Any breastpump to recommend

Hi BS S,
I started working for almost 2 months. As i'm working in audit, always got 2 be out of office. I usually discuss with client to see if i can use one of their empty room or conference room. if their office is near shopping mall, i'll use the nursing room in shopping mall. most clients are happy to let me have their empty room. Worse case senario, express in toilet to keep milk suppy. But I suggest to throw milk expresed in toilet since it is not hygienic to feed bb with milk express in toilet. I did that once. Feel so sad after that.

You might want to try a handpump which I feel may encourage faster letdown compared to some electric ones. I bought a Mini Medela which was noisy and painful. I ended up using the cheapest option - Kaneson piston handpump and it turns out to be excellent. Easy to store & clean and cheap enough to have a spare.

Before I returned to office from maternity leave, everything was so nicely planned. There were a couple of small spare rooms which I thought I could use, there was a fridge etc. When I started work and started expressing at my first break, I was informed that BM expressing is not welcomed in the office. Reason - it may affect the fengshui! What the xxxx! You can just imagine how upset I was. I tahan that whole day and bawled my eyes out when I got home.

Anyway after that, for the first 2 weeks, I walked to nursing room in a nearby shopping complex to pump when I can (it's 10 mins walk by the way). It was exhausting. In the end, I pumped in the office toilet. Fortunately the stall was larger (the type with washbsin inside), but still... it's a toilet. i did this for 3 months. It was worth it nevertheless.
Hi Athen and Passing Guest,
Thanks for your replies!
Ya I am worried that I have to pump my BM in the toilet. Cos my office is pretty small and there is usually no empty rooms for me to use. Some more I work in an industrial estate so no chance of a nursing room ard... haiz... Guess shld pump and throw cos' not hygienic after all...

Passing Guest, are u using 1 or 2 Kaneson pump? Cos' now I am quite keen to try it out but worried that while pumping one side, the other side will be leaking... hahaha
Due to the method of use, you can only handle one pump at a time. It is inevitable that one side will leak some due to letdown but your breastpad will catch the leak. You could also use a breast shell for the same purpose.

I went ahead to feed my baby the BM that I expressed in the toilet. Initially you might feel lousy about this but you will get used to it. However if your office toilet is in bad condition, then perhaps you should throw the EBM :-( so sayang...
Where can I get the Kaneson pump? Have you ever trid pumping while out shopping? What equipment must I bring? I am thinking of going to town to do some quick shopping.
Can try using Medela's pre-sterilised milk bags to pump. I've done that on planes and bathrooms. Works fine since the milk goes directly into the bags w/o much air contact. HThs.
saw u asking me abt the DR milk bag. I find it's similar to avent milk liner. I use rubber bands to secure it before freezing. I never try medela before so cant comment. try Gerber, gd cos it has a ziploc easy to use but ex. so changed to DR milk liners instead. milk liners is easier to thaw also. so overall, prefer the DR milk liners. U can call BMSG n order, they can post it to u. tat's wat I do.

dont worry abt the amt u're pumping right now. u're still in ur early stage. just pump regularly, every 2-3hrs. if u need more help can go to a LC or call BMSG. BMSG hv experience mothers tat can help u. I called them for advice during my confinement.
no prob. if u hv questions, can pm me too. willing to help if i can. hope u'll be able to tbf ur bb too.
Hi Passing Guest,
Thanks for sharing with me your experience. My office toilet have a shower stall so I am wondering if I can pump BM there instead...

YL, sorry what's the DL milk bag ah? Thanks!
Hey everyone,

How do u sterilise Ameda & Kaneson breastpumps?
I had bought an NUK steam steriliser for milk bottles, can I dump the breastpumps & its components inside this steriliser? Thanks alot!!

Any mummies out there interested in getting a 2nd hand Medela Pump In Style Advanced? I have used it for 4 months. Interesed please PM me..


think it should not be a problem. The part in the NUK Sterilizer that hold the bottles can be removed.

Any mummies out there interested in getting a 2nd hand Medela Pump In Style Advanced? I have used it for 4 months. Interesed please PM me..


think it should not be a problem. The part in the NUK Sterilizer that hold the bottles can be removed.
hi mummies,

Need some advice re expressing and reassurances. M going back to work in Oct after tbfg 2nd baby for the last 5 mths. Just started expressing to stock up EBM supply but every time I pump (using a 2nd hand Ameda Lactaline), I'll be lucky to hit 2oz, if at all. It's only 2 days but getting rather anxious that I can't express. Hv tried using Avent manual but not a lot of luck either.

