Any comment on Dr. Adrian B Woodworth from Thomson Women Clinic

Puea: hehe i took a lot of green tea till now leh.. hehe... :p
Does TMC charge higher than MAH? i tot they claimed that TMC is the lowest of all... i chosed to go to TMC leh.. cause last wed i kana admit then shun bian take a look and realised the nurse there very helpful and friendly...and i kind of like the environment there although outside dun look tat nice... hehe so i opted for tat last friday...

Dr Adrian will upgrade FOC ah... sure ah...hehe cause i opting for the 4 bedded one.... :p


Ya, Dr Adrian can upgrade you to 2-bedded, provided TMC got available bed in 2-bedded rooms lah at that moment.
Usually he will ask you to take 4-bedded room ones, and most of the time you can get 2-bedded during your delivery time.

Hmm, not really ley, I checked the MOH's website, MAH charges is the cheapest.
But it's ok lah, the most important thing is you like the hospital environment & the services there.

Oh? Dun drink too much green tea ley...
Puea: oh icic...

huh.. is it... alamak... hehe but ok lah.. like what u say lor.. the hospital environment and services is ok can liao.. hehe
thanks ya...
nah...i try to avoid the tea o green tea even before pregnancy coz i noe itz too cooling for women....

if MAH is cheaper than i'll go to MAH....moreover heard comments tat there's more parking lots as compared to TMC....will b more convenient for HB
Puea - so bad of your MIL to say tat of you hor bout the temper thingie... think if i were u, i will snap!!!

Re : 4bedded upgrade to 2bedded
actuali i was looking at the lost of bedding prices fro TMC after delivery and saw that in it, there isn't any rates for 2bedded... i suppose they oni have singel and 2 bedded... anyone stayed in 4bedded in TMC before or hav ur heard of frens who reali did???

Ya lor, but i just hack care her lor... no matter wat, that's my bb, not her son... who cares her feeling... :p
Very bad hor me... can't help angry whenever i think back what she did to me during confinement...
Hi pjen, puea
Thks for the vote. My son usually like to smile a lot.

I also heard that MAH is cheaper than TMC. But nevermind la TMC also have good service. Somemore the food quite nice.

d woof
yup, better avoid all the tea. It's "cooling".
Hi Jo,

I refer to your last year hospital bill at Mt A,
it was only 2 days so does it means only 1 night?

Cos Dr Adrian told me is 3days 2 nights and normally is top up abt 400-500 cash for True normal birth at either TMC or Mt A.

Anyone mummies gave bith at MT A recently, can tell us how much is your bill?

Thanks in advance.
Hi all mummies,

Happy Chinese New Year to you!

I'm back to work after CNY holidays liao... but still feel sianz to work ley... Hee!
Hi riushiki,

Dr Adrian's package is abt $1200+.
You need to pay $550 b4 delivery. The $550 can split into 2 instalments.
You can choose to deliver in Mt E, Mt A, TMC, or Glen.
His package already includes all medicines, MCs & consultation fees if you fall sick during pregnancy.
You only need to pay for the detailed scan, and some extra tests if any.

I don't have the details of my bill now.
Let me PM you tonite after I dig the bill out.
Only knows my hospital bill is abt $3K, my bb bill is $500+. I paid $1K+ (including the deposit) at the end.
Hi All Mummies

I am about to due next month, End March. Feeling quite nervous.

Hi Puea

How are you recently? Long time didn't chat with you already. How your life being a mother?
hihi Janis

Wow, very soon har, ur turn liao...

Relax, it's end next mth mah...

Have packed ur bag?

I'm fine!

Life so busy wif my little rascal... :p
Though he is staying wif my babysitter now, I & my hb will dropby to see him at nite time on alternate day.
Seems like, besides work, all my personal time are gone to him...

Tiring ley...

Got to always think & plan for him, when to get next vaccination lah, when to give him cereals lah, when to give him brown rice powder lah, then when to buy new clothes for him lah... blah blah blah... so many things to think & do... :p
Hi ladies,

once admission to TMC for delivery, do we need to pay anything upfront? by cash? nets? cheque?
Thanks, rocher!

Ya, tat's the shop I made my bb's hair brush...

Hmm... my bb hair doesn't grow evenly after 1st cut, so my mum said got to cut at 4th mth & apply liquor on his head... Next Wed is his 4th mth liao... wonder can bring him to tat shop to cut now... :p

my hb ask u have u decided on which brand of liquor to apply on ur son's head?? he said that different brand of liquor gives different hairstyle. hahahhah.........

Hahaha! I tot any liqour will do... :p
Intend to apply Martell on my boi's head... Kekeke!

Bao Bao,

Ya lor, I think because I have complication, tat's why i paid more lor.
U stayed how many nite? I stayed 2 nites.
Then I got epidural, and used vacuum also.
Dr Adrian said my boi's head is face up when delivering, so he "vacuum" him out lor.

