<font color="aa00aa">smalldreams,
u at kembangan rite?
hai..kenapalah jauh noh..
if dekat sikit kan bagus..hari2 i can bring faiq...hehehe..
now if wana let faiq swim beside his normal swimming lessons, i will just go to club csc at bukit batok cos got membership there jadi not so many people..

ok gerls, have a great day ahead!
i'm going out again to shop for some clothes and shoes, need to run some errands, borrow some library books for faiq and cheong for diapers at ntuc.
huggies ultra in jumbo pack going for $19 a pack of cheap!!!!</font>

<font color="119911">lynzi
selamat shopping &amp; ukur jalan

mana yg lain? DAN, GAL, NAw senyap je.. LYNN pun tido kah? ah cip mana.. cip O cip..</font>
<font color="0000ff">Nshahi
ada kat sini.. nari busy sikit wit test.. so kejap2 aku refresh..

tapi lost ahh.. kejap korang cakap pasl balls lah, pasal tent lah, pasal waterplay lah..

pening kepala nak follow up..!</font>

Cute cute benar anak 2 u all ....
My kids also gi marina barage for the school excursion &amp; it 's really fun ...

U all keen tak ambill ESS course...
<font color="119911">to those yg ada maid, u all install camera tak? how much eh? beli patne? how does it work? ez to view at office or our mobile tak eh?</font>
tu lah... betol sangat

anyway this topic must discuss with caution bukan ape..kesian naqi, she posa satu minggu noh... hb gi reservist
<font color="0000ff">Nshahi
i tak install cos, my mil is ard..

klu nobody at home, tink i pun will install.

btw pasal cctv ni, u can check wit nottygal... hb dia buat freelance kan</font>
Employability Service Skills
U pay for $30 registration fee
Ada 5 module
Class kat MASJID ASSYAFAAH(sbwg)
Class start 7-10PM...ada break for solat
After completed the module u will get $480
Attendance must be 100per cent perfect.
Kalau tak dtg they will deduct the amt...
Recognise for WQS &amp; useful for werk....
Only tis course u dpt duit others nope.
<font color="0000ff">San, nora
bukan naqi and dan je.. kepada org2 yg tgh redlite dan yg sewaktu dgnnya.. hehehe</font>
<font color="119911">san
yup coz aft much talk with MIL smlm i told her ill install 1 cammy 1st then subsequently if shes needed till nx yr where she can jaga both my kids then ill install more lah coz im trying my best to put my kids tog w/o mum's help coz byk factor yg i perlu look into.. bt that will depends on the maid's performance ah.. </font>
<font color="ff6000">Tania,
In this ESS, what's inclusive since it's recognised?
Any links to share?
What are the days like?</font>
<font color="ff6000">Nshahi,
If maid ok...tink cctv tak payah install unless the maid cant be rely on.

I'm counting down till Sept for more work to be done. Sekarang saja, my prnts has been asking arnd if any of our relatives/frens ada good maid to transfer to me by Oct/Nov 09..</font>
Wow gi course yet u are paid....hmmm interesting...

I did not install any cctv at home although it's only my ds and maid...BUT we will spot check on n off....WE as in Me,hubby,neighbours my mum , PIL..
ok masih ade masa for u.. hehehehehh

for me maid ok or tak ok, if no supervisor at home i will fix the cctv
belakang kite ape dorang buat mane kite tau
<font color="000000">CCTV
For charges, its better that you arrange my hub to come over and view your house, or call him directly for quote. Below are some information you need to provide.

1. U have to tell us ur budget
2. Type of camera and Model of camera (Ada murah/mahal)
3. How many camera u need to install in your house.
4. Need recorder tak? price varies also…</font>
<font color="119911">san
a'ah for maid purposes ah.. coz if once she come she will stay here till her pp is approve then she will ikut MIL balik KL gak so if shes here alone long then ill need to install one.. or at least nak cari gak yg murah2 skit jus to spot check..

like NAw ckp if no org tua at home to supervise i wld rather buy e cammy lah tak nak anything happen.. even e last maid pun MIL ard pun apa entah dia buat pat anak aku we doesnt noe until my doter tau ckp or relate wat hapen in e past tau..</font>
<font color="0000ff">Quote *If maid ok...tink cctv tak payah install unless the maid cant be rely on. *

maid mcm mana punya OK pun.. still u cannot trust them.. i will nvr leave my son wit maid alone.. klu setakat tinggalkan kejap2 je.. mcm MIL nak gi doc or visit someone.. den it ok..

klu "maid cant be rely on".. lebih baik jgn ada maid kan.. kita amik maid is to rely on them..

cos u will nvr neo, depan je baik belakang kita, hanya tuhan je tahu</font>
<font color="119911">gal
so ur hub ada buat eh? so if call him to come over to tgk kan dulu bleh kan? bila agak2 dia free eh? if can b4 e maid is approve lah nak try to settle it.. u let me noe girl? u hv my number if u free anytime, sms me ah let me noe a day in advance.. yelah mana tau hang dtg ku tak bra ke hehe</font>
Buat masa nie the course is at Masjid Al Naim(Hougang) &amp; Pasir Ris.
The course is to upgrade yr werk &amp; to be more confident something like tat ler...
It is under Mendaki if keen u may ctc Ms Farah/Mendaki @81267894.
After the completion of the course u will get 5 certificate &amp; a chq of $480....(Ikutkan $600 but they deduct $30 every course)
But take note ada hmwerk need to do every module u did &amp; need to submit thru yr lecturer.
Some lecturer may provide answer some are nt...
Last time I take at sbwg every wed &amp; thurs frm 7-10pm.
u just get from nottygal lah...
unless u nak yg gunakan camera digital mounted on tripod, tu lagi mahal... coz tu kena bayar mamat yg diri, click2 setiap kali maid kerja tak betol jer...
<font color="119911">Slynn
huh ada mamat diri? apa mamat yg jaga bus lane ke apa? i jus need a simple one which is not a very obvious cammy lah.. smtg like perhiasan or smtg gitu which is not noticable by them</font>
<font color="000000">Nshah
Why not u get ur hub to call my hub for quote..donno when he can make it to BT Panjang..

U need his no, I can email u.</font>
if u need a simple cammy, i read in other thread some mummies go to sim lim and buy the surveillance camera

appears to be somthing plug and play not complicated
<font color="119911">NAw
ah smtg like dat lah.. coz my hub ckp ada like dat.. yg kecik &amp; not so obviousnya.. supp to go recce smlm at sim lim tp smua mood M</font>
<font color="000000">Btw, I need to get a tv and ent set..ada sesape keja kat Harvey Norman, Gain ke...blh kasi disc..</font>
<font color="119911">gal
harvey norman ada warehouse sale at benoi smlm i saw e ad tp tak tau still on ke tak?

coz lagipun e agency yg suruh kita recce for a cammy she said its abt $120 tak salah ada mthly sub for the line? yet to get the full info lah.. coz it can b connected to our mobile.. lau agency dah suruh ah btr jus stdby</font>
<font color="000000">Nshah
u mean the agency ask u to install?? since dia blh quote abt $120 (dat is so filthy cheap), might as well u ask them who knows they are oso in this line, my hub charges more than that tau...

btw, i nvr came across an agency asking me to install cctv..makes me feel sceptical taking their maid aje..</font>
