Harini Youth day? tak tahu pulak eh. so school in sg close for today or they half day aje? My son playgroup tak tutup hari ni so i tak realise...

yup. today all primary and secondary schools plus jc cuti sekolah.

budak2 poly dengan uni semua bingit because they feel they are robbed of a rightful holiday.
hihi.. took off today n tmrw to clear leave for my bday. didn't know coincide with youth day. baru balik from Zoo n Night Safari outing with my n my sis's family. Lucky the weather was quite alrite, no sun n the rain stopped. We took the horse-drawn carriage. Best!

i went there in sept 2007. it was late summer. the weather sunny for first few days but the rest of the week was a bit cold n couldy. we went eurodisney 3 days n paris for abt 10days. the crowd was gone by then. its the old buildings n the charm of the city i like... is winter in paris nice? my french lecturer said it is but he recommended to come in may. i aiming to go Rome for next overseas trip, tapi macam too ambitious pulak with ayuni..

sleeping with kids:
i put ayuni to sleep in her cot after bf her to sleep on the bed. but sometimes, best la sleep with her... when she starts to make noise n want to bf, i know its ard 5am. ahaha.. weekends at our new home, she also sleep with me n hubby on mattress on the floor. sometimes, i awaken by her cries when she fall off the mattress hahaha... its laminate so not bad la.
*Fast Labour*
Sally: I thought mine was fast.. but yours was even faster. Yes high tolerance of pain is very risky. I am a bit worried for my current pregnancy as I have high blood pressure that comes with my pregnancy. So your gynae propose to you c section because of your previous fast labour experience?

Styli: Thanks so much for the info. I have seen Quinny online and it is very stylish and quite pricy too right?
Ngeceh - baru I tahu. Another work like ngeceh maybe is "ngiler" also like craving or drooling over something especially in food context. Tak tahu betul atau tidak.

I hope your no. 3 labour would be just nice not too fast and not too long. Too fast pun problem juga.. you. Takut tak sempat sempat.

Mademoiselle: Hah.. now I know where the mademoiselle come from. Rupanya your french stint. I guess Paris has not change especially places like you mention.. they still hold their charm. And the cafe.. paris = cafe.

Styli: That was a recent trip you have there. Well winter in paris.. I find it quite gloomy and if you are unluckly, you will have a very cold winter that can be unbearable. I remember my friend and family came during winter and we went to Eurodisey and it was the coldest winter I had ever experience. It was terrible and we did not enjoy it because the cold was unbearable even though the queue for the rides are shorter.
Furthermore the days are shorter.. so you loose out on the day. Anyway.. good time to go is during autumn or spring. Not to hot and not to cold and day time is just nice. I think holidays in Europe like Rome will not be a problem with a baby. My sis in law brought her baby and was doing a free & easy. It turned out to be ok. Good luck to you.
opps. its was in 2006, 2007 that time i was heavily pregnant already haha.. hmm.. I was reading the guide books.. it seems ok with the stairs at all the attractions but prolly more tiring with a baby. Hoping to go before Ayuni turns 2 n no.2 comes along. ehehe.. thanks!

I bought Quinny Zapp n Maxi Cosi cabriolet abt $600++ at the Taka Baby Fair, usually would be about $700++. think the discount was prolly more for zapp coz i saw the price at mothercare n realised the retail was quite pricy. abt $459 like dat. cabriolet is abt $300+.

fast labour:
its quite dangerous esp for 1st time mum or those who r strong with high pain treshold. as long as dunt give birth at the carpark while waiting for ambulance or cab shd be ok. ehehe..
one thing to note abt the quinny zapp which is the reason i tak beli is that tak bole recline. so kalau ur kid dah outgrow the cabriolet and only using the zapp kalau tertido outside kesian kepala dia terlentok lentok. just my two cents worth.
re: quinny zapp
true true nora aw...i oso didnt get the quinny zapp cos of the same reason.
it cannot fully recline.
ended up hubby bought the quinny buz instead cos HE likes it but i dont.
its too bulky for me but hubby likes cos he said its very stable and got 3 reclining positions.
faiq used the maxicosi until he's nearly 4 months then switched to the buzz's seat cos by then he likes to sit up instead.
got the buzz for $899, that's after 20% disc and the maxicosi at $300++

when i'm out by meyself with faiq and no car i used the combi.
now thinking of getting a maclaren or inglesina...i dah giler hubby dah tak tau wat else to say...whahahahaha!!!
u dah la kecik macam jari kelengking.. kalau ankat tu buzz terbalik agakye... i dont know abt u guys but i find 3-wheelers a bit diff to maneuver on escalators. Maybe my co-ordination not very good. But i'm a maclaren fan.
*Job rejected*
Latest update is that i was sad
i think my fat tummy was too obvoisu tat day. Well at lest now i have more time for the courses that i intend to take this month

*Quinny buzz*
I had one of those last time. Very good on rough/bumpy roads and can even sebat the stairs, if u careful. But drawback is the size. Even if folded still can't fit the boot of the car. Kia Piacanto kecik
sangat ler... Plus need to screw on the bolts once in a while if not quite
squeeky keke

Got ur email...welcome to the Lepak-At-Home Club
lepak ? heheh i wish. my mum and hubby dah plan for me workload already :p one kerja rumah, one freelance assignments heheh
woit ima,
apa kau ingat tak keje ni lepak at hm kapa?
aniwei so sorry to hear that u didnt get the job.
maybe u are meant to do better things, who knows.
yup when folded takes up quite some space...lucky we bought honda airwave..if not sure won't fit.
ok ladies,
here's the confirmed venue, date and time.
please confirm your attendance so i can book places.

