Any comment on Dr. Adrian B Woodworth from Thomson Women Clinic

i would like to ask why dr adrian don't give hormone injections? He only provide pills and not in the form of injection. Any one here know why? Is it giving injection will have side effect?

Hi all

I am first-time mum here and I see Dr Adrian at his Sengkang clinic. I just went for my detailed scan and was told that my baby girl is smaller in size than expected. I was quite worried though the sonographer said that everything falls within normal range. Anyone encounters the same as me? I have a miscarriage before and worried the same will happen to me again

And I realised that during every ultrasound, baby girl always seems quiet and doesn't move much. Is this normal at 20 weeks? I cannot feel baby movements yet.

Hi Crystal

I was given 2 jabs in 2 weeks cos my spotting never stopped during my first trimester. According to what I know, Dr Adrian said this has no side effect on me. Hope it helps.
normally hormone jab will be the last resort Dr Adrian will give. I was given hormone jab, hormone pills, more than a month MC to rest at hm.....n all these dont even help with my constant spotting during the 1st trim.

Dun Worry. y not check with dr adrian abt the size of ur bb? we always check with him at most of the visits if our bb is of normal size n weight. no harm asking n i think he will be able to give u the ans.

not all will feel bb movement at 20 weeks. some at even a later stage. so no worries.
everybody is diff n so do babies. Cheer up n think positively!

Thanks. I will think positively for the sake of baby. My next appt with Dr Adrian will be end of next week. Hopefully, my report will reach him by then so that he can tell me if baby is doing alright.

Don keep thinking about it. It'll cause more stress to the bb. Said easier than done. But must try ok? I know how it feel. Jus stay positive. Rest well. I'll keep u in my prayers. Take care.
Y women r weaker when they're pregnant
. Tis sun I din go out at all. Feeling so weak. Saw monitor's light, hp's light made me dizzy. Watching tv long abit oso dizzy. Eventhough laid down still could feel dizzy

Was giddy when was on the way to office this morning. Thankfully, could reach office safely. And as soon as I reach office, i couldn't help myself to go to the toilet.. Dear me..


What training issit? Hmm.. may be the speaker likes to see pretty preggie woman.. hee..
Do u still have insomnia? Perhaps drink warm milk before go to sleep will help.
So Doc oredi confirm that ur baby's boy? Congratz!!

Tommorow I'm seeing Dr.Adrian.. Excited, afraid, anxious, all the feeling're mixed.. Really hope to see the bb's heartbeat..


I stand upright and look into the mirror when brushing my teeth, but then bend forward when rinsing mouth..
Tks 4 ur advise. I'll try that. Hopefully will work.. Maybe I'll change my toothbrush to children's hee..

Btw, it's 7wks to go rite? Is everything prepared?


Athen's right. Said easier than done. But still must try. M oso tellin myself to b positive, yeah it's difficult.
You're seeing Dr Adrian tonite rite? Keep us informed k.

Take care now..
if u dun wanna bend forward to rinse mouth after brushing teeth, can use a cup ro rinse off.

ya 33 weeks. 7 wks or less to go!...i'm beginnig to feel the jitters......
Hi all
Thanks for all your well wishes...we saw a second gynae last friday and he said the same thing as Dr Adrian and he gave me a hormonal jab.

Saw Dr Adrian yesterday, praise God bb heartbeat is still beating but still very weak. Asked Dr to give me a jab but he says it doesnt help, but I still went ahead to take the jab coz will do everything to help baby.

Baby is still very tiny so perhaps his/her heartbeat will be weak. Today, baby is 2 months old. Worrying thing is also that yoke sac is bigger than baby.

We are still praying hard and talking positively to baby. Thanks to everyone who kept us in their prayers.. We really appreciate that

i m/c b4 this pregnancy. tat time the yolk sac also found to be bigger than normal. but at least u better than least u can see bb n heartbeat. for my case, no heartbeat was detected even at 8 weeks.....

jiayou! cheers!

I've the same fate as cheezel. Did not even see the heartbeat the last time. Only see a small dot. Womb self expel the bb at week 7. Remember, no matter what happen u have our support. U r not alone. I'll keep u in my prayer.
Thanks cheezel and Athen
We will be strong and pray for the best. Each time I go scan, it's so painful waiting to see if bb heartbeat is still there or it has gone. Will pray and believe bb heartbeat is stronger already. BB has been very strong to hold on for so long and I'm sure bb will continue to fight on. Will be seeing Dr Adrian tomorrow, will keep you all posted again

cheezel, your edd is soon, must take good care of yourself now k? rem to start drinking some coconut water...

