28 ? Wow... How you survive... i mean balancing work and family... I anak sorang, tapi alahai.. lemah gemalai body nie...

I plak intro..Me staying at Jurong West, anak 1, 18mth old Maya. Working at Tuas as Mktg Admin. Hehehe...What Nora Aw said about making great frends here is true.... sebab dorang sumer dah kawan dgn aku ler.... hahahaha... (Tak tahu malu)... Betul tau.. i very the peramah, kelakar seram and badan body builder...

You ada multiply or facebook... feel free eh to carik kitaorang..

Ju...i dah 5 hari tak logged into this forum.. so i guess you pun new....

So ladies, is there a next outing i hear ? Please update me ler....
Morning mummies. Hi Ida and Ju. Welcome aboard. Would be a stay home Saturday today as the husband has to work. Boring! Has the date for the gathering been confirmed? Nak mark in my calendar.

Anyway, yesterday Rainbow came to do a demo at my grandma's place. Memang something we wanted to buy when we get our new house but with their offer of less $500 if we buy yesterday, terus grab. Anyone else using it? I have been convinced since 15 years ago when my grandma got hers. Semalam masa demo, boleh nampak the amount of dust and dirty air collected in the water. Since it's good for people with asthma like my kids and sensitive nose like myself, I hope it's really a worthwhile investment.
<font color="119911">ida
welcome to here &amp; thx for e intro,.. hehe wow anak 4 seh a'ah cana u cope? i anak 2 tp tgl sep only balik on wkds pun ku tak tahan noh..

u bought dat rainbow eh? dat time they did come over tp mmg bagus sgt2 coz hub &amp; irfan kan asthmatic.. tp i cant afford lah e mthly instalment or 1 time payment even.. taktut tak terbyr down e road.. yes its really gd.. takda dear if i nak pinjam u nya bleh tak? i pay lah for using the period say over e wkd ke bleh?( mmg i tak malu tp jus tanya je coz mmg i tak mampu nak buy even though its really gd) as i need to fork out abt $200+ mthly mmg tak mampu
lynzi -sorry to interupt - i am a december baby and masuk kelas same year with the rest - i tak lag pun - tak der lah enrichement kan time dulu... tapi i was among the top tapi lah - mals nak belajr - rebel.. sal bro pandai--RI, RJC -mum kept comparing though he is 14 years older - so i tak belajar tapi dapat A1 for my june malay O papers and 4 credits - so my bro geram and said kalau betol belajr - leh pass semua.. hahaha

nora - hehehe - selamat lah i dpt lepas dari pertanyaan - tapi ni mdm wati dah tanya tu... hehehehe

mdm wati - life for me memang stress sikitlah.. tapi coping by.. now blum ader maid as still on ML.. so mcm tu i survived - entah mcm mane nak describe - my elder gerls school work and classes - my 3rd boy growing nakal.. and now my bb...

betty - thanks for the welcome

nshah - hehehe.. i plak tak leh leave my kids alone lah... jarang tingalkan when out esp in their younger days.. mana2 bawak... tahan tetap tahan.. heheheh

btw nak kepo sikit leh - are u the one having issue abt the free stroller thingy? kenapa dgn the other lady if yes - if not u .. sorry eh

u all ader bikin gatherings lah?? blum ade facebook semua lah.. mals plak nak buat - konon nak buat blog when on ML last year .. tak buat.. entah tercapai tak this year

i pun hope can make great frens here cuma prob i tak leh loggin to internt pat werk lah./. no access
I been using rainbow since early 90s...
swear upon it! damn good...

but my mom kata, the new model not as good as old.
My mom using the new model i'm using the old one..
salesman came over, and ngoyok suruh i trade in.. I said NO WAY!!!

tell ya... if u really REALLY want to splurge on a RAINBOW vaccum, tell the salesman, u want theirs! as in, the set dat they use to demo, leave it at ur place. u want dat set! Die2 u try ngoyok. if you're lucky, u can get dat set...
calar, buruk, nevermind! its the motor that is important...

Anak2 u very sensitive. Rainbow is a good investment... Wats the price of the vacc now?
Nshah, itu kena tanya the husband dulu sih pasal dia yang kluar $$.

Shahlynn, tapi yang old model tu ada yang air sanitizing ke? My grandma punya dulu takde. But that's a really old model. Early 90s also. Now the price is $3700 w/o GST. I got mine for $3424. My husband cakap besides his family, the next thing he will save in case there's a fire is his vacuum cleaner.
Psst babe, dapat my sms tak?
<font color="aa00aa">morning ladies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

today bfast kaya butter toast je.
today i half day leave..tapi takde plans lagi on what to do...hehehehe</font>
<font color="000000">Morning Lynzi
wah best nye half day....

Saturday went Marina Barrage, yesterday went Courts...found the Tv and home theatre..worth buy</font>
Good Morning Everyone...

makan epok apok satu jer

i makan 1 kentang and 1 sardine.. got another sardine in front of me.. nampak yer tak lama la epok epok dok situ
sigh* Badan bisa-bisa... i think something wrong lah. Cos hari Friday nite, i have stomach cramp... mcm my tempat beranak jatuh. Then bila i menyangkung, and bila nak diri balik, punyer lah sakit perut ku.. bisa nauzubillah! Then sakit pinggang and also sakit kepala... (All this will happen if your tempat beranak turun). Then suddenly yesterday, i ada discharge. It was not blood, but dark brown. Just for yesterday only. Niari takder.. Scary eh... But early April i already got my menses, but also brown discharge, no blood at all. So not sure whether this is normal.

Ada tak any of you experience this ?

1 je...coz ada jemput2 nangka...

I dulu kan slalu ada brown discharge and menses tak menentu...then I amalkan minum itu kacip doubt bukan on the spot u see the results but as da day goes by, my menses quite regular...28 days cycle
