Any give birth Mummy that live in yishun ??

U better start looking for another maid. I recommend u Shirley Maids. 62555000. Look for Shirley. I just got a maid from her.

U know I let my maid handle my baby when I brought them back from hospital. While they are bathing the baby, my mum will supervise and correct them. They have to do it hands on to learn. Otherwise, the maid still has to do it if I go back to work after ML. And my mum have no strength to bath my babies.

kekeke.... but u get to walk along the pm everyday after wrk!!

I will call up to enquire. tnx.
Fun, current maid is my 4th maid.

The first one steals, so I send her back to agent. 2nd one worked with me for 10mths and request me to send her back, she said she missed home. 3rd one worked with me for less than 2 mths and request to transfer because she said she dunno how to take care of baby (I was expecting my boy when I hired her). 4th one and current one worked with me the longest - 1.5yrs. But last friday she requested me to send her back because she said her body cannot take it. She said her body ache all over.

So I used "they" lor.... because all of them get to touch my kids when they first step into my house. My 4th maid is the only one that gets to handle 2 kids at my place when I gave birth to my boy in Feb last year. All other 3 only get to take care of my girl.

This time I am getting a fresh phil maid with working experience in her own country. All my previous maids are Indo.

If u r getting Indo, dun choose late 20s or over 30s. They are like old woman oredi. My 4th maid is one of them.
Hello ladies
I just heard a horrific story from my colleague that our common fren's maid went crazy.. & I literally meant crazy!
The maid just 1 day wake up & start to talk nonsense & kow tow to my fren's mom. My fren's mom quite old le, got so afraid start to call my fren. My fren ask his mom to carry baby & quickly run to neighbour. Apparently, the maid got mental prob back in hometown. When she was sent back to agency, she keep calling the boss an angel! Now my fren mom need to take medicine to calm her nerves.. poor thing...

Got another ex-colleage's maid, ownself eat abalone, let the kid eat plain porridge. Best part is let the kid play with knives!

Haiz as FTWM, bo bian have to rely on maid & really is up to yr luck to find a suitable one..

be careful since she's so dirty, don't mean to scare u but just be more aware of her food preparation.

I used to work as admin in maid agency when I was in Sec school, heard all sorts of funny story le hee hee. Ever heard of maid too pretty, wife jealous?

U find PM a nuisance, I find my block residence a nuisance. Just upgrade the lift only, 1 person write on the lift to scold ppl dog urine in the lift, then the dog lovers scribble back! So my NEW upgraded lift got written conversation lor! Best right? These ppl pay for upgrading, they dont feel heartpain meh?
me still trying very hard...hahaha!! but also think of giving up..

i also thought of getting a maid but i scared that my kid will be very attached to the maid...then heard of so many stories about maid...u must be very lucky to have a good and honest maid...if u happened to get a good one..then it like u have strike 4d..sigh...
i also heard phil maid is better than indo..

i also strongly recommend u to change a new maid...
hello eveing all.... wow... all toking abt maid.. hmmm... actually i dun trust maid de.. like wad nana siad.. is up to ur luck to find a good one.. haiz.... i m afraid maid will bring man come bk then maid will do nasty itngs to my baobei.. a lot a lot la.. but good n bad also.. cos gt maid u can work n gt one more extra income but no maid u have to become a SAHM n become HUA NIAN PO(like me )hahaha....but last income.. spent less to save money hahaha.... see the good n bad part....

a lto of ppl said phil maid is good then indo.. hmmm : ) but here so many gt maid.. all WFTM.. except me.. hua nian po le la.. somemore i tink i m becoming so MT totise le... jia lat now....
Tnx will bear in mind dat. So far, both my maid are born in 1982. Juz dat one worked for me when in 2004 and the other in 2006.

Her handling of food is ok coz I 'trained' her personnally. Anyways, she eat wadever we eat, so if she mishandles the food, she eats the same food as well. But i overlooked on her personal hygeine as i take it for granted dat she will be take care of her own cleanliness.

tnx for the advise. I will be giving her these 2 weeks to step up on cleanliness and hygeine since CL will be around as example. Told her if I find anything not to my std once CL leaves, den she will leave as well. Have decided to give her another chance coz she gets along w my kids veri well and I cant bear to see the kids gg through another few months of gettg to know a new maid again.

re: hiring maids
Its reallie down to luck at times. My 1st maid who worked for me for 22 mths was a godsend. She was young (21) but she was able to care for my toddler and newborn. Kept the house spick and span. Can cook up a mean meal. Am very polite, friendly and approachable. I enjoyed having her in my house and would have extended her contract if her hb had not wanted her to return.

actually if u still have yr god send maid's contact.. can call and sound her out lor.. usually after their $$ is almost used up.. they will wana return to work as maids.. tat happened to my mil's maid.. but the 2nd comeback.. she abit yaya liao.. haha want off days and can carry handphone ard the house.
I don't leave my maid alone at home with my kids lah. My mum is around to supervise.