Kan cheong or not? Have u pack your bag? I was very scare when I was near EDD cos Dr said bb big. Somemore I've been reading on type of delivery to decide if want to go natural birth or C sect. Read about the possible complications on each type of delivery. So scared. Wanted to back out. But cannot leh. Am I scaring u?
Hi Mummies,

I visit Dr Adrian, he prescribe the Hormone pills to me as I hav light spotting. I'm into my 5th weeks. I realise my urine is bright yellow color, not light or dull. Is it because i took 2 pills that cause it or what is the color indication? I may sound gross but jus wana find out does anyone here experience this as well? I'm a new mummy so hav lot's of question to ask
Yesterday nite, went to see Dr Adrian. Managed to see the bb's heartbeats. Doc said everything's normal.. So amazed and happy till not realize that the scan dun hv the bb's age. Silly.. hee..
Doc also told me that my pregnancy give me morning sickness, duphaston has nothing to do with it.. hee... I ever blame duphaston for making my morning sickness worse..

I've tried to quickly stand up when the feeling come, but it din help..

Told Doc.. he said it's normal but then i asked him for the anti-vomit medicine. Btw, will it affect the baby if we take it often?
haben take coconut drink yet. my mom ask me to drink only 37 weeks le.....though i feel like drinking now cos i m just like heat generator....always sweating!

me of cos gan cheong la. have start to pack my bag.....but do we really need to pack in sandwiches/biscuit for hubby? i haben pack my toiletries...will prob get everything ready by this weekends. me really very scare le. now dunno if want take epi anot....then keep wondering how it is like lyin on the labour bed etc.....

did dr adrian give u the multivit pills? ur bright yellow urine may be due to the multivit. mine is more to greenish yellow...sometime bright yellow too...but tats cos of the extra vits expel out fr the body.

not too sure abt the anti vomit medicine. i didnt ask for it cos he told me its normal n i also think its just part n parcel of pregnancy. but if its very bad then u may want to consider taking. i have frens taking it too....think should be safe ba else dr wont give u ma

I think no need to pack food for hubby bah. There is a cafe at TMC rite? Unless he is hungry in the middle of the night lor.

Jus take epi if cannot tahan the pain. U won't get any prize for tahaning the pain & not taking epi. Jus pay less $$ if din take epi. I had epi during c sect. The side effect is shivering & vomitting after birth. I do not have the so call backache side effect. Probably I do yoga so cure the backache? Hee....

I've not lay on labour bed b4 so cannot comment. But lying in operating theatre quite scary. Dr Adrian somemore ask me scare or not. Of course scared lah. Open a hole in my tummy leh.
Last time when i had m/c. I saw doc in my 6wks, but bb's age 5wks, no heartbeat. 2wks more I saw doc bb's age still 5wks, no heartbeat. I juz gave up at that time. Hopeless, 8wks in my tummy still no heartbeat.

Different with ur case now, ur bb heart's beating. U have more chance.
Please be strong and pray hard. Dun give up k!! Must b strong! Eat good nutrition. Talk to baby as well, give bb courage. If u r sad, bb will feel the same. Last nite before see doc, I told bb to let us see the heartbeat. Thank God, we see bb's heartbeat. So, u gotta be positive k. I'll keep u in my prayer as well..
Like Athen said, u have our support.

congratz!! I also take hormone pills, but i din pay attention to my urine color. Sorry can't help
. One thing i know, the hormone pills are for the foetus' sake. So dun worry too much k.

Hmm.. wat i notice abt the urine thing is that it got medicine smell.. hee.. think it coz of the vit..

Yup. I ask the anti-vomit just in case the vomitting/giddiness is getting very bad. Till now I vomit abt 4times a day.. Quite tiring.. Tue nite vomit was the worst, made super terrible sound, and really hurt my throat.. made me almost cry oso.. m so weak huh..


Have u taken the constipation med? How is the effect? Is it immediate or how?
Dr Adrian gave me the med, but i haven't taken it. been 3 days hvn't done the 'business'.. haiz...
or maybe there's nothing to be passed coz i vomit all the food.. hee..
Hi cheezel
Dun be gan chiong. Am very happy for you that you can get to experience this gan chiongness. I also want!

