Good Morning Good Morning

nshah / lynzi
thanks, so with tracking no jer boleh eh.. like that i will go collect today lah... thanks ya
Not sure if this list was the latest one updated but adding my name anyway.

Next Gathering

plz vote e date and place

May 2009 (friday) :
15th - Shahlynn,Nora AW,Momma_naqi, Lynn, Notty,
22nd - Mamaliz,Nora Aw,Momma_naqi, Lynn, Notty, smalldreams, bettybad
29th - Mamaliz,Nora Aw,Momma_naqi, Notty, bettybad

-BBQ Chicken @ Cineleisure
-Far East Plaza
-Ramen Ten at Far East Plaza
-Breeks at Taka - Lynn, bettybad
-Swensen at Orchard
-Secret Recipe at Plaza Singapura - Shahlynn, bettybad
-Sakura Buffet at Orchard building - Shahlynn, Nora AW ,Momma_naqi, Lynn, Notty
-Amirah's Grill - smalldreams, bettybad
-Sofra - smalldreams, bettybad

Sakura Buffet serves what kind of food? Sounds Japanese but I tak tertelan Japanese food.
Nshah, usually busy in the afternoon. Today no kids to siapkan cos semalam I abis lecture late and my husband pon came home late. By the time, the kids were already asleep at my mom's so tak bawak balik. That's y can sit in front pc sekejap sebelum go to work later at 11.
Sakura buffet not japanese...

But y call it international, when all they served are mainly local fare? nasi goreng, duck, chicken, blah blah blah....
u dun get any dutch, russian, northpole cuisine eh? hhhehhehe

Next Gathering

May 2009 (friday) :
15th - Shahlynn, Nora AW, Momma_naqi, Lynn, Notty
22nd - Mamaliz, Nora Aw, Momma_naqi, Lynn, Notty, smalldreams, Lina, Bettybad
29th - Shahlynn, Mamaliz, Nora Aw, Momma_naqi, Notty, Lina, Tania4, Danryan, ZU, Bettybad

-Breeks at Taka - Lynn, Bettybad

-Secret Recipe at Plaza Singapura - Shahlynn, Bettybad

-Sakura Buffet at Orchard building - Shahlynn, Nora AW, Momma_naqi, Lynn, Notty, Lina, Tania4, Danryan, ZU

-Amirah's Grill - smalldreams, Bettybad

-Sofra - smalldreams, Lina, Bettybad
<font color="119911">betty
i c.. so u start at 11? then paginya dah bangun how i wish i can still sleep in hehe coz pepagi skg ku dah bangun seh
morning semua......
nie ari i mood rojok...semalam i kena balik lambat test machine .....n my hub lak tak u all can imgaine berapa phone calls n sms yg i nak kena layan....hihihihihi

tadi i makan mee soup...

k back to work...n tomorrow too n SUNDAY!!!!!

-Next Gathering

plz vote e date and place

May 2009 (friday) :
15th - Shahlynn, Nora AW, Momma_naqi, Lynn, Notty
22nd - Mamaliz, Nora Aw, Momma_naqi, Lynn, Notty, smalldreams, Lina ,bettybad
29th - Shahlynn, Mamaliz, Nora Aw, Momma_naqi, Notty, Lina ,Tania4, Danryan,bettybad

-Breeks at Taka - Lynn,bettybad

-Secret Recipe at Plaza Singapura - Shahlynn,bettybad

-Sakura Buffet at Orchard building - Shahlynn, Nora AW, Momma_naqi, Lynn, Notty, Lina, Tania4, Danryan

-Amirah's Grill - smalldreams,bettybad

-Sofra - smalldreams,Lina,bettybad
Shahlynn, oh ok. Kalau gitu can lah add my name sekali.
Nshah, I start at 12 on some days and 1 on most. Usually by 11 I dah siap nak kluar. Dah biasa lah usually bangun 6.30. Kalau any later alamat miss lah subuh. Ilyas starts at 8 so by 7+ usually dah kena siapkan dia. Routine.

Anyway, need to ask West mummies some ques regarding preschool. My son is in PCF currently and his classrooms are all air conditioned. He gets sick at least 2-3 times a month and just yesterday, dia sakit lagi. He is asthmatic and alah to any cold weather/ food. Even though dah use preventer and inhaler, it still doesn't really work. Plus the fact that virus gets passed around easier in air-con area. My GP advised us to switch to a non-aircon school. Is there any in Bukit Panjang or nearby with transport. I'm thinking of transferring him to PPIS Bt Batok. Any comments on that school?

