Any give birth Mummy that live in yishun ??

TMC got chinese confinement soup but must pay extra $50 for 5 soups a day for 2 days,the soup taste ok la got blackbean soup,lotus soup etc...

the ea layout quite weird le, the study room in the middle of two halls, n the kitchen got two entrance, c few but dun like the layout maybe will consider em or 5I

I find em a bit inconvenient. Always have to run up and down. And the space is not very big compared to ea. Maybe u want to consider Jumbo or 5A?? I know 6xx have Jumbo flats but dunno anyone selling or not. U may have to check.
^5! I aso a KK mummy.

Aiyoh, i was so hungry after delivery dat i gobbled up the food. nice or But must eat w care coz some of the stuff they give are nt confinemt food. Although menue says confinement.
Linda, Yvonne,

hehhe my girl also delivery at KKH far only eat one meal there nia & forgot the taste liao hahhaha becuase i discharge on the next day....Sometimes cannot compare de like what we pay is what we get right?? Unless u r lucky lor hehe
P. Gal,
FTWM worst leh. Our off day is oso working day for us. Off day is SAHM day lor. Nowadays if on leave, oso not say 'kiao kah' at hm. Must take care bb as well. Morning to evening slog in office, after work go home, we turn into a nanny which is even more tired than working in office. haha.

no MIA lah. I was away to Desaru for 3days. Soon u will be going for short getaway too. However, yr getaway will be more relax then mine lah.

Me 2 give birth at Mt A. And i think the food taste good. My hb bunk in also said the food taste very nice. I remember 1 of his meal, he got Roast Duck and he keep tell me very nice. I can only drool over his roast duck that time.
hi5 to u too! but KK gt give u see menu meh? me dun see any leh... the food they serve to me is the same like wat everyone having...maybe like wat mich says, u eat wat u pay lor...mine is 6 bedded - C class...cheapskate lor so get cheapskate meals..hahahahahah..i even hv fried kway teow served to me (faint)

shiok shiok! desaru getaway!

FTWM no free time to juggle between work & with a ball on me, even if SAHM also shiong...hehe
Wah lao... how come serve fried kway teow??? hahahaha....

Same with u, i find the food at MAH is very nice. For my first birth, I dun have much appetite so did not really eat the food until the 2nd day during lunch and dinner. My 2nd birth, I finish all the food.... yummy.....

U stay single bedded? Wah yr hb eat "hao liao"... well we can only drool to their food lah... hehehehe.... I stayed in 2 bedded so hb cannot bunk in.
desaur not shiok lah. alot of flies leh. hehe. then still need to buy distilled water there to make milk for my gal.

Yes, me on single last min. change. I stay in 2 bed for less than 2 hrs, then i swop to 1 bed. Mt. A 2 bed room is very small as compare to TMC. Then i was the suay 1 given the bed near the door and toilet instead of the inner bed by the window. My next bed mummy, the hb and bro keep cat walk in out the room and to the toilet. So I have to draw my curtain all time cos' need to try breastfeed. Then when draw curtain, i can't get the aircon as the condenser is facing more to the next bed and 1s curtain drawn, really not much 'air' blown at me. And my hb, he don't even have a place to rest except for a tiny chair. Since my give birth process last fr Sat to Sun morning, both of us no sleep for entire nite. Then when my family came, alamak, they can't even come in altogether to see me and bb cos' it is so squeezy and got to rotate as 1s curtain drawn, it is damn tight. After all this episode, i change to 1 bed and lucky there's still 1 room available which the mummy is checking out that morning. I was lucky to get the smaller 1 bedded room which is slightly cheaper than the normal 1 bedded.
Yes, the 2 bedded room at Mt. A is really small. U know I stay at the same ward and bed for my 2 births and like u, no luck with the bed. The bed assigned to me was near the door instead of window. My curtain was drawn most of the time. Luckily I am those tht is afraid of cold so its not a problem for me. The only frustration I have is the snoring noise from the other mummy. I am a light sleeper hence any little noise will wake me up. I was so annoyed when one mummy snored so loud while sleeping.... Really feel like gg over and give her a big push ... hahahha... Well no choice, its a shared room... And I dun want to change to 1 bedded because scared expensive...
San, BB Cutie
yr description damn cute... wah Mt A got smaller single rm ar? then can charge cheaper somemore, so good. I very sian.. I opt for 2-bed @TMC coz I know they won't b so gd up-grade me to 2-bed FOC. Do u know most of those mummies who's gynae reside at TMC office, can get FOC upgrade to 2-bed? I dat time feel damn bitter lor coz the mummy beside me is the FOC up-grade one. Yes, then like wat BB Cutie say, snore & snore... damn TL... Can you imagine I pay more than the woman beside me & yet I suffer the snore????????