Hi Eufrasia
Thanks. This is what makes me go on. Though Dr Adrian says not much hope, but we are praying for miracle and asking baby to be strong and fight on. Baby will be a strong strong baby. Someone once said " Doctors are not the absolute authority on matters regarding miracles" and it's so true

Good you can see bb heartbeat liao. I felt very relived also the first time I saw bb heartbeat...
Cheezel & Eufrasia,
Thank you for the info, feel better now.

DR Adrian is more specialise in TMC or MT A? So far I have only seen him once, my fren recommend him to me. I'm staying in WDL and I visit his SK clinic. During my first visit, he spoke really fast lor.. Haa.. like salesman.. How does the rest of you think of him? Till now haven confirm whether to continue with him or not.

I am new to this forum as i just confirmed my pregnancy this morning.
Can someone provide me Dr Adrian's clinic address n contact?

Cheers to all MTBs!
I heard Dr Adrian belongs to TMC. My fren recommend him to me oso. Yup, he speaks really fast. I'm comfortable with him though. Seems he's willing to answer all my question. Last time I visited him with my list of question. He asks the list then ans each point..

His SK clinic tel#6388 8125. Rite in the SK MRT.
CCK clinic tel#6893 1227. 304 CCK Ave 4 #01-653.
me going to opt for 4 bedder...then the nurse told me auto upgrade to 2 bedder. True? so hubby cannot stay overnight unless i deliver at night. i also wan hubby to go back n rest too. so in that case then no need to pack food for him. prob i just prepare his jacket n some coins so tat he can use the vending machine there in case thirsty.

That time i went for D&C, he just give me a pat n ask me not to worry. n then the operating room quite scary with super bright lights on top....think he see my face he knows i super scare say will give me something to make me sleep for a while....hehe

take more fruits n more water! i have colleague who constipate for a week n end up tummy pain n when she finally get to do the business.....she felt so good! hehe

not too sure abt which hospital he specialise in. so far the NT scan n detailed scan, all take in TMC. even my colleague whom he help to deliver in Mt A also went to TMC to take all the tests. n he provide auto upgrade fr 4 bedder to 2 bedder for those who choose to deliver in TMC n not Mt A n others. So prob he more to TMC ba.

Yeah! Dr Adrian speaks very far i'm ok with him. but its all up to indiv. what is impt u must be comfy with him. NOrmally his consultation is very fast esp if u have no qns. but if u have qns, he will ans all. some pple find him too rush in his consultation but to me i still find it ok la...cos if we have no qns then i see no pt y must stay in his room for so long.....

CCK Clinic
Blk 304 CCK ave 4 #01-653 Tel:6893 1227

SK Clinic
5 Sengkang Sq #01-05 (Sengkang MRT) Tel: 63888125

I think nowadays I'm super kaypo. Jus wandering, u stay in woodlands, why don u go to his CCK clinic. nearer for u rite? Jus 4 MRT stops away.


Actually no need to prepare coins for your hb. TMC provides hot water flask & cold water flask for all mummies in the ward. I think u jus need to bring some instant beverages can liao.

He upgraded me to 2 bedder although I booked 4 bedder. I think also depends on whether 4 bedder is fully occupied. Heard there is only 1 4 bedder room in TMC.

I think nowadays I'm super kaypo. Jus wandering, u stay in woodlands, why don u go to his CCK clinic. nearer for u rite? Jus 4 MRT stops away.


Actually no need to prepare coins for your hb. TMC provides hot water flask & cold water flask for all mummies in the ward. I think u jus need to bring some instant beverages can liao.

He upgraded me to 2 bedder although I booked 4 bedder. I think also depends on whether 4 bedder is fully occupied. Heard there is only 1 4 bedder room in TMC.
Hi all
Thanks for everyone's well wishes. Saw Dr Adrian just now and bb heartbeat stopped already. Will be doing a D and C tmr morning. I'm sure baby is in God's lap now playing with Him.

Dr Adrian advised us to wait for a cycle first then try again the next cycle. Can I check with you all how long/fast will your menses come after the D and C is done and how many cycles did it all take you all to conceive again?Sorry if this question is too sensitive and brings back bad memories..

So sorry to here this very sad news.

