Any give birth Mummy that live in yishun ??

So goot, u get to enjoy PH. Now i aso lost track of time, even PH aso dunno liaoz... lol

I avoid cold drinks totally after delivery lar. Not to avoid big tummy but for health's sake.

I didn't drink cold drinks during confinement. Also sat down and drink.

But after confinement, I slowly start to drink cold drinks lor....hehehehehe.... But I don't take cold drinks very often lah....
I think the ah nei at our area will clean lift and those tiles area. Every level, they sweep only the lift landing area. Not sure got everyday or not. Actually they eat snake also nobody know mah. Who supervise them except if kana complain fr residents. But by right, they should sweep our corridor area lor. If not, for what we pay the mthly TC maintenance? To maintain what? 7 yrs 1 time painting our flats ah? My frens they said their hse there, the person will sweep their corridor area till the mum also know them. CNY will also give them ang pow.
Maybe the Ah nei at our area are lazy..... But sometimes during weekend I did saw one ah nei sweeping outside lor.... hehehehe

For new flats they don't re-paint at 5 years on the dot lor.... usually they will extend another few years before repainting. But I find the painting work sucks leh.... U know they suppose to paint white, green, then grey right? But hor at our kitchen area, they only paint one layer of white and straight away paint grey liao.... Tou gong jian liao.... This one exterior still ok...

The interior hor wah piang, paint until my gate also have small droplets of paint and never bother to clean off.
bbcutie, San,

last mths i still can saw malay mop & sweep e floor when i go to work in the morning, but this few week no more liao dun knw they chg the timing or wat.....

& hor this two days dun knw is which #&^%$$%% pass urine on the staircase on level 14 & 13, very smelly ne & can see the floor still wet
Yah.... Can smell urine when I go over yr place on Monday ne.... The smell still there ah???? Wah piang....

Better call TC to complain leh....
ya lor. u see our flats, only recently than paint after so many years. i stay 7 yrs then repaint. I nvr check the quality of the paint lah. But sure they will give to the cheaper contractor who tender for the job mah.

So yr malay there nvr clean also. I not sure abt my blk staircase cos' i nvr climb stairs. But our car park staircase is definitely always wet and stinko! That is why I wonder what kind of 'gd' maintenance our TC provide. Then sometimes the carpark staircase light flickering or burnt liao, also no change for mths. They didn't even check it. That's y i said very unworthy to pay the amt = to some condo and get such bad service. Condo still got pool and guard and the moment anything spoil, within a day get repair.

hehhehe is ok not urgent lah u can take yr time.....Of course a sai u want to come my place keeekeke.....

<font size="+2"><font color="aa00aa">Wish All Mummies here hAvE a hApPi gOOd fRidAy & weekends yA</font></font>
yea Expo gt JL sale but i nv go,i just heard from my frend level 2 gt lots of branded baby clothes for sell !!! 3 for $10 le... gt baby gaps & on .. a lot la.. anyone go liao ma ??? till 8 april ... : ) wanna go but tml sure lots of ppl de ... holiday... : )
Hi mummies,
Super blue monday hor after a long wkend. But heng 1st may there's holiday again. Not too far away. The PH in sg is real pathetic. After the May holiday, got to wait till 9 August! Me siao, work always count when got holiday no need work. keke.
U look fwd to Wednesday while i look forward to Friday for my WKENDS! haha. Actually, I hate Wednesday cos' my energy level by Wednesday is 0 liao after working 2 days and yet still need to work for another 3 days (including Wed) to get a rest.
u gg for the performance!! Do enjoy urself. I watched it when they were in sg a few yrs back n its a must watch!

Dun be so blue lar. At least u still can hv PH and weeken to fall back on. I hv lost track of time liaoz... lol.
Hi hi girls...
I have a sickly Monday.... Had runny nose last nite suddenly. Took runny nose pill. Felt whole body aching. Went to kun... Morning wakeup with heavy head, but due to long weekend, die die must go to work. Pop 2 LEMSIP COLD AND FLU relieve before gg to work.

Felt fainty and tired in office. Went to see office doc. Given MC. So come back and rest for half day....
Hello ladies
just came back from shopping. Today took leave to babysit my bb ger & afternoon went shopping.