San, Yishun got EA meh? Sorry ar stay here so long still donno.

BB Cutie, I like the jumbo @6xx blocks.. take bus also near interchange. They won't let go off their jumbo one... all drive big cars stay big hse so shiok
looks like i'm the only deliver at TMC, but i found its quite good le, after bb came out so hungry n i finished the fish porridge,food quite nice,hav western,breakfast got croissant,really like stay at hotel hehe...

San ,
u went Desaru,i was there during chinese new year,stay at Pulai resort, my kids enjoy the trip to the farms.

As what u said i oso upgraded to 2 bedded FOC cos the 4 bedded that i book was full.
Thk it depends on yr luck lah. Like Feiming, she opted for 4 bedded but was full so can get "free" upgrade lor. My SIL oso leh. She gave birth at Mt A, opt for 4 bedded but no bed so she get "free" upgrade to 2 bedded at Mt. A.

Those seeing Dr Lawrence Ang can get "free" upgrade to 2 bedded paying 4 bedded fees. I hate the Q so did not chose him as my gynae.
oh, so you r quite unlucky as me too. haha. me nvr think of the snore part but scarly myself too tired after 1nite no sleep, me is the 1 snoring if i take a 2 bed. wahaha.

Ya, those under Lawrence Ang group, Thomson Women's Clinic can get foc upgrade to 2bed at 4 bed px. Like i said, it is only abit diff only. But the gynae, their package is super super super cheap. $550 from the 1st time you see them and include all consultation/medication. Most gynae can only start take package fr 16 or 20 wks.

think TMC 2 bed and 4 bed, the package px difference abit only. Like abt $200 or so. not big difference lah. so no need to 'bang' ok. hehe. But for the smaller 1 bed in Mt A, also not say cheaper alot. I think is abt $30-60 difference. I can't remember liao.

Yes, i stay the Pulai as well. I dun enjoy the fruit farm leh. not to what i expected. Maybe those fruit farms i went in Aussie are much better. But the firefly tour is quite interesting at 1st but after awhile, not so to me. But kids really enjoy the firefly tour.
ooohh recently also went M'sia & manage to c fireflies for e 1st time.. ooh machiam x'mas trees!
S'pore never get to c b4.. next time our kids v poor thing must travel to other places then cn c such things
I took the B1-4 bedded ward. Got meal selection but choices limited. Somemore, i delivered my kids all on sat/sun, so the menu dat i came across is the same although difference of 5 yrs apart! lol.
Got package $550 only?
like that mine super expensive my package was $1800+ from 8 weeks onward n some of the test not included le....
KKH F&B is awarded to caterer. Tink the same caterer got the contract from KKH.

Can share who ur agent is for ur current maid. theres a shortage of indo maid nowadays and my agency dun hv much biodatas for me to see. Nid to look for alternatives. >.<
fei ming,
from wat i know, TMC & Mt A, gynae pkg abt $550 nia, excluding blood test, etc... then for them to do delivery, u pay a certain amt of deposit first, then after delivery, the hospital will calculate the total amt & bill u.

u paid $1800 ar? dat is super duper expensive manz! includes delivery charges?

nana, linda,
so means i will be gettin fried kway teow again for my meals...haha...hopefully tis time is something better & the soup doesnt taste as yucky as before...

