Amazon Spree (Dreamz) - CGW/Free Shipping (PP/Kovan/Bishan/TPY)

hi blueleaf
est. int. shipping charge for this item is S$2-S$3. there's free domestic shipping at the moment for this item. if keen, pls proceed to transfer for just the cost of the item, ie. US$18.50 x 1.28 and update details once done. thanks!
Hi dreamz,

I've transferred $13.84 to you on thursday evening. Have PMed you the transaction reference as well. Have you checked?

Please advise.

Hi, can I order the following?

Nick: Duck
Email: will pm u

Item 1: Barlean's Organic Oils Extra Virgin Coconut Oil, 16-Ounce Jar
Qty: 1
Px: $12.76

Item 2: Straight & Crooked Thinking
Qty: 1
Px: $9.97

Item 3: Grammar Girl's Quick and Dirty Tips for Better Writing (Quick & Dirty Tips)
Qty: 1
Px: $7.70

Total items: 3
Total px: USD $30.43 x 1.28 = SGD$38.95

hi there, the items I'm ordering have domestic shipping charges, but i'm ordering 2 items from the same shipper, so I'll pay 1 unit of domestic shipping, right?

Item 1: Wet n wild Coloricon eye shadow palette kit night elf
Price: US$4.99+US$4.99 shipping

Item 2: Wet n wild Coloricon eye shadow palette kit golden goddless
Price: $4.99

$4.99+$4.99+$4.99 shipping = $24.90 x 1.28= S$31.87
Hi dreamz (garden_dreamz),

The additional item that I ordered earlier, which you mentioned, do not have free domestic shipping, has free super saving now!

Can help to order?

Price: USD: 13.95
SGD: 13.95 x 1.28 = S$17.86

The amount above was paid earlier. Info as follow .

Amount transferred as follow:

Amount S$17.86
Transaction Reference 7016365607
Date: 30 Aug 11.
spree 134 and 136
shipments are currently still on hold at CGW, not yet shipped out. sigh... too many hols this week. plus labour weekend at USA side so things are even slower.

spree 137
shipment should be here in slightly more than a week's time or so. all packages need to go through repacking coz 1 package was charged 3.5kg, repacked to 1kg, 1 package charged 9.5kg, repacked to 4.5kg, 1 package charged 5.5kg, repacked to 1.5kg. thus, initial charge was 18.5kg, after repacked, charge at 7kg. repacking charge has to be incurred but savings are still substantial. will provide detailed breakdown for this particular shipment when it arrives.
hi bebe
just closed 1 spree batch yesterday. would take perhaps a few more days to close next batch. no definite date as depends on when i hit spree cap in terms of paid orders. once i hit spree cap, i will place order.
hi luvv
your item have only 1 left in stock. cannot order 2. pls advise again. if keen, pls proceed to transfer and update details once done. thanks!
hi duck
noted your order and funds transfer already. however, i did not receive your PM. can you update me your email add so that i can liaise with you when shipment arrives? you can reach me at [email protected]. thanks lots!
hi jojo
this item has domestic shipping charge of US$5. est. int. shipping charge would be around S$16+/-. pls reconsider again k? in view of domestic shipping charge and item is not exactly that light. thanks!
hi lly22
nope, domestic shipping charge would be more. this is what i see when i try to do a checkout for your 2 items:

Items (2): $9.98
Shipping & Handling: $6.09

above is in US$. so, domestic shipping charge would be US$6.09 for both items. pls reconsider k? thanks lots!
hi christelle
ok, noted. :D however, at point of ordering, if there's domestic shipping charge (touch wood!), would you still be keen or drop?

Here are payment details.

US38.99 x 1.28 = S$49.90

Amount S$49.90
Transaction Reference 7028715722

spree 135 shipment just reached tonight. pls give me a few days to work out shipping charges. will email spreeists once i've got the tabulation up. thanks!
Hi Garden Dreamz, pls proceed to order my items with domestic shipping as follows:

$4.99+$4.99+$6.09 (shipping)
= US$16.07x1.28= SG$20.57

I've transferred. Ref: 7030146656
