Advise on Baby & Maid Exps

totally cannot trust them lah. The maids now vs the maids last time, very different liaoz. Having been "brought up" by maids, I've seen quite a few. But I still dunno how to handle them. haiz. probably coz it's my unwillingness to go through the hassle etc of finding and then training one.

HB just called me. He dropped of my 7-mth gal at my parent's place. She's supposed to have breakfast there. I usually prepare the cereal (packed in small air tight container for them to bring over) and maid will mix it with EBM to feed her. Apparently, this morning, my dad and my sis leave home later than usual. (As usual), my maid will dilly-dally (tu) and do things slowly at my parent's place.

Reach there, slowly take out my EBM to put in fridge, slowly unpack the bag, slowly set up my gal's breakfast etc...coz she's waiting for my HB to today he purposely dun rush off. Take his time and play with my gal a bit. Today, my dad and my sis still at home at 8+am. So my dad was on one of the sofa, and my sis was on the other sofa. (We usually place the bumbo seat in front of the sofa, as it acts like a backing for my gal's head, coz she tends to jerk her head back. So today, seems like cannot place the bumbo there coz my dad and sis were on it...) Maid prepared oat cereal, placed bowl in front of HB, and then walked away. Pretend to walk ard the house. So HB also just keep quiet to see what she will do. She didn't do anything but walk ard the house lorh.

It's only when my dad and my sis moved off after a while (get ready for work), then she set up the bumbo seat in front of the sofa.

A little pissed by that. (a) why can't she ask them to excuse coz need to feed baby? Sure can move away one mah. (b) she dun ask, then what if they dun move off till much later? (c) and what if baby is hungry? then how? Still "tu" till when?

Damn angry leh. Think what I'm really angry about is her "pretence". Like to "tu" around and walk here walk there. irritating manz.

What a start to the week. Sianz.

Like to chk, if Maid have toothache and like to visit dentist, who should be paying? maid salary or we pay?
Normalyy, I only pay for the medical chk up.
generally, for dental, i'll let her pay, cos it's not considered as 'medical' and don know the toothache is real or not ... but if she's a good maid, i may consider to pay for her out of goodwill.
If not wrong, you have to my 3rd maid also complain of toothache. I ask agent and agent told me that I have to pay....

My 3rd maid have lots of complain,
1) first week, said do housework stand too long, leg pain.
2) second week, said my dishing wishing detergent too dry, hand pain.
3) third week, said stomache too much wind as not use to my food.
4) fourth week, said can't sleep at night, head pain.
5) 2nd month, toothache, stress, flu, diabetes some more?...I ask why Indo and Sing doc pass her record, she said not sure.....
6) 3rd and 4th month, forever having sorethroat as eat too much chilli padi...

Brought her to doc twice and dentist once....doc can't find anything wrong so said stress and give relaxer....I realise, she never take the medicine when I found the medicine in the drawers after I send her away....the medicine costs me more than $40 each time.

Dentist can't find anything wrong too??? no decay, nothing wrong, send her off and charge me $35....
Liana, u got a few maids tat ran away? wow! so hw u manage to handle? wat did u do?

tis few days w/o maid is a breeze to emotions, though bz, me n hb find tat we r happier.. tink i will go maidless soon.. less trouble.. haha..
sometimes their illness is due to pschycological reasons .. they thot they feel the discomfort, but in fact, they pschyco themselves to feel so .. don know why also, maybe miss home?
hey, i read a news article in last saturday's xin-ming chinese newspaper. It says MOM is reviewing the FDW's law thingy about maid's loan. It may, implement, in future, for employers to pay maid's loans instead of letting maids pay. ie. our upfront cost of employing maid may raise from current few hundreds to future a few thousands if employers are made to absorb maid's loan. Don know true or not, cos i tried to find the same news in other newspaper, but can't find .. strange, how come the news only appears in xin-ming newspaper ..
my fren told me abt the xin-ming news also..but this cannot be true one will want to employ maids then. The IN thing now is to be pro family and get ppl to give birth more and woman to go out to work! MOM will be gog against MM Lee's plans if they were to implement this.
Hi all,

my #3maid never last a week with me.....only 6days....cos she did something that my mum being a very traditional CHinese cannot accept....she wash her pad!!!!!
I sent her off last fri evening.... the agent still wanna"argue" with me said this is infact very common.... I tell the agt that this is Singapore, not Indonesia! didnt the tarining centre teach them, said the centre is taught be indonesians!!! but this is still Singapore and not Indo!!! really really pissed with this agt..... on the other hand, my hb who is the always mr kind, was quite angry with us for sending the maid away.
Mummy tang, actually, can just tell your maid not to do it again if you find her able to work. Not easy to find maid nowadays leh. Somemore if MOM really make us pay for maid's loan, I think alot of people will forgo having a maid, other than the rich.

