Any give birth Mummy that live in yishun ??

don't think possible leh... wait she scold me

Morning Ladies,

oOOoOOo this early morning raining ya....


kekkekke ya lor i wan to buy LV wallet for my hubby......hihihi


opzz then is ok....y she scold ne?? Being busybody har...
Good morning...

Partly. Plus don't like to go brand boutiques coz the sales treat us as China ppl, very rude one.

wah u buy LV for yr hubby ah.. haha my hubby use Bruan Buffel can le. Hee hee

ooOoOoooo but feel that Bruan Buffel cannot last longer ne around one year e surface will become colour fade & feel like "sei go" maybe is leather problem kekkee
sorrie, sorrie, yar, esther.. kekeke...
so she has monthly lobang for blue label?? dats goot... I can buy more bags den! lol.
Btw, can share ur contact for the slimming ctr?? Tink i need to go tone down my loose bits liaoz.

dun worry abt the sales, i hv brought bags dat look like buy from 'garang guni' one and after service and changing the handle it looks as good as NEW! Dats why i love LV, they last a lifetime!

why 100 days ar?? i tot 30 days only ?????i m very blur now.. hahahaha...

*wow.. eeryone so crazy abt LV or blue label..haha... reali so nice meh !! hmm.. heehee

*a lot of ppl ask me go there eat .. their food nt nice ar??? lucky i nv go.. but the food worst the money ma ar??? i nv been there le... dun knw nice or nt ....
U mean can go LV change some parts ah?

yah Bruan usually last 1 yr. But i think i buy LV for him also won't last one lar. Haha. Most prob he'll scold me also.
Gd morning mummies,

Wow, all the talking on branded bags. I better dun talk so much on this. Must refrain from spending. Now bo liu liao. haha.

What slimming centre huh? that I interested leh. hehe. Ever since after birth even for 22 mths liao, still got thick waist, flabby tummy and big thighs. Anybody know of any massage that can't do for slimming? I think I prefer that.

yr question is can do slimming or cant do slimming huh? kekee my massage lady can do slimming.. but super painful.. u dare?
Hmm, i know that some massage lady can do for slimming lor. Not post-natal massage lah. My gal already 22 mths liao, all the wind should have gone except for FATS. haha.

Yr massage lady how much and is a malay? Is the effect really visible? Pain i not scared lah. I always go to those 'tui na' for my neck.

My massage lady is a chinese.. very good in 'chi ya' $70 per housecall. will take some time to see effect de la.. since its onli manual how freq u do lor.. liek slimming centres ma.. have to go freq den can see results!

'Chi' means Finger, 'ya' means press haha...

yea house calls... $70 for 1 hr.. can do as many
as u like lor :D i nomore doing it liao.. i cannot take pain one haha.. She say fatty area den will feel pain.. keke... She do all kinds of massages.. prenatal and after delivery also do.. think she got a Promo of buy 10 times get 1 time FOC..
Slimming massage can get rid of wind and fats but can't sculpt your shape leh. That's what my beautician told me.

Just to share my slimming experience with my beautician. I took up a slimming massage course (10 sessions) from my beautician. She charged me $550. That means $55/session. After I finished one course with her, I signed another course of 10 sessions with her and this time she charged me only $480. So total I paid $1030 for my body slimming massage with my beautician.

So that's the cost that I paid for 20 sessions of slimming massage. So what do I get at the end of the massage?? My hip went down from 37.5 to 34.5 inch and waist from 32 to 27 inch. Isn't that amazing???? Especially for my hip area. I had 2 natural births but my hip can go back to pre-pregnant size which is really incredible.

So what happen during massage? Well, u just need to lie down and relax. That's all. My beautician uses nano technology machine to massage and sculpt the body. Tummy has the most fats and most difficult part to get rid of. So I start with tummy first. She will apply gel on my tummy and on the hand held massager. Then the feeling is like doing scan during routine check lor.... hehehe... but of course she will assert some pressure while moving the massager over the tummy. It will break down the fats, draw out the fats (yes draw out. My tummy felt very oily after every massage) and then sculpture the area for better shape. My pants become loose after going to 2 sessions of massage.

How often should we go?? Just pick any 2 days every week to visit her. I went on every Fri and Sat. Don't let the gap between 2 days to fall far apart. U will see better result in this way. Sometimes if Sat I am not available, I will go on Fri and Sun.

Recently I just sign up another course with her to do slimming on my arm and thighs. So far I only used up 4 sessions on my arms. Now I left with 6 sessions which I decide to do on my thigh.
After finishing this course, I will maintain through regular workout.

Besides slimming, DIET is also very important. I cut down a lot of carbo during my course of slmming. Now I have nearly attained my weight, I increase one more serving of carbo for maintenance.