- Next Gathering -

plz vote e date and place

May 2009 (friday) :
15th - Shahlynn, Nora AW, Momma_naqi, Lynn, Notty
22nd - Mamaliz, Nora Aw, Momma_naqi, Lynn, Notty, Smalldreams, Lina, Bettybad
29th - Shahlynn, Mamaliz, Nora Aw, Momma_naqi, Notty, Lina, Tania4, Danryan, Bettybad

-Breeks at Taka - Lynn, Bettybad

-Secret Recipe at Plaza Singapura - Shahlynn, Bettybad

-Sakura Buffet at Orchard building - Shahlynn, Nora AW, Momma_naqi, Lynn, Notty, Lina, Tania4, Danryan, Bettybad

-Amirah's Grill - Smalldreams, Bettybad

-Sofra - Smalldreams, Lina, Bettybad
<font color="0000ff">Naqi
u dah received email from (Vitacost Spree 4)Dreamz?

u opt for self collect or postage? </font>
<font color="0000ff">UPDATED

- Next Gathering -

plz vote e date and place

May 2009 (friday) :
15th - Shahlynn, Nora AW, Momma_naqi, Notty
22nd - Mamaliz, Nora Aw, Momma_naqi, Lynn, Notty, smalldreams, Lina , Bettybad
29th - Shahlynn, Mamaliz, Nora Aw, Momma_naqi, Notty, Lina ,Tania4, Danryan, Bettybad

-Breeks at Taka - Lynn, Bettybad

-Secret Recipe at Plaza Singapura - Shahlynn, Bettybad

-Sakura Buffet at Orchard building - Shahlynn, Nora AW, Momma_naqi, Lynn, Notty, Lina, Tania4, Danryan, Bettybad

-Amirah's Grill - smalldreams, Bettybad

-Sofra - smalldreams,Lina, Bettybad</font>
<font color="0000ff">dah.. semlm dia email.. u opt to collect kat mana ehh? cos mass collection tis sunday at TYP morning.. u need me to collect for u too?</font>
<font color="aa00aa">ladies in the east,
i nak your opinions lah.
will it be a good move if i move to simei?
is it easily accesible to town?
any good schools around tak?</font>
<font color="119911">bettybad
i noe how u feel thus im lucky for my mum's area in tampiens ada 2 sep class or programmes
as for irfan nasib his class is not a/c thus murah skit ah.. hes under MOE program yg under ACORN programme ada a/c &amp; more on school fees gak.. u can call &amp; ask the centre u nak they ada apa programmes? skg ur son under which programme?</font>
<font color="119911">lynzi
simei eh.. ok ah town or dat simei area kinda kecik tak cam tampines.. accesible to town by expressway kinda near if train biasa ah kena change train bt still ok.. u nak move to HDB ke condo? bestnya if u move here leh i meet u if u off.. coz i ada days go there for lunch

oh yeah yg penting sini ada PH phoon huat gd for u to find ur baking stuff hehe
tul tak gal, naqi &amp; NAw?</font>
Not too sure what programme but his classrooms are all a/c. Takde yg with no a/c.

Lynzi, I thought of moving to Simei before because nearer to my husband's workplace. But prices of homes are exorbitant plus not near my family. Kalau Tampines, St Hilda's is a good school.

FYI, 2005 mummies, if you want your child to get into a school of your choice, you can join as a PV starting from this July onwards. I'm still deciding between Beacon and South View. The only downside of Beacon is they only have 2 batches now so no PSLE results yet. Cannot gauge.

personally i like simei, amenities good and tak sesak cam tampines

and if u look at the estae its looks more teratur and clean

nak cakap dekat town tak pun lah cume more accesible
Simei tak sesak cam tampines.....Tampines tooo crowded...Pada I simei is a small n juz nice estate...
Kalau talk about school ...sorry nothing much to comment...
But 1 thing for sure ada Phoon Huat....
Hey...are u going for the D&amp;B units??
<font color="aa00aa">i'm interested in parc lumiere yg kat simei tu..
tu yg debating between that or the peak at toa payoh or staying put at my current place for now till the economy is better.</font>
<font color="0000ff">Naqi
u want me to collect for u.. u have to email and inform Dreamz and trf shipping charges.. once u settle wit Dreamz, den u let me neo k..</font>
<font color="119911">wah lynzi
gg for pte property eh? bestnya how i wish i can also go for 1 utk investment je.. tp takpe ah lupakan je, kumpul je duit &amp; duk diam2 at now exec hehe

a'ahlah if gd schools in simei me not sure also i tink simei no school kan? bt if tampines kan ada st hilda's ah.. </font>
<font color="000000">Lynzi
Lagu tu waktu zaman kental..hahaha

Simei tak sesak psl ada satu aje shopping ctr, East Point..

The only thing I tak suka Simei kalau naik bus nak balik Tampines punya lambat..dah tu ramai org pula ..sigh..

Pri Sch in Tampines...Gongshang &amp; Chongzheng are one of the good schools I know..</font>
<font color="119911">bettybad
eh a'ah lupa hehe ku try to pikir in my mind ada ke school? padahal its in btwn CGH &amp; eastpoint hehe

coz changkat act from tampines bt move there as it has expanded hehe

sorry lah lupa bt changkat not one of a gd school lah.. </font>