Pinktweet, I agree with you about the part on being sick due to "pschycological reasons". I use to have phil maid also like that. Always feeling giddy and having headache. When she finish her loan, she decides to go back instead. When I tell her she will not be able to earn this much if she is back home, she answered, it's ok, cause at least she can rest. I'm just "speechless".

the maid...haiz... have a list of "cannot make it " items on my list..... 1 of them is she can hold the knife and walk ard in the kitchen.....also she look very different fm her picture... biodata was 23, actual mayb look 16-18nia.... and very very small size also no exp @ all , these are all opposite fm the biodatas.... and alot of things, she can just stand there and let my mum do......dun think is a language probem cos when I talk to her she can work abit, although still statue lah... actually we wanted to give her 2nd chance despite all the cannot-make=it items,but the menses thingy thing my mum cannot take it and start to anyhow think, so decided to send her back.....
suzie, ok starts with we came back on thurs nite and i smelled that there's a horrible stench lingering the living room and stronger in the kitchen & toilet..... thought was out dad wash the tortise, still got smell, i ask my parents to bath first as turning late and my gal sleeps with them,so ask them go bath 1st. But hor after they bath, still have the smell leh.... so I ask maid to wash toilet again(fyi previously can wash 1hr and not clean kind)... then came 10pm, I went to her room and smelled oilment, ask her wat happ she said menses came.... then i ask her where u throw? she said wash and throw.... wao lao my knees went weak liao.... no wonnder got the smell lah.... i tell her cannot, just use newspaper to wrap and put in plasticbag and throw...., the next morning, i saw her change pants..... ask her is it stain, said yes.... where is the pants? in the cupboard!!faint lah....

jialat liao leh. if they work for us 2 days want to go hm, we have to pay for air ticket?

when have the new rules taken place or r they already ongoing??? quite confused leh...

i m ok with the arrangement that medical fees we have to pay for them (if genuine case)
but dental fees can cost up to quite an amt if they require more than just simple cleaning or extraction.
imagine maid come up to use then we bring her to dentist then if ite wisdom tooth, then shag liao
so try not to get transfer maid. Fresh maid cannot go home cos they still have loan. At least they would have to work 8mths else we will send them back to agent lo.
Dental arh: I dun think i will want to cover that unless she is really a good maid.
i dunno wat to say man...abt your maid...surely kampung also cannot be so backward until like that right?? makes you wonder what they do with themselves when they have their period...really SO primitive meh??

how to wash pad?? Won't it become disintergrated or something??
Mummy_tang, sorry, but i'm really very curious abt the washing pad thingy .. if your maid says she "wash and throw" the pad, then where does the smell comes from? u mean she throw into your kitchen dustin (ie. not into the main dustin)? omg!
make me very worry, must check with my maid how she handle her used pad?
Just with u ladies.. do u just barge in her room and do a spot check? will they get offended?
mama G,
you are here also!
i dun spot check on my maid when she is in the house. I think it's not really nice...but heheh I am kinda sneaky abt this and would do it in other ways, e.g. send her on an errand with my mum or hubby and then i check while she is out.

but so far, i have not done it with my current maid cos she's very open with her belongings. she showed me her stuff from day one. and is ok with me safekeeping her valuables like money, hp and watch...

guess you can tell your maid you want to check. Or sometimes like what i do, pretend to look for something in the room...
mama G
My maid sleeps in our study room, where we still have our stuff in the room. So for us, it is very normal for us to walk into her room as and when without 'warning'. She is also not allowed to close the door of her room unless she needs to change clothes. But then, she always change in the common toilet cos i think she thot we got CCTV in her room. She once asked my MIL if we got CCTV in our house, MIL told her yes. MIL also told her it is very common for s'pore families to install CCTV in our homes cos nobody at home most of the time (to prevent theft..keke) .. Then when she asked my hubby where is our cctv installed, my hubby says 'cannot tell u' .. haha .. i think she suspect her room have, that's why she don dare change clothes in her room ..

