quote:i think woodlands dekat...korang balik TPE...zoommmm dah sampai...or naik bus express 969/168

or Kereta Jambul...

But I believe me n Nora shall opt for Kereta Jambul....


Tersebut lah kisah .. si Cik Lina

Keluar dgn kengkawan.. bersuke ria..

Cik Lin ingat Hero yer keje

Tapi sebalik yer, Hero tak keje....

Haha.. kelam kabut lah Cik Lina

Tiba tiba mengantuk.. hati dah resah.. nak balik cepat

Hero menanti dan calling non-stop

Therefore, paling selamat Cik Lina keluar time red lite...

<font color="119911">apa kata next kita pi CHARCOS? ayam ada, kambing ada? amaciam? ah situ leh lepak lelama pun takpe..</font>
<font color="0000ff">lina
korang tak bilang, nak hang ard kat tempat lain.. so aku balik lor.. klu korang cakap siang2.. maybe leh stay lama sikit.. hehehehe</font>
carousel over the budget leh...

yew tee is tad too far for the easterners..
*jeling @ orang2 east*
Shin Tokyo Clementi dekat sikit
<font color="0000ff">Nora
al-kisah cik lina kita ni rupanya... hehehheh

Charcos tak nak ahh.. tak convenience ah tempat dia.. tak byk bus service and from mrt nak kena naik bus lagi</font>
<font color="0077aa">charcos kat AMK tak accessible sangat kan? how in the world does one get there unless you drive? hehe</font>
*jeling @ Lynn*
iyer lah tu.... awak siang2 dah cakap nak balik cepat...
reason - *batok*bapak*batok* naufal nak tido...
<font color="119911">alah apa susah kita jumpa at e nearest mrt dah tu naik keta jambul ah share2.. lagi tak tau..
if carousel takpe ah i surrender dulu k.. tak mampu.. seoul garden pun ku tak mampu.. pendek kata if nak buffet2 ku tak mampu kocek &amp; perut

oh ok i tahu....

pat orchard pon ade Ayam Penyet, then at Far East ade wantan,honey dew noodle...but space dia kecik ah
<font color="119911">far east pun best act tp kan selalu crowded ah n kalau bleh try to avoid fri bleh? i almost cant make it for e last gathering
<font color="0000ff">lina
tink shd be ok.. and paling penting it central and very convenience.. mrt, bus, kereta jambul semua ada..</font>
<font color="0077aa">i don't mind in town, that's near my workplace. Tapi kalau naik cab, ada surcharge ah if we take cab before 9 pm...or something like that

Tapi kalau makan kat far east, baju bau ah!

Alah, biasa lah kita kan ibu2. mesti lah kena paham2, budak sure nak tido nak masok bawah ketiak ibu aper..hehehe</font>
-Sakura Buffet at Far East Plaza
-Ramen Ten at Far East Plaza
-Breeks at Taka
-Swensen at orchard,
-Secret Recipe at plaza singapura

Sakura Buffet nie berapa? the rest shld be 20++ per person assumming u tak ambik steak\ribs
<font color="0000ff">Mira
last time.. some of mummies went home after eating.. but the rest still hanging ard..</font>
