Any blogs on baby?

Hirosh & Irene,
Thanks for the mean just drag & drop, so easy meh? OKie will try again.



I tried to drag & drop in the (compose) section, photo can be place side by side. After i publish, view, the photo still up & come?
Under the (edit html), do i have to change any setting?
Hirosh, can i PM you my question? Sorry for the trouble!

Hi Irene,

You have a nice blog too... managed to read a little, saw that you post many photos. You say drag & drop them side by side? But yours can, mine can't!
Can you teach me how to do the setting under the template, i don't know html at all.
Pls advise me?
Hi aries,

No problem. I can help u but me dunno where to start. Moreover it'll be too long to type down here. U PM me or gimme ur email then maybe I copy the template code for u to paste or edit.

I try to put small but still can't...hmmm...
maybe coz of the template i select don't have the function of drag & drop.

Can email me the code to paste at my templete. Me having same problem as Aries.

I tried to drag & drop in the (compose) section, photo can be place side by side. After i publish, view, the photo still up & down. I Already select photo size small and none.

My email : [email protected]

Its q common, I always experience that. So sometimes I create a new post to try upload the photos then cut and paste the link to the original post. Its works sometimes but sometimes simply cant load.


Yes i can be done
hi sept03 bride, caleb so chubby..
i like the moving tiger leh.. hehehe

btw, where did u get the bed with side from har?
hi phoebe,
i got the contact from my Jan 06 mummies support group.. hahahaaa
The mattres is Shine Mate Baby Care mattress
Mun Fong Trading Co
10 Anson Road
#30-07 International Plaza
Singapore 079903
Tel/Fax: 68458186
email: [email protected]

You can contact Francis Liou @ 9389 5898 from MFTC.
hihi, haven't been back for ages! My blog's still surviving and I've added a whole lot of links...some of yours may be on too.
hi, horoshima, can u tell me how u create scrapbook like background for your pix? very verynice. or anyone else knows? i dunno if hiroshima still visit here.
opps sorry for the laye reply....
editting software is: Photoshop
Kits are form: and mainly....
these two are my FAV.
hi esther, downloading the software now... i think the site is really fantastic. thanks for the recommendation!
Can check with you,u mention photoshop can download from internet or must purchase the software by itself? Kindly advise thanks!
Mee Yun,
I bgt the Jumperoo at Robinsons sale. Got it at 20% off but i cant recall how much i paid for it leow.. U can check it out at Robinsons..
ok thanks hiroshi-ma. sorry huh check with you around how much and where can purchase. Went to Sim Lim Sq, but i don't know the name of the software they show me Photoshop Element S$ 1,900+ correct?
Hi Mummies

Im also new to the blog. I have some questions. I have loaded a blogskin in my blog but why doesnt my baby's profile appear on it? Do I have to link up anything? And how did u mums upload baby's chart: the one that shows baby's age?
hi mickey
indeed the twopeasinabucket offers berry nice kits, however must have software inorder to download and upload pics on them. Picasa can't do it was thinking any other software beside Photoshop cos its real exp! S$1900++

Any mummies out there got better suggestion for me .......