Back to spot check.. ya, that's why it's easy for us to walk into her room, so no need any spot check ..
under MOM, i dun think so. But the social groups, yes, there are shelter for maids. And these maids know where and how to get there!
i am not sure abt the details of the shelter, anyone can advise celtricia?

how? your runaway maid haven settle arh...share the story soon in case it happen to any one of us....
Is tis place a possible place for shelter of the maids? "Foreign Manpower Management Division and Occupational Safety and Health Inspectorate"

ivy.. thanks.. hope i haf some reply.. ya.. once everything settle i will share the story.. meanwhile i nid to find out if wat my agent say is true..
hi nellu...
yup.. being quite paranoid as this is my first time with maid. she is overrall ok, just abit smelly, abit slow, abit forgetful, and quite unclean with doing hsework
does these add up to quite alot?
very worry that she preform some black magic or wat nonsense.. thats why thinking how to do a spot check.... feel like digging out all the stuffs in her bags and packets to see if there is any feather or don noe wat panty for black magic.....
your maid are left alone or acc with some1 else?
ivy.. ya i went in to search under MOM too.. but agent say it is leh.. coz she mentioned is opp Great world.. so after searching.. only tis match.. hmm.. so nw duno to believe or not..
mama G,
my maid is left alone...with my 91 y.o. grandma and my dad's new maid. Haiz. As good as alone lah. Only thing is my dad goes home during the day every now and then (coz he's work is quite flexi hours). So the presence of my grandma and my dad's returning home during the day, sort of creates some sort of "pressure" on my maid not to try anything funny.

When my maids ran away I just go about choosing another maid. The only thing I keep an eye out is where they run to so I know where to send the airticket.

There are 2 shelters for maids in SGP (that I know of). One is called Home Shelter. The other one is run by TWC2. If your maid is there they will definitely call you or if there is a "case" then they will report it to the police and MOM and you will definitely be called.

Has your maid been found yet?
putting 2 maid together... will they go on strike easier? More gossips and nonsense?

Is your Grandma able to relate wat happen is something happen?

Agent say the shelter ppl whh is located opp GWC called her, saying tat they wan me to sign a letter for maid to be trfed, if not they will report to MOM tat i make her wrk for 2 homes.. but they dun allow her to speak to the maid.. n they din call me either..
I also don know whether the xin-ming article is true or not, cos very strange, it was not mentioned in all other newspapers. Not at all in any of the English newspapers ..

And the article also mention that in the past, employers have to pay a few thousand dollars to get a maid. Then it subsequently evolved to maid repaying their own loan due to stiff competition among the agencies and agencies have become very creative in packaging their sale packages to the extend that employers only need to pay a few dollars of fees .. That's why we are now paying lesser fees .. Shall wait and see if anything reported in ST, cos xin-ming news sometimes not very reliable.
Ivy, the agency name is J$S Employment Agency.

nellu, pinkTweet, the agt keep trying to tell me its very common and all indonesians do that. make me very pissed that I called up my indo fren and check, said no such this, even then, this is Sg not Indo, the agt shld educate the maids...
She showed me throw into the rubbish chute...silly rite, why need to wash then throw... she said washed in the toilet, I nvr asked is if she washed at the toilet sink....cos I already felt very disgusted....
pinktweet, ya I search everywhere no such news only sin ming.

Sat my hubby on duty so I have to bring my girl to class. While waiting my elder son poos. I told the maid bring him go toilet wash. Then my girl came out said want to go toilet. I wonder how come so slow go in to see nobody, went outside, then saw my maid and my son walked out from gents toilet. I scold her on the spot. Why must bring him to gents you don't feel shame to go in. She said nobody, Itold her even nobody also cannot. Just bring him to ladies to wash.

Yesterday also. She requested to called backI told her no cos my mil going out. Later I told her when she is washing the clothes, to bring $ down when we go out for dinner. She didn't look at me when I talked and reply me. Damn rude. Think I must quickly go to agent to find one fast too.

Then yesterday when come back home, my hubby open the wooden door so loud she can claim cant hear in the toilet when she soak the clothes. Worse never off the tap.
That is not the Home Shelter one...could be the other one?
What they are doing to you is BLACKMAIL. Honestly, tell them to go ahead and report to the MOM because you have nothing to hide and the truth will come out because the maid is lying. Also tell them you will contact the ST about BLACKMAIL by maids and how this needs to stop.

