Any comment on Dr. Adrian B Woodworth from Thomson Women Clinic

Hi all,
Any comments or feedback for Dr Adrain? Just curious is he a Chinese or Ah mo?

Hi puae,
Can I check is the $550 included in the $1.2k which you mentioned? Also, is $550 unlimited visit?

Hi zenn,

I juz gave birth last Oct with Dr Adrian.
His stitching skills is very good, you can rest assure.

He is a patient gynae, though you will find he talks very fast, and visit session is pretty short. But if you have any questions for him, he will definitely explain to you very clearly.

He is a mixed (aussie + chinese).

Yes, the $550 is included in the $1.2k.
It means you pay $550 when you sign up the package, the rest will be paid after you deliver.
Yeap, $550 is for unlimited visit. When you're not feeling well, you can just go visit him & get medicine & mc, no extra charges, unless you need some extra testing then you got to pay.
Of cos, you got to pay for the detailed scan which will be done in hospital (abt $98+, i think).
Hi Ladies,

I am also TTC, period late for 1wk plus liao so if consider Day 1 of last menses, maybe I already 5wks preggie. Can share do you all buy kit to test or go to Dr. Adrain direct? If I go to Dr. Adrain direct but not preggie meaning I just have to pay 1 time charges? If I am confirm preggie at 1st appt, can I directly sign up for the package?
answer to your last question...yes, u can sign up for the package at the first appt after confirming your pregnancy....the package is $550 and u can pay it in 2 instalments...
Hi okasan,

Thanks for you advise but I wonder will the testing be accurate cos I might be only 5 wks preggie. Can recommend any kit that is accurate? Btw, any idea how much it cost for 1 time appt with Dr. Adrain? If I use kit and tested positive, do I still wait for 1-2 weeks or can go visit Dr. immediately?
I do have friends who are preg but the kit result are negative. but I also have friends who tried once and get negative result, so they waited for another 1-2 weeks to try the kit again and got positive results....kits are not 100% accurate....

for me, I use the kit just 1 day after I miss my mense, and it's your menses accurate in the first place? if not, then wait 1-2 wk before trying again....

once u tested positive, u can see gynae need to wait any longer...

I remeber I was told to pay abt $90 for the consultation if I do not take the package during that visit....
Hi oops,

Yes, even if it's 5wks preggie, the test kit can detect. Last time the one i used (sorry, can't remember the brand, but I know it's abt $15+) is bought from Guardian. Tat time I was 5wks preggie too, the kit detected it.

If you're preggie & see Dr Adrian first time, it will cost you abt $70+ (including the multivitamin & folic acid).
If tested positive, you can go visit gynae immediately liao.
hi oops,

More cost effective is to get a test kit to test 1st.. if negative, wait for 1wk before testing again. if positive, then u can make appt with gynae anytime..

btw, i also tested '-' 2wks back, waited for 1 more wk, n juz tested '+' last wkend.. went to Dr Adrian to know my EDD

if according to LMP n u hv regular menses, usually by wk5, test kits shd be able to detect.
for my case, according to my LMP, i only tested '+' in wk7.. went for the scan, it says im only wk5D6... so it depends when u ovulate.

Hope this helps
Hi puea,

Thanks for sharing!

Actually issit necessary to go for ultrasound when TTC? Any idea how much Dr Adrian charge for ultrasound?

Just curious, did you gal visit him at SK or Tiong Bahru clinic?
Btw can we deduct the first few payments we made (b4 we sign up the package) from the $550?

Cos understand that Dr Lawrence Ang from TMC allow...

You're welcome.

Regarding the payment, it can't be deducted from the $550.
I oso paid for my 1st & 2nd visits, then until the 3rd visit then I decided to sign up wif Dr Adrian, then I paid for the $550.

Huh? I think most of the gynae are practising the same thing lor. Maybe you want to find out more on Dr Lawrence Ang's package.

I visited Dr Adrian @ his CCK clinic.
I think it's better to play safe lor, to have ultrascan when TTC.
Like my sis-in-law case, she oso suspects that she is preggie liao, so I brought her to Dr Adrian, then found out that yes, she is preggies but she got something else in the womb oso, and it's in front of the feotus. Dr Adrian can't detect the feotus using normal ultrascan machine. He detected the feotus by using another machine which using a "stick" kind thing go through the uterus, then he found out that there is something on top of the feotus tat's y he can't see the feotus using normal machine.

My sis-in-law was broken down when she heard this news. Cos all along she didn't feel any unusual things when menses comes, until this pregnancy then she knows abt it...
Plus Dr Adrian said there is a risk for baby with this thing in there.
Thanks okasan & Puea!

I called the clinic yest and the nurse told me they will only deduct 1 last visit from the $550. Meaning if sign up on the 3rd visit, the 2rd visit would b deducted from the $550.

