<font color="000000">Initially, I tried using IE, no problem, all images viewable but I still prefer firefox...Thus, I uninstall and re-install the firefox...Yes! It works!! {(((Hugs to Lina)))

Fyi, my desktop kena virus tau..its called Brontok fm my comp repair guy advise not to use MSN...

So now both my pc are up!</font>

Lina, memang aku nak self BOKOP, tapi i tak pandai buat sendiri, nanti berkecah 'make-up' mata ku.. nanti i suruh si Shahlynn buat kat aku.. masa dlm train kita jumpa each other dulu per.. hahaha
<font color="119911">hai..

im here cuma pagi ni bz gila ah.. jgn ku gila &amp; tak jumpa korang dah..

im trained to do it, ada pass lagi to certify tp if real situation comes i tink ill b panicked.. ah i did brg my pass so if ada sesapa nak tgk nanti mintalah ada gbr glamour ku gak hehe

salam takziah buat keluarga budak yg meninggal tu.. hes e same age as irfan soo scary coz irfan mmg prone to tercekik air liur dia wen tido, minum or makan..

kasut baru, use vaseline to apply on melecet prone areas.. it helps.. thus i carried e tub with me where ever i go.. PENDINDING kaki ku..

i might b taking bus to CP aje tau.. malas nak naik train kena gelek2 lagi to CP, naik bus turun je dah sampai haha or hub might be sending me tgk how.. anytg ill sms u k..

k chat later</font>
hahahhah...but kan BOKOP nie ade auto reflex...p-ple do it on u...then u will terDO at shahlynn hihihi

notty.. pon tak sedap hihih
the one I got from BP about a yr ago, MIC lah.

I ordered another one, tapi tak tau bila datang. tak keep track lah.

And I also bought another 2 pairs through overseas spree - belom sampai also. tapi i rasa semua MIC.

It's hard not to pass a day without using stuff MIC.

Biar betik. Tu virus wak jawa kot.

Takpe, I pon not make-up person. Mana2 pergi, muka macam ni jugak.
hahhahaha!!!! Fifth Avenue!
hahhahahha..... Seriously kan, i LOIKE!!!
ada dresses oso, noe! nice nice!
loafers, sandals..
hahaha... smalldreams.. i still remember you. Very tiny person with oily no make-up face...

hehehehe.. kidding ajer tau..i nie memang kuat gurau... mana yg tak bleh terima jgn duduk sebelah aku eh.. aku nie joker lah dey....
<font color="0000ff">hhmmmm.. so serious action taken selling NA branded goods?

tapi masih ramai pe org jual and beli NA goods.. how to control? </font>
Morning ladies....


Can I get my daughter to pass you the sejadah at Paya Lebar MRT taxi stand at 6.30 but you have to be sharp because she will be driving?
Tiny person? I'm not tiny at all! Oily with no make up face; that one ada betul jugak.

Takpe, nanti i datang i pakai bedak setengah botol. Kalau oily jugak, tak tau lah apa nak cakap.

Tapi eh, lepas makan ayam, berminyak lagi lah nampaknye.
baru sekarang u tau? Tu citer dah lama lah...

Of course lah it's an offence selling counterfeit goods. Worse kalau you pretend it's authentic. Sickening.
<font color="000000">Shahlynn
no sorrie sorie!!!
tak fair.tak fair!! u dah janji!!!!!!!!!

aku cfm on make up cozme not used to naked face...</font>

If not convenient for anyone to collect from there then she can drive to the back entrance of City Plaza.

Possible to let me have your mobile no? You can SMS me at 9856 4987.
<font color="119911">so how later dah confirm seat nak kena order sekali kan? else lagi lambat.. so how to order?</font>
nshah, nottygal,
korang sampai awal kan?

cik nab,
i dun mind mana2.... but just dat i sooo afraid cant make it by 6.30 sharp. traffic at Jurong Town Hall at times can be merepek.
can take 25mins to reach interchange sometimes.

Ok then, just call me before hand and confirm roughly what time, if not too late then my daughter will wait for you pasal malam ni kita ada doa selamat at my mum's place.
<font color="119911">slynn
dont tink so lah due to traffic, i kuar je kul 6pm
mana bleh sampai by 6.30?</font>

Its $32 for the 2 pcs. Or do you prefer me to send by post? You just pay $1.50 for normal postage and I will top-up the balance $2.24 for registered mail.

Pls let me know your preference
<font color="119911">lina
bidadari berapa$ i tau $2+.++ hehe

so how to order? last time hw u all order? im beginning to b greedy cam nak order banana spilt, ice kacahang aduh</font>
cik nab &amp; shahlynn,
sorry kalau I menyampuk...

Cik nab who will be sending the sejadah??..Perhaps I could help to meet up at either tanah merah or Simei MRT ard 6 pm??
hahah.. Nshah nampak sangat lapar to the max.

I suggest we order now. Jap lagi i upoad menu ok..

Thanks for the info on the cholesterol cure, will keep it for future reference.

For all your information - black fungus is actually "telinga tikus". We usually use this for soup - add together with lily bulbs ("sundal malam" - so vulgar), kulit tahu, su'un, fishball and quail eggs - so refreshing...
<font color="0000ff">Nshahi
last time we all order sama.. 1/2pcs spring chicken or 2pcs chicken and each table beli potato platter.. the total bill.. we just divide by how many of us..

dat time.. each of us pay $10.</font>
<font color="119911">wati
ku mmg lapar + GELOJOH hehe cam tak nak makan nak tg ARNOLDS je tp takut pengsan plak hehe
we order e set meal ok kan ada air sekali</font>

Uji will be sending - will check if she can meet you at Tanah Merah at 6pm. But can you wait at the taxi stand?

Thanks so much for your kind offer
<font color="119911">lynn
ah then order camtu ah tp AKU CHOP NAK 1 wings &amp; 1 RIBS hor.. jgn amik tau..!!!</font>
