<font color="ff0000">Mira

where got...

had chic porridge, not so full, still can gulp gulp somemore...LOL

mu ketawa kan ku eh...cubit bontot baru tau
<font color="ff0000">Aik....tak de olang ka...

ku dah membebel kat sini no ppl...chet

tapi tak pe ku wear SD plain color....tak majok pon..

later chat lagi k

<font color="ff0000">ahhhh...Lynzi...mane u pegi semlm ptg

kesian yr hb duk sorang2 kat bawah...kena kebas baru tau :0...jgn marah eh
Can I pass you the supplement tomorrow afternoon around 12.30pm to 1pm?? I'm going to Admiralty Sec sch in the morning. We can meet at Admiralty MRT.
<font color="aa00aa">danryan,
hehe..kelakar lah u ni.
i was at work hubby tu just came back from work and was still on the phone with his fren so he tak nak naik lift dulu..nanti lose reception.
tulah he told me he saw u.
lagipun kan..siapa lah hubby tu..bukannya hensem pun nak dikebas org..hehehe

i meet at admiralty mrt at 12.30 can?
will be going out to my parents place around that time.</font>
lagipun kan..siapa lah hubby tu..bukannya hensem pun nak dikebas org..hehehe *

ishh lynzi...jgn cakap macam gitu...kalau maid2 indo dia tak kira rupa tau...janji Kocek berisi
<font color="aa00aa">mira,
319 is my pil.
my parents at sembawang.
12.30 at admiralty ok.

alamak..tu maid indo jgn cakap boleh tak?
very sensitive tau!
paling anti indo2 yg nakkan lelaki spura ni.
kalau laki aku gatal nak melayan, taulah aku kikis duit dia dulu...max kan all the supp cards i have..then tukar mangga pintu rumah.
baru puas hati gitu!</font>
<font color="ff0000">Lynzi...dengar tu...

time tu Greenwood school student baru dismiss...byk tu maid2 loitering kat situ...

kalau u in dat crowd i pon tak leh see....cabotzzz
<font color="aa00aa">danryan,
haa...cabot lah jauh2...
jauh ke mana pun hang cuma depan mata juga akhirnya..

u smsed me kan tadi?
sori lum sempat nak reply.
the pushcart at tpy tu my hubby and mil yg dapat the contact of the lady.
we just called then went down to view and signed contract.
now all the pushcarts at tpy interchange not under the lady's company..they are either under tpy interchange management itself or hdb hub.
u try pegi those pushcarts and ask.
before that kat causeway point pun we have pushcart but tak continue since the rent went up.</font>

Asal kan Dan bahagia ha ha......
Dulu kat RC ada flea mkt tapi kan dah tak ada...
Price range apa eh...


Untk P1 REGISTRATION kan somewhere ard may or June u ada Phase 3 kalau tak silap...
<font color="119911">hello
haiz rupanya tadi ku dah type berjela2 tak masuk? duh..

u also tgl wdlands eh?
hehe lau flea market kan ah ku mmg rajin.. if u nak this wkd ada at sunset way.. not sure me gg or not.. sat 7.30-2pm, sun 8.30-3pm both $20 ea..
i used to go wkly at changi V bt tak tahan ah jauh.. so i will go hollan both sat &amp; sun on e 2nd wk of every mth
if nak ctc number pompuan gila tu can email me
[email protected]</font>
Good afternoon mummies, sorry mummy could not reply u today super busy no chance to sit down also..Haiz
Now i just came back later need to go Union nites at AMK

Nora Aw, Insya Allah experience tu tak la sgt tapi ok la sikit2.Kita gi girls day out la:0.but 1 thing for sure, the tour guide advise me not to anyhow take the taxi tau..kadang either dorang ketuk ur money or bring u don noe go where...n there famous for black magics..

Lynzi, Ok sure lagi best if we can actually stay 1 night at the Harris resort wah mesti shiok ramai2 gi spa, jacuzzi berendam,,wah da mula la ni berangan i ni..