GIRLS, I am not selling for my beautician. I am just sharing my experience with positive results.


confinement is 40 days. But diet wise, best to avoid all no good food like cold drinks, prawn, sotong, prawn paste, etc, etc for 100 days.

** 2 things dat 99% of the women can tok abt. SHOES and BAGS!! ahahhaa.....

when the strap of my bags are in terrible state and beyond repair, they can replace it for me at a charge for the 'spare parts'.
From the way u described, the slimming course is not entire body but per area?? Die lar, i need to slim down the tummy, hips, thighs and arms lei, so must go for many, many session den can see results?? sobz....

For cheap and goot looking shoes, I go for Charles & Keith, Pretty Fit, etc.. For the splurge, I go for prada and LV sneakers. But shoes are never enuff for me. Theres always a new pair waiting for me to bring home! lol
There is no such thing as overall slimming lor. Its per area. Usually fats are stored at our arms, thigh and tummy. And tummy is the most difficult to get rid of. If overall slimming, thk will cost a bomb.....

It depends on how much fats are stored in your body. For me, my beautician told me that I need 2 courses to see results.

So far I only wear C & K shoes leh. Will consider DMK and VNC. I don't splurge on shoes leh. I find paying so much to step is kinda waste of $$ leh.... Wah u bot PRADA & LV sneakers ah.... How much u pay????

But hor I still spend $50 to buy a pair of CROCS slipper....hehehehe... And I have a few exercise shoes from Nike and NEW BALANCE.... hehehehe....

wow.. u rali follow.. omg .. i nv follow at all.. the next day i start to eat mac n delifrence le.. omg .. haha.. but diff ppl diff of doin itngs la.. hahahaha.... : ) me some wil lpatanf me some will nt de la.. hahaha...

ya lor.. all toking abt bag le then me no work no nd buy bag de lor.. somemore go out correct my baobei bag will do le.. hahahah : )
sorry so many typo error.....


wow.. u rali follow.. omg .. i nv follow at all.. the next day i start to eat mac n delifrence le.. omg .. haha.. but diff ppl diff of doin itngs la.. hahahaha.... : ) me some wil patang me some will nt de la.. hahaha...


ya lor.. all toking abt bag le then me no work no nd buy bag de lor.. somemore go out correct my baobei bag will do le.. hahahah : )
I look at mirror see everywhere aso fat lei! lol...

I bought those sneakers in HK many yrs bac. Cost abt $1K lidat bah, cant remember liaoz. But the prada sneakers is realli comfy. Was tempted to get their sandals but tink hb will scream at me! ahahaah....

For benefit of own health, tahanz lorz..
but nt exactly so strictly lar. Have to try veri hard nt to take the cold drinks.. lol
Morning ladies

today is considered mid-week liao coz Friday is PH! haha

wah the talk has come to about shoes! haha

Aiseh! Wear Prada & LV shoes! U very loaded leh, put $1k on the floor & step.. Ey when you not at home, I go rob yr hse.. hee hee

Princess gal
Me same as u, when go out with bb, her bb bag become my bag also. No pt carry another handbag for myself. Brand bags only can carry during work days lor..
Fun, Nana,
I bought it donkey yrs bac lar. When I had no kids and were into branded stuff. Now, I am into pampers, breast milk, enrichment class for children and Hi-5!! lol.
Wah, at orchard so far. like very difficult for me leh. espeically if need go 2x a wk. Think my mum will scream if i go home late to take care my gal.

Do you place yr shoes at corridor? if so, i go and steal it. haha.
The slimming only needs 40mins. So give yourself 1hr lor. Usually I take 3 hours off to go.... hehehehe....2 hrs for travelling to & fro and 1 hour for the massage....
If i did put them outside my hse, tink my neighbours downstairs would hv stolen them first! ha! Tell u something farnie, when my neighbours downstairs first moved in, I found the slippers left outside the hse missing. But i din tink its them until I saw one of the daughters wearing my PF slippers!! I nearly flipped out. So now, I will never leave sandals or shoes outside my hse liaoz!
Wah yr neighbour so 'yiao gui' ah?
My hubby slippers also got stolen once. I don't know y they can be so hard up.

To all
Any mummies using PD in Yishun?

I lost 2 1/2 pair of shoes (one pair onli wore once) liao hor.. i put my shoes in my private recess area.. that YAO GUI thief!!!
My slipper oso got lost. My hb's oso. So now we only put "lao ya" shoes outside the house and so far still intact....hahahaha

Nana / Fun,
Yes. There are PD in Yishun. I visited Ooi Baby and Child Clinic at Blk 417. Near the vicinity there is another clinic called Singapore Child Specialist if I am not wrong.

My kids see Dr Foo at Ooi Baby.

