Any give birth Mummy that live in yishun ??

hahaha. my hubby also give up on me tat i will slim dwn via exercise so asked me to go slimming ctr la. hahahah.

anyway, think he miss my better figure. hahahhaa.

last sun, we walked 5km ard yishun n i feel so healthy aft tt...i even suggest to hubby we sld do it more often =P
v good.. we are too lazy to do tat..everysun while at my mum pl.. got a garden downstairs nia.. been thinking wanna go for a jog.. but NEVER once i went down .. :D
babes, dont u think, after giving birth, our shen cai all go hay wire... it;s so difficult to slim down lei... my hubby oso say last time i look slimmer than nw....

aiyoz.. hear liao so sian sia...
start slow - mayb go for a walk first then slowly bcum jogging etc etc.

for some they bcum even slimmer than pre-preg, example sporty lo. hehhee.

i think i pile on too much weights during preg thus so difficult to loose them...
Hee.. poohbear.. tat pretty normal..except for sporty .. ask her abt it.. hee

actually shortly aft delivery like 3rd mth,i actually slimmed down to almost pre -preggy.. but aft i stop my bfd hor, my appetite was still so huge .. n getting "bigger" by days.. until now.. i gv up my dream of gg back my pre preggy fig..

but mostly v hard to get rid of is the tummy .. i saw those matter hw slim still got the tummy prob
i didnt even almost get back to pre-preg lo...sobsob...who ask me so tham-jia during too much...bfeed for me still didnt slim dwn to pre-preg. haiz...

hahaha. ^5, we always use sporty as examples le. hahahaha.
ya lor, i oso got problem on the "heavy" eating aft i stop my BFeeding and my tummy is huge lei..

hard to get clothes...
morning all!

today is about beauty, figure & hair ah!!!

guess what, last nite, i took out my slimming & toning massage oil and started to work on my tummy! did that previously almost every night before i was preggy, realized lately my clothes abit tight, so last night is the start of my regime again!

val - u perm ur hair? i also wanna go cut my hair liao. but cannot decide if wanna continue to sport this style or grow back long... sigh...

shan - i need to jian fei too!!! but u going to try for #2, then no point to jian fei now.

that day i spur and inspire myself by going to buy a new bikini from espirit. cheap though, only $29.90 cause they got 50% off... so that shall be my inspiration to slim down.

was just thinking of using jamu herbs for slimming. anyone tried before?
yes..u so smart jntt.. i now pinning hopes for #2.. heee this time i make sure i can curb myself ..aim to tire myself out so tat i could slim down..
Val, same as u la..i oso thamjia one.. but u ok lo....
poohbear my tummy super big too ..v sian.. not only oso.. i like half size bigger than b4.. buy prepreggy size, too tight, buy 1 size bigger too loose.. sigh, of coz i choose 1 size bigger la..but if i chase aft bus, my shoes will like wanna drop off..heee sibeh malu :p

jntt.. no leh.. i never try jamu actully i never really try to slim..heee :p all NATO nia..
wah. u so hardwking still apply slimming n toning massage oil. some ppls says biotherm slimming gel works...anyone tried before???????

ya...i did something to my hair. hahaha.

i nv take the jamu herbs but i use the herbs for massage...only help me to remove the water n wind nia....

i also still bfeeding le...n i still latch my boy lo....
ya lo sgal... i oso feed bfdg helps alot!!
who else eyeing for #2 eh? hee TTC together :p
Jntt leh, no plan?

i know Val one gotta wait eh.. haa June rite? :p
lets rem one another to control our diet dun eat more than wat we need sld we get preg this yr. hehehe.

me ok?? no le...still got a few kgs to go...

ur tummy where got super big...when see u in person i didnt notice ur tummy ho. so means nt tt big la. hahaha.
yes. june then start engine. hahahaha. u trying already???

hope u get preg soon...then give me tons n tons of baby dusts. hahaha.
shan - no more #2 for me... i lao liao! no energy.

actually for me, i also tam jia... eat eat eat. in fact during my pregnancy, i put on less than 10kg. so slim down very fast. then recently happy happy, so eat eat eat... then my hubby also like to eat, my family also like to eat... then eat eat eat... then fat fat fat!

sgal - how much u pay for the treatment?
hahaha. u so funi, happy happy eat eat eat. hehehe. gd la. means u are happy with ur life n everything mah. hehehe.

i didnt eat as much as i did during preg...but the stuborn weight still hanging ard..mayb i am nt hardwking enuff...
before i had my first boy, you will almost find me in amore gym everyday. I do swimming and tennis too and i love to sun tan. But i was still on slightly the heavy side.

after delivered aaron, thanks to breastfeeding, i managed to lose weight, weight was even lesser than my preggie weight. but as soon as i stopped bf, i put 10kg within 1 yr.

so part of my reason of getting no2, is also to lose weight :p so far i have lost 13kg.. but alot of friends said doesn't seem to be.. i guess with the huge breast and tummy, doesn't make much difference bah.

i also told my hb, i want to go slimming centre, and he didn't say no or yes.. keke.. so i presume is a yes liao.

i will be having my hair done on 7 feb, looking forward to it.. getting more and more "tung hoon" liao.
nw going to CNY, still cannot slim down, jiat liat lei.. i cant have a #2 nw, coz my boy still so small...