Re: type of ward
i chose the 6 bedded ward again tis time round...hw i wish they run out of 6 bedded & free upgrade me to 4 dreaming again liao...
wow, u still can remember what you ate in hospital. I totally lost memory for that except for my hb roast duck rice.

fei ming,
those under Thomson Women's Clinic gynae like lawrence ang, adrian woodworth n woo bit hwa, the package fees can start to sign up fr 1st visit and it include all the subsequent consultations and medicines but of cos' exclude delivery fees. Yr gynae $1800 fr 8 wks, mine is $1500 fr 20wks still exclude medicine! His delivery fees of abt $1200 is additional. So damn ex but i bo bian, got to choose him due to some reason.
Opt for confinement meal. Char Kway Teow is not confinement menu lar. Normally their confinement makan is dang gui soup/ black bean soup / seasme chicken. Stuff lidat. Class different but menu shld be similar lar.

Its kinda hard to forget coz its exactly the SAME! LOL. For all 3 kids, i ate their sunday and monday menu. :p
my gynae from w c cheng @ associate the clinic at TMC oso the package include delivery charges.mine is a female gynae.

so urs much more expensive than mine la cos mine include delivery
maybe u should email yvonne the menu of the day for sat/sun, let her be prepared and look fwd what to eat. haha.

fei ming,
which gynae of yrs from WC Cheng? I used to be wz WK Tan since teenage where my mum's fren recommend to my mum due to my PCOS problem. So i was seeing her fr teenage till adulthood. Only till i preggie and swop to my gynae located in Camden. Bt he so expensive, after birth i dare not go back to him for check up liao. hehe. But no doubt he is gd and really suit pple like me who like to ask alot and he patiently explain. And my episotomy stitches was pain free. I don't even need to pop pain killer or sit float after birth.
san, yvonne,
Pengz.. cant remember exactly the food lar. But i know for sure the dinner on sunday got seasme chicken and lunch on monday got dang gui soup. But got choice one. I tink 2 types each for chinese and halal. Only breakfast got American as well.

my gynae was Madeline Tan,my episotomy oso ok le, i didnt take any pain killer oso.but tis gynae everytime hav to wait for an hour even with appointment.
Dear mummies

Ive a friend whos selling stuff online. Brand things are rest assured to be genuine products at reasonable price.

Items are handpicked, in single pieces only and flown in.


If interested, you may email her at [email protected]

She may charge for postage depending on weight. Or I can pick them up for u.

Do share with your friends!
sorri ar.. i got log out of the system, i tot forum got problem..

btw i want to ask mummies here, at which age do you feed yr bb porridge?

My MIL let my girl try eat porridge at 8mths old, but it depand on yr girl want to eat or nt, slowly train de..hehhe starting my girl only eat a little bit lor....but b4 eat porridge she is drink e brown rice mixed wif milk make it thick de.....
i let my bb eat browm rice about 4 months than start take porridge at 5 months, at first only a bit about a tablespoon only than increase slowly lo...
my boi ate his porridge at the beginning of his 6 mth. the caregiver - my aunt told me can start feeding him liao. u hv to squash the ingredients, like carrots, potatoes or brocoli real soft & cook the porridge till its turns nua nua... then feed bit by bit

if ur child doesnt want to eat, then stop first, dun force..slowly slowly
I bzbz coz change maid, gg to move office and changing job as well. So nid to train maid, prepare to set up new office and do handover. Will be bzbz til nx mth liaoz i tink.

Best advised to start food with protein (fish, chicken) etc after 6mo. Before dat, can feed plain porride (tasteless. :p) or rice ceral.
Actually we're giving her cereals now & I'm excited to start porridge in her 6th mth. But my mom say 7th month then start. I read books say 6mths can leh.
usually fr 4 mth bb can start semi solid i.e, cereal, puree food. That time when my gal reach that age, i so excited and already standby a pack of cereal for her. However when go see PD, PD ask me to start fr 6mth. Then I was like 'sian' liao lor cos' finally wait till i can try her some tastier food instead of milk, PD ask me wait till 6 mth. Then i bo bian, i 'ren' till she abt 5+mth, i give. Think start wz cereal or puree food like pumpkin etc. Slowly introduce rice as if too young, their digestive system still not gd.