Hubby think my anxiety is affecting my performance. Think so?

Also, can express means can express, regardless of pump, right?
Hi Nat & Nic

YES, Yr hubby is right. anxiety or stress, lack of sleep, all affect supply.

No, 'can express means can express'.
LC said different pump suit different breast. so... u got 2 get 1 tat suits u. Avent manual didnt wk on me, but my frd use this same one i lent her, it works wonders, can even just hold it there, milk just keep flowing. so.. different lah.

Most imptly, dont panick.
Thks. Hv also tried the medela PIS (courtesy of fren) but also din work for me. This was followed by the Avent manual which I had used for my first kid 3 yrs+ ago when she was abt 3mths old. That time I got abt 150ml each session for two weeks while I gradually wean her off BM (yeah, dinno better and stopped BF in the face of in-law's negative comments. Hence my determination to BF my 2nd one till at least 6mths)

Got the Ameda recently after trying out the demo set from MIM. The funny thing was that the very first time I tried, I could get 2.5 oz from the side that bb fed on earlier. Imagine my surprise when I can't get anything out when I got my own set.

Guess I'll just have to hang in there. Luckily got some time before going back to work.
sorry, i already sold it off a few weeks ago.

May be you should try some massaging before each pump.
Nat & Nic

how abt warm towel?
warm shower?
Massage = rubbing breast like a dough? I read somewhere on internet lean body forward and shake boobs...
drink fish bone soup with this round white thing call "Tong Cao"? Which i ve been drinking for past 5mths...
Drink enough water?
Have enough rest?
Pump regularly?

Jia You! I am also persisting for another few wks till bb's 6mths... Let's Jia You
i'm using the medela dual pump, so far been getting good result. But like what the other mommies mentioned, you must try to relax.

Started out using the Avent manual pump, it was also good, however, hand can get really tired & takes a longer time.

Thanks for the suggestions. Think my main pblm is not being able to achieve let-down so planned to up the frequency of the pumping sessions - see if my body can get used to the pump. And now that the 6mth "deadline" is near, I wan to try to BF baby as long as possible...

The other thing I could do with is more rest but baby is not being cooperative. Read somewhere that some of the little ones can sleep straight from 10pm to 6am (or so). My 5mth old is still waking up 3 times and refuses to go to bed without being breastfed. Trying to get her to hv better sleeping habits but in the middle of the night when I'm dead tired, it's faster/easier to give in to her demands

Fiona - I totally empathesize with you. For my first kid, I used the Avent manual pump regularly for only 2 wks and after that I've got to see a GP for pain & numbness in wrist! (oh yeah, I still remember that the doc lauff when I told him the reason.)
Hi All

When my daughter was first born, she had problems latching on because her mouth is 'too small.' She would scream and make so much noise I would give up. Finally, I had to express milk for every of her feeds but when we had to go out, it was extremely troublesome because we had to lug along the cooler box, bags of milk, my pump and more.

I only lasted 8months before stopping. I'm now expecting my 3rd one, due 23feb07. Any of you with suggestions on how to get the baby to latch on and yet still get enough milk to store up? It seems that when the baby drinks direct, i never seem to have enough (was the case with my boy). That's why i decided to express 100%.
hi mummies..
can i ask when shd i get breast pump.. before delivery or after? i am due next yr and quite keen on bf-ing juz afraid that i may give up if unable to meet up with demands and stress

and also tot of buying big items stuffs b4 GST increases..

so with so many brands in the mkt how wld i know which is suitable?
Hi Gitz,

I bought my pump b4 delivery. U won't have time to go shopping for pump after delivery. bf needs lots & lots for patience & can be very stressful if bb refuse to latch.

Btw when are u due? If u want to buy electrical stuffs such as steriliser, warmer, breast pump, buy them closer to delivery date cos warranty start on date of purchase. If buy too early, waste the warranty period.

I'm currently using Avent Uno pump. I was using Medela mini electric. Very painful, pump until bleed. I'm bf by pumping cos my boy refuse to latch.

