Thanks Nottygal, will do it once im back at home

<font color="000000">Thanks Nora Aw for the update, too bad I cant access to yahoo to read the email...

Nora R, Lynn,
You're most welcome!
Be invited for food-tasting for selected patrons (selection is done on a random basis)

I want to tell u all something

I dah pandai skit (skit ajer)

I dah try to download song from webby yang Danryan kasi (whr is Danryan??)

And I berjaya (hey.. this is a major milestone for me tau)

So since morning ku dengar Menghitung Hari - krisdayanti on loop
Always loved the song but tak pernah buy the cd.
<font color="119911">NAw
satu tepukkan gemuruh utk u.. pandai NAw eh.. nanti dwld ah lagu izzat leh dia nyanyi dgn mami dia</font>
<font color="0000ff">Wor Nora dah pandai download lagu sey.. hehehe

btw dat webby dah lama lah kat situ.. and not only for mp3 je tau.. video pun leh, document pun boleh jugak..!</font>
<font color="0000ff">Quote *Lagu Menghitung Hari tu...sebenarnya...lagu Dan tau...*

betul betul betul... mana lah tu, mlm2 Dan feeling2 sorang2 dgr lagu tu.. LOL</font>
Lina / Lynn
I so honest mah.... heehhe *aksen baik*

U know i pegi belik dvd ciplak kat JB my hb takot tau..
he tell me jgn diri dalam kedai tu.. diri kat luar luar ajer
kalau kena raid kite boleh lari.. ish ish

I pegi masuk kedai he stood outside.. duh
ihihihiih ade jer eh ur hub.....

kalau gitu suruh lynn download...the email pade u...konon2...lynn kasi u yg original punya....hihihi
<font color="0000ff">Nora
haiyoooo... apa lah hb u.. my hb tak kasi beli dvd ciplak kat JB.. tapi masuk dlm kedai still ok lah.. hehehe</font>

mane mane ? which thread??

Kesian Danryan, banyak she nak hitung.. kalau pakai sticks dah boleh buat pondok.
<font color="0000ff">Quote *kalau gitu suruh lynn download...the email pade u...konon2...lynn kasi u yg original punya....hihihi*

amboi pandai kau ehh.. jadi apa2 terjadi, aku lah yg kena ehh...</font>
Nora R
if i can do it so can you.. i dah dwl masuk folder then i cant find the folder (PC knowledge damn bad lah)

But at last managed to do and copy to my itunes.. double duhh
<font color="ff0000">PAGI MOMMIES

Namaku di calling calling

Lagu ape u mau....

Sorry babes....tak bz tapi office desktop super duper lembab....need to 1 2 3 to TONG SAMPAH
Selamat Tengahari...Ladies....

Tdy I'm on leave..Kalau u all nak ke batam count me in ya....

Btw mcmana nk tkr nick kat website nie?
Danryan (Cak!! tu dia...)

tu lah tak tau title la
kalau om puteh lagu i ok la banyak cd belik

nanti ingat nak dwl Flo Rida
ishh cuba bayangkan ..kalau nak kena show proof...
me wif tudung n kena show dat proof....confirm berita sensasi lagi hangat

kira kalau sluar dalam bunga2 baru bleh majok banyak2 eh??

Hmmm besok onwards aku jadi anak dara selama 3 hari...then next mon another 2 days anak dara

kalau orang tak pakai seluar dalam bunga2 tapi suke merajuk...ape macam theori? sebab dia dah memang mat\minah bunga2?
