Any blogs on baby?

Hi, all of u have such nice blogs!

Can we and how do we back up our blogs? I will cry if my blog disappears..
thks..will try that
i am like u..a blog idiot too
hi jenny,

understand from another thread that ur boy is on GD prog too? Can transfer some tips to me? hehe..
which thread did u read from? amazing development ?

errrr...what tips do u want? u want to join us at amazing development at temporary holding place? It's very active and fun over there
CAn learn a lot from the sharings of the other mummies...

Also, this thread is on blogs for baby so may not be very ideal to do sharing here ...come over and join us there ...
I did many sharings on GD prog and many goodbooks recommendation over at 'amazing development' thread. Go and view it when u r free..too many things to share :> :>
will like to ask mummies who have used blogspot vs livejournal... which is better? I know blogspot cannot choose private viewing... but livejournal can?

what other websites are recommended? Thanks!

I have evaluated a few blogs as I am interested in a blog with security features, can change the template completely and do not have any advertisement banners. I finally found one and surprisingly, it was hosted for singaporeans. check it out if you are keen. I have looked at livejournal too. it has security features but not able to change template as freely unless you pay for the add-on features.

Incidentally I have just migrated over there from blogger.

blogspot/blogger is indeed more flexible than livejournal which is why I love it and hang on to it until.... it became slow to access for me and I kept getting strange 403 errors. So I found the best of both worlds known as shoutzblog now.
shook, mngo,

i do not see a transfer program to do this automatically now or i never look hard enough.
but there is a link function that you can insert a pointer to your blogspot link if you have a few years of entries in there. i had about 60+ entries to migrate so it was not so painful. Unless you plan to lock up even your past entries, there is no real need to migrate lot stock barrel of info over.

i saw someone just migrated from blogspot and inserted a link only. HTHs.
hi mommia,

thanks for guiding me...create my foto url successfully n paste it into my blog profile..
bt hor after viewing e blog, e foto stil does not appear leh....weird..
mommia, i dun understand... what do you mean about the link function? Can it show exactly what I see in blogspot?

oh, btw, is it possible to create more than 1 blog in shoutz like in blogger?

your blog profile has a size limit. likely your photo is too big. need to size down then upload again, you shud be able to see thereafter. HTHs.

if you enter the link in shoutz blog, when you click on it, it will bring you back to your blogspot.

as for creating 2 blogs, i don't think so. so personally i have created 2 separate blog id one for my dd and one for myself. i think the reason is simple cos to add friends in the shoutz, they go by userid, so having a few blogs in one means all must be opened to a stated friend. HTHs.
mommia, thanx for the reply... another stupid qn cos me quite IT idiot... if I just copy and paste the template from blogger to shoutz, can work or not huh? :p
jen, actually the question is not stupid. the template can work except that variable names calling for data has to be changed, eg, the blog date, time..etc.

when u log on, on the left panel, there is a support and FAQ. click that and you will find "templates and variables" guide.

for example, the tags in blogger:
<blogger>, </blogger> is equivalent to <entry>, </entry> in shoutz.

<$blogitemtitle$> = <%entrytitle%>

btw, you can do a preview if you cut and paste the template into shoutz. during the preview, you will see all the varibles displayed on the page, then you just need to find those variables in your template and replace them according to shoutz' standard variables.

actually this is a good time to learn some simple html without tears and you will enjoy your blogging more. :D
pjen, glad to know your photo is working now. to me, part of the blogging fun is to be able to do some simple customising DIY. :D

oh jen, another thing I enjoy in the shoutz blog that blogger/blogspot does not have are the built-in smilies icons.
Thanks Jen, so tempted?? heehee

I can teach you a trick or 2 if you are trying.
one other feature in this is the categorisation of topics which previously I do not have. if you like moods, livejournal has that, i add my own in my blogs.
mngo, actually i am totally cluess about html before i tried. it's really not that tough. the real skill is 'cut and paste' haha. the change i made in that blog is fairly basic things. when in blogger, i totally design the whole look and feel after consulting a few samples. because i am easily bored with fashion so i need to change the look from time to time...:p

jen, sure..i am not sure if newbie like me have PM yet or not cos i never tried. i am sure if you SHOUTZ loud enough, I will hear you...kekeke.
u know.. i tried to do it. copy and paste.. until my whole blog just not working. haha
then i end up have to use the default template
mommia, the PM here goes to your email account... just login at the top left of this page, then go into ur profile and activate it... I tried yesterday, urs not activated yet...

mngo, oi... u supposed to be better than layman in computer language leh... how come change until cannot work?
thanks jen, i changed my profile already...hopefully it's working.

mngo, u cute lah...must be trying very sophiscated stuff on your blog...i very kia si...every change also must preview first then i change. i also backup a copy of my template on a word file in case i work until like blur sotong and lost my original working template. oh..i don't mean u are blur sotong hor...just talking about myself when i become overly engrossed...kekeke
jen, i am so excited about the upgrade in shoutz ... it allows 3 blogs with one userid now. it now supports private messaging and who's online too.. :D
Hi mommies,

I just started a blog for my gal as well ( But I very "gei kiang" go and use other templates from other website instead of the ones provided and now have pbm posting my messages. Can any kind soul here help me solve this pbm?

I have created a few posts but apparently the posts do nt get loaded in the blog! Instead it appears in the side-bar "Previous Posts". May i know if there is any mistake in the html codes?? How is it possible to get my postings reflected in the blog?

Thanks in advance...
