Gathering Mommies,
Bad news. I can't join you guys for lunch on 18th. Baby Mel not recovered till now. She had cold last Thursday and now been coughing every morning and night. Tak cukup tidur with the blocked nose as well. Doc gave me Illiadin, the nose drop. But no effect. They say if too much ade reverse effect. Until now blum baik. My hubby says it may due to me breastfeeding her. Cos I breastfed Darling too that time. Darling had fever and cold initially. So jangkit the sister.
I pun now tak tahu nak give apa to Baby Mel. Doc gave her antibiotics and phlegm medicine. Still no improvement. Just to pour my worries here.


Mel's so adorable. If it's viral, it will be about a week or 2 before they recover fully. Hope she gets better soon.


I'm also considering the same sparkletots. Will see how, if my maid and mom can't cope with Amaar and the new one, then I'll put him there.


I've someone to send him to school cos mine it's just walking distance
that time when both farah and shakil had cough, phlegm and runny nose, it lasted more than a week. I also gave shakil illiadin but for 3 days and he recovered. Only with that he could sleep at night without the phlegm affecting. I think u hv to stop breastfeeding first kan, kalau tk it willn nvr end cos will keep on jangkit one another.
Pity we can't meet up though!

mine is at hillview one lah..
My hb suggests that we put farah 3x a week and not everyday esp full day! He doesn't want her to be too stressed out!
bb mel so cute and chubby
right now my bb Marsyha pon ada flu like nose block bila mlm tido mlm....risau jugak n have to sedut the nasal b4 tido....hope bb mel get well soon....
I think it's due to the weather too. Cold and humid. Banyak orang kena colds lah nowadays. But pity the babies the most. Hope Baby Marshya get well soon too. :p

Really hoping to meet up and catch up with you and all the other mommies. I was hoping that Baby Mel will recover in time. Hopefully who knows, she got better by tomorrow. Then maybe I can drop by and say Hi to everybody by Friday.

Sorry lah Beb. Asyik chat chat tapi got no chance to meet up. Cross my fingers hoping BB Mel for a speedy recovery. So I can cabut skejap and meet u guys. Ade reason pe, at the same time boleh gi Cold Storage for grocery shopping.
Afternoon ladies..

poor u, ur baby down with cold mesti susah....susah nak tido kan...mummy cranky baby also kids alhamdulillah dah getting better but every time its medicine time it will be a battle between me and them!! hahahah

This friday gathering im 50-50...not sure can go or not...Lynzi wen u on msn u amik my hp number lah eh....

Last nite was such a letdown for agent called to say i punya buyer tak dapat any loan from any banks cos he owe $$$$ so our wait for him for almost a mth gone to waste and best part is now my seller pon dah takleh wait for me cos theirs is divorce case and hdb gonna take back the house in 2-3wks time....
Been advise by agent to start back again...haiz.....

My house up for sale again...

"Today" got good article of what influence the birth rate in our little island.. minister minister ni semue cakap cakap aje.. but employer still cannot change mindset... so they acknowledge the root of the problem but there's really nothing much they can do abt it... blah blah blah....
heheh....apa kan daya n hubby toooo kind hearted lahhhh...wakakakaka....amik kau obat kan kan kan??*ouch!* very painful experience....but one thing came out good i think, my seller dah lah mintak i 18k lepastu mintak $1200 for deposit even though i said i cant afford...(actually can but takut lose the money if i cant proceed with the buying if my buyer back out, like rite now...) nasib baik i belum bayar deposit tu...
back to square one lahhh..........

3RM ANG MO KIO FOR SALE......ANYONE???? hehehe

tanx healing my wounds now...hehehe
ok, i know this sound silly, but how to sedut eh?
the other day baby ade hingus, but cleared the next day. she passed the flu to me pulak..= /

she's cute! hope she get well soon~

erm.. heh, awak tinggal kat Blk brapa eh?
PMed u.. = p

dengar ade DBSS kat AMK. need to give 5% cash as downpayment kan? will they return the money tak?
ni tengah sabar menanti details from hdb..
can use the pigeon nose cleaner or something like that its called.
i cannot remember the exact name but i bought it the other time.
just to standby in case faiq gets flu or nose block.
its like a tube with one end where u suck and the other end is a reservoir to contain the extracted mucus.
nasib alhamdulillah until now faoq has not gotten any flu or cold.

hopefully mel gets better soon so we can all mit up.
u can try her on homeopathy med...the cold and flu remedy...i bought it from vitakids.
btw, she is sooooooooooooooo cute and tembam.
what is her weight now?

if u dont see me online u can pm me your no also.
i hari2 mesti check email punya.
yalah...sharena is correct.
go find other buyers now...tu yasmin dah interested nak beli tu...hehe..
I bought the NUBY nose & ear aspirator at guardian......just to sedut the nasal/mucus and clear the nose dd slept well after dat.

in the afternoon bb Marsyha dah tindik and sunat...alhamdullilah dia tak melalak lama2 cuma bila nak tindik each ear dia ek sekejap lepas tu senyap then bila nak sunat pun sama....out fr the room terus tido sampai umah....
salam to al mummies mamas ibus umis ...

