Any at 33 weeks still travel ?


New Member
Hi , I'm thinking to travel on 33 weeks to korea for business trip. Do anyone travel on their 33 weeks? Do you think doc will allow ?

hi lim,
the airline may not allow it. i think they have a cut off limit. your doc may allow it if he assess that you would definitely not be due during that time.
some airlines allow up to 33wks (to play safe, do check with the respective airline). but then again, it also depends on the stability of Ur pregnancy. its always best to get clearance from Ur gynae & get him/her to write a letter (U're required to produce it during check in).

hope this helps & if U're flying, have a safe trip!
lim, airline restriction is up to 36 weeks but think you'll need to get a letter from your doctor to certify that you're fit to travel coz the airline won't bear any responsibilities..

it's better not to travel and get more rest before your baby pops out...
i was travelling during my 35th week..on SQ. they advise not to travel after 36 weeks. thru out the journey, nobody asked me for the doc letter..
but my advise is minimised travelling during ur 3rd trimester. i experience extreme bad water retention when i came back fr my overseas trip and my legs were swollen like hell.
good thing abt SQ...the stewardess was kind n observant enuff to find me seats so tat i can lie down completely.
i went to korea when i was 28-29 weeks. I went with Asiana. I called their office, they say they dont have a guideline as to how many weeks u can or cannot travel with them. They asked me to get a gynae letter ready. The airport staff only asked me for the letter before i departed but never ask me for it again on my trip back.

Flights to korea r normally nite flights and they last 6 hrs. can be quite tiring if u do not get a seat whereby u can lie down completely. If u r 33 weeks, tendency to get swollen legs. If possible, I still dont suggest u go.

week 12 and 14 should be ok if your pregnancy has no complications.
Hi Brenda

Just get a letter from the gynae will do. I travelled to beijing in SQ when I was about1 and a half month before due date...well as long as gynae say ok and you feel can go...I think I travel last year around end Jun and I gave birth at 37.5 weeks, that is end july
Oh dear! Is the letter really necessary?

I am working in Guangzhou and will be returning end dec, beginning jan when i'm 32-34wks to await delivery

I don't intend to see any gynae here cost honestly, it's just a waste of money so I wouldn't noe where to get the letter from.

What shall I do?

It's perfectly fine travelling during the 1st few weeks. I fly to USA with SQ when I was like 10 weeks pregnant. If you get the gynae's letter, you can board the plane first. =)
i plan to go thailand for shopping,but worry that i might be pregnant by then.
i tink very far ahead.
my hubby was worried abt the air pressure,especially the 1st 3months since baby not stablised.
I still travelled during my 39th week, I was on the way back to Singapore from Shanghai on SQ. They never ask for gynae letter. Believe it or not, that was 2 days before delivery. My gynae was surprised! During my 20 weeks I even went to Safari Game in South Africa!