Haiz, unfortunately the maid that Shirley recommended me was pregnant when she went for medical checkup. Her assistance told me philippines agency recommended another one to me and I look at the biodata and show my mum and hb, they said so old... look like ah mah.... She is 34 with 3 kids.... Thk I will drop this one since family dun like.... Asked the agency to find between 24 -29 years old...
I tried to contact maid when news of tsunami was on the TV last yr. The area hit was her hometown. And she juz returned home for less than 2 mths. Unfortunately, I was unable to get through the phone or HP no. she gave me.

Good luck on ur search den. My mum hv volunteered to look after the bb for me, so dats one problem solved. Will stick with maid til end of this yr and decide if bb goes to infant care ant.
wow... the bag so nice.. heehee.... so many ppl like blue label... : ) anyone go to the 848 pasa malam n try the first stall honey chicken wings???? it seen that a lot of ppl are queeing for it !!! hmmm : )
princess gal,
Bo leh... There is another pasar malam near Yishun MRT....

Yah the bags so nice. The design I want to buy is not inside. It is the 07 model.
Hellow Yishun Mummies,
chance upon this thread and decided to pop in. Hope I can be 1 of the regulars too.

Me stay Yishun (quite near to the recent expose urn area lah) and my gal now 22 mths old.
Hi San,
U are welcome.... Me oso stay near the recent expose urn area..... hehehehe... and VERY NEAR....

Which blk u residing? I have a 33 mths old girl and a 13 mths old boy.
Hi San!! Welcome.

I stay at 154, near the mrt have a 5 yo gal, 2.5yo boy and a 2 week old gal.

princess, bbcutie,
wahhh pm ah... I wanna eat the junk food lei~~~
Thanks mummies for yr welcome. Me stay at those cluster of flats near the mosque lor. Maroon colour. Think my hints are super obvious liao. Any mummies there?

Linda, you are really productive. So now u must be having yr confinement. I had been considering very long if I should reopen factory for a no. 2 but till now, still no decision made yet. I can see that yr gap is around 3 yrs old for each of yr kid. Is it less tedious? Frens told me 3 yrs will be easier than 2 yrs gap.
Which blk u staying?? My block is next to the mosque and oppo the urns lor....hehehe....But my unit faces the garden on the other side so not so bad.... hehehehe....

There is another mummy staying same blk as me but she is busy lately I guess.... Din see her for the past week....
hello mummies

Start work liao very busy, come back only koon liao. piggy!

Hey I find out the blk 200+ kopi tiam (next to Mac) famous hokkien mee stall close liao! Any hokkien mee stall to recommend?

very on to find bag ah.. tell me if you got more weblinks. Btw what design u're lookin for?
Most prob I'll be getting the reversible one.

Welcome welcome. My bb girl coming 3 months. Staying 300+ area.

*beat backside* no junkfood ah.. keke

oh yishun mrt also got pasa malam.. i dun knw.. heehee... today went north point for a walk then saw it.. haha... so many pasa malam in yishun.. aiyooo...a lot of ppl buy the chicken ... i went buy n eat tink is normal le.. hahaha..tat y ask u all gt go there n buy ma.. : )


WElcome here.. .another mummies.. u SAHM or FTWM ???? a lot of ppl stay there if i m nt wrong .. heehee : )


hello Linda, u cnat have junk food la.. u are under confirment .. muz ren n ren.. wait n wait.. tink by the time u finish ,the pasa malam still on la.. dun worry.. btw u lose down to ur pre pregnant weight le ma??? : ) wen is ur last day confirment ????


200+ gt nice hokkien mee ar?? i dun knw le.. hahaha... i nv been there le.. heehe... is it u love hokkien mee a lot that y u finding hokkien mee stall ?? or u jus craving for it? ?hehee : )
Morning Ladies,

Is friday again......

Welcome San....hihi my girl now 38mths & now preggie 5mths+ is a boy....i m staying blk 175 opps e mosque ne....

JUNK FOOD for U now.....kekkkeke but what kind of Junk food u wan to eat?? Chilli, Ice-cream or titbits or HOney chicken wings which Princess mention??

hokkien mee izzit fry wif black source big noodles or Prawn hokkien mee??? i knw that yishun bus intl behind e coffee shop got Prawn hokkien mee nt bad if u order $4 or $5 package is use e banana leave wan
I am not same as you. I am next to you. Facing car park. Gd for u facing garden, nice view leh. Lucky yrs not facing the track cos' it is directly west sun which i heard my neighbour said very hot.