Y u say 2 1/2pair of shoes? U mean the thief got steal 1 side only? So weird
Wat u mean private recess area? If it's private how they access? Use pole & hook out ah..

yea lor! stole one side and tats why i discovered my shoes stolen! mine unit is the centre corner unit lor.. tats why we got a private recess area.. my gate is before the our personal staircase. duno wat that idiot use la! so angry! CNY time somemore!

wow.. cold drink.. cannot... i 1 month over i drink le.. canot tahan la... i wil ldie.. haha.. i tahan for 10 month le.. cos pregnant time also cannot drink cold drink nt good for my baobei so no choice have to drink hot drink ... heehee... : )


ya lor.. i carry my baby bag can le.. i jus put my hp,wallet n tings inside wil ldo.. ask me carry one more bag heavy la.. then ma fan.. haha.. me Lazy mummy ... got lots of things inside the bag de.. al baby tings.. milk bottle,clothes n milk powder n pamper n lots la.. hahaha u see my bag like gg flight for war . : ) (Tat wad my mum told me haha)
kekeke....Tink shoe thieves are a common sight in HDB, wonder why they wanna steal some cheapo shoes anywayz... >.<

U skip cold drinks altogether during ur preg ah?? I din.
Juz refrained from carbonated drinks and selected juices instead. kekeke...
40 mins ah? but wkends quite difficult for me unless only Sunday. Me buay tahan now with my thunder thighs.

Wah, yr neighbour downstair can come up to yr level to inspect shoes.

My hb lao ya smelly slipper put outside, also always kana stolen. Damn cheapo thief man.
Wah... so many yao gui shoes theives ah.....
Sometimes may be due to mischeivous kids?? They steal for fun of it?? Anyway ever since my OP slipper got stolen, I never put any "good" shoes outside the house liao....

U know we put bicycle outside the house. My hb drill a cache onto the wall, then lock the bicycle using a lot of U locks. Then he buy those cover for motorcycle to cover the bicycles...hahahaha.... Thk the 2 bikes outside our unit cost around $500+. The only bike we put in the house is my hb's 3K+ bike lor which he uses for cycling.

Maybe we should install a dummy camera outside our unit to "scare" the thief?? hehehehe

Its not advisable to drink cold drink during confinement leh. Heard that tummy will be bloated and will have da tu nan woh....
Morning Ladies,

OOoooOoOoOo yalor so many yao gui shoes theives.....lucky my level only 6 units & 3 units in a row.......& also dun hav nice shoes to let them theives BUT we're knw each others lor

Aiyo.....smelly slipper also kena, or they walk by yr unit then shoes spoilt then juz wear & run lor LOl

Tat Yao Gui confm not kids... cos some shoes which i wore for sometime de.. she wont steal.. she KNOWS which are the NEW ones de lor! MYhb's shoes all so easy to steal also left untouched.. onli MINE kana!

Haiz.. dun wana say liao la.. sian ah
No leh. My place hor, the lift in the centre. so for the left side, theres 4 units. right side, theres 4 units too. so those walk pass, is only my 3 units neighbour and also the 'ah nei' that sweep floor lah.

But my area hor, sometimes feel like complaining to TC. The ah nei hor, nvr sweep our corridor 1. Sometimes there's sweep wrapper lying outside for 1+wk, still there. Until i buay tahan i pick up and throw away. Pay the mthly town council fee don't know for what. Plus parking and TC fee, equivalent to some condos facility fee.
Hehehe... for a moment I forgotten u stay next to my blk. I find the description of yr flat is similar to mine and almost want to ask u....hahahaha... I lao liao..... tao nao rusty liao...

I don't thk the ah nei will sweep the floor on every flr leh. I only know they mop the floor tiles at the ground flr. But not sure whether they mop everyday or not.
I conclude something about yr shoe thief -- it's a woman! haha... eh maybe the hubby never give her pocket $ to buy shoes..

Eh dirtiness only no need to complain. Imagine my unit here on the other side of the corridor got a father & son. The son abit screw loose. Shout & bang door loudly till opposite block can hear. Even worst! His father come & beg me for food! Steal my buffet food! haiz damn suay.. Sometimes I really cannot take it, want to call police. But I think police also cannot do anything..

yea i skip al lthe cold drink for the sake of my baobei.cos they said will have ASTMAS. i scare ma.. somemore i knw astmas v xin ku de cos wen i young i gt it.. haiz...


yea i knw will have da tu na but n o choice too hot le.. old ppl said cannot drink plain water i also drink.. hahaha.. tat y my da tu na so big now.. haiz... heehee : ) then old ppl said cannot stand n drink water muz sit down. i also nv follow.. heehee.. : )

<font size="+1"><font color="aa00aa">gOOd mOrninG lAdies,</font></font>

<font size="+2"><font color="aa00aa">hUrRay!!!! 2ml iS a hOlidAy</font></font>
