<font color="ff0000">Tania

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U can change yr nick from there


Nyanyi sikit so we try to think wat song u sing

<font color="119911">smlm hub ajak amik half day today coz hes off org tu tgh syiok reservist relax je seh..</font>

lagu yer cam ni.. hmmm.. hmmmm.. hmmmm ... hmmmm. hehhehe
teka lah lagu ape..

nora r
i also takot bec of that
kalau (tapi jauhkan) kena tangkap, the mommies on smh are going down with me.. hahhahahha
Songs dedication.. so lomatik hor...

seb baik ade break weekend... bergegar pasir ris this weekend

nanti i nak check inside my house ade cracks tak
<font color="0000ff">Quote *kalau (tapi jauhkan) kena tangkap, the mommies on smh are going down with me.. hahhahahha*

Oohhhh Nooooo... dat is bad. very bad..!! tapi kan first Name u nak sebut.. must be Dan tau.. cos dia yg introduce to u all kan... </font>
Nora alamak pauto da

Side track sikit i was thinking bout Izzat the other day, you told me kan Izzat only come school bout 9 kan then he half day programme, nape u tak consider Flexi programme like 3-4 hrs pun ada subsidy tau, cheaper i think
<font color="0000ff">Naqi
ur hb reservist, kena stay in ehh?

i been waiting when i can be "anak dara" balik ehh.. cos klu hb kena reservist pun.. he still boleh balik hari2..!</font>
<font color="0000ff">Nora R
yg Flexi programme i enquiry, so far takde subsidy tau.. only for full/half day programme</font>
<font color="0000ff">Dan
alah sometime gi shopping alone pun best tau.. jln2 sorang.. .. tak payah tunggu members.. retail therapy

hb police, sebab tu leh balik hari2.. </font>
<font color="119911">lynn
haha sama cam laki aku.. paling2 kena 12hrs shift je lah so nari dia OFF besok i tink paginya shift..</font>
<font color="0000ff">Dan
ya lah, hb paling suka kena reservist.. kejap2 je dah balik.. or sometime kena standby kat rumah je.. pada dia it like taking a break from his work...</font>
tonite i will check and measure kalau ade
next monday i check lagi

Buat ape chk on sat, sunday still have mah..

Nora r
I not sure if flexible got subsidy but the price diff bet full day and half day now only $35.
Psstt.. u teringat my son??
<font color="0000ff">Nora R
i guess tak semua centre ada subsidy for flexi programme

but i prefer flexi prog masa tak terlalu panjang..

kesian kan budak2 umur baru berapa dah kena duduk kat sekolah lama2..

takut2 nanti blum masuk pri 1.. budak2 dah penat nak gi skola pulak nanti... hehehehe</font>
<font color="ff0000">Lynn

betul betul...he suka kalau reservist...

actually tahun nie he last gi reservist but tangguh bcoz of station at Dubai...

window shopping for pastime ok...tapi skali2 nak out with frens jugak...

<font color="ff0000">Nora R/Nora

If u want to download song at the webby can...

tapi jgn lah skali download byk2...2 or 3 at a time, should b no problem...
<font color="0000ff">Dan
if i'm not mistaken, it either tis yr or nx yr hb last reservist.. so nari u amik half day ke??

btw u all semua tak gi lunch ke? </font>
lunch coming soon but tak tau nak makan aper???

dinner i dah tau nak makan aper,
gg to harbourfront banquet having hokkien mee
and carrot cake
i find these 2 dishes kat banquet hbf nice
<font color="0000ff">nora
amboi nora, dinner sampai 2 dishes.. klu gitu, lunch u skip je lah.. kosongkan perut for dinner? makan biskut je dulu hehehe

doc kan dah pesan, control ur diet.. aik dah lupa ke... </font>

memang dah lupe.. hehhe
tapi kan kalau makan dgn hb mesti ade another dish to share..
haiz.. sebab tu lah... kembang dan terus mengembang..
Mummies just to share with you my centre kan its 5 days 3 hours programme $224.70 but with government subsidy of $110 so u pay $114.70. I think now most childcare only offer half day or full day pasal more $ tak?..agak aje
