<font color="000000">yeah, nari mkn Nasi Rawan...

For those meeting for lunch in town, happy lunching and chatting!! sob..sob...</font>
kecoh korang eh..

i now in meeting.. saja curi2 log in.

Weight loss for this week is just 1 kg. Cos weekend main lantak jer.. so weight lost tak byk sgt. Still makan salad for lunch.

So ada next outing ker.. must let me know eh.. Shahlynn or others.. no problem kalau korang nak organize.. aku tak kisah lah... saper ckp aku permanent organizer... merepek jer...

Lynn/ Naqi, you dah enrol your kids in Tumble Tots ? Maya dah jadi member dah.. suka dia.
<font color="000000">Hello Ida..
Welcome to our humble thread...</font>
Ya, right. (ghosts)

On tueday, around 11pm. My husband want me to go with him to his younger sister's house to fetch her and her BB and send them to MY MIL's house. Then i ask why. Then he told me that the BB(around 2 mths old) recently keep crying and cannot sleep well. Then my MIL went to her house and can feel "something" so they went to a "Man" which my husband said is Momok. This Momok said that someone in my SIL's husband side keep a "spirit/ghost". And this "spirit/ghost" is disturbing the BB. Then my SIL go back and ask her husband. at first her husband keep said no one in his side do such things. And my SIL keep question him. Finally, he said that his sister do keep this kind of things. And his sister even go to their house and ever went into their bedroom. So, finally my SIL decide to stay in my MIL house for time beginning.
Do you all believe all these?
<font color="aa00aa">notty,
at tampines ada eh?

yup i know katong got.
if i move away pun the unit wont siap so soon.
another few more years at least so by then insyaAllah the kid(s) dah older and in school or cc.

welcome welcome!!!!!!!!!

if more ex than in sg then tak payah lah gerl.

bila u nak go jb?
your tailor ada jahit baju and buat sulam seklai rite?
i nak do for one of my kain lah.
boleh go together2?</font>
<font color="aa00aa">mira,
yes i truly believe in momok as in ghosts cos my hubby's grandma keep these kind of things.
luckily we have been avoiding her..dont let her go to our house or my mil house..that kind</font>
Sad to say there are pple who still practice these things

And babies and children are very sensitive to such things

ya some p-ple letak such things then make hub n wife gaduh selalu ...some even cannot bersatu....

ya kids r more 'sensitive' towards these things
afternoon cik nab....

HONGKONG: Seorang pembantu rumah Indonesia dihadapkan di mahkamah Hongkong atas tuduhan mencampurkan darah haid ke dalam sajian makanan majikannya dalam usahanya untuk memperbaiki hubungan buruk antara mereka, kata satu laporan semalam.

Indra Ningsih, 26 tahun, mencampurkan darah itu ke dalam periuk yang berisikan sayur-sayuran dengan harapan resipi itu dapat membantu membaiki suasana pekerjaan sukar yang dialami wanita itu, kata satu laporan akhbar The Standard.

Dalam beberapa kebudayaan Asia, darah haid dipercayai mempunyai kuasa tertentu, tambah akhbar itu.

Pembantu rumah itu didakwa dengan satu kesalahan 'memasukkan racun atau bahan perosak atau berbahaya lain dengan niat mahu mencederakan' dan setakat ini belum lagi membuat sebarang rayuan.

Laporan itu memetik satu kenyataan pihak pendakwaan yang mengatakan bahawa bahan-bahan Indra itu ditemui selepas majikan wanitanya yang mempunyai nama keluarga 'Mok' mengamati perbuatan pembantu rumahnya itu menerusi pintu dapur dan melihatnya berkelakuan mencurigakan.

Cik Mok memasuki ruang dapur dan mendapati terdakwa membuang sesuatu ke dalam tong sampah.

Apabila Cik Mok memeriksanya, beliau mendapati bahan seperti darah beku dicampurkan dengan sayur-sayuran dan air, kata laporan akhbar harian berbahasa Inggeris itu.

Kes itu akan didengar lagi pada 13 Mei ini. -- AFP.

Yuckssss, boleh muntah di-buat nya. Whatever it is jangan pula sampai maid2 di-sini dapat idea buat macam gitu
<font color="000000">Lina
aiyahhh..tu macam kah!???

bomoh i tak really percaya..tapi i percaya hantu! coz my sil house is haunted until early as 8.30pm u can see 'her' oledi..</font>
*baru habis makan epok2)
since i makan lynn\san punya epok2 standard dah high....epok2 canteen dah tak sedap hihihih

cik nab...
some pernah relate to me that her fren punya ex maid taruk air kencing dlm masakan dia....
the employer dapat tahu bila curik baca surat\diary the maid.........

then got this maid....her employer balik early...when she bukak pintu she was shocked to see...yg the maid sedang shiok talipon...the baby pat sebelah the maid kasi bb suck...
Kak zainab, lina, Notty
dorang ni datang drp planet kampung mana pun tak tau lah. totally different culture. this is even more shocking than simpan "benda". Quite sad eh? Islam dalam nama aje, tapi yakin &amp; simpan benda karut2 seperti ni. May Allah shield us from all these. Amin.
BOMOH nie kalau tak kuat iman kite boleh terpesong corner baring...

anyway this type of this...even if u call BOMOH...they will just call another JIN(peliharaan) dorang to chase that other JIN\HANTU.....

then kan benda tu datang alikkkkk pade 'bekasnya'....

empunya diri nak kena ade amalkan solat\azan\baca ayat2 al-quran,etc
But why they have to keep these kind of things leh? Does it help? So scary. Likely, I never invite his family before to come to my house....

your SIL so brave..stil can stay there. I somehow also believe in Ghost cos few years back my elder girl's firend, out of fun, went to the woodlands old cinema, which now aleady close and lock, to video if there is any ghost in one of the afternoon. And they ready got something in white cloth "floating". my daughter show me. So scary seh. i told her not the show to the younger one.
<font color="ff0000"> the hot neh....

berasap &amp; basah ku seluruh badan...

anyway fresh sikit after jalan under the sun
<font color="000000">Yalor..she brave, i salute...IF i, dat nite i dah angkat kaki...

maklumlah aje, she berbekalkan ayat-ayat suci ape ada..alfateha aje i know...memalukan betol! kalau jumpa I dah plan nak tunjuk tangan X..mcm power ranger! lol

Yg seram nye my SIL tengah solat 'dia' atas katil...romos romos kepala atas SIL bangun teros ambik penyapu lidi kejar satu rumah and bukak tingkap halau keluar..that time her gals all sleeping at 11.30pm and her hub at work...SIL then continue her prayers, could feel the thing is watching her fm the corner....</font>
<font color="119911">harlow..

a'ah Dan pat luar sungguh panas seh tak leh tahan.. ni confirm NAw nya make up cair if she jalan jejauh.. tink later i wanna go toilet &amp; strip kejap.. berpeluh pelih seh didlam.. hehe

went to tampines 1 basement aje jus now PEH PACK GILA dgn org2 GILA.. tp gue tak gila eh sbb nak cari makan..
entah apa yg kemaruk nah dorang? i bought my fav pretzel duh e cashier PEH BLUR RABAKSSSS.. bingit tul seh..</font>
<font color="119911">gal