Hi mag,

I'm bf through pumping. This is due to my boy refuse to latch as he was introduce to bottle to early & given too much bottle.

Also milk ss can take up to 6 weeks to establish & stablise.

DD = ss. To get enough milk to store up, pump & latch often.

Jus my 2 cents worth
hi mag,
my boy feeds by direct latch almost totally (only 1 ebm feed per day by daddy). i also do worry that he doesn't have enough as i can't see how much he drinks. however, he is doing really fine and puts on weight very well. It is very normal for tbf mums to only be able to pump 1-2oz in between feeds. i found that if i feed and then pump abt 1h after the early morning feeds, i actually have enough to feed my baby and also to stock up in the freezer. Actually if we tbf by latching and yet manage to pump a lot to store, we are actually over-producing. so when we don't pump, we get engorged!!

I am currently on holiday with my now-6mth old, and I latch direct and never express at all. He is doing well and very satisfied with his feeds. So I guess sometimes we mums are just a little gan jiong that our precious ones don't have enough, when they actually do! Hope this helps.

hi giz,
i also bought my pump before i delivered and i am using the ameda lactaline. if you are intending to bf for long, i would suggest that you invest in a good electric double pump. Avent, medela and ameda are all pretty good brands, it depends on how much you are willing to spend on the pumps. I use the ameda and I like it cos it is not noisy and it is powerful enough to get the job done. Also, it is more affordable compared to the Avent double and the medela PIS. I've also tried the Medela plus which is quite similar to the ameda but slightly more expensive I think.
i emailed BMSG and they said that the distributor actually stopped bringing in Kaneson pump already. So I guess it's no longer sold in S'pore.

Aiyo y like cheap..tot of trying it out..and leave 1 in the office.

Hey thanks for your advice.
<font color="0000ff">tare,
You can rent the pumps to try before purchasing.

* Medela from Mums n Babes.

* Ameda Lactaline from Moms in Mind (3-day trial @ $20, deposit of $100)

Ameda has a Flexishield Areola Stimulator (something like AVENT's let-down massage cushion aka petal massager) but it's available separately (quite expensive @ $38 each).

For both pumps, the funnels, bottles, valves, diaphragms & bellows can be sterilised by boiling.</font>
<font color="0000ff">Winnie,
I saw the Ameda flexishield at Robinsons Centrepoint and Takashimaya few months ago. If you do not need it urgently, wait till there's 20% sale before buying.</font>
Hi bbloh
I won't be due till 2 mths later. Think can still wait 4 Robinsons sales. Tey hv it quite frequently. Thks for ur info.
For anyone who's interested, I'm selling my Kaneson pump for $15. Need to clear for space!! Interested parties, please PM me.

hi higgledy,

I am interested to get pump from US too eyeing on "Ameda Purely Yours Breast Pump with Carry All" US 199.95 or Medela PIS advanced.

Any mummies got experience on ordering from US and ship to Singapore, pls advise.
The Ameda Purely Yours is available from Robinsons - i last saw it at Robinsons Centrepoint.

Local Distributor is
InfanTree Pte Ltd.
23 Tagore Lane, 03-04
Tagore 23 Warehouse
Singapore 787601
Phone: +65 6454 1867
Fax: +65 6454 7784
Email: [email protected]
Web Site:

think there is a shop at United Square that carries the pump too.

Maybe if you buy in numbers, the local distributor will entertain.

Do keep the receipt though, cos the warranty is based on the receipt.

My opinion - for the price paid, it is a rather quiet pump and not too bulky to carry around.
Hello, so sorry ladies, have not been checking this thread for a while. I already ordered the Ameda Purely Yours from USA. My colleague handcarrying for me to China. (I am Singaporean working in China.) I paid USD149.95 for the pump only, without the bags and stuff.

At first I was also considering Medela PIS. But a lot more ex leh! I thought, if Purely Yours really good, even if spoil, buy one more also not heartache (coz I don't think can get spare parts in China). On the other hand, if I pay so much for Medela, once spoil, cannot use, #$%^&*(%^&*!!!

Ozzie, thanks for the info on distributor! Will be very helpful if I need to get parts/servicing!

Are you using the Purely Yours too? So far you are the 1st mommy I've come across who is using it.