The last time Dr Adrian advised us to wait for at least 3 cycles. Although physically we are able to conceive but emotionally, u may not be ready. Hence, I waited for 3 cycles. Conceived after 1 cycle. I think most importantly, u & your hubby must be ready. It took me quite sometime to get over the loss.

Also I did a so call mini confinement after D & C. My 1st menses came 1 month after bleeding from D & C stopped. The 1st menses was super heavy that I got to see Dr Adrian to ask for medication to decrease the bleeding. Apparently, it is normal.
Thanks Athen
Dr Adrian told us to wait for 1 cycle. I'm very keen to start trying immediately but am so worried that it will affect next bb if i try immediately. Will leave it to God's will.

I have been reading around the net on D and C and seems that it is not advisable because of risks of infections or complications. I have asked Dr Adrian whether can I miscarry naturall but he rather I perform a d and c. Is it also true that no sex for 2 weeks after a d and c? Thanks!
Am so sorry to hear that. Be tough k!

My previous gynea advise me to wait for 3-6mths from the d&c before trying to conceive.
My menses came abt 1 mth after the D&C. My menses still normal but become irregular. I usually had 28days cycle.. then change to 28-31 for abt half yr. After that slowly become a-28day-cycle again..
Anyway, I conceive after 2 yrs.. Quite some time huh..

U take good care of urself k. Do a so call mini confinement like Athen did. And have a good rest after D&C.

My previous gynea advised me to get D&C when it is possible. Get miscarried natural will get more complication. Thru D&C doc make sure there's nothing left inside ur womb. That's what my previous gynea told me. Please check with other to make sure. Dun worry too much k.

Yup, i was advised no intercourse for 2wks after D&C, 1mth is better. I played safe, no intercourse for 1mth.. hee..
Almost forgotten to ask u.
Did Doc ask u to fasting? How many hours? No food and no drink at all k! Last time I was too thirsty then drank a very little water, they ask me to fasting for another 4hrs.. really torturing..

As far as I remember, the D&C din take long time, only 10mins... I could go home rite away, but I rather took a-15min-rest before going home.. Was fasting for abt 10hrs plus mah.. kinda weak..
I finally get the business done last nite... hee.. felt so good
.. But dunno why, feels like to get another business, got slight pain in tummy tis morning

Tks, will take more fruits n water.. Hmm.. more water means more visits to toilet.. hee...

My frd oso been upgraded to 2-bedder (opt for 4-bedder). The nurse told her coz the 2-bedder not full so they upgraded her.

that time after my D&C, i bleed only for 3-4 days. then stop liao. 1st mense come abt 3-4 weeks later n thats when i went back to see dr adrian for a follow up checkup. after tat, he give me the green light to try again n me n hubby were so shock...cos he previously mention to us normally its abt 3 cycles. so i get preggie again after the 1st cycle. D&C in June. 1st mens in jul....miss mens in Aug = conceive. now going 34 weeks pregnancy. Dun worry too much ok. most impt is u n ur hubby must discuss through n decide if u wanna get preggie so fast again or to rest for a while then try. JIA YOU!!!

I only fast after my dinner the night b4 n took some medication for the D&C to dilate the cervix i think. went for D&C early in the morning. i waited outside the operating threater for quite a while b4 dr adrian appear after a surgery. think last only 15 mins. discharge abt 30-45 min later when the nurse make sure i'm well enuff to walk by myself.

like tat ah....then nothing much for me to prepare liao. can take the bag n go deliver anytime when baby wanna come out. ehehehe

i rather make more visit to the toilets. just imagine not enuff water...later constipate n kana UTI ...then even worse le.

if u forget to bring anything. can always get your hb to bring. but must remember to bring impt ones. Oh... must remember to bring something very impt. Yourself!! ha.... In case ur hb too gan cheong forgot to bring u to hospital.

its all up to indiv. what is impt is u must be comfy with the doc. to me, i find him ok n i like the style he do n access thing.....very confident....but he speaks very fast so some pple find his consultation very rush.
Hi Ladies,

Im 6weeks pregnant now, but have not go for any Gynae, heard Dr Adrain is good?

Any one can advise me good in what sense?

& Which hospital can he deliver? Also, does he offer any package? like see how how many times how much something like that?

