Hi Misty Cloud,
I do have a rule listing however I cant upload as a file here. I go through with her and make her signed 2 sets.
I will give her one set and keep the other set.
List of House Rules
Our expectations of a Good Domestic Helper
Your Personal Hygiene
You have to tie up your hair neatly at all times, except when you bathe and sleep, so that you don’t look messy.
You cannot wear sleeveless or very sexy clothes when you are working. You cannot use make-up or nail polish at all.
You have to bathe and brush your teeth at least once a day. Change your clothes whenever it is dirty, and make sure you have no body odour at all time.
You are not allow to put on any jewellery or any costume accessories at all time
You cannot share food with the Children’s unless they do not want to eat anymore
You cannot apply anything that is oily or has a strong No perfumes or oil.
You must always keep your finger and toe nails short and clean.
Always wash your hands with hand soap after using the toilet, after doing your
chores, after eating, when we come home from outside, before cooking,
before preparing the meal for the family
You will use the shampoo, soap and sanitary pad we bought for you. If you want to choose the brand, you must pay for it using your own salary
You can only use the toilet in the kitchen. You cannot go into the master bedroom toilet except when attending to the kids
You cannot use the washing machine or dryer. You must hand wash your bedsheets and own cloths daily.Do not mix our cloths with yours.
Your Conduct Listen carefully to instructions and follow. Please do not argue with us when we give you instructions. Since we are the employers, things will be done our way.
Be humble, mature and responsible. If we tell you that you have done something wrong, apologise and do it correctly. Apologise saying ‘Sorry maam/sir’, not ‘ya’ or ‘ok’. Remember your mistakes and do not repeat them again, or you will be wasting everyone’s time.
You must be polite and greet everyone who comes to our house or when we visit their houses. This is good manners.
Please greet us and our parents before you eat. If we are having meals at other people’s houses, do greet the owners as well. This is basic courtesy to be thankful for your meals.
Please do not talk to outsiders without our permission. If you are outside and someone comes to speak to you, move away or let us know. Only talk to people we know, including other helpers we know.
You cannot open the door to any stranger without our permission. We will tell you if someone is coming.
Answer the phone if you are alone at home. It will usually be us. If it is someone else, just say we are not home and to call back later.
You can only enter our room. If you need to do something inside, like cleaning and packing, do not sit or lie on the bed, only sit on the floor if you need to attend to the children’s.
You cannot enter the rooms of other people’s houses unless we ask you to, or our children’s is inside. If you need to do something inside, like cleaning and packing, ask our permission first.
You cannot watch TV or read the newspaper when you are supposed to be doing your work or taking care of the children’s. You can read books if you have the time, especially cookbooks. Do not turn on the television on your own, especially when you are alone in the house. You can read, write, or just rest after you have finished your chores.
Do not shout, you must walk to the children’’s or us if you need to tell us something.
After you have finished repaying your loan, you can use your own salary to get a prepaid card for use. You can only use your handphone after 9pm, or if we allow you to rest earlier. Your handphone must be off and kept away from 6am to 9pm as that is your working time. We do not want you to be distracted when taking care of the children’s. If you break this rule, we will keep your handphone and not allow you to use it anymore.
As we are not Christians, you can only pray at home.
We will keep all your money for you, and you can keep track in the handbook. When you need the money to buy things, tell us how much and we will pass it to you.
You have to inform us immediately if you are slightly sick. If you are sick and don’t see a doctor, we will have to take care of you when you are very sick. You may pass the germs to the family.
Please tell us if you hurt yourself. We want you to get treated immediately in the right way. Do not use your own medication. We will give you ours.
Please do not use any of your traditional ways on us or the children’s. Just do your job well and we will treat you well like a member of our family.
Do not ask us for an off day as that is part of our agreement. We will go out as a family.
You cannot tell outsiders what happened in our house or what we say. This is simple respect for us.
You must always be honest and tell the truth. Please do not lie to us about anything. If we find out you lied about anything, we cannot trust you anymore.
You must NEVER steal anything - clothes, things, money or food from us or anyone else. If you steal, we will send you to the police and you will GO TO JAIL. You will also not be able to come back to Singapore to work FOREVER.
You cannot accept any gifts from anyone, if yes, you have to inform us and show us the content.
Do not disturb us when we are in the bedroom unless is urgent else wait till we come out or the next day then tell us.