Yup, the Hokkien mee close down quite sometime already. My mum came my hse last sat and wanted to eat and was surprise when i told her it close down. she even commented so famous and nice also will close down. Me too wonder why. But i always walk pass the coffee shop, the stall doesn't seem very busy. Think the Yishuners around there doesn't like hokkien mee.

Princess Gal,
FTWM. No such good life to be a SAHM. But even have, i rather work than stay home be nanny. hahaha. U must be staying ard Kahtib right? Since u didn't know Yishun MRT there's PM now.

Congrats to you. You got a 'hao' zi now. Hey, my name is same as you!
I know the stall u mentioned. Yes, its close. The Prawn Hokkien Mee very nice. Oso wrapped with banana leave.... Beside the stall selling chicken rice right??

I saw someone carrying the reversible one. Its nice but I dun like because made of fabric. Get dirty easily.

The one I want to get is the extreme right one. The one with a keychain. The website shows the left and centre one. But the right side one dun have leh... And I getting pink colour....kekeke


Maybe they moved to the coffee shop near interchange????

Website state the price as Yen 37,800. So convert to Sin is around $500+.

I have a LV mini ribera.... hehehehe....But I seldom use.

So u stay in 296, 297, 298 or 299?? hehehehe
U still dun get my hint ah? I am next blk to you but facing carpark side. Mine is 5 room flat too. Get it now? kakaka. Me want make you 'shang nao jing'.

Hey, come to think of it. We may had seen each other before. Maybe at carpark since we share 1 common carpar.
Oohh...hehehehe.... I din see yr your hint....
Yah facing track is very HOT and noisy especially when the train pass by..... Sometimes, I can even hear the noise of the train from my unit.

Hmm... I dun drive leh so possibility of meeting at carpark very slim...hahahaha

But i only know that the hokkien mee stall at bus intl wan i think got there arnd 5~6yrs liao oooo...the 200+ there i never heard before ne hehhehe.........

Juz had Wonton mee the mee very little cost $3 aiyo half way only hehhhehe then eat one goreng pisang & 2 sweet potato ball is fry one
....feel sinful liao hahha
I also had wanton mee for lunch. And request to add more wanton.... I paid $3.... hehehehe.... Now oso halfway hungry liao...

at first i tot is normal $2.5 but he say $3 oo only 3 wanton nia & the mee very little.....others stall they put 1 1/2 of noodles but this stall i rhink 1 nia kkekekeke
Wahhh.. all these tok on food is making me drooool~~~ kekeke....

the gap betw all are 2.5yo. Which to me is ok lar. Coz, by 2.5yo, they are toilet trained, knows how to feed themselves and can express themselves, so got more free hand and time to handle nb.

instead of losing, i am gaining... lol. Total preg wt gain was 10kg lidat. After delivery, lost 6kg lidat. But, tink, i hv gained 4kg so far liaoz... another 12 days of confinment to go~~~

tink the one u wan is gg ard S$450 at japan isetan.
Ohh... thank you.... at least cheaper than what I expect...heheheheh.....

Don't thk I can get LV for such bag at this price.....
If I nvr see you at carpark, maybe i ever met you eating wanton mee at the coffee shop? haha. Btw, i like the wanton mee at the coffee shop behind. Call Hougang something.

Wa seh, you even know Japan Isetan sell the bag how much ah?

From what u mention, it seems quite a gd age gap. Ya, most important is they must know how to express themselve. for toilet train, I think my gal quite difficult. Now 22 mth old, 10 stroke still not 1 stroke. She understand the meaning of shh shh and will shh if you ask her to. But when put her on potty, she refuse to shh. The moment wear her diapers, she shh inside. Headache man!
I bought dat bag for my sis bday. :p
Depending on exchange rate, the price will differ lar. So buy when yen is weak! kekeke...

** Burberry bag qtly are not comparable to LV, thus the price diff lar. But Blue label is worth gettg since its only available to the japanese.

Theres no perfect age gap one lar. Too young and u worry if can handle 2 bb at time. Too old and u worry abt generation gap! lol.

re: potty training.
My kids wears cloth nappies and we practise toilet training since 13-15 months lidat. We aso demo to them veri often to let them hv beta idea of how to pee or poo. :p
Must have patient. I just trained my girl to shh shh in potty at 33 mths hor.... I even showed her when I pee in the toilet bowl.