Confirmed Venue: Breeks Causeway Point
Date: 17 July
Time: 1.30pm
1) lynzi + bb
2) betty.bad??
3) babylee
4) sharena
5) aryanti + bb
6) zu + boy + bb
7) mamaliz???

thursday 17th?? my sarah abis skool at 2.30, i dont think my hubby willing to wakey wakey and fetch her cos he would have just gotten back from werk at 11am...nanti ada grizzly bear at home, abis daku!! struck my name off lah in that case....bila lah bole ku join u all....hehehe

Confirmed Venue: Breeks Causeway Point
Date: 17 July
Time: 1.30pm
1) lynzi + bb
2) betty.bad??
3) babylee
4) sharena
5) aryanti + bb
6) zu + boy + bb
replied ur email.just read my inbox.

quinny zapp yup cannot recline. looking for a neck cushion. so far Ayuni sleeps only for a while after she's exhausted. nowadays, quite active on the stroller.. scared that she'll fall over after jumping in her seat! hahaha... i prefer a 3-wheeler coz can swirvel. when it's crowded on the mrt, i will quickly park the stoller in front of the lift door n beat other parents with stollers. hahaha...
hey ya'll!

I should b able to go for the gathering. Most probably will bring my bb. Farah wl b attenfing sch at 3 so maybe will ask my hb to send her.

Cherie hearts - I'm putting farah for 3x a week.On those days they hv kindermusik, Acts of Life and Jap class. Cost $430/mth but before working mum subsidy.

Anw, last week i brought Shakil to swim at Hwa Xia..bukan main suka lagi dia! He had his first haircut, followed by swimming and lastly massage! It was his spa day.. After that time dah tak mengamuk bila mandi. Can't wait to bring him there again. Bought the pkg

Thanks for the support. Patutlah my hubby say the sales that day was very good!!! You saw my hubby? He was in that day. And you are right, for Belgian waffles, they use yeast. When we are trying out the recipes for the first few times, sampai ngantuk2 tunggu the dough to rise!!

Lynzi, you can order for gatherings, just say you are from the forum, dh can give best price!!

I think Europe is very child friendly. Even strangers help you with your prams or luggages!

Sharena, thanks for the info. Will look for one near my place.
ok mamaliz, noted.
hopefully u can join us the next time round especially when u have move to this area...hehe.

see u at the gathering then!
shakil must have been so happy at hwa xia.
which branch did u go to?
faiq also loves hwa xia pool lain...hehe..
so active my boy so needs to burn off some of his energy.

thanks thanks!
so now i got another place i can order from if i wana do tea party, gathering or kenduri.
can call beforehand to order tak?
can pass me the contact no?
or if u got any online site even better.

too bad u cant join us.
i was looking forward to meet u...asik chat but don't know who u are.
entah2 terserempak tengah jalan pun tak kenal...hehe.
next time join us yah!
I will try to join you all for lunch on 17th as I'm leaving that night & wld be nice to see you all before I go

Sorrylah I been MIA, busy macam nak rak. Plus I have all the kids wt me now until I leave & am also down wt the flu. See you all then. I plan to take my girls along for the lunch
hey sasha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
how r u dearie?
ingatkan kau dah merajuk dgn kitorang sey..
oh rite, now is summer holiday.
no wonder all your kids at hm.
would be nice to meet u before u fly off.
really miss seeing u and saarah.
take care!
OI, mana ada merajuk?? Did you all do smthg that I didnt know abt?? Hehehe
Its summer for the International Sch only.
They are actually off sch cause we withdrew them frm LV & they wont start at MindChamps till mid-Aug & since we going on hols, my hubby thought might as well save money & have them home instead!
I will definitely try my best to come. Hope I finish packing by then though.

PS: Did I reply your SMS? I cant remember, I'm so bad!
dear mommies
any of u tau what is the content of nasi ambeng yg authentic. so far i dengar the contents as follows.

tahu goreng
tempe goreng
sambal terung
daging rendang

anyone knows??? kalau bole i nak yg authentic and not yg dah di tokok tambah.
oh yes u are bad...hehe..
never reply my sms tau gerl..heeee

nora aw,
i know got paru goreng rite?
I insisted on having that for faiq's cukur rambut and i die2 want it to be eaten in a dulang shared by 4-5 people.
My mum was complaining about it being so troublesome but in the end we had it and put the generous varieties of kuih2 as beffet...hehe...
*nasi ambeng,
yummy... hehe

sorry ye, just wondering. do u have lobang for side-income?
im preparing to take on paying for additional bills when mom retire soon. (in 1-2yrs time)
dad already retired.
kindda worried each time i think abt it..
yes i come across paru goreng too.

nowadays macam macam dah campur so dun know the actual authentic macam mane. i also remember eating nasi ambeng ramai ramai time dulu dulu so best.