Nshah, overall not bad ok juga, the urut was good but i think its just my luck the rate was super low..$100- 710000RP
<font color="119911">wati
hmm u hv to call her up to ask e items u r seling how lah.. oh yeah $20 is for benda 2nd hand, $40 for new item tak salah.. bt hor.. hor.. ni pompuan sesuka hati dia, if she saw alot of stalls or biz is gd she will def increase her rent.. jus like how she did to us at ghim moh.. mula2 for e 1st 2mths $20 then naik to $30, bt i dont ear if she naikkan $30 coz my brg tak byk like my SIL.. tu pun kira nasib we share.. if sorang satu stall? confirm akunya tak jalan

so moral of the story best if u share jadi tak sakit hati sgt

sunset way at clementi tpt org holland gitu..</font>
Hmm Betty Bad, just now you were talking about Parents volunteer kan my son born in 2005..Since im moving to TPY kan, the schools tat near my place is First Toa Payoh is a mega sch coz 3 sch merge into 1,

another 1 is chinese school, a very well known sch tapi dorang tak offer malay language mcm mane tu, i more is Australian international school sure pocket bomb another one is ST Gabriels..Do u mummies noe which reliable school ok

And how do i volunteer n is it confirm my child will have priorrity in tat sch if i volunteer ia ke?..coz my fren say no use to volunteer don noe how true?..teachers n mummies pls advise?
<font color="119911">noraR
aiks harris plak this time round? yup sbb tu even my fren yg baru pi sana i advise jgn naik taxi sembrg coz org sana seram ah.. yes dorang mmg kuat in magic pe..

alamak low eh.. dat time i went was 100= 750000..</font>
I tgk the Harris resort mcm shiok aje tapi tak dpt pegi tat day pasal hubby say to return back with in laws n son
..but tat place seems very good place for families

San baru hari tu say 100=770000 if im not wrong..

Jauh nya ...anyway dah email u for the ctc #.


Fyi..even u RC member ,PV or watever is it..doesn't mean yr kids will get to the school
Usually priority is within 1km or 2km.Most schl will go for balloting unless u are frm the school itself u ble register yr kids then.Priority given to yr kids.
I even go to MOE just to get my eldest DD schl near to my mum before i dpt rumah kat Admiralty but the letter came to say within 1km or 2km...
Now she get in behind my hse tu pun kena balot all 4 kids dah sign contract i tak yah pening 2 lagi...just sharing...
<font color="119911">noraR
ah tulah sbb tu wenever i pi sana, batam i like to stay holiday inn or harris resort.. as its a family place outing.. very secured kan? our priority is usually Holiday Inn if no kosong then Harris

P1 REGISTRATION normally around End July to Mid-Aug. Depend on which phrase you are. For PV, they will allocate some percentage for these phase call 2B. If the no of children under these Phrase 2B does not exit the percentage, you will get the place. If exit then balot.
Ah this is wat i get from MOE website...

Category 11: Children who are Singapore Citizens or Singapore Permanent Residents
Phase 1
For a child who has a sibling studying in a school of choice.
All children registered under this phase will be given places in schools.

Phase 2A1
For a child whose parent is a former student of the school and who has joined the alumni association as a member not later than 30 Jun 2007; or whose parent is a member of the School Advisory/Management Committee.

Phase 2A2
For a child whose parent or sibling has studied in the school of choice; or whose parent is a staff member of the school of choice.

Phase 2B2
For a child whose parent has joined the school as a parent volunteer not later than 1 July 2007 and has given at least 40 hours of voluntary service to the school by 30 June 2008; or whose parent is a member endorsed by the church/clan directly connected with the school; or whose parent is endorsed as an active community leader.

Phase 2C
For a child who is ineligible for or unsuccessful in earlier phases.

Phase 2C Supplementary
For a child who is unsuccessful in gaining a place in a school of choice at Phase 2C.

Category 23: Children who are not Singapore Citizens or Singapore Permanent Residents
Phase 3
For a child who is not a Singapore Citizen or a Permanent Resident.

Should the number of applications exceed the number of vacancies in any phase, places will be balloted according to the following order of priority:

Children living within 1 kilometre of the school of choice.
Children living between 1-2 kilometres of the school of choice.
Children living outside 2 kilometres of the school of choice.