Initially she dun want to shh in the potty. According to my mum, she pee on the sofa, on the kitchen sofa and floor. She even pooed into her pants and drop the faeces on the floor.... It took her 2 weeks before she started to pee in the potty.

Last Sunday my hb asked her whether she want to shh shh. She said yes. Then she take the potty to our room and take off her pants to sit on the potty......and she really pee in the potty. After she finished, I praised her and hug her and said she has done a good job.... She felt so happy and proud of what she has done.... hahaha....

From then, she started to pee in the potty. But there are accidents lah.... So must be very patient lor...

The bak chor noodle at the coffee shop next to the town council is nice.... For wanton mee, I prefer the shi shan shou gong mian. But recently change cook, dun taste as nice as before.
I got demo also leh. I even have the converter for toilet bowl but when i put her sitting on it, she wants to jump off the toilet bowl. We take off her diapers, ask her sit inside potty, she sit but nvr pee. So no choice, i ask her go inside the shower area to squat n pee. Immediately, she pees. She's used to peeing insde there cos' whenever i shower her, i will ask her to squat down to shh shh. Its very funny lor. Y sit potty dun pee, but inside shower area, she pees.

Oh that wanton mee i know. Change person liao meh? I tot they only shift the stall only.Their name still unchange leh. Bak chor mee i nvr try before. I am not a bak chor mee person.

u are pregnant wif ur second boi now then i knw... hahaha.. cgs to u le.. heehee.. : ) u said SAHM "hao ming ".. omg.. no no i dun tink so.. we have to do so many tings like houework,look after kids n cook,become hua nian po le la... hahaha .. i rather work also.. heehee.. but no one help me look so bo bian. somemore i dun trust nanny n maid de.. : )


wow u got to lose 6kg ok le ... me hor from pregnant till now nv lose ,keep going up .. hahaha.. tink i gg be pig le... i wan lose wright le but i keep eating.. haha : ) wow 12 more days to ur confirment... very fast de la... haha.. by the time u can eat those NICE JUNK FOOD le.. hahaha ....


wow.. $3 for a wantoon mee ,then 3 wontoon only.. so stingry the stall.. hahaha... i love my 632 de wantoon mee. $2 then a lot then i always add the freid wantoon.. the aunty n uncle v gd de.. but the pro is u wake up at 11pm,u will nt gt to eat it cos they close at tat time.. wow.. they reali earn a lot le .from 4.30 work till 11.00pm then close.. the plate u see they wash ur eyes will POP out.. haha.. : ) maybe u can come n try it.. i stil dun knw the hokkieen meee u all toking abt .. haha.. me is MT totise de ...

opps this one should be typing to SAN de nt michelle .. heehee...

u said SAHM "hao ming ".. omg.. no no i dun tink so.. we have to do so many tings like houework,look after kids n cook,become hua nian po le la... hahaha .. i rather work also.. heehee.. but no one help me look so bo bian. somemore i dun trust nanny n maid de.. : )
Oh...u bot for your sis... so which colour is nicer? I ask Esther to get pink one for me. Is pink one nice?

I agree with you on the quality. LV products quality is really good and can last for years. My ribera mini cost me 1K and above liao. Wallet alone also 600+....

Wah u train yr kids so young ah... My boy 13mths liao leh. I still hv not potty train him. Only ask the maid to bring him to the potty if he wants to poo. He still can't walk yet leh.....

The stall moved and recently change in person. And the standard dropped. We met the "original" seller the other day and my hb asked him how come he din cook liao, he said pass to his younger brother. He teach the brother how to cook. But the standard not as good as the elder bro lor...

That day we went to eat hor, the char siew got sour taste one.... Yucks!!!! Used overnite pork.... wah piang...
dats a start liaoz! my gal aso started dat way, den slowly upgrade to sitting at seat.

dat 6kg is from bb, waterbag and blood loss lar. the body fat is still on me! kekeke...
My confinment diet is for 100 days one. No cold drinks, junk food, seafood etc... so i still got 80 days lidat....

yar, LV is goot. A pity their design quite std. U get a few and cant find much new designs to buy liaoz. Need to wait for new range.
The blue label, I got the blue one for my sis. We only like the pink for the plain models. So elaine flew to japan liaoz??

re:potty training
My hb msia relatives potty train even younger. they shh...hhh... the kids sice bb and sit them on potty once they can sit on their own. For me, once they can walk. i start.
Good morning ladies...

so many exchange of food tots.. heehee.
Yah lor since my pregnancy I reduce my c-food intake. So now want to make up for it. Haha!
I also like soup prawn mee

I like the Prawn fried hokkien mee. The stall behind interchange, is it the kopitiam which newly renovate one?
The one beside the road which the bus have to turn out fr the interchange?

wah bag 1K LV u also 'kam' buy ah??
I like another LV but pass 1K, my heart very pain, can't bear to buy. Wait don't use sure ganna scolding...