Hope this link below can give u some guide.
my son 2+ oredy but still dun wan to eat rice le...everytime family outing i hav to bring his porridge,very toublesome.Any mummies got this experience? can tell me how to make him eat rice, noodles etc.
fei ming
i'm sure ur son hv his favourite food like, fishball, pork floss, certain kind of veggie or some sort of finger food. try to humor him by eating rice together with his favourite finger food.
eg: if he likes fish ball, tell him: "u eat 1 mouth rice, mummy give u 1 fishball"
or maybe if he likes to drink ribena or orange juice, also tell him " 1 mouth rice = 1 mouth drink. slowly encourage him.
my son also detest rice for a period of time last time but when i give him his favourite food like fish slices or fishball & tell him eat with his rice, he will eat lor. show him on the spoon: there, u see the fishball here... open ur mouth..."
Thanks San
I more excited to start porridge now but my mom say digestive system not strong yet.

Since 4th months she's on puree & Si Shen rice cereal. So now 6months i start her on Nestle cereals (since Nestle cereals range all start from 6mths onwards).

I want to give porridge coz it's still the most original form of food rather than those cereals lor
Hi Yishun Mummies
Our dearest Michelle has given birth this morning to a healthy chubby baby boy
so happy and excited for her reminds of giving birth to Jovan 8mths ago.....

<font color="0000ff"><font size="+1">Michelle Congrats to you and your family take care and enjoy your confinement
san, bbcutie
my turn soon..hehehe....of cos excited...
counting down..2 weeks exactly from my EDD...let's see when my princess decide to make her appearance..

susan will be next..her EDD sometime in NOV..
unless of cos soemone else decided to make known at the last min...keke

Hi All Mummies,

Thanks all the Congras ya hehe

halo i discharge today but without my SON Zheng Xian
....Becasue he got Jaundice & G6PD ne so PD say have to observe for one week maybe next Mon...

Okie here is my birth story kekeke...

on 8 July 2pm+ start got brown discharge, but no contration pain yet, so i ask my sis she say is the sign coming liao so got to prepare liao & i also never call Gynae because on Mon morning got appointment wif him...
at midnight 12am+ hubby asked me i m ok or not i tell him if no okie i will wake him up hehehe
2am wake up feel a little bit pain, i drank a cup of warm water then go sleep again but i can't sleep through till 3am then pain come in 30mins apart, so i was think tat is midnight & my girl sleep so tight dun wake her up, i lie down on bed again haha....But until 4.00pm the pain is keep going & same as last time i wake my hubby up liao he say better go hospital lioa wait u give birth on my car keke, then he call his mum say will send Xinyi to her house, Xinyi was still blur blur hehe.
after reach Mt.A by 5.30am wahhh pain until cannot walk liao the nurse use the wheelchair to pull me to the labour ward, after chg their gown lie down on the bed the pain is 10 mins apart liao i was thinking want to jab Epidural?? & my hubby also ask me to jab because he see me so painful..i still say NO to him..
Until 5.50am onwards the pain non-stop, but my Gynae haven't come in yet. 6am my water bag burst liao hahaha the nurse also kan cheong liao say alrdy the inform the Gynae & is on the way..on this time my hubby say can see bb head liao the nurse also ask me DUN PUSH yet the Gynae haven come..WAH u knw the PAIN is like hell, becasue the bb want to out but u must "ren" cannot push.... 6.10am the Gynae came in & wear his gown, oooo finally he say open yr legs big big ok u can push liao, then i push 2 times SHIOK men hehehe my son came out liao.....
i didn't expect that my son so fast de..maybe when i was pain at home tat time the alrdy dilate liao.....& lucky never jab if not wasted $$