Also they dun ve a pre conception package. So beside pap smear and ultrasound, what other test should we go for?

Pap smear test is done after delivery.
As for ultrasound scan, it's done every time u visit Dr.
The tests we need to take during pregnancy are, blood-test & detailed scan.
If there is a -ve result in blood-test, then may need to go for downsyndrome test.
AS for the detailed scan, it's done in hospital, by another Dr, which will check your bb's internal organs, limbs, etc.
Dr adrian quoted his price to me last oct is annental package @ $550 and delivery charge is $800, so is $1350 leh not $1200 leh... is it correct?
Hi all,

Just wondering anyone did pre conception test wif Dr Adrian b4? Cos the nurse told me have to go for first consultation which range from $40-70 and the gynae will then advise which test. Diff test will have diff pricing so worried that it will end up alot of $$$$

Oh, paiseh, got ur Q wrongly. :p
Well, that i din do before.
I juz have regular checkup every year b4 i get preggie (includes pap-smear test) in normal clinic.


I saw Dr Adrian @ CCK clinic. He quoted me $550 for antenatal package $550, delivery package $650 (for normal delivery), but I ended up deivery package $900 cos got used vacuum.
Tot Dr Adrian will show you a paper stated down all hospital charges & his package info?
Mine is like tat ley.
hi mummies..

i will b delivering my #2 by Dr Adrian. his package given to me where i sign up in dec05 was antenatal package @ $550 & Delivery package @ $750.. total of $1,300 for normal birth.

I have attached the package copy he gave me last dec. Hope it helps.

<center><table border=1><tr><td>
Dr Adrian - Dec 05.doc (31.2 k)</td></tr></table></center>
my package with Dr Adrian is also same as Jo's one...sign at cck around oct last year, $1300 total...

think there's an increase in delivery fees coz puea's is $100 less when sign in feb last year...
ya lor and another $50 more for delivery charge for SK which i find it is ridiculars.
i am gg to ask adrian on next visit.

cos consultation we can go from sk to cck, so why is there a different for sk or cck patients.

i shall see what he can explain.
Hi Ladies,

Any advise on the 6th or 7th week scan? Do we have to fast or drink lots of water for the ultrascan? Able to hear BB heartbeat on 6th wk?
Thks for the pkg info. but if we go natural then cannot have to take C, then we have to pay both charges or just the C charges?
Hi erkerk,

The ultrascan is normal procedure for each visit.
Dr Adrian will check the baby conditions through ultrascan. Don't have to drink alot of water/fast for ultrascan. But dun drink/eat too sweet before urine test, it will mislead the result.

Yes, 6 or 7 wks can hear the bb heartbeat liao.

And yes, if you go for natural birth and then for some reasons, halfway in the labouring process you need to take C, then you got to pay for both charges.
Hi Puea,

Thank U so much for the information, it is really helpful
Can ask you if preggie, when do we do the vaginal scanning? I tot we only do the ultra scan..

Dun mention it.
Glad that I can help.

Hmm... last time i din do vaginal scanning, only do ultra scan, unless your gynae prefers using vaginal scanning or under special situations (like my sis-in-law case).
Like the 1st gynae i had, she is from Mt E., and she doesn't use normal scanning, she uses vaginal scanning to monitor the bb situations.

And of cos lah, vaginal scanning can see much more clearly on bb (compared to the normal ultra scanning), but 3-D still the best (of cos expensive too).
Hi ladies,
I am new here. I am now 17wk+. I visit Dr Adrian at his sk branch. My last visit, he told us that we are having 90% boy..
hmmm. Any chance of mistake in gender??? hehehe

1) Can i check with the experience mums what is the cost of staying in 2 persons to 1 room and one person to 1 room in TMC??? How much in all u all need to fock out cash for yr delivery??

2) Massage lady - Any good massage lady to recommend with reasonable price?? Any recommendation.. Or you all think is not necessary???

We need to do some costing... Thank you in advance ladies..
hi all,

I am new to this thread. I had just visited Dr Adrian for my lst consultation. Finding him speaking too fast.. I had done my scanning plus all his explaination within 10 min.. Is it his practise that he speaks very fast?
. And finding he has no expression when talking to you... errmmm, is he like that all the time? Hee hee.. cos my expectation of a gynae is not the same .. Can anyone advise on this? Do anyone know his number of years of experience being gynae? Known that he used to practise at KKH.
<font color="0000ff">honeyhaven,</font>
congrats for having a prince~! well, there's no 100% accuracy for ultrascan, so u may want to check again at the next visit loh....but most of the time, can't go wrong lah
<font color="0000ff">peacegal,</font>
Dr Adrian is like that one...speak very fast...most of the time, u go in, he just ask if u got questions, if no questions, then the whole visit will be super fast loh....but he's patient to answer your questions if u have any loh....

not sure abt his year of experience, but heard his stitching not bad...

have u sign his package? he's the rare few gynae that offer the package right at the start, so very worth it


Well, once Dr Adrian said 90% is boy, then it's boy liao, no doubts.