Me oso stay 2nite. My boi use caliper i think to pull out. The Pd came and say my boi hv make will gone later. My Actual bill around 5k after medisave oni pay 600+

hahah.. my hb just joking la. i not sure abt the liquor thingy. cos i just cut my boy's hair short when he was onli 4mths old. then the next time was when he was 7mths old.. his hair has been growing well since his first haircut.. too much nuritions liao, i guess.

the 2 days is 2nites i stayed.. i rem i was admitted at 530am n delivered at 846am on the same day. Thats on 21jan06, discharged on 23jan06. mine is natural birth, no epidural. 4bedded @ Mt A.
I am now about 35 weeks and i am wondering how often do u see Dr Adrian from this period till delivery?

The last time the nurse scheduled me for 2 weeks but after last session, she scheduled me for 3 weeks later ,... i tot it should be more often?
once a week from which week onwards ah?

Care to share?

Bao Bao,

Huh? How come so cheap ley? Did you count in the deposit you paid when you're admitted to hospital?
You stayed in 2-bedded room but charged as 4-bedded room rate, right?
I know Dr Adrian got this "privilege" in TMC.
I stayed in 2-bedded room in Mt A, maybe more exp lor... :p


Hahaha! I know lah...

Hmm... your boy definitely got enuf nutrinous liao... Mine till now har, the 2 sides hair still don't grow ley, so got to cut @ 4th mth liao...
My mum even teased me, maybe put on the "coconut oil" tat Indian girls used, then definitely my boi's hair will grow thicker! Kekeke!

why 4th mth then cut le? i dun understand wats the logic behind. my boi's hair like my hb, quite thick. few days back, i saw my boy woke up.. then sit on the bed.. look at the back of hsi hair.. in a mess.. like wire.. so funny.. then the front view so neat n nice.. he saw my mum's comb, took it n try to comb his own hair when i teased him.

Hee... your boi so cute...

Hmm... my mum said actually it's bcos if your baby's hair doesn't grow well, then wait until 4th mth cut again lor. Not compulsory lor.

Bao Bao,

Ya lor, your bill really cheap ley...
baby, u in mt a or tmc?

pueu and bao bao, i think the max claim for natural and c-sect is diff so therefore the amt we pay could varies.
Hi Puea

Nice to hear from you. I haven't packed my bag yet....i think it is high time i should be doing the packing.

Ya, i think i will be as busy as you when my child arrive. Actually, what is epidural? Is vaccum safe for the baby?


walt now starts to learn things so fast. but he very funny that day.. he was notti n i actualli hit my hands together n tell him, "u notti, i beat backside". then he imitate me oso. but end up clapping away.. makes me wanna laugh.

his 1year old pic.

lately.. he knows how to sayang my tummy too. when i tell him, "sayang di di". he will carefully place his hands on my tummy n stroke it. so sweet. will oways give him a kiss after he does correctly.

i enjoying the whole process of pregnancy n being mother to 2 kids. but my hb dun seem getting used to it yet. thou he can proudly tell his frs n colleagues that he is a father to 2 kids now. sigh..
Hi hi Janis,

Oh no, you got to pack your bag now liao... if not, your hb will be very busy to travel between hospital & home by then... Hee...

Motherhood life is not as easy as pregnancy period, cos everything got to depend on the little ones...
Like my coll said, it's easier to control little ones when they're "inside", once comes out, it's out of control liao... Hahaha!


Walt is sooooo cute!

He got big big eyes har!
So handsome boy, in future definitely will attract lots of "butterflies"... Hee hee hee!

He is so guai hor... knows how to sayang his didi.

Now I oso teaching my boi how to sayang me... hee... every time i hold his hand to touch my face & tell him tat's "sayang mummy" then he will laugh loudly... very fun ley.

Me too. I like to enjoy the pregnancy process and being a mother.

Funny hor, ur hb is like my hb, oso tells people how he loves his son, but dunno how to take care of the boi... can't stand him...
puea / rocher..

thanks for the compliments.. me dun wish he attract "butterflies" in the future. that will onli give me more problems n headaches. later become "playboy".. hahah..

he depend much on his mood to sayang his brother.. sometimes, he will simply bo chap n pounced towards me.. anytime will hit me on my tummy..

my mum teach him how to "hug hug" since young. there are several ways he show that he is hugging us.. one is to put our forehead against each other.. then we will kinda rub our forehead together.. 2nd is he will stick his face on ours. 3rd, he tends to b mischevious.. will stand up behind u n hug u.. n put his head on our shoulder.. end up, he wants a piggy back in return.. the last one, which onli i will do that to him.. thats to lightly rub our noise together.. he likes it so much. will laugh n laugh.

think men are all the same. onli know how to talk but ask them to take care of the son, its like trouble to them. but they rather sit in front of the tv or pc than to help us.. sigh..