At the end of Phase 2A(2), 50% of the remaining places will be allocated for phase 2B and the other 50% for Phase 2C registrants in a school. In the event that less than 50% of the allocated vacancies is taken up at Phase 2B, the remaining vacancies will be carried forward to Phase 2C. ↩
Children who are Singapore Citizens or Singapore Permanent Residents and who have not registered at any of the earlier phases are also eligible to register at this phase. Registration in this phase is on a first-come-first-served basis. ↩
<font color="aa00aa">fyi, almost all schools in wdlds will have balloting cos too many kids.
so danryan, danial may not get into greenwood.
if after ballot tak dapat then u kena go find another school.
in wdlds doesnt mean your house within 1km means confirm dapat tau.

becoming pv is when the school dah ballot then happen your child tak dapat, but let's say u are a pov in that sch then u are given priority in the waiting list if let's say someone else backs out. must perform 40 hours at least if i'm not wrong.

becoming pv is also when u want that sch but the sch is not within 1 km of your house..
in that case after the 1km people dah dapat places then the remaining slots will go to u.

Nantikan PAP kasi booklet u ble refer the registration date for P1...


Why not u try to call the schl u nak register yr kids maybe they can help u...
<font color="aa00aa">nora,
ah tu dah dapat latest info!
pv selalud apat priority lah..

aniwei for your area tu, should go st gabs.
quite good though its nearer to bendemeer rite?</font>
<font color="119911">Dan
ish taklah mana ada u.. this yr dat time je lah i pi batam sambil melawat kubur.. itu je.. n last 2wks nak pi KL tak jadi pe.. skg we dah jarang travel coz of my son dah schooL &amp; hub nya school schedule kkdg clash so sbb tu we try to go or make an effort whiles hes on long holiday...
yg dulu2 yes kita selalu pi.. nak kata every holiday mesti pi smwhere paling tak pun KL lah ah last if tak KL wld b chalet hehe jus to use up my benefit else tak tau apa nak buat bbyk2 duit tu dlm acct i.. if only can withdraw cash takpe gak hehe</font>
<font color="ff0000">Lynzi

My hb is in RC but less than a yr and belum reach 40hrs pon...still under observation...then he was located at Dubai how..

risau seh kalau tak dapat Greenwood

<font color="119911">haiz
ku sungguh tak kuasa nak vounteer to any school.. masa tak cukup utk ku rehat nak kasi pat school plak? i tink ill worry or panicked for this part later2 lah.. pat my boy dah nak masuk pri 1 ah baru ku panicked which will b in yr 2010 nx yr, skg ku relaks dulu</font>
<font color="000000">Aisey..ingat dah panjang lebar cite...

Corrections! She is my Biras not SIL..
Of course we come over but during Hari Raya time only..

For late outings and when BIL not around, the guys in the family will send her up home right to her doorstep, yg pompan2 tunggu dlm kreta tak brani naik...kesian kan her daughters suma takot..</font>
no leh. You have to join the school as PV when your child in K1. you need to complete 40hrs...before 31st June of the year when your child in K2. If no much Parent take part in this Phrase 2B2 and you definately go in. If exit the percentage they allocate then ballet. don't get in you will fall into Phrase 2C...

I know it because I been helping my daughter's pri sch on this for past few years.
Lynzi good qns haha
..but im quite confuse like u say even if within 2km pun tak confirm dpt haiyo, but at last he will definitely get school right, i just hope that he get to school near my place so senang jgn pulak nanti anak2 org yg tinggal jauh dpt i yg belakang ruma tak dapat is there such case?..

Tania, haha i pun tak tahu which school,me simple la as long he can benefit no prob
<font color="aa00aa">faiq supposed to go pri sch in 2014 but i nak ask for permission to enter him 1 yr later as he is december baby.
starting 2013 in jan must become pv and start volunteer oredi.</font>
<font color="ff0000">NoraR

u belakang umah..i cross road je less than 1 km..pon nak kena ballot jugak...chet

but my neighbour below my hse her kids are in that sch...

Nora R, dah ada orang jawab soalan you. Yeah that's the norm. You can actually check with the schools whether under Phase 2B2 tu pernah ada balloting ke blom, then you'll know your chances. Kalau TPY, I'ld choose St Gabriel too. I'ld choose a school with a good track record. About being a PV in many schools tu I kurang pasti but it would be taxing to have to do multiple 40hrs of volunteer work.