Many Thanks!!

it depends on how u define "good". one gynae may seems good to others but may not be what u expect. so as what i say, its all up to indvi.

whenever u have doubts, just ask him n he will ans ur qns. during my 1st trim, i keep spotting n bleeding n he sees me weekly rather than monthly. n his pkg starts fr the moment u know u r preggie....can start anytime. $550 for the antenatal package. whenever he sees the worried face of my hubby n me cos of spotting, he will try to reassure us.

theres once i bleed quite heavily on one of the sundays....n call him. thINk he attending some music class with hIs children....but he still make an effort to meet me at TMC to scan for me......n he reach there even earlier than me.

he can deliver at most of the hospitals...TMC, Mt A, MT E, Gleng, Eastshore.... his pkg $550-includes consultation, vits etc. Does include NT scan n detailed scan.
hi ladies,
m back. miss u all n the posts hee.. was suffering from MS. Yesterday nite went to Dr coz having light fever. Was afraid bb will b feeling too warm inside my stomach.. Also when on the way to Doc, got inconsiderate lady anyhow walk with her plastic bags inside the mrt, bumped into my belly rite where the bb is.. i was very anxious.. kept thinkin if bb will be ok coz kana shocked.. Fortunately bb's okay. So relieve. bb's now 1.84cm.

yup. i drink more water. more visits to toilet but constipation's better indeed.

btw, the $550 is really inclusive NT scan n detailed scan?

take care
dear all,
have anyone forgotten whether u already took pill or not?
dunno y, today i forgotten if i took the duphaston pill or not yet. should be 3 times a day. i remember i took it in the morning. i forgot whether i oredi take during the day.
couldnt reach Dr Adrian.. seems his clinic tel's diverted to his mobile. but no answer..
what do u think? better take less or more? i'm worried for bb.. haiz.. how come oredi become forgotten..
please help me n share...

I think u forgot to type "not".


Package does not include NT scan n detailed scan.

I think u should go & get those preg T shirts that says "baby underconstruction" or "I'm not plump, I'm pregnant". In case some inconsiderate pple walk with eyes on the batok or don give up seat on the train. I saw kiddy palace selling. Quite cute. Too bad they don sell at my time.

I have not experience forgetting to take the pill. How many pills r u taking? I used to take 3 pills 4 x a day. So even if u take twice, should be ok bah since your dosage is 3 x a day. But better confirm with Dr Adrian. I'm not Doctor. U r losing memory so fast liao? It will get worse. I have not regain my memory yet.

Try calling him again. He could be in the middle of delivery or operation that's why cannot take the call.
the t shirts sounds v cute.. hmm.. but dunno i dare to wear or not.. i'll try to go there and see though..

Hubby said i should wear maternity clothes.. But my tops still can fit me.. only my pants.. Need to unbutton and wear my tops that can cover it.. hee..

I should take 1 pill 3 times a day. Dunno oredi taken 3 times or onli 2 times. I read the leaflet it's not serious if take it overdoze.. Abt to take it again.. but then forgot...
U mean, after giving birth we tend to be more forgetful? Haiz.. sob sob.. so fast me become forgetful...

Was trying to reach Dr Adrian but can't get thru.. hmm.. Will pay more attention in taking the pills..

Yesterday tried talking to him abt my fever but he's in the middle of delivery, later on in the middle of operation..
He seems quite busy... So decided to stop calling him at 11pm.. dun wanna disturb him.. just hoping bb will b fine coz onli miss 1 pill...

ops...paiseh...the $550 doesnot include NT Scan n detailed scan.

i also got one tee tat says" baby under construction" but wear liao pple still act blur n till now so far no body give up their seat to me lo...even though tummy big big liao...they look everywhere, up n down here n there but not u preggie.

tat time i took more hormone pills also cos cant remember if i far ok la....cos sometime got spotting dr adrian also ask me to increase the number of pills

i paid ard $120 for FBI...if i still remember correctly. but i think at diff stage u pay diff price cos tat time the lady took a bronchure out n ask me how many weeks i'm into....n say i need to pay tat amt at that week. u have to go down tmc to ask dun have le...unless u call up? sometime theres disc price for certain my fren she got it at $80 cos tat time got citibank promo


tat time dr adrian got to the Strep B group culture swap for u? is tat a complusory test?


What is Strep B group culture swap?


Not after birth will get forgetful. We become forgetful from preg days till after birth. For me until now.
