

<font color="119911">naqi
jgn ckp lagi.. ku tgh nak clear the balls at home, hang nak? if nak lepas belajar at Al-Iman ah mei singgah.. hehe already abt 450 balls dah ku let go another 200 or so more to go</font>
Lynn, ouhkie, thanks for info!

I have applied for 1/2 day leave. Going off now. Kerja banyak seh, tapi takpe, besok I start engine.

I think yang tutup pukul 6 petang is the indoor display lah.

Till then, catch all of ya again
<font color="aa00aa">lynn,
naufal looks like he reali enjoyed himself there.

nowadays with any water play like at shopping ctr, etc i takut nak let faiq even touched the water cos once i saw a kid just passed motion while playing water at marina barrage..
seeing his gold coins lying around..mak ai..punyalah geli i!!!
gitu pun the parents can just buat bodoh and dont even bother to put on swim diapers..sighhh</font>
hhah bleh aku share ngna Lynzi...200+ is super alot....aku rasa playroom aku nanti tak bernafas...gini nak kena beli tent skali...
masok balik kejap.

Hehe, going for a bw later, but not at spa haven. trying honeypot. Hmm..nervous.

Btw, did anyone see an article in TODAY last week ? Ada pasal BW - there was thought of banning it even in US. Hmm....

I've never let adam play in any of the water area, coz truthfully I geli sangat, whether or not I see poo, haha! But today's a weekday, I'm hoping the place is not that crowded.

Terrible lah, takde etiquette langsung if taknak pakaikan swim diapers. Gross, ultimate disgusting parents.

Naqi has a really adorable face
hmm cakap pasal waterplay ni kan,

I phobia sikit coz I kasi anaqi main kat Jacob Ballas then demam for 1 week so macam very da phobia
Mika kena HFMD after playing @ playground depan rumah....
sampai skarang dia blom dapat sentuh tu playground...

jacob ballas, i heard ramai yg feedback, balik dari sana, demam. again, i dun think i'll ever go there
<font color="aa00aa">personally, i think all thse water play areas not very hygienic as compared to pool cos no proper water filtration system and no extra chlorine added to make sure that the harmful bacteria in the water die.

sejak hari i nampak episode jijik tu terus i ban faiq from any more water play..
since i know he likes water so much i have to avoid walking past thos ewater play areas like at vivo and such.

alahai...cutenya anaqi pakai jubah with the kopiah tu.</font>
<font color="aa00aa">mas,
hehehe..u nak beli tent?
i bought for faiq the thomas tent but the balls i havent buy...hehehe..</font>
<font color="119911">mas, lynzi
bleh.. bleh.. nanti balik ku kira balik e balls k.. coz my flea market nya barang berserak nak kena kumpul smua.. coz barg makin beranak..

tent pun aku ada, ada lion king nya pun nak? nanti ku try amik pix eh.. or nak yg small pool pun ku ada.. pendek kata byk benda ku ada, anak2 gue dah puas main hehe</font>
shahlynn, Nas
the last time i took adam to jacob ballas, balik tak demam pulak. coz i tak kasi dia main kat waterplay area langsung dulu.

Let's see how it goes today. If I have courage, I'll let adam step in there.

Kalau tak, gini...sapa2 free on weekends, beep me, and we can have a little swim party in the east...hehe
insya-Allah bersih!
ok nanti post gambar...

Lynzi Thomas tent...where beli??

Eh korang2 semua da makan ke..

Ku tgh tunggu rojak India from S11 Tampines...pray for my safety ok..hehehehe
That day nak pegi Daiso kat vivo tu baru jalan kat water play area.
Akak dok kampaung mane tah, tak pernah pegi tempat tu.. hehhehe
The thomas tent I bought thru a spree a few months ago, last yr agaknya. only $33! Kalau kat Toys R Us singapore, u carik, but it's about $50+
vivo waterplay pernah nampak 1 toddler ngan diaper sampai da terlondeh ke bawah coz it's da normal diaper..and u can see it turns brownish coz dia way...

Smalldreams ..Yup2 kat toys R Us 59.90
<font color="119911">water area act i very e geli seh nak kasi kids play there.. be it at vivo, marina barrage..or wherever lah act even laut pun ku geli seh..</font>
tent, i bot tent igloo from IKEA.
$12 only.
aiyah, yg cartoon character all mahal2 la...
function nyer sama.

smalldreams, u taknak pindah condo dekat town skit? jauh sgt la
<font color="119911">mas
me had nasi tomato from mr ban..incase later lau lapar akan ku ngap my supp to b fillet which i bought for bfast</font>
<font color="aa00aa">mas,
i oso bought from spree.
so much cheaper than at toys r us!
punya terperanjat i nampak the price here..luckily i tergerak hati nak beli online..hehe

pool mana tu u pegi in the east?</font>
takpe, tunggu aje, who knows someone might organise one soon

I agree with shahlynn though, actually cartoon ni semua takde extra functions - buat cantik aje. Tapi the thomas tent got windows, and can crawl through in the shape of a thomas train. It's cute lah, tapi i was sorely disappointed at the material. Biasa2 aje - i think cost price $10 aje.

Haha, ni bukan pilihan i, rumah ni pon bukannya I punya. Tumpang sementara aje. hehe, pandai2 eh nak pindah dekat town. ERP semua sapa nak bayar? Jiran pon tak gerek, tak best ah!

There's a pool in the place I'm staying at. The pool is clean, I think coz orang tak ramai sangat pakai. sometimes if i go there on sunday mornings, we'd be the only ones there. I wonder where all the other kids go to...ouh, maybe they all go to marina barrage! :p
dats wat i heard...
orang kaya, ramai kawan &amp; relatives. but make very bad neighbours. sombong &amp; tak campur orang. dats y suka rumah jauh2 &amp; tak pedulikan neighbours...

<font color="119911">smalldreams
apa condo u tgl? dont worry ah tak pi serang cuma nak tau je.. share lah</font>
