<font color="0000ff">meh meh kita tukar topic... tak mau cerita2 sedih lagi... cerita hapi2 je..

nari kan nak gi Arnold..yuuhuuuu!!</font>
to sebab i rasa yg kita orang perempuan memang kuat. Maya is very precious to me.. Very very scary ah.. Sampai sekarang kalau i citer pasal Maya incident i will cry cos i'm grateful that she is alive. And at least i can share my experience.
Smalldreams.. yup.. i agree. I was pleading with GOD actually. And HE granted my wish. I am thankful forever.. Tu sebab i became a much better muslim. I think it's one of those obstacle i have to face.

Ok ok.. let's change topic.
Nanti pi Arnolds jgn malu malu tau...

Sape yg nak makan banyak can sit with me

Kalau nak makan sikit jer sit with Lynn, dia yer tank kecik..
so nanti makan ayam Arnolds kena kunyah betul2 jgn telan....shahlynn n aku punya CPR dah berkarat.....

hmmmmmm next gathering kite buat lain pulaklah
Hari ni I pakai kasut baru ah....baru 2nd time pakai.... entah2 by the time I sampai arnolds, i pon dah jalan terhincut hincut.
But i thinki nak carik course first aid lah to attend..
i always rely on my sis bec she's medically trained

ok close topic
<font color="0000ff">Nora
ni apa ni ada team ehh..? team tank kecil dgn team tank besar..

Arnold punya pasal tank kecil pun leh jadi besau tau.. hehee</font>
hmph... pemalu tu si Dan and Naqi lah.. step decent nonsense... menyampah seh.

Eh, tapi ngan aku dah gerek ah.. dah tak malu.. sebab dah berendam kaki kat fish spa.. tu ice-breaker.
mine tak baru sangat la...
but asal pakai, mesti melecet. so slalu, pakai sekejap, tukar kasut.

1 thing about kasut Timberland, mesti kasi season baru sedap... tapi camner nak kasi season, kalau asal pakai mesti melecet?
gimme ^5

Bau kedai dah takde. Bau lain yang ada.

Anyway lately I've been buying lots of shoes. even for adam! I think my mom was horrified when I bought the pair of crocs for adam. She saw the price tag when we were in the shop.... whoops!
<font color="ff0000">Wati

Semlm baru see lagi all the pics at FB during our gathering....leh tersemyum sendiri seh
penakut dgn ikan bilis....LOL
U pakai kasut timberland? wow! Dulu ada this brand, 5th avenue. Tu pon best - I love the moccasins!

Sekarang ni i pakai kasut murah2 je. beli kat Substance at Wheelock place. Hubby pergi repair mac notebook, i singgah sebelah shopping kasut dgn adam2 sekali dlm stroller...heeheh
<font color="0000ff">Quote *bau kedai ok, jgn bau kaki sudah*

betul betul betul... klu bau kaki, hilang mood nak makan..!!</font>
sapa takut ikan bilis?

My hub pon tak makan ikan bilis. Dia kata kesian nak makan, sekali makan kena makan banyak2 sebab kecik sangat.
the crocs u bought from outlet here is Made in China is it.

I tengok outlets sini semuer MIC but the ones we got from BP is made in canada ade, made in colorado pun ade..betol tak??

niari nak jumpe korang punyer pasal pakai liquid eyeliner.. now mate dah gatal lagi..ish!!
ya lor, MIC. I rasa eh, cost price dia cuma $5 aje, dia jual $50. Tsk! Tapi the thomas ones are too cute to resist!

Canada negeri developed pon masih ke ada orang buat kasut getah?

Nanti bila nak keluar baru lah pakai eyeliner...hehe if I, i won't last thru the day with an eyeliner.
hahha.... the experience at the fish spa was priceless.. kita 3 ekor terkekek mcm orang giler.. tapi lagi ramai lagi gerek eh..

Nora Aw, rajin pakai make-up eh.. kan nanti aku nak make-up kan mata korang.. sabar lah...

Heloo Nottygal...

Ladies, niari i tak pakai make-up eh, malas ah.. jgn plak korang hilang selera tgk muka aku takder make-up.. hehehe

<font color="0000ff">Alah wati. bukan kau sorang lah tak pakai makep.. ramai yg tak pakai jugak..

yg pakai pun, i tink by the time sampai, makep pun dah cair..

takpe lah, u pun nak pakai kan diorg semua makep kat mata kan..?? but count me out! hhehe</font>
