woohoo nasi lomak....jgn nanti jap lagi tertido je sudah...
me juz had my MC Breakfast....My turn to treat the department

Morning San..

i am supposed to go to production...but im doing some work instructions so bolehlah chat sekejap.....

wah naqi....department SMH tak termasuk ke....*muka sardin*
<font color="0000ff"><font size="+2">Morning Mummies...!!!!</font></font>
my colleague took half day yesterday coz da doter was on high fever ..she brought da doter to KKH...huh....she waited for 3 hrs coz there were 100+ kids before her...
<font color="0000ff">Naqi
mimpi apa semlm.. tau2 je nak gi McD for breakfast ramai2..

btw i dont like to take 1st half day.. by e time, mcm malas nak masuk keje balik tgh hari..</font>
<font color="aa00aa">morning naqi, notty, lina, nora aw, san and the rest...

siapa yg kuasa nak amik am leave?
might as well take the whole day sey gitu...hehehe</font>
<font color="119911">pagi smua..

skg musim deamam tak? my doter have been hvg high fever since sat seh &amp; ada ulcers in her mouth ada abt 34 smua besar2.. n her tonsils bengkak haiz.. wonder how is she today? smlm masih demam kata MIL.. dah pi doc tp tak makan ubat cana nak baik..
ada orang kan kiasu.... skit2, pergi A&amp;E...

i'm not saying yg anak sakit, kita kena ambil mudah, No... but kadang tu, daripada u dok tambahkan patient kat spital, u can just bawak gi 24hrs GP... or, like Nora said, dok rumah, sponge kan ajer la..

bukan apa, kesian tau... there's some yg anak btol2 sakit, plus semput and all, and just bec of these peeps yg kiasu, dorang kena tunggu lama...
<font color="119911">Slynn
yes exactly.. if its really A&amp;E cases then u can go hospital lah.. coz kkdg theres more urgent cases to attend to bt wat to do still kena tg Q number</font>
memang betol some pple abuse A&amp;E.
Duuno why suke sangat pegi sana, charges compared to 24hrs clinic abt the same kan

kalau semput, allergy sampai bengkak, major cuts boleh lah bawak A&amp;E.

ur doter ade ulcer pat mouth? tak takut HFMD ke? mmy coliq doter baru diagnosed HFMD semalam.

tapi the school takde such case, tak tau whr she pick up from
<font color="ff6000">Lynzi / Nora R,

Here's the details:-

Name: AL
HP: 001 62 813 6460 2789 (calling from SG)
HP: 0813 6460 2789 (calling from Batam)

TAKADELI Bakery &amp; Cake Shop
Palm Springs Blok B1
No.5 Batam Center
Tel: 0778 600 3030

Komp. Nagoya City Centre
Blok K No.6 Nagoya Batam
Tel: +62778 429 369

For couple package, tak salah RP375 000 per head.
Adding to it, the do waxing, face service and hair service like creambath too but up to you to try. That'll be an additional cost incurred.
Please call in adv to book a slot.

Still I recommend to do the creambath at Batam Ctr. CHRISTOPHER is one of the salon that does. Tingkat 3 tak salah...</font>
<font color="119911">NAw
entah doc checked bt he tak ckp apa2.. he said her hand clear.. i pun takut HFMD, doc pun mula2 takut2 bt he said nope, he gave her 2 types of fever medicines. brufen &amp; another pink clr every 3hrs seh..
bt her tonsils tu ah bengkak i tink for abt 2days already coz wen she makan or minum she said ada tulang..</font>
Good morning beautiful mummies

Nora my centre da ada satu budak diagnose HFMD..aisey once ada 1 case tats it, everyone pun susah. through spring cleaning. No outdoor for kids

Nshah, ur child ada complain of any pain tak, have any difficulty eating or drinkind? Tats one of the symptoms
<font color="0077aa">Morning semua ibu2!

Asal yr colleague tak amik child sick leave sekali?

Shahlynn, Nora
I pon pernah tau bawak Adam gi A&amp;E when he had very high fever. First kita bawak dia pergi PD on a friday, then to PD again on a Monday, but by Monday afternoon, he was so flat, mata pon bengkak, jadi we brought him to KKH. My mother yang jarang panic, that time, risau betul coz Adam tido aje tak bangun2. Haizzz... but I'm glad we brought him there - within 1 hr, he was up &amp; about.

Usually high fever cases will be attended to first. Coz dorang pon takut dengue, or the fever can lead to fits. Viral fever kan memang budak tu selalu rasa panas &amp; this may last 5-7 days. Lama seh. But if not sure, i think that's why most parents bawak pergi KKH.