OMG!! cepatnye the thread goes on.. me so slow lah.. been busy with ds punye 1st bdae preps..

thnx so much for all the webbies you furnished me with.. it sure did kick start me..

long time no see you.. Fi told me you going back hometown eh.. bestnye.. how long? Oh my.. pasti seronok kan.. away from the hectic singaporean punye lifestyle..

You take care and have a safe trip to n back.. maybe kita jumpa pi shoppin and minum kopi lagi..

I pakai tollyjoy punye sedut sedut.. quite effective but sometimes wen my boy meronta, then i grip dia lah macam octopus..

Oh pasal nose block ni kan.. I dunno if any of you'al mummies have ever heard of KARVOL..
Its an ampule, you pecahkan and you put the oil on hanky or near your kids sleeping area but not directly under their nose.. iisshh!!! the smell, is so soothing and shiok..
we the orang tua pun bole ter tido sampai so nyenyak... very good.. its meant to clear your airways while you were sleeping..

the cheapest will be @ mustafa.. kalo tak salah its $5.50 guardian pun ada jual it think $6.50

Alamak, your babe mel so chubby... macam nak gigit the pipi.. hope she gets well soon

Bestnye.. I wish i can join you all... my gal balik sekolah 2.30.. i sure hope the next gathering, i can join.. been in this thread on and off and bila ada gathering, either i missed it or cannot make it.. haizzz... kesian gitu..
hihi yasmin,

macam high not really.. kekeke it smells like macam pi spa gitu.. relaxing and especially wen you're so beat during the day.. dah penat kan n u dah ready nak bobok.. wah inilah baru betul "" dah ngantuk di sorong bantal""

hehehe ber peribahasa pulak... hahahaha
hihi gerls,
this is the confirmed list for tomorrow.
i will be reserving seats so when u have reach causeway just come up to breeks at 4th level or give me a call yah!

Confirmed Venue: Breeks Causeway Point
Date: 18 July, Friday
Time: 1.30pm

1) lynzi + bb
2) babylee + darling (TBA)
3) sharena + farah
4) zu + boy + bb
5) mamaliz + boy (TBA)
i used karvol before! bagus! i pun tetido nyenyak. the smell buat the adults very 'high'. too soothing la... ank tak tido, mak budak yg tertido.

kalo tersumbat i used this!
very good! after dat the kids sure tido nyenyak. i also rubbed this badger balm, winter wonderland. highly rekomen yg nie. thanks to sher!
replied liao~

toddler bed meaning the play pen or the single bed ahhh??? sorry..i ni blur...but if u asking abt the single bed i bought at Courts...$104 i think...if playpen from Mons n Babes...dont remember how much...hehehe
my house simply done onlyyyy.....just look bright and cheerful with the colours....thanks ahhh.....*blush*
thks for the info. i'm referring to the single bed with the bright cheery little gal pic. yep must say dat colours really brighten up a room. Btw, is that parquet flooring or laminate? Machiam i wanna buy your flat hor ...
Apa nak buat. If we tak tido it's ok. But more kesian if the little one merengek nak tidor but cannot cos ade nose block. Btw, ade orang interested tu nak pergi view ur hse. hee...hee..hee.. (Doremon I hint kan for u)

SMS me ur number. U lum lagi bagi dah.

so neat your house!

sorry to repeat this topic, I know it's been discussed somewhere, but need a massage lady in the east, those recommended by other threads all so bz, how many times I make appointment, tak call back to confirm. So if anyone got contacts for any urut lady in the east, pls help.
Hehe, no lah babylee. Seeing how lovely Mamaliz house is, give me inspiration to spruce up my place.

Zu, i know this may sound very kaisu hv u tot of which primary school to enrol your kid esp. in woodlands area.

the gadget macam complicated gitu.. camne nak sumbat kat the small nostril.. i tengok pun seram..kekeke macam kat spital.. hahahahaha

maybe you can try to elevate anak u punye pillows.. sometimes wen they lie down flat its more difficult to breath.. but if you try to put extra pillows so its like semi sitting postion, it might helps..

u nak massage lady yang macam mane?? post natal ke normal body massage?? I know this lady she will travel whole singapore..
tapi price dia ada sikit ex..but i like cara dia urut.. shiok..
if you dun mind paying, i can pass u her nos.. PM me
oh ter forget...

mummies ibus umis mamas,
enjoy your lunch today kat breeks.. i hope and wish i can join the next gathering kalau ada..
no la.. not diff. one for sumbat the onthe for sedut. can really suck a lot tau.. unlike the other one yg mcm bulb tu..