You can also tell the agent that it is the employer's right to cancel the maid's seems as though it is the only right we employers have left!
dun be blackmailed by them! Prob is some act by the agent.
If you are sure that at any 1 day, she only do 1 home, then dun be afraid!
My frens in MOM also told me they themselves also park the maid and kid at mum or inlaw house. Maid will have to help out there long as nite time dun do the same chores back home then not counted as working in 2 homes. So dun be afraid, ask them to go ahead and complain loh.
<font color="0000ff">Dramaqueen,
Even if the maid works for 1 day and wants to go home, you still have to pay for her air ticket. This condition is already in place.

I think most people will just send their maids back to the agency. The agency will then force the maid to transfer to a new employer.

We are also supposed to pay for medical and dental costs. I think not unless the maid is dying of pain from toothache, we should not need to send her to the dentist.
Liana n ivy,

ya.. tat's wat i told agent..tat if they wan to complain.. let them go ahead.. i've got noting to b afraid off.. tat's y i told her juz go ahead n tell them i've areadi cancel maid's wp.. c wat they gg to do nxt.. so am juz waiting n c wat comes up nxt frm agent n those frm the shelter..
You should go ahead and tell them that the maid's work permit is canceled. The maid will become an illegal immigrant within 7 days of cancellation. They will not dare to keep an illegal immigrant with them.

As for maid working in 2 houses :

Check out the Foreign Domestic Worker Employer's Guidebook

Read page 10:
<font color="0000ff">An exception may be made for FDWs who accompany their employer's children to a caregiver's home to care for the children under the caregiver's supervision. In this case, the FDW must agree to the arrangement and should not be asked to do the full load of housework in both homes.</font>
tamarind.. i do not haf the contact of the shelter ppl.. n i did mention to agent tat afterall the shelter ppl also din contact me, n she say usually they will only contact the agent.. so i told her to tell them straight off tat i've cancelled the wp liao.. c wat they gonna do lor..

as for the guidebook.. ya.. haf read it in ur blog n also printed out tat page.. heh.. thanks for ur help..
mama G,
that's one of my worries too lorh. But, no choice leh. MIL not able to help, my mum is working. My grandma is so old, sometimes she can relate lah. but there are times that she goes for her nap too...then nobody knows anything liaoz.

headache ah...

oh, mummies, do you bring ur maids out with you when u go out on weekends? (those who do not have anyone else at home with the maid). We do that, but HB is getting tired of bringing her out with us. (a) she does NOTHING. She doesn't even bother to come forward to help with baby or other stuff. Just sit there and stone. Ok, we have to tell her to help lah. but hey, some initiative here pls... (b) he complains petrol dun want to ferry an additional person out with us. hahaha. adds to his petrol.
Csl_fan, me sometimes come to weekend didnt bring the maid out. Yes bring her out is just extra cost and really can't help us much. Sometimes instead of helping I have to look after her also. She will stay at home to do the vaccum and mopping the floor as she only does it once a week.
ask you hor..your maid whole day busy? Mine hor...very eng one leh..can watch tv with my son, and mum...i think its spoiling her, only 1 week nia.
Shld i tell her to wipe and wipe, as long as she dun sit and watch? Cos she is already a slow and lazy maid, if spoilt her then jialat.
The Inspectorate officers are the pple who go around and "catch" maids working in businesses or shops..and then they will put up maids with some agents for transfer purposes. These maids caught usually are no fault of theirs and somehow, alot of maid agencies like getting maids from this source - cos they are also treated as a transfer maid and could mean getting extra business for the agencies.
I think you should contact the shelter and ask to talk to someone with regard to your maid's case. Then explain your side of the story and that the maid is creating a huge drama for nothing and don't forget to add she left your baby alone in her cot too.

Then ask the shelter when exactly they plan to bring this up with the MOM so you may be prepared for the interview as you are not afraid to speak the truth.

Just remind them that the WP has been cancelled and by LAW the maid has to be repatriated.

I cannot stand this kind of blackmail. If you need help to speak to the shelter, pm me. What is the one opp GWC called?

thanks for explaining, m clearer liao.....

i was laughing at ur statement <font color="ff0000">I think not unless the maid is dying of pain from toothache, we should not need to send her to the dentist.</font>