His eyes is very "sharp" one... hee hee hee...

TMC Room
I think Dr Adrian will always advise MTBs to have 4-bedded room if you choose TMC.
Cos he has "privilege" to upgrade 4-bedded to 2-bedded without extra charges.
I would say, if you want your hb to stay overnite too, then you choose 1-bedded room, if not, it's not necessary lor.
I chose Mt A, and i forked out around $1K cash (for normal delivery wif epi &amp; vacuum).

Massage Lady
It's better to have Malay massage lady, cos some of them know how to help you to shrink your uterus back to original place &amp; size faster.
And if you can tahan, can ask them to "wrap" for you, then you will be back to shape sooner also.
I think they charge $35-$50 per massage session (do it at their house), but dunno how much they charge for the wrapping.

Don't worry, Dr Adrian is like tat one.
You will be surprised hor, sometimes he will joke to you.

Like last time when he scanned &amp; confirmed mine is a boy, he joked tat i can go shopping liao lor since tat time was Great Singapore Sale. Hee...

If you have any doubts, you just ask him, he will explain to you patiently. Don't worry.

And yes, agreed wif okasan, his stitching skill is very good.
Hi puea,
Thank you for yr reply. At first i also have no doubt... But my mum asked me really or not.. Maybe is baby's finger...hehehe.. She say my face still nice nice..should be girl girl.. So i just ask u all...because she say if boy boy, mummy's face should be quite ugly.. Well she is just concern.. She dun want false alarm.

I think thomson should cost around there right?? How many days u stayed at Mt A??

Massage lady
Still dun know who is good?? Any recommendation.. If everything is fine, I should deliver early Aug.. When u think i should book them??

Thank you once again.. U r very helpful
Hi Okasan, Puea

Thanks for the reply... Maybe I have heard from my friends describing their gynae as very chatty, warm and friendly... And their consultation time sometime will take up almost 20min to half an hour... Thus I thought that Dr Adrain is abit too fast... Furthermore he is very "cool", talking without facial expressions... :p.

Ya, do anyone one know if I were to sign up the package from him at my second appointment, will my lst appointment fee be deducted? And does he generous in giving MC??

Last but not least, do you'll know what brand/kind of skin products and comestic I shouldn't use... Nowsaday, I still put my foundation and lipstick to work... Hee hee... ai mei mah ..

You're welcome.

Dun worry, those old folks tale cannot be trusted. Some old folk tales said if it's boy, MTBs are more like to eat meat instead of vege during pregnancy, but hor, I got no cravings or preferred foods ley. Diet still the same as before preggie. :p

But one thing is true lor, if 2 sides of your waist doesn't have much fat, that means your belly is "sharp" one, then it's boy.
You may want to check it out...

Anyway, when come to the detailed scan, everything will be clearer. And tat moment, you got to "pyscho" your bb to "cooperate" wif you, lying down properly for the gynae to check thoroughly then the gender will be 100% confirmed one. Hee... that's wat i did when doing detailed scan.

You can start do "communication" (aka Tai Jiao) wif your bb now... cos bb now oredi has developed ears &amp; eyes liao...

Should be roughly there. I stayed 2 nites, that's why i paid more. If you oni stay 1 nite w/o epi &amp; assisted delivery, then i think u oni to fork out $600+ (including the deposit $450 when you admit to hospital).

Massage Lady
My auntie neighbor is a malay massage lady, heard from my aunt her skills not bad, alot of malay ladies came for her massage. But hor, she stays at Yishun ley. You want her contact?
Usually you dun have to book her so early. Roughly book her 1 more b4 your EDD will do.
Cos oni 1 or 2 weeks after you deliver, then you can do massage. Got to wait until your stitch heal mah.
hi okasa,

Still considering whether to use him or not... cos still not quite comfortable with his style.. And seen from other thread that he is actually not a very detailed person... Meaning he does not do a detailed check every session... What is your opinion on this? They were saying that their gynae will even have urine test on every of their visits... Does Dr Adrain do that too? My first consulation does not have urine test... Just did a pressure test....

If I'm not wrong, only after sign up the package, then there will be urine test on every visit.
I had the urine test every visit to Dr Adrian.

Well, he always will explain &amp; show you where is the bb heartbeat, the stomach, the legs &amp; arms, and the head, then he will tell you how heavy is your bb now, on every session. So i think he is detailed enuf liao ley.

old wives' tale not true one...I'm preggy with boy now...during first tri, face very ugly with breakout, people guess it's boy, then 2nd tri, my face suddenly become good again, everyone guess it's girl...then also people look at the belly and guess girl...but in the end, also boy...haha....
