Any give birth Mummy that live in yishun ??

can 4 years later

they have a form on their webbie, juz fax in to them, i submitted last year, a bit ks lah.. scared after delivered, no time.

ya, 2 years before enrolment.

hey girls, there is a kate spade sale coming

Kate Spade Sale

Great deal for all the Fashionista Ladies!!

Venue: SAFRA Toa Payoh 293 Lorong Toa Payoh Singapore
Time: 9:00am to 7:00pm
Cost: Up to 75% Off
Date Start: 29th January 2010
Date End: 30th January 2010
i'm so dissapointed with my girl's teacher!!! i feel like change her school, my girl was absent for 2 days, mondays and thursday, usually there's a homework to do everyday, then today i checked her homework book, it was blank, supposed to be G, then the E n F also blank??? but i checked other class, the child also absent but got E, F and G, i tried to call the principal already but nobody answered, i'm so damn pissed off!!! tomolo i'll submit blank homework book n says that the tr didn't write the letter that was supposed to be done by my girl, then what should i do? i'm not authorized to write on the book right?

any K1/K2 to recommend near block 657?
which school is your gal in? my boy is in eager beaver, currently he is in K1. I wouldn't say the school is great, but i am ok with it, juz drag to change school, hate to go thru the phase .
i bought too many bags from guess sale last year, some not even use yet.. keke.. i guess i can't get anymore for the time being, though i am a bag lover.
pooh3bear - not me.. my ah lao just bought a burberry bag for me, so no more expensive bags for now until june. maybe shan wanna go???

stephy - haha... i love shopping! not just for bags... spend spend spend.
i'm thinking to change to eager beaver hee, my girl is studying at pap block 646, so near to my hse, 2 mins only, that's y at first i'm ok with this school, but now, i'm wondering whether i made the right decision or not @-@
i love to spend too.. now stuck at home, i do internet shopping.. jialat.. wait, hb ban me from using internet.. matter of time. keke

oic, she is in k1 or k2 this year? if this is her last year, then no point liao lor..
she's in k1 this year, was born on oct 2005

will discuss abt this tonite with hubby
btw, u often go to guess sale at hyatt hotel? are u fj benjamin members too?
me MIAed to cook can sit down and relax abit...

jntt, wahhh...KS sale eh...this weekend...heeh

hellokitty, u better call the principal and check what happened to the homework...

stephy, ur son in eager beaver? childcare or juz k1?

val, what are u gonna do to ur hair??
Re: ks spade
if anyone interested n going, nd to go real early to queue. My friend went to 1 before. Starts at 9am but when she was there there is a v v long queue. Ppl started queuing at 7am

hahahaha. Can't say. Hehe. Whoever sees it will know =p my hubby is in for a shock =p

u cook u wash?
val, wahh...KS sale must queue one eh?? hehe... ohhh i think must be short hair or permed hair then :p whahhaha :p yeah...i cooked and washed...
yes, nd to queue n it's nt short queue. 1st time my frend went she left empty handed coz all sold out.

2nd time she went the queue v long n they only allow x num of ppl to go in at any 1 time so she oso left empty handed. Haha.

=) y u nv guess rebond? Haha.
sgal, thanks
i will sms u pumping now :p

val, so hot eh...tha day...sounds so kua zhang...ur hair's already straight so i dun think u will rebond and u already said big change...hahha
Nope I am not FJ member, but I have a friend works there.

Aaron is attending full day childcare at EB.
well, I guess coz of the great discounts on offer lo n my friends say some bulk purchases. Probably they bought the bags during sale n sell higher at bps, who knows.

Haha. U v observant =) ya, my hair natural straight till so flat dun nd to rebond la. If rebond think will stick to my face Liao. Haha. Anyway, my hubby like my new hairstyle. Yippie!!!
yeah u got the job in yun nam hair group but quit before it started... No time got family...
So I rather stay home n be my son maid...

For the gathering My house confirm can.
Those who wanna come earlier oso can...
zuoer, hello...hows u? bz with ur gals?

dolliepollie, i added u on FB and will invite u to the group once u authorise me...
morning ladies, its thurs lo...1 more day to fri...cant wait for it to arrive =P

ya...duno its a blessing to have natural straight hair or otherwise. hahaha.

wah! so long didnt hear frm u. how r u??

paisay wldnt be able to meet u all over at ur place. next time =)
morning ladies...
today overslept :p
ytr v funny, while accompanying R to slp, i fall aslp first, then i tot i hear some door opening noise, i wake to see, R is gone, went to the toilet to look for him, cant find, then found him in FIL's room.. haa
asked him why slp there, he say coz i scold him, so he don want to slp w me.. haaa Funny boy!

Val, wa new hair sure sui sui.. did i tell u all i permed my hair..hee but hor, losing the curls liao..BUT tmr i gg to dye my hair, ask the stylist to manage for me again :p ...
wah!! R so notti ah. coz u scold him he dun wanna slps with nowadays are indeed smart ho.

u perm ur hair ah. sld be nice too. hehehe. when did u perm, so fast lost the curls??
my hair is stubborn de, i took longer than other time to do colouring / rebond / perm.. haa used to it..
i did it on the 2nd day of New Year..hee coming to 5th week nia :p
digital perm...

ya lo.. so notty hor.. sometimes the way he reason.. make me wanna fall off my chair.. ya Lil D coming up soon.. haaa more "entertainment" lo!! Heee..
6Mar really cant join? come a while la near oni ... :p
stephy, ur boy slept thru yet?

val, hmmm...ok la but hair flat flat, u want got volume...u want flat flat...women are diff to please!

shan, ur hair must be nice with the curls...hee
my hair oso stuborn de..1st time i perm, nthing comes out. HAHAHA.

so early u do le ah...anyway, the curls sld be able to last 3mths at least? u did big wave??? hw much u paid ah?

no le...cant coz usually i will make D slp then feed him lunch n go to sch....time abit rush. i dun wan him to miss his nap n then cranky or even wanna slp in class. =)

ahahhaa. gd one and yes it so true...but at least straight hair more variations =P
ya agree sporty.. woman r hard to plz!! heee..tat why we are so SPECIAL :p
But hor i can never sport tat kind of hairstyle u hv.. i quite like short hair de.. but my face shape cant make it.. v ugly de..

i look more aunty lo :p ..heee actually i brace up my courage to do de.. coz i scare my round fat face, together w curls ==> old aunty lidat..

