<font color="0000ff">Nora R
ur centre subsidy of $110 for flexi programme? not bad.. btw urs centre kat mana? </font>

<font color="0077aa">Nottygal
Thanks for the lobang! I've registered too :p

So what's the topic today eh? Kena scroll up lah. I pun baru balik drp keluar menjelajah west area tadi. Balik siggah Toa Payoh beli bubble tea Koi. Dah kemarok &amp; addicted lah</font>
Nora Aw, i think they have luxury of space le, every class have their own bay not like my son"s centre its straight row.

San, My first Skool, Mcm promosi pulak, tak tau i just sharing with u all
Nora hehe My MIL will help me
Dorang la tempat i bergantung.

Ya last time its known as NTUC childcare but they just do rebranding its called My First Skool and yup my Principal malay
nice lady
<font color="0077aa">Nora.R, I work near TPY
Insya-Allah bila you dah jadi PR kat situ, let me know, if we're free, who knows we can meet at fork &amp; spoon, haha!</font>
Smalldreams yeah Fork &amp; Spoon. Hubby will frown the moment i mention this foodcourt pasal muka kita da permanent kat sane pasal it is one of the Halal foodcourt seh mana lagi kita nak pegi other than that kan but i don mind i tak cerewet. Nasi Ayam power satu la!!!
<font color="0000ff">Nora
sanggup u ehhh.. gi all e way to TPY just for koi bubble tea... hhmmmmm

nora r kat serangoon north ave 2 </font>
<font color="119911">noraR
tulah east side tak da ke that type of programmes? if ada leh gak i put my kids nx yr?</font>
<font color="0077aa">nora, sedap kan? haha!

Nora.R there's another stall, used to be Padang foodcourt. the malay rice there is realy good too!

btw, sapa2 kat sini dah file income tax? i terus terlupa, tapi hari ni bila my colleague ingatkan, website tak load pulak</font>
i tak beli bec the q was ridiculous and perut dah kenyang

i belom file income tax, today tomoro sure webby slow

efile extended to 18 april
smalldreams ngah lemaruk bubble tea....
i plak ngah kemaruk McD double choc frappe.
my sis bot last sat, terus i hooked.
later after werk nak buy somemore
nak tanya ...any of u receive the income tax letter saying u dont have to file ur income tax for this year cos its auto??? unless there are changes then u file it again....
<font color="0077aa">kalau dah kenyang, jangan beli, u can't enjoy it as much. sometimes i ask for less rice, pas tu bila drink koi, it'll be really nice. But then again, i ni dah kemarok sangat. I really hope this phase would go away soon.

Anyway kalau Q merepek (i.e. long) i won't buy. buang masa aje.

Ya lor, malam ni i nak try buat lagi kat rumah. I dah rugi seh, tahun lepas i tak claim grandparent care relief seh. Sighs.

if u want, kat parkway parade (nearby) pon ada Koi outlet</font>

the caps bec this discussion is making me feeeel like gg there again to try..... sob sob sob
<font color="119911">liz
i did, i got it for this yr tp i still file aje.. coz im doing the claim for maid levy..</font>
dbl choc frappe nice...
okaylah, stakat untuk hilangkan gian choc tu, bolehla....
but if u realli want dat choc oommpphh!, den its not the one...
<font color="aa00aa">just came back from lunch..later nak go off to sentosa lak.

today cant my dear.
my hubby working late.
tomoro nite u hm?

where i registered for faiq also got subsidy for 3 hr playgroup.
the subsidy oso same as ntuc one..$110</font>
"nak tanya ...any of u receive the income tax letter saying u dont have to file ur income tax for this year cos its auto??? unless there are changes then u file it again...."

yesh liz why?
<font color="119911">noraR
u baru nak beli ur package tour? anyway have fun ok.. nanti jgn lupa update!!! luck utk apa? utk number 2 eh? ok then</font>