I saw this Guess watch which I like. Any idea where I can get it cheaper??? Rather than buying from Tangs
hello all,i cant get to slp.. haha.. every day i m so awake.. heehee.. jus read through forum n see see... i m too free already.... btw anyone go to gt the huggies untlra???


oh u are sick..muz rest more .. tk care...: ) dun tire urself out... cheer..
Gd morning,
Today is Wednesday which is the day I hate but at least can see wkend nearer. True enuff, this morning the moment open my eyes, i feel so tired and whole body aching. Dun noe why Wednesday always like that.

Princess gal, u r really a late sleeper.
yuhoo... where are all the mummies?

ya lor the thread became quiet liao.

BTW, no one can help advice me where to get cheap Guess watch?
Eloz Ladies, wet wet yishun!
My CL left on tues morning, so I was adjusting to handling the bb on my own, trying to create a routine and all. Kinda siong manz...
Thank god I made other arrangment for the bb, I doubt any maid can handle well 2 toddler, 1 NB and all the housework and cooking! lol.

Ur comment on wed is so farnie. I used to love wed coz its ladies nite at many drinking spots! ahahha...
ya lor.. this few days this thread become so quiet.. i tot all busy... haha


yea i m reali a late sleeper.. haha.. nt good la... but cant gt to slp hahaa...

hey mummies u all nv get the huggie sample?? it is real good..... : ) can reali absorb the water for 14 hour .. heehee good .. thump up for it...

I was quite worry if i could handle my gal alone during the time when my CL abt to leave. I machiam like a queen, nvr bath her, no nite feed (cos' i not bfd) etc. But luckily, i manage to grab her to bath the very 1st day when she's not around. Now the thought of handling such small baby really scary. I wonder will i be going thru again.

Princess gal,
i had yet to get the sample. Location not conve for me leh. Btw, is the cutting small or big? I wonder if i go to redeem, should i get a M or L diapers.
Its not possible to handle 3 child + housekeeping + cooking lor.... I can tell u that NO MAID can do it lor.... I don't thk I can do it myself.

My maid handle 2 kids and housekeeping already complaining body aching liao and requested me to send her back. She do not need to cook unless my mum went back home to my bro place.

The Huggies diapers collection venue not convi for me leh.... so not getting lor.....
Hello Ladies

I will try Citychain but somehow I feel their discount not alot leh..

Princess gal
Redemption point abit far leh.. I read the terms, the diaper you bring to exchange must be worth more than 50cents right?

hmm the cutting auite big le. .i gt L for my gal.. my baobei is around 9 to 10 kg ba.. but i find the cutting very big... hw many kg is ur son/daughter??? maybe u can gt M !! cos actually i wna gt M de but my hubbi kiasu scare she cant wear so gt L for her.. but still can wear,a bit loose lor.. heehee
gt 4 location can redeem the huggies le... nt only amk n enuo..


hi,btw i cant remember u are who ?? v long time nv come in this thread issitt???? : )


nt 50 cents la but is 30 cents.. heehee..i gave to the lady pamper brand.. heehe.. i gt 9 pieces. total 3 packet each pack gt 3 pieces... reali good.. can absorb a lot.. i let my gal wear till 15 hour.. omg ... still dry n good... i m gg to buy this for nite pamper le.. cos at night i always but pamper nite de... : ) i see other bring huggi n dryper go also can le.. : ) cheer.. so tyry to go down n tk if u are free lor... end of this month.. cheer : )
i cant get to slp..hahaha.. now 3.16am le... wow... very jia lat le.. tinking of eating sleeping pills to slp but scare later baby cry i cant hear.. hahaha.. my baobei now sleeping so soundly but i m still playing com..hmm : )
thank u thank u. I just celebrated my second one's full month today. Downloading the photos now...

Anyone SAHM here? Any mum from Lilydale?
Zinie, we chatted in MSN & thru SMS too, remember about Amosco that u want to organize but you can't gather enough people?
Princess gal,
My gal now around 10kg lor. But normally for other brand, what size u get for yr gal huh? I got Huggies dry (red packet) L for her and she always wear liao, after she pees, the pampers will become 'lao lao'. I wonder is it the L size huggies too big for her. NTUC L size, she wears no such problem. Then I go CK buy Pampers premium L size for her and it is quite big too. After she pee, also 'lao lao'. And I find if the pampers become 'lao lao', it tends to leak in the middle of the nite even it wasn't very heavy.

Welcome. Actually, I am also very new here too.

Eih we keep a chart to introduce ourselves want? So that we know who is who, esp for newbies like me. Something like

No of kids
Kids' BD
Yishun Block