I have a LV speedy bght 5 yrs ago only $400 plus.. now at least px up to $1K.. haiz every year their price keep increasing. Tiffany also! Stupid 925 silver niah, px also increase like mad.

Btw, my LV the handle turn black black le.. long time no use. The words also like diminishing. How to clean ah? My bag so old & dirty, I think I bring out ppl think fake. So many China woman carry also! urgghhhh.... (no offence)

Another thing, don't buy Prada! My Prada tag the paint drop out! U say best or not??
Last time the stitch came out, I went to complain, they ask me for authentity card which I say don't have with me. The stupid sales say no card cannot. My fren suan him, no card means fake. Even u can't differentiate yr real fr the fake then what for buy Prada? Muahahaha! It's good to have bitchy frens...

Any mummies hubby like to buy gadgets? Me & my hubby always argue about he buy gadgets, i buy branded things.. Even his forum frens support his notion! Dat time buy 1 GPS find 101 excuse! His forum fren tell him to tell me buy GPS won't get lost can last longer. Buy so many bags only can carry 1 at a time. I told him Singapore so small, will get lost meh? Frankly I'm better at roads than my hubby! haha
u can bring ur bag bac to LV boutique for cleaning i tink. Can enquire at the boutiques. I bring bac my bags for stitching and stuff at the boutiques.
Yes, u can bring your bag to LV boutiques for cleaning.

For authencity checking, LV do not need card. 2 years ago, my hb sold his LV wallet thru yahoo auction. The buyer requested us to bring the wallet to LV shop to check authencity. After paying me the $$ and received the $$ from me, we all went in to the LV boutique at Taka. The buyer passed the wallet to the salesperson, the salesperson, touch touch, bend bend, see see and confirmed that is their product.... hehehehe....

Wah yr LV bag only $400??? So cheap meh??? My hb's sis was ex-air stewardess. In 2004 when she flew to Frankfurt, I asked her to buy for me the Damier Ribera Mini and Multicolour keypouch. Both item add up to $1268. She told me there is a discount. Back in Sg, I checked the price with the store here, Ribera Mini was selling at $1680 and the multicolour keypouch at $465. That means I saved a hefty $877!!! Wow!!! But now with EURO dollar, its not that worth anymore. The most only difference by few hundred $$. Not like last time, can save nearly 1K to get 2 items.

I don't like PRADA, the name sounds to me like Ah lian Ah huay....hehehe....

LV still is my preferred brand. But like Linda said, their designs are limited. To date, I have "collected" 5 items. All paid by my hb. kekekeke.... Anyway I oso returned him a LV wallet as birthday gift.... I paid $665 for it leh....

This time round, I paid for my own for Blue Label....

Frankly, I can't find any good food in Yishun leh.... Any recommendation or not? Anyone been to Bottletree Restaurant? How do u find the food there?

Who is Elaine??? U mean Esther is it?? hehehe... Her friend is gg to Japan on April Fool's Day.

Anyone has Esther contact??? Can PM me?
Thanks... I think the LV salesperson sure shake head when they c my bag.. my lock also went missing.

yah I got my air stewardess fren to buy fr Frankfurt also. Save alot then. Like u say now save lesser coz of currency. But still stewardess can claim the tax as discount mah.. hee hee. Wah collect so many. If u take care can lar worth buying. Like me, whatever comes to my hand sure become dirty & nasty. I can never seam to keep them in good condition, throw here & there. My hubby also shake head. That's y he don't agree I buy.

Bottletree normal. For the ambience. But hor too many ppl lar.. scary.. like eating tze char.

never mind when u finish look follow bbcutie go workout lor everyweek 2days....

yup is that newly renovate one, which the bus have to turn out fr the interchange....kekke does yr friend still work as stewardess?? Can tompang buy LV??? hehee

Hahah... u oso siao LV ah.... hahaha.... Now they hv new colour... The cream colour... Looks nice leh....

Hahaha... I agree with u that eating at Bottletree is like eating tze char. Not much ambience leh.... service oso not good, hv to wait so long for the food to be served (maybe too crowded). Also a lot of mosquitoes. But dunno why so many ppl like to go there n eat lor....

Haiz I have missed to queue to buy the Blue label.... Wait for next mth liao....hehehe