haiz.. exercise is totally out for me lei.. anyone got any better idea...haha...

slimming ctr is ex lei hor, but duno got sure results or nt. i very tempting to try.. but duno which ctr is better...
the only way to slim down is diet and exercise liao..
and ya, cny coming, i have bought $100+ of goodies.. slim down after that :p
I just came in and seems like the hot topic is about weight loss! haha....i'm v. troubled by my weight too and now with CNY coming...really cannot see myself embarking on another diet

my dream is to go do liposuction and take all the fat cells away for good!
Actually my uncle recently lost a lot of weight...he was really big and his health was in danger so his doctor told him to get on meal replacement and it really worked! i bought some herbal life meal replacement too and i like the taste ok but never feel like making it leh *haiz*
my wish list of things to do to improve my appearance:

1. teeth whitening
2. slim & tone up tummy
3. IPL hair removal for armpit & legs
4. skin rejuvenation to minimise pores

erm... but i don have so muchie $$$!!!
lipo? Aiyo, the CEO just died from lipo leh... Anyway, must be really v v fat then can do lipo right?

Think I am considered slim now, due to breastfeeding, but cutting down on pumping already, so starting to control my diet. hehehe. But then I still hv the tummy from delibery leh, how to remove it? I am too lazy to do sit-ups.

Or go sliming centre?
i just went watsons and then see this garment which claims that can reduce u to 2 size down instantly when worn. its like an immediate help if attending any functions. anyone bought that? its $30...
anyone knows there is this javanese spa along thomson road, used to be on the same stretch as Miss Clarity Cafe, now moving to a shophouse unit opposite the road.. I want to know what is the name of that spa?
wah ... jntt, jiayi..v chim.. cant catch ya conversation..hee

btw, errmm blur again.. in FB, who's adel eh?
i know not adeline... and who's M.C? have the same name as sporty de..
back from my oysters and sashimi fix...very shiok ah

so many posts eh...blur liao!!!

val, think my hb want me to zzz so he do the feed lor n i woke up with v engorged boobs!!

shan, yes if u have my friendster then u see the pics from there lor...

stephy, mine think he juz finished warming up milk for #1 then #2 cry so he shun bian lor...

pooh, i agree our figure go haywire after waist still not back yet...even tho i'm lighter than pre preggy now

val/shan, thks for using me as ur "exammples" hor...anyways juz short term la...after i stopped bfing, i will put on weight again...

sgal, latching can slim down faster meh? pumping cannot ah?
wah. u all so active the entire aftnn i am away!


re: lipo & tummy tuck
wah liew....i doubt none of the mummies here are fat till the extend need to go under knife n ops la...

where got lobang for oysters n sashimi???

hahahaha. ur hubby v nice to help u settle nite feeds altho u got stuck with engorged boobs. hahaha. anyway, u engorged wldnt leak??? if i engorged nv pump i will wake up with wet top!!

hahaha. i think even u put on weight oso figure wldnt go haywired type..will still be slim slim de =)
ya lo, i saw your posts so tempting!!!!! but no leave to tk.. n no one bother to take leave w me to go to eat de lo . . LOL

so 2 thumbs up eh! shiok!!
ya BM v powerful de today..heee all seafood :p
actually i like latching de... so conv :p
my R bite me when 3rd mth, v no choice i stopped n pumped instead..
pumping indeed dip my supply by so much!
val, went aquamarine for international buffet...its 1 for 1 for weekday lunch so very wu hua...after taxes and all...44 bucks for 2 paxs!
hmmm...i seldom leak one even tho sometimes will leak if i latch on the other side...hmmm dunno abt the figure thingy la, this pregnancy i more lazy to "slim down" after i popped...thas why waist line not back yet...hahha

shan, hahhaha...overdose of seafood in my bm today...hahhah

sgal, i kno latching helps to contract it helps to buy calories eh? heheh...i dun watch my diet now also, i eat alot and damn scary... whether pump/latch is the same la as long as bb gets the bm
i agree lo...bfeeding feels gd n convenient..both for mother n baby =)
my boy also bite me but i bear with the pain..n i tell him bite then no more latching for him! hahaha. anyway, he seldom bites me liao unless he fell aslp.

oh no..i so mountain turtle....where is aquamarine??? 44bucks for 2 is cheap!!!! considering its seafood n sashimi lo. gd deal!

during my peak, i always leak....slp on 1 side for too long will leak i always get up every few hours to latch n pump.

hahaha. ok la. altho u say ur waist line nt bad yet but i thot u look slim frm ur pics liao. so u dun nd to be too hardwking to slim dwn liao. hahaha.
val, aquamarine is at marina mandarin hotel...yes, this promo is very wu hua...thas why mai tu liao and went...hehehhe
hahha...think maybe will slim down more after i return to work ba, with all the stress and all...haha

lucky u are still on ML if not v hard to find time to go n makan lo.

ya. i think u will slim dwn too due to stress frm least tts wat happened to me too...bfeed nv slim dwn while on ML...go back to wk nia i slimmed dwn. hahaha.

i used to be like i can control better. i just drink lots of water when i feel hungry esp inbetween meals so i dun really snack unneccessarily. hehehe.
