<font color="0000ff">nshahi
tak termasuk air lah.. unless klu u beli set meal baru termasuk air.. tapi kan set meal takde for 1person tau.. for 2/3/5 person set meal only.

kau nak chop2 apa hal pulak.. each person 1/2 spring chicken lah..!!</font>

<font color="119911">lynn
i dont eat 1/2 spring or 1 spring chicken ku tak sanggup nak tgk 1 ekor ayam depan gue.. sorry

then we take set meal ah? which is cheaper &amp; easier? nak kena angku bawa balik lagihaiz.. ttl berapa org pi</font>
cik nab...
ok no prob....

cik nab...kalau ada canx2 order of the sejadah inform me ok...hmmm skg menyesal plak tak orderkan Anaqi...
<font color="0000ff">Kurang asam betul lah si lina ni..

nak spot check je</font>

It's a pity I can't make it tonite otherwise I boleh bukti kan kegagahan, or shall we say "gelojoh" ???

Not joking ok ~~~~
<font color="ff0000">Lynn

sape nak makan whole chic pon ok, i bawak tu belt

can eat n melt the babat together....LOL
talking abt melting babat, korang pernah bobal pasal this dr johnson' gel kan? brapa you beli benda tu eh? BP jual $15, tapi i think it's exorbitant!
<font color="0000ff">Nshahi
kan leceh nak tgk which is cheaper.. klu tak nak 1 or half spring chicken.. u can order 2pcs chicken set..

anywei just order je lah.. total bill.. we will divide

klu nak tapau balik tu.. kira lain bill ler..!!</font>
<font color="119911">smalldreams
at geylang is $10 bt at bukit pjg plaza is indeed $15 so e price i tink OK lah..</font>

Sorry blue no stock, but I have 1 pc in orange and 1 pc in green (green is actually reserved for San but I am not sure is she still wants it).

Thanks for the order - but since Uji has gone out and brought Shahlynn's items with her, can I pass yours to Mama this Sunday morning on my way to market?
<font color="ff6000">Hi Ladies...

Busy week for me. Relieve like finally as I've cleared all the urgent mails etc..Now boleh chat. Yippeee!

Seronok betul u gals. Mesti excited kan?
I wish I can join u gals...*sob sob*

Cik Nab,
I want..hehe!
Green colour. Postage pon boleh.
Nak mit up, I tak sure kat mana cos I end work at 5.30pm.</font>
korang dah tengok menu ke belom??

i want half spring and also satu bun
one ice kachang (this can share share, ayam cannot share)

Set, deal confirmed - 1 pc in orange colour.


You are at Tampines - which block, Insya Allah can pass to you next Thursday on my way to kelas agama at Blk 430 - ard 8pm boleh?

Uji just confirmed that she will meet you at Tanah Merah MRT taxi stand at 6pm.

May Allah bless you for your kindness..