I thot of doing it for my boy's second birthday. But we will pre-pack and distribute to siblings and cousins je.
nasi ambeng in dulang:
actually, kalau ada ramai orang, it's more convenient to eat dalam dulang. my mom sometimes serves it for our entire family on special ocassions. gerek - sebab less plates to wash. no serving dishes also. cuma cuci 4, 5 dulang aje.
rome was nice. we brought hamnie when he was one.lotsa driving tho. yup, agree with mademoiselle - strangers look at baby, v frenly !
I liked venice better tho.

not so sure. since I tolong hubby, so he call the shots. he giving me IT programming/support to do. thk lookin for sales is always welcome tho. intro new customers I mean. then get a cut. how abt doing on-line shop ?

know when u mean. its worrying. both my parents r not really workin. i will still give money and live on savings tho I'm not sure how stable its going to be.I got pact with hubby cuba 6mths. if not so gd, its back to work
we went to the one at harbourfront. We went around 11am on a weekday so takde org bestlah! Kalau u free kita blh pergi lah one day next week before I start work..arrrrggghhhh

nasi ambeng
I looiiikkkkeeeeee

Enjoy your trip. Good luck on the plane with the kids!

just looked thru the calendar and realised sarah and Adam kene jab on that day.. So if both of them feel fine, esp si Adam.. If he tak membebel. i will try to go down. U know la si Adam, once he start, mak oi!! I tak le tahan sey!
haha zu...sure i understand.

aniwei ladies, my dec 07 thread tengah kemaruk reminiscing about our wedding so i tot y not post my wedding pics here as well...hehe.







lynzi, nice pics..

i got married during those time before the existence of digital camera. Video tape ade la. Bertahun tahun hb cakap nak convert video tape to cd tapi belom belom pun.
wadduh!! lynzi!!!!! sungguh jambu sekali kamu!!!

the first shot tu, korang amik time keretapi lalu, eh? not stationary keretapi, kan? tak takut ke?
yeah lynzi those shots are gorgeous! I didn't take any studio pics, budget haha!


Yr adam dah brapa bulan eh skarang? Mine just went for chixpox jab today. next mth MMR pulak.
yeah lynzi those shots are gorgeous! I didn't take any studio pics, budget haha!


Yr adam dah brapa bulan eh skarang? Mine just went for chixpox jab today. next mth MMR pulak.
si adam tu da 3yo! haha.. baby ganyut! actually i slalu bawak sarah pegi jab, then dia pun cakap dia nak jab.. so this coming thurs, i arrange for the both of them to take together. I ak tau nak jab ape so i just arrange for a chix pox jab. lol!!

steady eh kau! take gambar kawin smp kluar pat outdoor! i din even wana tink abt doing tat.. SG weather da la panas terik, plus take photos dlm baju pengantin, bole pengsan beb! lol!! lain lar kalo just take in t and jeans jer.
** Sry I cant make it on that day.
Have Fun!

Confirmed Venue: Breeks Causeway Point
Date: 17 July
Time: 1.30pm
1) lynzi + bb
2) betty.bad??
3) babylee
4) sharena
5) zu + boy + bb
hi peeps..

me newbie here, young mummy..

nice to knw thre r actually a thread for mly mummies! hehe..

do keep me in the loop ya
Naz, welcome!!

Lynzi, you look so good in the pics!!! Well-taken!

I'm off to my weekend break to Holiday Inn Melaka!! My last trip before I'm not allowed to travel!! Ta ta!!
Jambuuuu sey!! seri menyeri la!!

Adam ape jab lagi huh at 3years old? I dont remember Sharf getting anymore jabs at 3 leh..or aku miss ke?

Im selling my Longchamp le Pliage in red small size la. Nvr used b4. Brand New. Before I post kat WTS, thot offer to u guys 1st..Actually wanted to buy yg the medium size punya. Last BP no stock so end up buying another small size in Fig.

So kak NORA AW..nak beli??heheh
la.. small tak nak la.. me also looking at medium. but now kate spade tengah hot la.

ade org tu cakap nak curb spending tapi nampak dia order kate spade (yes, smalldreams, i m talking abt u..heheheh)
you know, it took me awhile to accept org panggil i kakak.. tapi a few days ago ade girl like 20s call me 'cik' kat food court..sigh... lemah seh lutut.. macam nak collapse.hehehehhe

nora aw
a girl in 20++ call u "CIK"... hahahaha
plz lah u dont look dat old pe.. i tink something wrong wit the girl eyes agaknya..

anywei i saja je call u nora aw kat sini eh
tapi klu kat luar must call KAK Noni.. klu tak my mom mesti terpekik call u by name je..