Sapa lah yang nak bawak anak ke sana. Kalau tak jaga betul2, silap2 jangkit penyakit lain lagi ada lah.... </font>
Yang pink color to paracetamol lah.. kalau high fever u alternate the pink and brufen every 4 hrs

kalau tonsil swollen tak dapat anti-biotics?

hfmd not necessarily must have on hands too.
<font color="0077aa">Morning Nora.R, you're beautiful too

Alamak, HFMD.... mana aje budak tu jangkit eh? That's why now I am keen on keeping Adam at home a bit longer although he's turning 2 this May 09. Shelter him a bit from exposure to all these penyakit. Lagipun kesian lah budak2 sekarang, baby2 pakai pampers dah kena pergi sekolah....sighs...

Eh kalau dah ada ulcers semua tu, baik bawak gi doctor ah. seram seh aku dengar.</font>
<font color="119911">noraR
she said only wen she telan or minum ada tulang, bt we suspect her tengkak bengkak lah.. so wat sis dont scare me is it HFMD? aduh she didnt go anywhere seh.. ish ni dah mula takut kan i plak..
shes in KL now</font>
<font color="aa00aa">san,
thanks for the valuable info.

anyone nak take leave and make a trip to batam one of these days?</font>
Smalldreams, Budak tu the father also don noe where he contracted. Haiz but this HFMD susah nak ckp le. My son da kena twice tau kesian i tgk dia. But apa nak buat itu la lumrah in childcare so wat i can do on my part is to give him some vibes to boost his immune system la so can fight with all this

Nshah, ok u don worry, don panick sometimes maybe tekak dia sakit tapi my son pun mcm tu tekak sakit, but we cant doubt doctor profession so if you still wary go and see a differnt doctor just to seek opinion and clarify your doubt and most important so you can have a good SLEEP lol
Nottygal set, tmrw i go and i will update u all then i will try survey best place for us to rest &amp; relax k..Then i nak date all of u k
<font color="119911">NoraR
mayb later ill call MIL to ask brg her to doc again is shes still not ok.. dat dae she 2 hari seh tak makan, tak lalu nak makan, mulut dia sakit, sakit je.. abih ada cream utk sapu tak kasi sapu.. adui.. hopefully smlm she btr ah.. mmg act i takut sgt if she contracted it
dia pat sana &amp; im here worrying like crazy mana si abg asik batuk2 lendir berkumpul pat dlm cam ku nak tonggang &amp; tepuk je dia.. geram tul</font>
<font color="119911">noraR
u pi besok eh? bestnya soo fast kan dah nak pi..lau tul nak pi batam mesti kecoh kan.. </font>
Nora Aw, you excited i lagi EXCITED hehe

Ya if da ada driver contact and yang bole trusted Alhamdullilah tak risau sgt.

Mane kita nye Cip, bole kita ask her to be the tour guide
i said,
smalldreams, for your case, takper... ada gd reason to go KK. takkan nak tunggu poly bukak d next day, wait another 3 hours, only to be given more paracetamol. or, referral letter to kkh...

but i &amp; nora referring to yg baru smalam sakit, niari temp shot to 39, terus bawak gi kk. only to be inserted bullet, den balik...
u see, if cases yg 'can wait for daylight' tu takder kat q depan, yg blakang2 makin cepat kan jumpa doc..
Smalldreams, no more LC or any other bags for that matter. Ekonomi merosot kena save $$ sikit *mcm betul ajer* Heh.

KK A&amp;E,
I guess what worries parents most is the uncertainty, not knowing what's wrong with their children. Used to be a VIP (red door) patient when my sons were younger because of their asthma. Thank god after being referred to specialist and now on ventolin/ pulmicort, they are fine.
me backkk...
yup2 betul ada kekadang tu batuk sikit je da bawak gi A&amp;E....i if possible as much as I want I will try to avaoid A&amp;E unless...da no road no jalan..

Bukan mimpi but memang a routine we will take turn to treat da depatment
<font color="0000ff">Nora A &amp; Nora R
Asik cakap pasal gi batam je.. tapi tak terpergi pergi.. hehhehe

mana wati ni, bila nak organise gi batam.. i pun teringin nak gi jugak..!</font>
<font color="000000">Dear all
Please go to this website to apply the free membership card. U will not need to spend a specific amount to get the card as it is a promotion period.It is under seoul garden, breeks cafe etc. After 31 of May, if you want this card, u will have to spend $70. </font>
<font color="119911">wati @ cip bz
ah tak leh login for these few days bt tak tau ah if later dia free pop sini