But hor, by Mar i see u hair shd be straight lioa..haa judging by my poor maintenance :p
hahaha. u lazy to apply things on ur hair ah. must la, if nt the curls will nt last de.

i think depends on wat curls u went for. smaller curls more auntie la...if big curls sld be ok but big curls usually dun last long lo.
i paid ard $240 lidat :p ... better chemical tat day, but hor i suppose abt the same de la.. haaa
Digital perm + cut + treatment lo..
ya i did the Biggest wave coz i was super scare at first, so i choose the biggest.. then again..haa gals are hard to plz.. aft doing, feel like not curvy engf leh. .like spend so much do wavy nia.. but again i was the one in the first pl who wan less curvy de.. HAHAHAA :p

So sad, ok lo... cannot come.. let us know if there's miracle :p
Val, i got apply the curling gel.. but maybe my method nt correct.. i will ask the stylist again tmr... hee ... hope at least CNY/Hkk trip still curls..aft no bian lo :p
I guess some days his appetite is bigger. Anyway last nite he slept earlier than his usual hrs. Compare to the previous mth, he is so much better liao. Your gal no need nite feed liao?
val, the more u say...i think u permed ur hair instead of cut it short...usually pple with ur hair length wun be she de to cut one...hahha

shan, ur face shape ok what...mine then cannot lor cuz i have squarish face, thas why my stylist always have to "hide" the corners of my face with my hair... btw if u have curls, u CANNOT comb ur hair ok...if not will spoil everything cuz i used to have curls for abt 2 yrs+...after i got preggy and have kids then i chopped it short!!

stephy, sayang gal will zzz from 9ish to next morn at 5am++...this morn i woke up at 7ish, i thot she so nice to me...who knos i saw her bottle soaked in water in kitchen...tha means my hb fed her liao...hahhaha.... urs slept thru liao?
usually big waves wldnt last long de...and u mentioned ur hair stuborn (i also say mine is stuborn but stylist says its coz my hair too fine) so cant opt for big curls...u sld go for medium curls next time rd. sld turn out better n last longer than big waves =)

dun think will have miracles la unless i dun let my boy attend class on sat then can turn up...which is not possible =)

oh. okok. he usually slps thro? my boy still wakes up for i am used to it le. hehehe.
Val u so gd, sporty, how A leh still got nitefeed?
I v mean leh, when he still <1yr, when he cry in the nite, we pat pat him back to slp, unless he cont to cry la, then we wake n feed him :p coz MIL oso say don mk it a habit for him, parents v tired..we more than happy to follow tat :p

Sporty, got sq meh? i rembr ya chin oso sharp de.. mine is broadface.. like my mum, but heng oso i got chin else super ugly shape.. heee
but i don think i cant ever like u leh, chop for good.. ay sporty got your pics w long hair bo? share leh..hee coz cant image u w long hair yet..n w curls..used to see u in short..hee

Ya lo..Val... heee now more daring aft seeing perms effects nt tat bad.. haa my colic suggest i can try victoria perm...u know like those love letter type.. haa

sporty,ya hb v nice, will do it himself ... for mycase. normally it's me, even if Hb wake, he will wake me up too
shan, A got night feed...even now he sometimes request for milk but he drink with eyes closed la...its a habit liao... yes my face is square one and my chin not sharp la... i have my long hair with curls pics in friendster, not in FB tho, if u have friendster, can add me...haha...
oops. i havent coz i didnt check my fb yest. anyway, just confirmed =)

ur hubby so nice will feeding ur kids at hubby will slp thro...unless i am sick n ask him to do nite feeds...

me so gd? meaning??
WAH!!! dun try tt la...victoria perms...i think medium curls gd enuff =P
oh.. hee Val, as gd still gv D nitefeed, sport oso! hee...

ya Vic type is toomuch hor.. haa i don think b nice for me too ..juz playg w the tots.. hehehee.. but really hope i able to sport a short bob ..lighter hee...
where ya new pics..wanna see ya new hairstyle leh..

Sporty i think i got your friendster.. but donkey yr never go in.. hee ok will pop by when i rembr ... i saw Val "wah wah wah" pics from there too de :p val... heheheee
wah your hb very good leh.. mine, i think the sky dropped down , he will not wake up.

aaron which is my eldest, doesn't wake up for nite feed anymore, only zach, but started from last week, he is able to sleep thru, from 9pm - 6am.. so plus and minus..
hahaha. he wans i give lo. duun wan to stave him! hahaha. he so slim liao....i wan to fatten him up...

ya..i tink victoria too much le...i think medium curls will be nice since big curls dun last on u.

true lo...short bob looks neater n "clean"...but i cant imgaine u with bob! hahaha.

HAHAHAH. my WAH WAH WAH photos so many yrs back liao. nw dun have WAH WAH WAH lioa la. hahahha.

see la, last time i will self admit my figure gd,

my hubby says he will send me to slimming ctr aft he means to say i fat too...

nt bad le...9pm till 6am v gd liao...mine...still 3-4hourly feed...even at nite...

anyway, my parents told me when i was young also always disturb them for nite feeds. hahaha.
