<font color="000000">Mas,
thanks for the info...

can u help me to sms Zu to sms me, thanks!

Kalau dpt disc then reski..kalau tak dpt its ok...</font>

<font color="119911">gal
entahlah act need to noe more coz yg quote dat price is from my MIL nya kata2 tak tau ah she salah qoute ke salah dgr ke..

act tulah i also cam rasa was2 je asal plak dia suruh install cammy seh n im using ur service lagi.. so takpe ah siapkan payung sblm hujan.. mayb ill call them later ah..</font>
<font color="000000">Nshah
ohh thank u..for being so kind...
My huby dulu pun keje pat green mango 2002-2004. .
Ur huby keje tahun brape?

Btw any1 of u sending ur kid 2 nursery nex yr?umur 3 tahun aru ble g kan?wat r the tings i nid 2 noe?
Cud any1 kindly enlighten me?thks
<font color="000000">Nshah
dah happy?? aiseymann...kau nie fav sluar dlm bunga2 eh...LOL

lom sms me yet...mayb sebok gaknye...its hurry lagipon kalau nak view pun over the weekend...
hey u nshah -
let me tell u something:-
u bought a stroller from a mummy here in the wts
and then u trying to sell the latido off

and now u queing here for free stroller

u really one fickle minded person in this whole mh

i been seeing u many times hunting for free items
and selling here

my god - dont make malay people name spoilt can or

yr attitude is so cheap skate!
<font color="0000ff">Yessss dah kul 4.. counting down..!!

ju? newbies ke? mcm tak pernah nampak.. atau aku sorang je tak pernah nampak??</font>
Paging for San..

Dear how long is the journey from Batam centre back to harbourfront cause i need to plan if i am able to fetch my son in time from CC. Thanks dear and is it advisable if i change money here or there rates better?..Thanks a million
Ppis yg pat old jurong rd n tk salah admiralty n semb ada jugak.i tot of sending my kid there nex yr rather than duduk pat rumah doin nothing.
I want him 2 mix n mingle around wif other kids.any sugestions?
Oops reading wat should not be here:0

Lynn,Nora i heard PPIS is good tau pak kal my place takde. If im not wrong arabic + other subjects. Ada satu kat sembawang if im not wrong.

And mummies here do you have any place to reccomend tak or enrichment centre u noe yg teaches Malay as a subject. Pasal in CC he only learning Eng &amp; Chinese, Madrasah dia pun ustazah ckp english aisey

I start to get worried for Danish as dia punye Melayu koyak nanti go to P1 he will have a shock man:0 So if you any place tell me k. thank u in advance
<font color="ff6000">Nora R,
About 45-60 mins. Kalau ada delay, plus minus additional of 10-20 mins.
Usually I'll change at Batam itself.

On Fri morning, checked at Harbourfront S$100 = RP720 000 but at Batam S$100 = RP737 000.

P/S: Jgn lupa INDO timing is an hour behind...*winks*</font>
My hub nama we noe u guys coz ur hub used 2 work there.i dulu keje part time cashier at noty gerl aka green mango

Lynn : im a sahm tapi full time student.
Nora R

its better to change money kat batam itself, better rate

my niece and nephew go to andalus for kelas agama, the classes are conducted in malay
good for them in the sense that they are exposed to proper spoken malay.

kalau class yg esp malay tu i tak tau pulak
<font color="0000ff">Nora
i heard skg ni, mana2 punya Madrasah semua ajar in english.. takut jugak ehh, anak2 kita in future tak tahu bahasa melayu.. </font>
San..ah ah selamat u remind me 1 hour behind haha tak pasal2 i start to kalam kabut hehe

Nora, yup i heard of the Andalus heard its very good, will follow the kids sampai besar i ever consider that tapi takde yg near me.

Haiz if sape bole buka Malay enrichment class eh agaknye bole untung tak since tak much competition seh..hehe

Ok will change the money there so dekat dengan ferry terminal at batam tu ada money changer kan..aisey sebenarnye seram sejuk juga tau i ngan hubby je pegi tapi sometimes must be adventuorous lol:0 ps.."nak cuba tapi takut2 apa da"
Lynn02, tats why i start tu panic juga pasal in the house harap kan i will converse in Malay to him tapi kadang pun rojak juga, Takut nanti anak melayu tak tahu ckp melayu, malay subject fail..Aisey:0.

Now aje my side which is a bit on the conservative and very malay side has commented alot about my son and selalu asyik kena sindir aje. Haiz. and my mother n son has language barrier, dorang if talk mcm ayam n itik. kesian kan?