not ks la.. if im u, i will tink tat way too. i stay in cck la.. not woodlands. not very sure abt the schools there. maybe can ask woodlands mom here.. gt quite a few. i tink env plays an impt part also.. so i hope to get out of my estate before adam starts p1. but dunno when.
the meat filling u can precook first then store in fridge if u dont intend to make the pie yet.
but the filling can keep for at most 3 days je.
longer than that then not nice and too dry oredi.

for the pie itself, u can bake then keep it in fridge.
so the next day when u wana consume just keluarkan from fridge and microwave it or heat it back in the oven.

i have pm u my no.

the best school in wdlds is admiralty.
second will be woodlands pri.
these 2 schools are good if u wana send your kid but they schools not good for the teachers cos they overwork...hehe..
sabrina - for shepherd's pie, i like the recipe in the sec 1 homec textbook. can ask your students to lend it to you.

schools in woodlands - if i were to judge based on results, i'll go for woodlands. a lot of top scorers from there. wodgrove also does well tapi i dengar2 teachers kerje sampai gila kat sana. hahaa!

ultimately, for me, i'll pick a school which is nearby for my daughter. so it'll most probably be qihua, fuchun or siling. then again, my girl is only 2. i may become one of those crazy parents yang sanggup pindah rumah, jadi PV etc just to get my daughter in a brand-name school.
dont send to qihua!!!
sekolah tu merepek...
will revert to my frens regarding your good words on woodlands...
they will be so hepi!

oh yah my frens at woodgrove have been complaining about the work...haha!!
maybe can consider innova pri..though its a fairly new school but the teachers n p there are good.
hi mummies
wich i join u all today but i'm stuck at howm cos my elder dd got enjoy ur lunch

i;d went to the dentist with Qistina she loves it..she so happy got stickers from recep n doc...kekkeke....will visit again next yr
Thanks Naddy.
I'm putting up in Marsiling and no pri sch within the vicinity. Since kena PV, might as well chose a good school in Woodlands.

for urut lady, u can Rohani HP 97507312. She's very good and i think charges abt $40 per trip.
U are in Marsiling. Me too! Now u already thinking for enrolment. Me baru nak go around to check for playgroup. Found 1 called Cherri House Montessori. Will have look with hubby next weekend after my 2 daughters are well recovered. Still recovering on and off. Me now terjangkit. My mom too. So both of us pinjam Baby Mel's nose drop to clear our nose block. Baby Mel can't use it anymore cos it's been 5 consecutive days. Haiz. Still no cure, man!
Thanks nora and doremon. Hottiemama, I'll pm you if I still can't get one.


So lucky, she likes the dentist. Hubby said that the place not very child friendly, cos when you open the door only, you can hear all the 'drilling' sounds.
my house not that lovely lahhh.....segan i you know~...hehehehe...taking picture must clean up a bit mahh....if not u would have seen the deco by my lil rascals oready! hehehe

todays gathering..
hope u ladies had a nice hubby have to report to CDA today at 12-5pm....last nite baru nak plan ngan dia for me to attend the gathering, then he dropped the time horrrr.......
Hws everbody? How was the gathering smlm?

Karvol..I think I shld try this son selalu kena nose blocked esp with the aircon on..more worst with the sinus prob! Hope this helps..

Zu, glad WWB works for Adam!
pasal kau tak pakai that WWB on sharf?
its very good. rub on the chest and aku pun rub on the soles. then pakai kan socks. then ble sleep thru out the nite.
Oh wat a coincidence Babylee that we stay in the same area.

haha Zu, dunno why i keep thinking u putting up at Woodlands area.

Hope everyone had a nice lunch.
hi mommies!

my daughter sekarang ada a bad case of cough. cuba nak pakaikan vicks kat tapak kaki dia, she kept on pulling the socks off and wiping her feet on the bedsheet.

i'm interested in this karvol ampoule that some of you talked about. where can i find this? i live in woodlands so it'll be good if you mention a place kat causeway point.

malam mummies ibus umis mamas...,

hows the lunch gathering?? mesti kecohkan.. bestnye..

Naddy, kat causeway point ada guardian pharmacy i think, you can find it there.. blue box. KARVOL.. dun put directly kat you dd punye baju..
taruk kat hanky ke small towel and put the hanky near her..
bout the socks, you ever try pakaikan wen she' is fast asleep..
i do that to my girl wen she was younger.. same prob lah .. take out then rub off the vicks..
tapi bila dia dah nyenyak, i pun apa lagi do it again.. and it works till she gets up in the morning.


just realised u staying in chai chee/kembangan.
where exactly? u said u considering the PCF at bedok north. tat area convienient for u also?
I think i will go down to the Blk 184 CC on 7 aug to view n register for ayuni coz i will be on leave. earliest she can start is April 2009 when she turns 18 mths.
